BROTHERS USED CARS SPRING SPECIALS Tuesday, May 17, 1988 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm 30 Cents RESORT PETS AND 88 Msrhur Soafpto *19,495 PROPERTY SUPPLIES 87 Mtora. Q. Mirquit *13,895 07 M«ro. TopU *6795 MANCHESTER VACATION Rtntal. 4 bed­ 87 FonI Tampo *6995 V - r room Cholet. Conway. 87 Mare. SaWa Wgn. *10,495 HONDA New Hampshire. Very BASIC Dog obedience 87 Marc. Cougar *11,095 Nice. Moy 14-July 7. 7 classes starting soon In 87 Ford Tampo *6995 USED CARS ON ALL weeks. SSOO. Gas heat. Glastonbury. Please 07 Lincoln T.C. *16,295 OOCbavyVan *15,995 Market value query Call 742-9062 after 4pm. K \ 8 call Trainer, Joe DIS- 07 Marc. Q. Marquia *11,305 00 Honda Praluda *7995 1988 VW anto. 659-2482 or 267- 07 Lincoln Mark 7 *21,995 03 Dodga Rampaga *3495 INDUSTRIAL 7025.__________________ 87 Toyota Corolla *7495 04 Honda Accord *7995 B A B Y Chicks for sole. 07F0rdT-Blrd *9595 05 Honda Accord *6996 CABRIOLETS... A PROPERTY Baby Mallards and 07 Ford Crwn. V. *11,695 08 Marc.Lynx *3995 6 to choose from Pekin Ducks. Assort­ 07 Marc. Cougar *11,095 04 Honda Civic *5495 still hampers reval MANCHESTER. Indus­ 05 ny. Horizon *2995 trial, office, commer­ ment of chickens, adult 07 Mazda RX-7 *17,495 mallards, ruens and 05 Honda Civic *5495 cial space. 2400 sauore 80 Toyota Camry *M95 B y Andrew Yurkovsky nance director, said today that the revaluation. pekIn ducks. Plus 00 Uncooln T.C. 04 Olda Cutlaaa *5495 feet. Loading dock. alg. *13,995 Manchester Herald the attorney general has to rule Rosenberg added that she Woodland Industrial much morel 257-7721 or 00 Mazda 028 Turbo *9895 84 Honda Accord *7500 Park. 643-2121.________ . a2frflW9. , 00 Marc. Lynx *4495 04 Ford EXP *3495 on whether fair market values for assumed that the town would use Bv Andrew J. Davis SNAPPING Turtles for 04 BuIck Bkyhawk *4495 Legislation passed earlier this the same year of the revaluation market values of the same year Manchester Herald sale. 10 to 50 pounds. 08 Marc. Lynx *4495 08 Marc. Marquia *6995 05 Accord LX *8195 month to allow the town to carry or market values of another year as the effective year of a new OARABES Live I 828-0889 or 257- 84 Buick Regal *4695 Y AND STORAGE 7721. 80 Marc.MarquIa *5895 out a new revaluation leaves should be used. revaluation. BOLTON — Residents voted 88 Lincoln T.C. *12,995 84 Aatro Van *7995 unanswered the question of what "As far as I know, the hill does down the town’s $7,075,748 budget 85 Bk. Cantury *7695 " I would think they would want S EC UR^GarageTm!i(H 85 Marc. Q. Marquia *10,595 market values such a revaluation not specifically address that to avoid the whole question in at an Annual Town Meeting 05 Mazda 825 *7995 05 Honda Civic *8495 location. S65 month. 82 Chav. Citation *3195 should be based on. a town official question,” he said. their next revaluation.” she said. Monday night, forcing town Please telephone 646- 05 Olda Calala *6495 said today. Donald Zimhowski. the execu­ boards to go back to the drawing 05 Dodga Caravan *7295 00 3-10Blazar *11,500 Rosenberg said her office is 1686 or 569-3018. MI8CELLANE0U8 . The administration is waiting tive director of the municipal board in search of new cuts. 85 Chav. Monta Carlo *7395 00 Honda Praluda *10,495 "hoping to move pretty fast” in ___ IFOR RALE 83 Mazda RX7 *6495 for a ruling on that question from division of the state Office of The budget, which would have 05 Lincoln T.C. *13,995 makings ruling, but she could not 00 Pont. Flaro OT *7495 the state attorney general’s Policy and Management, questi­ meant an 8.05 mill increase if ROOMMATES,. SIX Andersen windows. 05 Ford LTD *8995 say when one would be issued. WANTED New, In box. 34" wide, 04 Marc. Cougar *5495 "The AbI o Proftooioeals’’ office. oned in March the appropriate­ adopted, was defeated by a 74 to 57" high, $140 each. 84 Marc. Cougar *6495 24 A6oms St., Mooebester The bill passed by the Legisla­ ness of the town’s use of the 1986 The town administration de­ 66 vote. Originally, town officials A P A R T M E N T to Share. Call after 4pm. 649-7776. 04 Marc. Q. Marquia *7995 ture would permit Manchester an market values for the 1987 cided at the end of March to scrap had forcasted a 9.05-mill in­ Own bedroom, non- JOHN Deere Mower 1986. 04 Marc. Topaz *3995 646-3515 extension until as late as the revaluation, arguing that 1987 the 1987 revaluation Grand List crease, but with a $94,000 reduc­ smoker. $225 rent and 48" walk behind. 16hp 04 Chavy Capriea wgn. *6995 Grand List of October 1990 to do a values should be used in.stead. In because of the large number of tion realized late last month in 'h utilities. Deposit. 83 Marc. Capri *4995 SAVE engine, electric start. April, he asked the attorney appeals received by the Board of short-term bond financing, John, 649-0719. 83 Marc. Lynx MOTORCYCLES/ new revaluation that would take $1100. 649-1861.________ *2995 Tax Review. Because of ques­ among others, the budget was 82 Buick Ragal *4995 M0PED8 the place of the botched 1987 general’s office to provide an FOR Sale. 42 Inch gloss revaluation. For a 1990 revalua­ opinion on whether the use of the tions about the quality of the reduced one more mill before the coffee table with de­ 301-305 CENTER ST. Y A M A H A 1980 250 Excl- tion. the higher property assess­ 1986 values was correct. revaluation, earlier this month yote. FURNITURE corator base. 1 square MANCHESTER ter. Runs good. Needs redwood umbrella ta­ ments brought about by the Jane Rosenberg, an assistant the administration asked area The budget, if approved, would minor repairs. Asking legislators to introduce legisla­ QUEENSIZE Waterbed ble and 2 benchs, $50. 2 6 4 3 -5 1 3 S $250. 646-4704. revaluation would be reflected attorney general, said today that have meant a tax rate of 43.80 complete. Dark pine, 4 redwood choirs with for the first time in the tax bills her office will not rule specifi- tion in the General Assembly that mills, up from the current rate of drawer bose, matching umbrella table att­ coming due in July 1991. Until a caTly on the use of 1986 values for would allow the town to carry out 35.75 mills. The increase would ached In the middle, . % nightstand and chest of 69 an entirely new revaluation. revaluation is completed. Man­ Manchester’s 1987 revaluation have meant an increase from drawers. $500 or best $40. 2 umbrellas, $30 offer. Coll after 4pm. each. 649-8151 after THE chester would be allowed to use because the new legislation Administration officials were $1,251 to $1,533 on a home valued 568-1903.______________ 5pm.__________________ UBURBAN Financing Available the 1986 Grand List, updated for makes that question moot. The concerned that the town would be at $35,000. COLONIAL High backed 120 Gallon electric hot I ALL NEWi changes, for the Grand List.s office will rule, however, on the forced to use assessments in the Residents though voted to send couch, floral design. water heater, $50. SUBARU effective for October of 1987, 1988 general question of whether the scrapped 1987 revaluation Grand the budget back to the Board of Excellent condition. Please telephone 649- -Honw of Saturday Sanrtea” • VBRNOM, CT. on and 1989. fair market values are from the List for the October 1988 Grand Finance with instructions to $300.645-8857after 6pm. 1597. Boyce Spinelii. the town’s fi­ same vear as the effective date of List. reduce the budget an unspecified MINIMUM TRADE ALLOWANCE | STEARNS 8. Foster Mat­ amount. tress and box spring. In CARS ON SELECT PRE-OWNED 1988 Fox GL 4 Door Another session of the Town good condition. Very 2000 CARS IN STOCK Meeting will be held Monday. If clean. $85. 649-8566 In FOR SALE BS SPECTRUM * 64S6 Isner resigns post the revised budget is defeated the evening. «M«S. AC ZUWTH -2000 Trad# *4495 DODGE Caravan 1985. Fox GL Wagon then, the meeting will reconvene KINGS Sized bed. Hitch­ 87 CHEVY •80M cock headboard, new Automatic, power •2000 Tfitf *3995 a week later, according to the steering, very good town charter. Sacro-Support Gold- M0.000 as Coventry planner condition. $8000. 649- 88 VW SCIROCCO bond mattress. 649- Aeer w a s * AWPI4 caea •2,000 Tf d» Finance board Chairman Ray­ 7 9958 after 5pm.________ *8995 Golf GTI - Golf GL 9330.__________________ mond A. Ursin said a letter 1979 Chrysler LeBoron. 68 SUBARU •S0»5 who has been on the job only since SO FAB ED . Queen size. AC. AMYM •2000 Trsdw *3995 By Jacqueline Bennett informing all town boards of Black and white plaid. Red. Automatic, olr, Manchester Herald May 6. said. “ I hope it is a A M /FM , tape. No rust. 85 PLY. RELIANT •64M Monday night’s vote will be sent $50. Please call 742- AMIf H C «a . AsIb •2000 Trad# *5495 Golf GT - Jetta GL symptom, not an illness. It is $1800. 647-9104. out today. The letter will ask the 0465.__________________ *6006 COVENTRY — After less than often difficult to work in an PONTIAC Sunbird 1985. 83 SUBARU •2000 TrsdM boards to search for further cuts LOVESEAT and 2 Colon­ 4 «*D VW.
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