THE PULSE - NYU WIRELESS Fall 2018 - Vol. 5, No. 1 CONTENTS Page 3 Welcome from the Director NYU WIRELESS Rotates Directorship: Poised for New Growth Page 4 Fourth Annual RCN mmWAVE Conference Held at NYU WIRELESS Page 5 Keysight Donates Largest In-Kind Gift to NYU WIRELESS and NYU Tandon Engineering School Page 6 Jelena Kovačević Named Dean of Tandon School of Engineering Page 7 Students Win Best Student Paper Award at IEEE VTC Wireless Updates for Industrial Affiliate Members Page 8 Manufacturing Randomness NSF Award Recipients to Study 360° Degree Video Page 9 Streaming Live this Fall: “Circuits: Terahertz and Beyond” — The Next Frontier for Communications and Electronics Page 10 NYU WIRELESS Spotlights Student Research on Recruitment Day Page 10 - 11 Brooklyn 5G Summit 2019 (B5GS) Page 12 - 13 NYU WIRELESS Faculty Page 14 NYU WIRELESS Welcomes Back Students with a Visit from the Dean Faculty News Page 15 The mmWave Coalition - A New U.S.-Centered Group Ted Rappaport Meets with FCC Chairman Ajit Pai Page 16 NYU WIRELESS Participates in the NGMN Alliance NYU WIRELESS Hosts First ITU Meeting to Envision Path to Year 2030 Page 17 - 22 NYU WIRELESS Publications (2017 - 2018) Page 23 About NYU WIRELESS 2 Visit us at www.nyuwireless.com NYU WIRELESS - Fall 2018 - Vol. 5, No. 1 THE PULSE - NYU WIRELESS WELCOME FROM THE DIRECTOR Fall 2018 - Vol. 5, No. 1 In August 2012, when a handful dustrial Affiliates board, and of faculty founded NYU WIRE- the merger between NYU and LESS, my students and I had Brooklyn Polytechnic was near- in our possession the world’s ly complete. Professor Sundeep first massive collection of 28 Rangan took the helm and mas- GHz propagation data from terfully continued to grow the the streets of New York City. center, with the addition of terrif- We knew that millimeter wave ic new faculty, major U.S. govern- wireless communications would ment awards, and new affiliate work better in mobile environ- sponsors and research thrusts. ments than anyone would be- Over the past few years, NYU’s lieve, and we were convinced graduate ranking in engineering that millimeter wave spectrum has ramped rapidly, from 68 to was the only way the wireless 42, with NYU WIRELESS helping world could keep up with con- to attract top students and faculty sumer demand. A handful of to our campus. Now, six years after companies believed in our vi- launching our center, I believe the sion, and our first generation of best is yet to come. NYU WIRELESS students pio- neered the theory, simulations, As I return to the directorship of Prof. Ted Rappaport, Director of NYU WIRELESS and measurements that proved NYU WIRELESS, I am amazed to the world that, indeed, 5G at how the collective efforts of core thrusts for NYU WIRELESS would be the millimeter wave our faculty, students, and staff faculty and students in the com- era. Those students are now have aided our Industrial Affiliate ing years (see “NYU WIRELESS working at many of our Indus- sponsors to create a completely Welcomes Back Students with a trial Affiliate companies, leading new wireless standard, 5G New Visit from the Dean” on page 14). the way to 5G commercialization. Radio, which is delivering multi- Already, we have secured major gigabit-per-second data to cus- funding from federal agencies I had the honor and privilege tomers. I marvel at the contri- and our Industrial Affiliates in all of serving as the founding di- butions of knowledge that our of these six thrust areas. As we rector of NYU WIRELESS from students and faculty are produc- look to the future of wireless, I 2012 through 2015, and watched ing for our sponsors and the re- invite you and your organization our center rapidly grow during search community at large (see to become part of the excite- those years, from a relative- the pages 17 - 22 of this news- ment at NYU WIRELESS. ly unknown research group at letter for recent publications). A Brooklyn Polytechnic to a glob- visioning exercise with our facul- ally renowned wireless research ty and Industrial Affiliates helped center. By 2015, when I stepped us identify the major challenges down as director, we had about for the next decade of wireless, Prof. Ted Rappaport 10 major companies on our In- and we have identified six major Director of NYU WIRELESS NYU WIRELESS ROTATES DIRECTORSHIP: POISED FOR NEW GROWTH Professor Theodore (Ted) Rap- LESS, spearheading the center the COSMOS platform, which paport, founding director of through a very busy time. He is part of the PAWR initia- NYU WIRELESS, has stepped worked with all the center’s tive (Platforms for Advanced back into the director role of Industrial Affiliate partners, Wireless Research) funded by the research center. Assist- which have taken the mmWave the National Science Foun- ing Professor Rappaport will propagation, theoretical anal- dation. COSMOS is a testbed be Associate Directors Pro- ysis, and system design re- for a new generation of wire- fessor Sundeep Rangan, and search conducted at NYU to less technologies and applica- Professor Thomas Marzetta of create the 5G technologies tions. NYU WIRELESS Associ- the ECE department, Profes- that are now set to revolution- ate Director Professor Rangan sor Dennis Shasha from NYU’s ize wireless communications, is leading the project at NYU Courant Institute for Mathe- as well as other industries and Tandon School of Engineering, matical Sciences, and Assis- products that benefit from mo- together with colleagues Pro- tant Professor J.R. Rizzo from bile connectivity. fessor Shivendra Panwar and NYU Langone Health. Research Assistant Professor Amplifying the support from Thanasis Korakis, as well as Professor Rangan admira- our Industrial Affiliates, sever- with researchers at Rutgers bly served as director for the al NYU WIRELESS investiga- and Columbia in partnership past three years of success- tors recently received research (continued on page 13) ful operations of NYU WIRE- awards of note. These include Visit us at www.nyuwireless.com 3 NYU WIRELESS - Fall 2018 - Vol. 5, No. 1 Watch the entire conference: nyuwireless.com/rcn-youtube Fourth Annual RCN mmWAVE Conference Held at NYU WIRELESS NSF-Sponsored Event Aimed to Spur R&D of mmWave Wireless in Three Areas: Communication and Signal Processing Techniques, mmWave Hardware, and Wireless Networking YU WIRELESS was pleased Nto host RCN’s semiannu- try and academia in the areas of al workshops, on July 12-13, communication and signal pro- The steering committee is com- 2018. The NSF-funded Millime- cessing techniques; mmWave prised of 16 leading mmWave ter-Wave Research Coordina- hardware, circuits, antennas, and researchers from industry and tion Network (RCN) focuses digital hardware; and wireless academia, and includes partic- on mmWave wireless networks, networking protocols. With the ipants from the European mm- and how to best ensure that goal of guiding and accelerating MAGIC Project and the NIST all aspects of this technology mmWave wireless technology 5G Channel Modeling Alliance. benefit from a coordinated ap- and standards, the group met The group encourages partici- proach to ongoing research. for two days of talks and break- pation in the workshops so that This includes input from indus- out sessions on the NYU Tandon the state-of-the-art in mmWave School of Engineering R&D technology can advance, campus. with many different perspectives represented. NYU WIRELESS’ Asso- ciate Director Sundeep Workshops are held twice a year, Rangan, one the mem- with the next one scheduled for bers of the RCN steering January 28-29, 2019 in Raleigh, committee, was the lo- NC. Past workshop lectures are cal host for the meeting, available on the group’s YouTube which is chaired by Akbar channel, Millimeter-Wave RCN. Dr. Peter Moosbrugger (Ball Aerospace) presented the HW-CSP Interface: Hardware, Circuits, Antennas, Sayeed from the Universi- The group’s web site is mmwrcn. Communication/Signal Processing, & Prototypes/Testbeds ty of Wisconsin-Madison. ece.wisc.edu. 4 Visit us at www.nyuwireless.com NYU WIRELESS - Fall 2018 - Vol. 5, No. 1 KeysigHT DONATES LARGEST IN-KIND GIFT TO NYU WIRELESS AND NYU TANDON ENGINEERING SCHOOL Cutting-edge Donation Furthers NYU WIRELESS’ Path to Leadership in Terahertz Spectrum WIRELESS, will bring cut- ting-edge equipment to students and faculty, help- ing us write our most excit- ing chapter yet: advanced research into the rarefied areas of the electromag- netic spectrum above 100 GHz,” NYU WIRELESS Di- rector Ted Rappaport said. “Our student and faculty researchers, as well as our Industrial Affiliate sponsors and the research communi- ty at large, will all benefit from this gift.” Graduate students Ojas Kanhere (left) and Yunchou Xing use the newly donated Keysight equipment Roger Nichols, 5G program As the industry begins to tions and sensing beyond 5G manager at Keysight Tech- look beyond 5G, Keysight wireless systems. nologies, as well as a mem- Technologies, Inc., has made ber of NYU WIRELESS’ ad- a timely donation that will Keysight, a participant in the visory board, explained that further NYU WIRELESS’ ex- creation of the 5G wireless the gift aims to identify and ploration of mmWave and ecosystem worldwide, has encourage collaborative re- Terahertz (THz) electromag- been a member of the NYU search in the most promis- netic spectra for ultra-fast WIRELESS Industrial Affili- ing technologies. In addi- and high-capacity data ates program since late 2014. tion to the gift, he and his transmission. Keysight’s customers span extended team will serve as the worldwide communica- mentors to NYU WIRELESS The gift, made through the tions ecosystem, aerospace students. Keysight University Relations and defense, automotive, en- program, is the largest ever ergy, and semiconductor and “We are excited to be part of for NYU WIRELESS and the general electronics end mar- what the team at NYU is do- largest in-kind donation in kets to help enterprises, ser- ing,” Nichols said.
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