Desoto County Youths Face Future Without High Scho< READ THB NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS FIRST 6c Ik YOUR MEMPHIS PER COPY WORLD -4 VOLUME 23, NUMBER 60 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1955 PRICE SIX CENTS f Reservations Mount For Las LAS-TOGAS,—(ANP) —Reserva­ tions for rooms in the nearby completed multi -million dollar Moulin Rouge Las Vegas interra­ cial resort hotel, have been steam­ Would Seek Methods ing to at a rapid rate, according to ppjU ¡Louis, former World heavy­ weight champion and part owner Delinquency of the new enterprise Of Preventing “Construction on the hotel has been going according to plan.” BY RAYMOND WILCOVE Louis said, and it’ will be finished WASHINGTON — (INS) — A New York Congressman called sometime in mid March Saturday for a new nationwide crime investigation similar to the “Since construction began in July inquiry conducted four years ago by Sen. Estes Kefauver (D) —reservations have been pouring in Tenn. r ; ^8 from all over the country We are Rep. Victor L. Anfuso (D) N. 'Ml also answering the many requests Y., introduced legislation to set I for information about the facilities PRIZE ORCHID (S)—The Trianeo, prize orchid which was developed up a special five-member committee at the hotel To avoid disappoint­ and grown in Tennessee State University's greenhouse by Neal C. to study the causes of crime and ment. I’d suggest that those who McAlpin, head of the Department of Horticulture, is being shown methods of crime prevention. want to attend the opening make WOULD SEEK METHODS their reservations as soon as pos­ here by pretty Miss Archilene Turner, junior student at the Univer­ Hé also proposed a companion sible.” sity and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Turner of Nashville.- bill to create a bureau of crime pre­ Like To See? Photo by Clanton III. vention in the Justice Department, The Moulin Rouge, first inter­ racial resort hotel in the world will which would seek methods of pre­ THE ALL MEMPHIS venting crime and juvenile delin­ FOOTBALL TEAM PLAY cost an estimated; $$3,000.000 when quency. completed. Present plans call for THE ALL ATLANTA TEAM 250 rooms, with provisions for ad­ $5,000 Needed To Keep Under this measure, the bureau IN GAME HERE? ditional 250 to be constructed after would be directed, to establish an Football loving fans In Mem­ the hotel is opened. office in each state and to cooperate phis are asked to give their ex- Church Academy Going with state and federal agencies in pressions on the possibility of Other accomodations will include Initiating crime prevention program. v • . the All Memphis Prep Football a giant swimming pool, golf course, The Brooklyn Representative de­ team playing the Al! Atlanta casino, several exclusive shops and .HERNANDO, Miss. —(SNS) — Foundations, and- other philan­ clared that crime has assumed Prep Team in a post season a yatch to be placed at thé dis­ Scores of eager Negro youths in thropic organizations, only to be “alarming proportions’ Tn the U. ■ “bowl” game here. posal of guests. 19,000 Negro populated Desoto turned down because it was too S. since World War II and has be­ Read Sam Brown’s “Along County, Miss.', may soon be faced “small,” has been desperately come a “problem of grave national Sports Trail" for latest develop­ s» » >: A theater-restaurant will accom­ with the realization that they can concern.”. ment In proposed World Bowl modate approximately 450 guests plagued by overdue salaries to its only iook forward to an eighth idealistic, hardworking 7-member LARGE CRIME RATE game. Entertainers already scheduled to grade education with the revela­ He added: “We should seek to, appear Include Billy Eckstine, Sam­ faculty and desperate repair bills. ’O O tion that , their only source of pro­ The future of the academy and know the social conditions which Father Simpkins Named my Davis Jr., and Lena Home. curing a high school education, the breed and encourage this situation ' ' W w (he future high school education of T’. .;;.:;-..“g.M__ s Clarence Robinson, top-ranking Baptist Industrial Academy here scores ■ of bora and unborn Missis­ to grpw. I havq felt for a long Delegate For Tennessee in Hernando has. reached rock time that society is to blame for the Negro producer, has been contract­ sippi Negro youths in Desoto STUDENTS POLIO SKATING PARTY TOMORROW a spectator charge of 25c for fhq many parents, bottom in finance. County depends on the effort of large crime rate, and I am also of Episcopal Churches ed to stage shows at the Moulin who would like to comp qnd s^e^the young.pod* Rouge. Now on a nationwide hunt A seemingly futile call for help youthful (3) academy principal, C. the opinion that our government Father St. Julian A. Simpkins —Student« of all the Cjty High Schools and Porter for talent, Robinson hopes to have has gone out from the churoh re­ J. Kennedy, Jr. has been derelict in dealing with Jr:, rector of Emmanuel Episcopal Junior; Lflgji haye pleidged their support of the pie "Skate So That Other Youngsters Can Learn the most beautiful chorus line In lated Baptist Industrial. Academy, this problem from a preventive Chprch, here at 425 Cynthia Place, Polio Sk'atThg "Party which will be held Wednes­ To Walk.” . Principal Kennedy a Mississis­ standpoint." the country for the March open- located in Hernando, Miss., found­ sippl Industrial College graduate, was pamed as. one of the eight day night, January 26, at the Hippodrome Roller There will be two sessions—7 till 9:30 P. 'Afc . Anfuso said .the investigation member Tennessee Episcopal dele­ ed in 1889 by. the North Mississip­ -who is in his first year of1 princi­ Rink, 500 Beale Avenue. and 9:30 P, M. until midnight. ’ pi Baptist Convention, which offers should include a study of criminal gation to attend the, general con-, palship of the debt-ridden acade­ t„. ..JJiis photo shows. tW(5 siudanLjeaclers from.. the only chance for the 19,600 Ne­ my, has turned , down numerous. job yécôriis.' penaJ.<lnsU.tutions aqd 4he «éqtióti of the..'Eplsth¡íal ‘Church relationship of neighborhoods ahd “ Entire proceeds of the affair will be turned Douglas High School, Alfonso Smith, extreme left,-, groes, in Desoto County, Miss., to offers because . he ' sees a "chal­ sMtécl for Sept. 4 thru 15 in Hono­ schools with juvenile delinquency, lulu. Hawaii. '? receive an education' above the lenge" in .tile eyes of the educa­ oyer to the 1955 Polio, Campaign Fund through and Samuel Ferguson as they discuss plansfor PENAL INSTITUTIONS The naming of Father Simpkins elementary level. tion seeking youths and. is deter­ the courtesy of Mr. Ralph McNew, manager of the Skating Party with Mrs. Mary Louise Davis, YMCA Set For He asked: “We are spending many, as the first Negro delegate from The state of Mississippi. main­ mined to carry on. hundreds of millions of dollars to Tennessee came at the 123 annual the Hippodrome. Tickets of admission are 50c coordinator, and T. L. Spencer, Chairman of.Spe- ( tain.’? no high school in Desoto Presently there are some 237 and shoe skate rental is 25c. There will also be County for the 19,000 Negroes, with fight crime and criminals by means convention of Ute Episcopal Dio­ cial Events. youths enrolled in the school which of large prosecuting staffs, huge cese, of Tennessee Held here last Unusual the nearest state high school be­ furnishes them with room, board ing located 30 miles away in Sena­ police forces, the courts and penal week. The Abe Scharff branch YMCA, and books for the low sum of $125 institutions, but what are we doing Linden at Lauderdale, will join tobia (the state offers no free bus o'year paid whenever the parents transportation) or 24 miles to high to prevent crime and to curb ju­ CURIORS1TY HURTS other YMCA’s throughout the na­ are able to make It. venile delinquency?" EAST ST. LOUIS, Ill, — Glanc­ John Arthur Hale tion in observing the 100th an­ schools in Memphis, Tenn., where The school offers dormitory ac­ the Mississippi youths, to be accept­ Anfuso asserted that the crime ing up to read a billboard urging niversary of the Young Men's commodations to its students. Both problem must be given nationwide traffic safety while driving through Christian Association. ed, must falsify names And address­ the boys’ and girl’s dorms are ov­ es of “relatives” in Tennessee’s attention through a Congressional East St. Louis recently, Joseph Her­ ercrowded with as many as five investigation to arouse the Ameri­ Special activities are scheduled most populated city to be accept­ bert ' of St. Louis, banged into the students sleeping in two half-size can publoic “to this menace which rear of nnother auto. Happily, how­ Heard By Five Justices throughout the anniversary year ed beds. ■with the opening activities set for is threatening our youth." ever, no one was injured. $5,000. have been setimated' as By RAYMOND TISBY penetrate but failed and then com* ' tomorrow (Wed., Jan. 26) when the immediate need of Baptist In­ The antiquated buildings are in Last Monday , in Nashville the John Arthur Hale case was ’ mltted a "perverse” act. on the the branch's board of directors dustrial Academy, which at one. desperate need of repair with gap­ young girl. L gather at a special luncheon at ing holes in the floors, broken win­ heard by the five justices of the Tennessee Supreme Court when time had a junior college depart­ Conjections, Mr. Looby pointed 8 p. m. and open house through­ dows and leaking roofs.
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