REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES TECHNICAL ADVISORY SERVICES for PHILIPPINE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM SUPPORT PROJECT NO. 492-0452 Prepared for: OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS UNITED STATES AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT MANILA, PHILIPPINES Prepared by: LOUIS BERGER INTERNATIONAL, INC. TM-8910, Mile Long Center, Amorsolo St. Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines in association with LOCKWOOD GREENE TRANS--ASIA (PHILS.) INC. INTERNATIONAL, INC. CONSULTANT MANAGEMENT GLOBETROTTERS SERVICES, INC. ENGINEERING CORP. ERNST & YOUNG under Contract No. 492-0452-C-00-0099-00 with USAID/MANILA SCOPING SESSION REPORT AURORA ROADS INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT LOUIS BERGER INTERNATIONAL, INC. Architects oEnqineers .Economsts Planners JI- ,I "1 1,1l 882 i ,, ! ,'~~I ,J i PilL.IF INLS 817 0405 1 wla 63 21 819 3965 No. WLC/152E/91-1465/eb July 31, 1991 Mr. Alex Sundermann, P.E. Project Officer/Office of Capital Projects USAID/Manila 18F, Ramon Magsaysay Center 1680 Roxas Boulevard Manila, Philippines Subject: SCOPING SESSION REPORT Project: DELIVERY ORDER NO. LBII-05 FEASIBILITY STUDY ON AURORA ROADS INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT CONTRACT NO. 492-0452-C-00-0099-00 Dear Mr. Sundermann: As required by Section 216.3, 22 United States Code of Federal Regulations and pursuant to Section IV E. 2 (b) and IV E 4 (d) of our Contract, we have conducted an Environmental Scoping Session in conjunction with the Aurora Roads Infrastructure Development Project. We are pleased to submit herewith (5) copies of the Scoping Session Report for your records. Concurrently, copies are being distributed to the following: No. of Name Agency Copie 1. Undersecretary Rogelio L. Singson Chairman, CODA 3 2. Mr. Jose B. Gloria Proj. Manager, PMO 2 3. Mr. Florante Soriquez Proj. Director, DPWH 2 4. Dir. Irma Corales NEDA, Manila 2 5. Dir. Augusto B. Santos NEDA, lanila 2 6. Dir. Nestor Mijares NEDA, Region III 2 7. Dir. Buenaventura Go-Soco, Jr. NEDA, Region IV 2 8. Acting Dir. Delfin J. Ganapin Jr. DENR/EMB 2 9. Mr. Pat Johnson CCSC-CODA 3 r) LOUIS BERGER INTERNATIONAL, INC. Mr. Alex Sundermann, P.E. WLC/152E/91-1465 July 31, 1991 Page 2 Should you have any questions, or require further information, please feel free to contact this office. Very truly yours, LOUIS BERGER INTERNATIONAL, INC. WILLIAM J. PARENTE WILLIAM L. CUIMMING PAPS Project Manager Environmental Studies Coordinator ARIDP cc: Pat Quinn, Group Vice President, Louis Berger-Wash., D.C. Ron Kornell, Reg. Vice President, Louis Berger-Bangkok Joseph Weiss, Home Office Coord., Louis Berger-East Orange All Subconsultants Encs. 5 copies - Scoping Session Report SCOPING SESSION REPORT AURORA ROADS INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS Pag~e CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 "Scoping" in the Environmental Assessment Process 1 - 1 1.2 ARIDP Scoping Session/Consultations 1-4 1.3 Purpose of the Scoping Report 1 -6 CHAPTER 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 Aurora Roads Infrastructure Development Project (ARIDP) 2- 1 2.2 ARIDP Project Alternatives 2-5 2.2.1 Circumferential Road 2-5 2.2.2 Inter-provincial Link; Ma. Aurora - Canili - Pantabangan - Rizal 2-5 2.2.3 Inter-provincial Link; Dingalan - San Luis 2 - 8 2.2.4 Inter-provincial Link; Palayan City - Dingalan 2 - 8 2.2.5 Inter-provincial Link; Tablang - Bongabon - West Edge of Aurora Memorial Park - Cabatangan/ Malupa River Valley - Maria Aurora 2 - 10 2.2.6 Inter-provincial Link; Tabiang - Bongabon ­ through the Aurora Memorial Park - San Luis 2 - 10 Pa e CHAPTER 3 ARIDP ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES 3.1 Terms of Reference 3-1 3.2 Organization of Environmental Studies 3 -3 3.3 Field Studies of Existing Environment 3 -4 3.4 Scoping Session Preparations 3-4 CHAPTER 4 PRELIMINARY FINDINGS 4.1 USAID Initial Environmental Exa.mination 4- 1 4.2 EMB/DENR Critical Project/Area Determination 4 - 1 4.3 Preliminary Identification of Potential Environmental Impacts 4-6 CHAPTER 5 RESULTS OF SCOPING SESSIONS 5.1 Summary of Scoping Session/Consultations Activities 5 - 1 5.2 National Scoping Session/Consultation; Quezon City 5 -2 5.3 Baler Scoping Session/Consultation; Baler, Aurora 5-4 5.4 Dingalan Scoping Session/Consultation; Dingalan, Aurora 5-8 5.5 Gabaldon Scoping Session/Consultation; Gabaldon, Nueva Ecija 5- 11 5.6 Submissions and Other Communications 5 - 16 ii Paze 5.7 Overall Results of the Scoping Session/Consultations 5 - 19 CHAPTER 6 MAJOR POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND ISSUES IDENTiFIED TO DATE 6.1 Summary of Potential Environmental Impacts 6 - i 6.2 Tropical Forest and Biodiversity Concerns 6-3 6.2.1 US Foreign Assistance Act Section 118 6- 3 6.2.2 US Foreign Assistance Act Section 119 6 - 4 CHAPTER 7 PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW OF ARIDP PROJECT ALTERNATIVES 7.1 Circumferential Road 7-2 7.2 Ma. Aurora - Canili - Pantabangan - Rizal 7-3 7.3 Dingalan - San Luis 7-3 7.4 Palayan City - Dingalan 7-4 7.5 Tatlang - Bongabon - West Edge of Aurora Memorial Park - Cabatangan/Malupa River Valley - Maria Aurora 7-6 7.6 Inter-provincial Link; Tablang - Bongabon ­ through the Aurora Memorial Park - San Luis 7 - 6 7.7 Other Alternatives 7-6 CHAPTER 8 REVISED ARIDP ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES WORK PLAN 8.1 Field Studies: ARIDP Impacts Assessment 8 - 1 8.2 Environmental Analysis and Preliminary EA/EIS 8 - i iio11 Page 8.3 Design and Development of Environmental Management, Mitigation, and Monitoring Plan 8 - 1 8.4 Draft EA/EIS 8 - 1 8.5 Final EA/EIS 8-2 8.6 Environmental Compliance Certificate/Public Hearings 8-2 APPENDICES APPENDIX A ARIDP ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES WORK PLAN, STAFFING, KEY OUTPUTS/DELIVERABLES APPENDIX B SCOPING SESSION/CONSULTATIONS INVITATION AND BACKGROUND MATERIALS PROVIDED APPENDIX C SCOPING SESSION/CONSULTATIONS INVITATION LISTS APPENDIX D SCOPING SESSION/CONSULTATIONS ATTENDANCE LISTS APPENDIX E AGENDAS AND TRANSCRIPTS OF SCOPING SESSION/CONSULTATIONS DISCUSSIONS APPENDIX F ARIDP/PROJECT AREA-ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPER ARTICLES APPENDIX G SUBMISSIONS AND OTHER COMMUNICATIONS TO SCOPING SESSION/CONSULTATIONS APPENDIX H EMB/DENR PERCEPTION SURVEY APPENDIX I SCOPING SESSION/CONSULTATIONS AND PROJECT AREA PHOTOGRAPHS iv APPENDIX J REVISED ARIDP EA/ElS OUTLINE APPENDIX K REPORT ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL SURVEY CONDUCTED IN THE PROVINCES OF AURORA AND NUEVA ECIJA APPENDIX L CURRENT STATUS/PLANNED ACTIVITIES: ARIDP ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES V ACRONYMS AADT - Annual Average Daily Traffic AASHTO - American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ADB - Asian Development Bank AIADP - Aurora Integrated Area Development Project AMSL - Average Mean Sea Level ARIDP - Aurora Roads Infrastructure Development Project ASTM - American Society of Testing Materials B-C - Benefit-Cost (Ratio) CENRO - Community Environment and Natural Resources Office CODA - Committee on Official Development Assistance CWI - Critical Watershed Index DA - Department of Agriculture DENR - Department of Environment and Natural Resources DPWH - Department of Public Works and Highways DSWD - Department of Social Welfare and Development EA - Environmental Assessment EIS - Environmental Impact Statement EMB - Environmental Management Bureau ESAL - Equivalent Standard Axle Load FAA - Foreign Assistance Act FMB - Forest Management Bureau GIS - Geographic Information System GOP - Government of the Philippines GSC - General Santos City Roads Project HDM - Highway Design and Maintenance Model IBRD - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) IEE - Initial Environmental Examination IPAS - Integrated Protected Area System ISF - Integrated Social Forestry IRI - International Roughness Index LMU - Land Management Unit LOS - Level of Service NAMRIA - National Mapping and Resource Information Authority NCSO - National Census and Statistical Office NEDA - National Economic and Development Authority NGO - Non-Governmental Organization NIA - National Irrigation Administration NPV - Net Present Value NRIP - National Road Improvement Project vi NTCP - National Traffic Counting Program NTS - Not to Scale O-D - Origin-Destination (Surveys) OSSC - Office of Southern Cultural Communities PAGASA - Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration PAWB - Parks and Wildlife Bureau PENRO - Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office PIDS - Philippine Institute for Development Studies PO - People's Organization RIF - Rural Infrastructure Fund Project RRDP - Rural Road Development Project SALT - Sloping L.nd Agricultural Technology TLA - Timber License Agreement TOR - Terms of Reference TRIPS - Third Road Improvement Project TRRL - Transportation Road Research Laboratory UNDP - United Nations Development Programme USAID - United States Agency for International Development UNIDO - United Nations International Development Organization VOC - Vehicle Operation Costs ZOI - Zone of Influence vii CHAPTER CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 "SCOPING" IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PROCESS Louis Berger International, Inc. (LBII), one of the Consultants providing technical advisory services for the Philippine Assistance Program Support (PAPS) Project, has been recently directed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to conduct Feasibility Studies for approximately 160 km of road improvements and new road construction proposed in the Aurora Roads Infrastructure Development Project (ARIDP). The ARIDP projects are centered in Aurora but also include significant road upgrading in neighboring Nueva Ecija Province to improve Aurora's southern link to Central Luzon and the National Highway System. Feasibility studies have begun and are expected to identify
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