/ No. 3 Z-III—Vol. XXI ATLANTA, GEORGIA, OCTOBER 3, 1941 STUDENT COUNCIL ELECTS Lecture Association Announces Program CROMARTIE PRESIDENT, Student Entertainment Series Will Attractions of Wide Variety ARTHUR VICE-PRESIDENT Eagerly anticipated every year are the programs presented by the Georgia Tech Lecture Association. This year, the association Sanders Is Treasurer; NOTICE!! announces, will be particularly rich in these breaks in the monot­ ony of school life. It is necessary for every Georgia Highlights Dozier Made Secretary Tech student to have his student pass Despite hitherto unencountered dif­ book ii* order to attend the football Eleven Tech Graduates In an atmosphere heavy with harmony and sweet forgiveness, ficulties, the association is presenting: game tomorrow and all the sports the Student Council Monday night at its first meeting had its Will Leave for Service John Mulholland, "World renowned events for the rest of the school year. election of officers for the school year. The men elected are well- magician," October 14. Be sure to get yours in the Athletic known to the students and have demonstrated their ability in In U. S. Possessions Thomas H. Benton, one of Ameri­ many fields of student activities. office. Editor's Note: The following news ca's outstanding painters, December Officers article was wHtten by Frank P. Hud­ The Graff Ballet, artistic highlight William Douglas Cromartie, new son, '41, who was President of the of the season, January 21. president of the Student Council, is Student Council last year. Trained in also President of the A.I.C.E., Treas­ the Georgia Tech R.O.T.C. Ordnance Arthur Menken, famous news pho­ tographer, lecturing on "The Battle urer of Anak Society, a member of the unit, he is now serving his country ay for the Pacific," March 5; and a pos­ Civil Crew, and a member of Scab­ a commissioned officer in the United States Army. sible extra selection in the modern bard and Blade. swing mood. Eleven Georgia Tech graduates of Harry Baker Arthur, Vice-Presi­ Federal Tax the class of '41, eight of them native dent, is a member of Anak, a varsity In spite of a ten per cent federal member of the football team, member Georgians, are now assigned to for­ defense tax, the association has man­ of the Bull Dog Club, and Vice-Presi­ eign service in the United States aged to maintain last year's prices dent of Scabbard and Blade. Army to help defend this hemisphere for this spectacular program. Stu­ Thomas Calbeck Dozier, Secretary, from the onslaught of the dictators. dents may obtain tickets next week is on several publications staffs, was After receiving their commissions in at the College Inn on presentation of (Continued on Page 4) a class officer, and former member of the Ordnance Reserve at Georgia the Student Council. He is also a Tech, these young lieutenants stud­ student member of the Entertainment Series Committee. ied Aviation Ordnance at the Ord­ DR. MASON TO Robert Jackson Sanders, Treasurer, nance School for officers at Aberdeen is senior football manager, a mem­ Proving Grounds, Aberdeen, Mary­ HEAD CH. E. ber of the Skull and Key Society, and land. the Bull Dog Club. To Hawaii DEPARTMENT Council Members Five of the group will sail this Replacing the late Dr. H. A. Bun­ The Student Council is composed week from San Francisco for Hawaii. ger as head of the Chemical Engi­ of students from all classes and in­ They include Lt. Frank M. Burt, Bir­ neering Department is Dr. J. W. Ma­ TECH'S STUDENT GOVERNMENT group will be healed'by this" group. cludes all the more important cam­ Bill Cromartie, President (lower center); Harry Arthur, Vice-President mingham, Ala.; Lt. Herbert K. Ful­ son, former Associate Professor. Al­ pus leaders. This year's members are: (upper center); Bob Sanders. Treasurer (right); and Tom Dozier, Secre­ ler, West Point, Ga.; I. Jackson Har- though filling the position of his pre­ tary (left) These men were elected at the first meeting of the Student rell, Bainbridge, Ga.; Robert S. Over Five members from the senior Class: decessor as Head of the department, Harry Arthur, Bill Cromartie, Jim Council held last Tuesday night. street, Savannah, Ga.; and Robert N Dr. Mason will not succeed Dr. Bun­ Griffith, Bobby Sanders, Ed Scott. Skalwold, Boundbrook, N. J. Lt. Wen ger as Director of the Experiment Four members from the junior class: Religious Faiths Senior Privilege Cards ham P. White, Atlanta, Ga., is sailing Tom Dozier, Jack Hancock, J. B. from New York for Puerto Rico next Station, an office which was given to Tharpe, Bill Woodward. Will be Discussed Are Printed, Guards week. Dr. Gerald A. Rosselot of the Physics Two members from the sophomore To Panama Department. class: Dave Eldredge, Davis Fitz­ In Tech Auditorium Chosen for Home Games Lt. Richard C. Culpepper, Savan­ Under Dr. Mason, the department gerald. is now working in the Engineering Under the auspices of the National Arthur, Griffith, Tharpe nah, Ga.; Lt. Thurman 0. Day, Rich * President of the Y.M.C.A.: Bill Gar­ Experiment Station on several useful Conference of Christians and Jews, mond, Va.; Lt. Frank P. Hudson, rison. Serve on Council Committee Macon and Montezuma, Ga.; Lt. Wil­ research problems. Among these pro­ three internationally eminent minis­ Following its usual custom, the Stu­ liam P. Maynard, Waycross, Ga., sai jects is one concerning the more ef­ (Continued on Page 5) ters will speak on October 24 at the dent Council at its first meeting of the later this month for Panama. ficient redesigning of cooling towers, auditorium-gymnasium. Each minis­ school year appointed a committee to These "Ramblin' Recks" are trained through a study of the conditions ter will represent the three most well- have the seniors' senior privilege cards in the newest of the Ordnance Ser­ within. Another problem is the effect known branches of religion. Mr. Ev­ Boosters' Club Starts printed. vices—the function of which is the of pipe fittings on the flow of fluids erett Clinchy, director of the confer­ These cards entitle seniors, and se­ supply of bombs, the supply of am­ through the pipe. Also pertinent in ence, will speak for the Protestant Plans for Home Coming niors only, to sit in the senior section munition for machine guns and can the list is a study of the properties faith; Father Donavan, who has rep­ at the football games. The student nons, and the maintenance of these of a new type of packing for gas resented President Roosevelt abroad Weekend, Dance Series council committee handling the cards weapons for the Air Corps. absorption towers. The first meeting of the Georgia (Continued on Page 8) and selecting the guards for the se­ Tech Boosters' Club, newest campus nior section consists of Harry Arthur, organization, was held in the Y.M.C.A Jimmy Griffith, and Jim Tharpe. Annual Anak Dance Series to Open building Tuesday night, September 23, Committee Appointed The cards this year will be distrib­ with the majority of the fifty-five uted before the first game. All fourth Saturday Night in Naval Armory f members present. The purposes of this To Probe High Food and fifth year men, whether they are organization are to increase alumni qualified as seniors or not, are entitled New Band Will be Featured This Year for Dances interest in the school and to promote Prices of Dining Hall to the cards. The cards will be in the Sponsored by Society After Each Home Game Home Coming week-end. proper mail boxes by today. At Tuesday night's meeting plans As a result of the recent student The Anak Society of Georgia Tech, on Saturday, October 4, at for Home Coming were begun, and reaction to the high cost of food in nine o'clock P. M., will inaugurate a series of dances to be held two committees, one to obtain pub­ the dining hall, a committee was ap­ after the home football games. These dances will be given at the licity and one to obtain a band for pointed last Tuesday morning to make PEP MEETING! Naval Armory and will feature George Leonard and his orchestra. a detailed investigation of the mat­ the Home Coming dances, were ap­ Tonight, October 3, at 7 This series has been an annual af­ posed of twelve pieces, it features ter. pointed. Heading the dance band com­ o'clock, there will be a pep fair for many years and has always Leonard (who is now a "rat" at Tech) The committee, appointed by Dr. mittee is Ellis Davis, who is assisted meeting at the Georgia Tech met with great approval and enthu­ on clarinet. Lee Daughtridge and Ed M. L. Brittain, is composed of him­ by Polly Poole and Stokes Ramsaur, gymnasium. This will be the siasm from the student body. Tech Rand, also Tech students, are fea­ self, Coach W. A. Alexander, Profes­ while Bill Cromartie is chairman of first pep meeting of the year students will celebrate the team's tured soloists on trumpet and tenor sor A. H. Armstrong and possibly a the publicity committee and is aided and all freshmen are urged to • sax respectively. The band is said to student. It will meet with Miss Daisey by Ed Killam, Harry Arthur, and Sid­ be present. victory (?) over Chattanooga Satur­ play in a danceable, highly rhythmic Daniel, the school dietitian, and try ney Gale. Coach Alex and the captains day afternoon at the dance Saturday style well adapted to both the "hot" to discover the reasons why dining The dance band committee has al­ of the football team will be in­ night.
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