KANSAS GOVERNMENTAL ETHICS COMNIISSION RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES REPORT OF A CANDIDATE FOR STATE OFFICE October 29, 2012 FILE WITH SECRETARY OF STATE SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS A. Name of Candidate: Allen C Schmidt ------------------------------ Address: 1464B Hopewell Rd -------------------------- City and Zip Code: Hays 67601 County: EII_is _ Office Sought: S_e_na_t_e__~ D'·Istnct: 40 B. Check only if appropriate: __.f Amended Filin '='o __ Termination Report C. Summary (covering the period from July 27, 2012 through October 25,2012) 1. Cash on hand at beginning of period . 18464.03 2. Total Contributions and Other Receipts (Use Schedule A) .. 12725.00 3. Cash available this period (Add Lines I and 2) . 3189.03 4. Towl Expenditures and Other Disbursements (Use Schedule C) . 22052.66 5. Cash on hand at close of period (Subtract Line 4 from 3) . 9136.37 6. In-Kind Contributions (Usc Schedule B) . o 7. Other Transactions (Use Schedule D) .. o D. "I declare that this report, including any accompanying schedules and statements, has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is true, correct and complete. I understand that the intentional failure to file this document or intentionally filing a false document is a class A misdemeanor." 8/12/2013 Date Signature of Candidate or Treasurer GEe Form Rev, 200] SCHEDULE A CONTRIBUTIONS AND OTHER RECEIPTS Allen C Schmidt (Nam.: o!"Candidate) Occupation & Industry of Check Amount of Name and Address Individual Giving More Appropriate Box Cash, Check, Dllte of Contributor Than 5150 Loan or Other Cash Chl'<~ LoaD [ runds Othfr Receipt Social Workers NASW Social Work 07/27/12 700 SW Jackson ST STE 801 .( $100.00 Topeka, KS 66603-3737 Farmers Alliance Mutual Insurance Insurance 08/02/12 1122 N Main ST .( $250.00 McPhe~on.KS 67460 Robert Binder Farmer 08/03/12 1653 Mount Pleasant Dr .( $100.00 Hays, KS 67601 KIA/PAC Insurance 08/04/12 815 SW Topeka Blvd .( $250.00 Topeka,KS 66612 Virginia Slimmer Retired 08/10/12 2421 Saline River Rd .( $100.00 Plainville, KS 67663 Harold & Carolyn Nye Individuals 08/15/12 3503 Chaumont .f $250.00 Hays, KS 67601 KNEA Education 08/21/12 715 SW 10th Ave .f $1,000.00 Topeka, KS 66612-1686 Stan Dreiling Auto Dealer 08/29/12 108 E 13th St .( $500.00 Hays, KS 67601 Robert Strevey Retired 09/04/12 PO Box 204 .( $100.00 l\Jorcatur, KS 67653 Ruth Hartman Individual 09/04/12 506 Pool Dr I $7000 Norton. KS 67654 Tim Peterson Agriculture 09/04/12 2015 Cedar Crest .; $500.00 Monument, KS 67747 $3,220.00 Subtotal Tbis Page SCHEDULE A CONTRlBlJTlONS AND OTHER RECEIPTS Allen C Schmidt (Nallle 0 C(and idate) Occupation & Industry of Check Amount of Name and Address Individual Giving More Appropriate Bol.: Cash, Checl,. Date of Contributor Than SI50 Loan or Other Ca."ih Cl1eck Loull E fund. Other Receipt Rural Telephone Svc DBA Phone Co 09/07/12 Nextech $250.00 PO Box 158 Lenora, KS 67645 I Thomas Pitner Individuaf 09/10/12 2601 C Augusta Ln $10000 Hays, KS 67601 I KS AFL-CIO COPE Fund Acct Workers Organization 09/13/25 2131 SW 36th St I $500.00 Topeka, KS 66611-2553 Sunflower Electric Power Corp Electric Co 09/14/12 PO Box 1020 I $500.00 Hays, KS 67601 Darrell Hamlin Teacher 09/18/12 400 W 11 th St I $100.00 Ellis, KS 67637 Dan Schippers Individual 09/22/12 2778 Spring Hill Rd I $250.00 Victoria, KS 67671 Kansas Realtors PAC Realtors 09/22/12 3644 SW Burlingame Rd ..( $1,000.00 Topeka, KS 66611 United Steel Workers Local 307 Union 09/22/12 Leg Fund I $25000 1603 NW Taylor St Topeka, KS Democratic Senatorial Campaign Political Org 10/01/12 PO Box 1811 I $1,000.00 Topeka, KS 66~01 Senate Democratic Committee Political Org 10/01/12 PO Box 1811 .f $1,000.00 Topeka, KS 66601 Calvin Williams Individual 10/02/12 280 N Court Ave I $100.00 Colby, KS 67701 $5,050.00 Subtotal This Page SCHEDULE A CONTRiBUTIONS AND OTHER RECEIPTS Allen C Schmidt (J\nrnc of Candidate) Occupation & InduSl!) of Check Amount of Name and Address Individual Civing More Appropriate Box Cash, Check, Dale of Contributor Than 5150 Loan or Other C",h CIH'C~ LOlln E [UIlO' Olhrr Receipt Charles Schmidt Individual 10/02/12 1001 N 2nd St .f $100.00 Independence. KS 67301 Don Gottschalk Individual 10/06/12 822 Gulf Course Rd .f $100.00 Hays, KS 67601 AT & T Kansas OAC Phone Co 10/09/12 220 E 6th Rm 500 I $350.00 Topeka, KS 66603 Bob Schmidt Retired-Broadcasting 10/10/12 2902 Country Ln .f $500.00 Hays, KS 67601 Bob Wolf Accountant 10/12/12 2810 Plaza Ave I $100.00 Hays, KS 67601 KS WSW PAC Wine 10/12/12 212 SW 8th Ave I $250.00 Topeka, KS 66603 Normn ...1 Pfeifer Individual-Retired 10/12/12 509 E 14th Ave I $150.00 Hays, KS 67601 Paul McRae Individual-Agriculture 10/12/12 1616 Locust Grove Rd .f $150.00 Hays, KS 67601 District NO.70 MNPL,PA Machinist 10/13/12 3830 South Meridian .f $1,000.00 Wichita, KS 67217 Kansas State Firefighters PAC Firefighters 10/13/12 817 W 19th I $250.00 Hutchinson. KS 67502 Thomas Pitner Individual 10/14/12 2601C Augusta LN I $100.00 Hays, KS 67601 $3,050.00 Subtotal This Page SCHEDULE A CONTRIBUTIONS AND OTHER RECEIPTS Allen C Schmidt (Name ofCandidat c) Occupation & Industry of Check Amount of Name and Address Individual Giving More Appropriate Box Cash, Check, Date of Conlt"ibutor Than $)50 LOlln or Other ClI.h Check LO:ln E fund. Olher Receipt Property Casualty Insurers Assoc Insurance 10/17/12 of America Political Account .; $250.00 825 KS Ave Ste 510 Topeka, KS KS State Farm Insurance Agents & Insurance 10/18/12 Employees PAC .; $250.00 825 S KS Av Ste 500 Topeka, KS NAIFA Kansas PAC Insurance 10/22/12 825 S Kansas Ave, Suite 500 .; $150.00 Topeka, KS 66612 Ellis County Democratic Central Political 10/25/12 Committee ,f $35000 Hays, KS 67601 $1,000.00 Subtotal This PlIge Complete if last page of Schedule A Total Itemized Receipts for Period $12,320.00 Total Unitemized Contributions ($50 or less) $405.00 Sale of Political Materials (Unitemized) $0.00 Total Contributions When Contributor Not Known $0.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS THIS PERroO (to lille 2ofSullllllary) $12,725.00 .: i Page~of_ ... SCHEDULE C EXPENDITURES AND OTHER DISBURSEMENTS Allen C Schmidt (Name: of CandidaIe) Purpose of Expendilure Date Name and Address or Disburscmenl AllloU1l1 Kelly Landrigan Campaign Chair 7/27/12 116 W 18th St $500.00 Hays, KS Walmart Parade Supplies 7/27/12 4301 Vine $22.47 Hays, KS Redeem Designs T Shirts, Hats, Coozies 7/30/12 2204 Vine $993.23 Hays, KS Walmart Parade Supplies 8/1/12 4301 Vine $36.80 Hays, KS Casual Graphics 10 3x5 Banners 8/1/12 121 W 8tll St $607.88 Hays, KS Northwest Signs & Awards 600 18x24 Signs, 80 3" round stickers 8/2/12 115 W 8th $2,626.91 Hays, KS Northwest Printers Walking Cards 8/2/12 114W9th $362.90 Hays, KS Dollar General Parade Supplies 8/4/12 408 S 1st St $23.72 Wakeeney, KS Ellen Schmidt Parade Supplies Reimburse 8/8/12 14648 Hopewell Rd $109,89 Hays, KS Ellen Schmidt Printer Ink Reimburse 8/8/12 14648 Hopewell Rd $91.06 Hays, KS Professors Meet & Greet (food only) 8/8/12 522 E 12th St $60,00 Hays, KS $5,434,86 Suiliolal This Page Page of _ SCHEDULE C EXPE1\DITURES AND OTHER DISBURSEMENTS Allen C Schmidt (>Llllll: ur Candidate) Purpose of Expenditure Dale ~ame and Address or Disbursemcnl Amount Eagle Radio Radio Spots for August 8/9/12 PO ox 6 $486.00 Hays, KS Phaze 2 Sllirts with logo 8/16/12 1007 Vine $61.87 Hays, KS Orscheln t-posts and ties for big signs 8/16/12 2900 Bradway $125.02 Hays, KS Redeem Designs Hats shiris design 8/20/12 2204 Vine $893.91 Hays, KS Walmart campaign supplies and parade supplies 8/24/12 4301 Vine $94.57 Hays, KS Casual Gaphics Magnet signs 8/27/12 121 W 8th St $180 19 Hays, KS Kelly Landrigan Expenses campaign fuel reimbursement 8/29/12 116 W 18th St $500.00 Hays, KS Hays Area Chamber Membership 8/29/12 2700 Vine $230.00 Hays, KS The Norion Telegram Subscription 6 MO 8/29/12 215 S Kansas $39.00 Norton,KS Ellen Schmidt Membership to Sunrise Rotar Club 8/29/12 1464B Hopewell Rd (reimburse) $225.00 Hays, KS Colby Free Press 2 MO subscription 9/4/12 155 W 5th $39,00 Colby, KS $2,874.56 Subtotal This Page SCHEDULE C EXPENDITURES AND OTHER DISBURSEMENTS Allen C Schmidt (N~l11c ofCandidule) Purpose of Expenditure [):It e \'ame and Address or Disbursement Amount Eagle Radio Radio KHAz, KAYS , KJLS spots 9/4/12 PO Box 6 $412.00 Hays, KS Northwest Signs & Awards Stickers & cozies 9/4/12 115 W 8th $200.82 Hays, KS Orscheln supplies for big signs 9/4/12 2900 Brodway Ave $272.53 Hays, KS Rocking M Radio KXXX KXXX Colby Radio 45 9/4/12 4806 Vue du Lac Place Ste B $225.00 Manhattan, KS Orscheln Posts and wire and ties and tools 9/12/12 2900 Brodway Ave $178.08 Hays, KS Northwest Signs & Awards 40 10 mm 4x6 signs and blown up maps 9/10/12 115 W 8th laminated 53,705.75 Hays, KS KQNK Sept-Nov Radio spots 9/12/12 1530 KQNK Rd $426.00 Norton,KS Orscheln t-posts braces marking flags 9/12/12 2900 Bradway Ave $150.08 Hays, KS KVDM Radio Radio spots for August 9/15/12 108 E 12th 5t 5te 1 $50.00 Hays, KS Ellen Schmidt Reimburse mileage @ .58 x 1000 Van 9/19/12 14648 Hopewell Rd $580.00 Hays, KS Ellen Schmidt Parade Supplies reimburse 19 parades, 9/19/12 1464B Hopewell Rd $88.86 Hays, KS $6,289.12 Sul>lolal This Page ( Page .
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