WASH1NHTON GEOLOGICAL SURVEY HENRY LANDES, State Geologist BULLETIN N o. 1 5 A Preliminary .Report on the Tertiary Paleontology OF WeBtern WaRhington By CHARLES E. WEA VER OLYMPIA, W A$ll. : .E. L. BO.ARDMAN .,e,.. PUBLIC l'IUN'fmR. 1912. DOARD OF GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Governor M. E. HAY, Chair-man. State TreasUI·er J. G. LEWIS, Secretary. Pi-esident T. F. KANE. President E. A. BRYAN. HENRY LANDES, State Geologist. SoLON SHEDD, Assistant State Geologist. LETTER OF TRA.i~Sl\IITTAL. Governor Jlf. E. Hay, Chairman, ancl Members of tlte Board of Geological Survey: G ENTLEMEN-I have the honor to submit herewith a report entitled "A Preliminary R eport on the Tertiary Paleontology of Western Washington," by Charles E. Weaver, with the recommendation that jt be printed as Bulletjn No. 15 of the Survey reports. Yery respectfully, lli~RY L ANDES, State Geologist. Unh·ersity Station, Seattle, August 1, 19Hl. CONTENTS. Paqi, Introduction . 9 Stratigraphy . 10 General Statement. 10 Pre-Tertiary Bed Rock Complex................................. 10 Tertiary Formations . 11 Eocene . 12 General Statement . 12 Cowlitz Formation . 14 Tejon Formation . 14 Oligocene . 15 General Statement . 15 Post Eocene . 17 General Statement . 17 Lower Miocene . • . 17 Blakeley Formation . 17 Wahkiakum Formation . 19 Chehalis Formation . 19 Upper Miocene . 19 Montesano Formation . 19 Geologic History . 22 Description of Species........................................... 28 Eocene . 28 Pelecypoda . 28 Pectunculus eocenlca n. sp.............................. 28 Pectunculus eocenica n. sp. var. land es! n. var.. 28 Pectunculus tejonensls n. sp.. 29 Ostrea olequahensis n. sp.. 29 Ostrea fettlcei n. sp.. 30 Pecten cowlitzensls n. sp.. 30 Crassatellltes cowlitzensis n. sp......................... 31 Crassatellites washingtonlana n. sp... 32 Corbicula eufaulaensls n. sp.. 32 Corbicula cowlltzensis n. sp............................. 33 Cardi um olequahensls n. sp............................. 34 Meretrlx landesl n. sp............... : . 34 Meretrlx olequahensis n. sp.. 35 Tapes washingtonlana n. sp.. 35 6 Table of Contents Description of Species-Oontin1iea. Eocene- Pago Gasteropoda . 36 Potamides fettkel . 3G Potamides lewisiana n. sp.......................... .... 37 R!mella canallfera Gabb, var. eloogata n. var.. 37 Cassidaria wasbingtoniana n. sp........... 38 Morio tuberculatus Gabb, var. tri-tuberculatus n. var.... 39 Tritoneum sopenabensis n. sp........................... 40 Ranella wasb!ngton!ana n. sp.. 41 Ranella cowlitzensls u. sp.. 41 Nassa eocenica n. sp.. 42 Nassa packardi n. sp.......................... 43 Cbrysodomus clallamensls n. sp......................... 43 Hemifusus sopenahensis n. sp.. 44 Hemi!usus cowlltzensis n. sp..... 46 Hemitusus Jewislana n. sp.. 46 Hemi!usus washlngtoniana n. sp.. 46 Hemifusus tejouensis n. sp.............................. 47 Brachysphingus clarkl n. sp............................. 48 Murex sopenabensls n. sp.. 48 Murex cowlitzensis n. sp.. 49 Fusus wasbingtoniana n. sp.. 50 Fusus dlckersonl n. sp.. 60 Fusus Jewisensis n. sp.. 51 Fasclolarla washingtoniana n. sp.. 1'>2 Mitra washingtoniaoa n. sp.. 52 Anclllaria bretzi n. sp.. b3 Surcula cowlltzensis n. sp.. 63 Con us cowlltzensis n. sp..... 64 Brachiopoda . 66 Rbynconella washingtoniana n. sp.. 56 Miocene . 56 Pelecypoda . 56 Leda cbeballsensls n. sp.. 66 Yoldia sammamlshensls n. sp........................... 56 Pecten porterensis n. sp.. 57 Pecten alockamenensis n. sp.. 68 Mytllus sammamlshensls n. sp.......................... 58 Mytilus sttllaguamlshensls n. sp....................... 59 Mytllus snohomishensis n. sp............ 59 Venerlcardia cbebalisensis n. sp......................... 59 Chione cbebalisensis n. sp.. 60 Ch!one montesanoens!s n. sp............................ 61 Cbione catbcartensis n. sp.. 62 Marcia oregonensis Conrad............................. 63 Tellina merriaml n. sp.. 63 Table of Contents '1 Description of Specles-Oontinuecl. Miocene- Pelecypoda- Page Tellina klncaidil n. sp............. 64 Macoma montesanoensis n. sp.. 65 Macoma snohomlshensis n. sp.. 66 l\facoma wynootcheensls n. sp.. 66 Semele montesanoensis n. sp.. 67 Semele sylvlaensls n. sp.. 67 Pseudocardium gabbl Remond var. altus n. var.. 68 Pseudocardlum gabbi Remond var. elongatus n. var.. 68 Pseudocardium gab bl Remond var. rob us tun n. var.. 69 Pseudocardium gabbl Remona var. unduli!erum n. var.... 69 Pseudocardlum landesl n. sp.. 69 Cryptomya washlngtoniana n. sp.. 70 Gasteropoda . 70 Turris wynootcheensis n. sp.. 70 Chlorostoma arnoldl n. sp.. 71 Caliostoma delazlnensis n. sp.. 72 Turr!tella blakeleyensis n. sp... 72 Tnrritella porterensis n. sp............................. 73 Gyrineum sylvlaensls n. sp.. 73 Ficus clallamensis n. sp................................ 74 Nassa andersonl n. sp.. 75 Cum a. blpllcata var. quadranodosum n. var.. 75 Fusus montesanoensls n. sp.. 76 Plenrotoma cheballsensis n. sp.. 77 Pleurotoma washingtoniana . 78 Drillla cbehallsensis n. sp.. 78 Scaphapoda . 79 Den tali um porterensls n. sp............................. 79 Brachiopoda . 79 Terebratula oak-villeensls n. sp.......................... 79 Crustacea . 80 A PRELIMINARY REPOR'r ON 1.'HE 'l'ERTIARY PALEONTOLOGY OF WESTERN WASHII\GTON. INTRODUCTION. The purpose of this paper is to record as briefly as possible the purely scientific facts concerning the T ertiary Palaeon­ tology of ,ivestern Washington. A short account is given of the character and distribution of the several divisions of the Tertiary and their faw1tis. A northwestern Tertiary province is recognized and an attempt is made to interpret its history from the cJose of the Cretaceous to the present time. A total T ertiary invertebrate marine fauna of two hundred and forty­ six species bas been discovered. Eighty-four of these Me new and are described and figured for the first time. This report is preliminary to a more.
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