The public is invited to participate in the work session meeting at 6:00 pm and the public session meeting at 7:30 pm by calling 1-862-799-9892. No access code is required. BOROUGH OF RIDGEFIELD A G E N D A Work Session, Executive Session and Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Council Date: June 22, 2020 ROLL CALL-WORK SESSION PRESENT ABSENT Open Public Meetings Statement by Mayor Suarez Mayor Suarez Castelli Penabad Work Session: 6:00 P.M. C.T.O.: Shim Adjourn: Jimenez Kontolios • Opening of Borough Services Larkin ROLL CALL-EXEC. SESSION PRESENT ABSENT Mayor Suarez – Adjournment into closed Executive Mayor Suarez Sessionin accordance with the “Open Public Meetings Act” Castelli Executive Session: 6:30 P.M. C.T.O.: Penabad Adjourn: Shim Jimenez Public Session: 7:30 P.M. C.T.O.: Kontolios Adjourn: Larkin Pledge of Allegiance ROLL CALL-PUBLIC SESSION PRESENT ABSENT Invocation Mayor Suarez Castelli Citizens Comment on Agenda: Penabad Shim Correspondence: Jimenez Kontolios Larkin As advertised, hearing will be held on submitting the following application for grant funding from the Bergen County Trust Fund Municipal Program for Park Development for development of field adjacent to Ridgefield Community Center at the corner of Slocum Avenue and Bruce Street into a parklet. Entertain motion to declare the time for the public hearing to be declared open Public Hearing Entertain motion to declare the time for the public hearing to be declared closed CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the Borough Council and will be approved by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Council member(s) so request it, in which case the item(s) will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. The one motion signifies the adoption of all resolutions and approval of applications and minutes. 156-2020 CouncilwomanLarkin Authorize Bergen County Trust Fund Grant Application-Ridgefield Community Center Field Project 157-2020 Councilman Jimenez Authorize Inclusion in the Bergen County Community Development Program 158-2020 Councilman Jimenez Authorize Execution of Agreement with County of Bergen to Supersede the Cooperative Agreement Dated July 1, 2000 and Amendments Thereto Establishing the Bergen County Community Development Program 159-2020 Councilman Castelli Authorize Grant Application and Execute Grant Contract with NJDOT for 2021 Various Streets Improvement Project 160-2020 Councilman Castelli Suez Water Settlement 161-2020 Councilman Kontolios Oppose Construction of the NJ Transit Gas-Fired Power Plant in Kearny 162-2020 Mayor Suarez Proclamation – RMHS Class of 2020 163-2020 Councilman Castelli Ratify Temporary Outdoor Dining Regulations 164-2020 Councilman Jimenez Department Head Salary Increases 165-2020 Councilman Castelli Per-Diem CSO Hourly Increase 166-2020 Councilman Penabad Hire Part-Time Employee-Castel 167-2020 Mayor Suarez Proclamation-Juneteenth 2020 168-2020 Councilwoman Larkin Hire 2020 Pool Personnel COUNCIL VOTE YES NO ABSTAIN ABSENT Castelli Penabad Shim Jimenez Kontolios Larkin Mayor Suarez RESOLUTIONS: 169-2020 Councilman Jimenez Warrants COMMENTS BY MAYOR: COMMENTS BY COUNCIL: COMMENTS BY ADMINISTRATOR: COMMENTS BY CITIZENS: (All speakers are limited to five minutes maximum per meeting) Agenda subject to change as a result of matters not known at time of printing with the consent of the Mayor and Council. Respectfully submitted, Linda M. Silvestri, Borough Clerk BOROUGH OF RIDGEFIELD Bergen County, New Jersey Meeting June 22, 2020 Presented by Mayor Suarez BE IT RESOLVED, that the regular public meeting be adjourned, and that the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Ridgefield shall meet in a closed Executive Session following a five minute recess at the termination of this meeting. The purpose of the Executive Session shall be to discuss the following matters: COUNCIL VOTE ____ Personnel matters in various departments of the YES NO ABSTAIN ABSENT Borough. Castelli Penabad ____ Pending and Potential Litigation Shim Jimenez ____ Tax Court Litigation. Kontolios Larkin ____ Potential real estate transactions in which the Mayor Suarez Borough may engage. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that as soon as practicable discussion concerning ____ Personnel matters ____ Potential real estate transactions shall be disclosed to the public. ____ And that discussions with the Borough Attorney concerning litigation shall be disclosed when said litigation is terminated. Adjournment to Closed Session. The Mayor and Council reserve the right to reconvene into Public Session, if necessary, to take action on Closed Session items. Approved: Attest: _______________________ ________________________ Anthony R. Suarez, Mayor Linda M. Silvestri, Borough Clerk BOROUGH OF RIDGEFIELD Bergen County, New Jersey Meeting June 22, 2020 Presented by Councilwoman Larkin RESOLUTION NO. 156-2020 WHEREAS, the Bergen County Open Space, Recreation, Floodplain Protection, Farmland & Historic Preservation Trust Fund (“County Trust Fund”), provides matching grants to municipal governments and to nonprofit organizations for assistance in the development or redevelopment of outdoor municipal recreation facilities; and, WHEREAS, the Borough of Ridgefield desires to further the public interest by obtaining a matching grant of $74,687.50 from the County Trust Fund to fund the following project: Ridgefield Community Center Field Project; and, WHEREAS, the governing body/board has reviewed the County Trust Fund Program Statement, and the Trust Fund Municipal Program Park Improvement application and instructions, and desires to make an application for such a matching grant and provide application information and furnish such documents as may be required; and, WHEREAS, as part of the application process, the governing body/board held the required Public Hearing to receive public comments on the proposed park improvements in the application on June 22, 2020; and, WHEREAS, the County of Bergen shall determine whether the application is complete and in conformance with the scope and intent of the County Trust Fund; and, WHEREAS, the applicant is willing to use the County Trust Fund in accordance with such rules, regulations and applicable statutes, and is willing to enter into an agreement with the County of Bergen for the above named project and ensure its completion on or about the project contract expiration date. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Ridgefield Mayor and Council: 1. That it is hereby authorized to submit the above completed project application to the County by the deadline of June 29, 2020, as established by the County; and, 2. That, in the event of a County Trust Fund award that may be less than the grant amount requested above, the Ridgefield Mayor and Councilhas, or will secure, the balance of funding necessary to complete the project, or modify the project as necessary; and, 3. That the Ridgefield Mayor and Council is committed to providing a dollar for dollar cash match for the project; and, 4. That only those park improvements identified and approved in the project application, its Trust Fund contract, or other documentation will be considered eligible for reimbursement. 5. That the Ridgefield Mayor and Council agrees to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations in its performance of the project; and, 6. That this resolution shall take effect immediately. COUNCIL VOTE YES NO ABSTAIN ABSENT Castelli Penabad Shim Jimenez Kontolios Larkin Mayor Suarez Approved: Attest: _____________________________ _____________________________ Anthony R. Suarez, Mayor Linda M. Silvestri, Borough Clerk BOROUGH OF RIDGEFIELD Bergen County, New Jersey Meeting June 22, 2020 Presented by Councilman Jimenez RESOLUTION NO. 157-2020 WHEREAS, certain Federal funds are potentially available to the County of Bergen under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended; the HOME Investment Partnership Act of 1990, as amended; and the Emergency Solutions Grant of 2012; and WHEREAS, the current Interlocal Services Cooperative Agreement contains an automatic renewal clause to expedite the notification of the inclusion process; and WHEREAS, each Municipality must notify the Bergen County Division of Community Development of its intent to continue as a participant in the Urban County entitlement programs noted above; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Borough of Ridgefield and its residents to participate in said Programs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Ridgefield hereby notifies the Bergen County Division of Community Development of its decision to be included as a participant Municipality in the Urban County entitlement programs being the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG), the HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME), and the Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESG) for the Program Years 2021, 2022, and 2023 covering the period July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2024; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that an original copy of this resolution be made available to the Director of the Bergen County Division of Community Development as soon as possible and no later than Friday, July 17, 2020. Approved: COUNCIL VOTE YES NO ABSTAIN ABSENT _________________________________ Castelli Anthony R. Suarez, Mayor Penabad Shim Attest: Jimenez Kontolios Larkin ________________________________ Mayor Suarez Linda M. Silvestri, Borough Clerk BOROUGH OF RIDGEFIELD Bergen County,
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