![Congressional Record United States of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 105Th CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105th CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 144 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1998 No. 113 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 9, 1998, at 12 noon. Senate TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1998 (Legislative day of Monday, August 31, 1998) The Senate met at 9:30 a.m., on the SCHEDULE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION APPRO- expiration of the recess, and was called PRIATIONS ACT, 1999ÐCON- to order by the President pro tempore Mr. HUTCHINSON. Mr. President, FERENCE REPORT [Mr. THURMOND]. this morning, the Senate will imme- diately proceed to a vote on adoption The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under PRAYER of the conference report to accompany the previous order, the Senate will now the military construction appropria- consider the report of the committee of The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John conference on the bill (H.R. 4059) mak- Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: tions bill. Following that vote, the Senate will begin consideration of S. ing appropriations for military con- Almighty God, gracious Father, our struction, family housing, and base re- Refuge and our Strength, our very 2334, the foreign operations appropria- tions bill. Members are encouraged to alignment and closure for the Depart- present Help in times of trouble, we re- ment of Defense for the fiscal year end- spond to Your call to pray. You are the offer and debate amendments to the foreign operations bill during today's ing September 30, 1999, and for other Instigator of prayer because You have purposes. created us to know, love, and serve session so that substantial progress The Senate proceeded to consider the You. We respond with wonder that You can be made on this important legisla- conference report. would use us to get Your work done tion. this day. Forgive us when we try to ac- As a reminder to all Members, a con- (The conference report is printed in complish what we falsely think is our sent agreement has been reached with the House proceedings of the RECORD of work, done for our own glory. Create in respect to the Texas low-level waste July 24, 1998.) us hearts fit to be filled with Your compact conference report. That legis- Mr. BURNS. Mr. President. I am very presence, open minds ready to think lation, along with any other legislative pleased to bring before the Senate the Your thoughts, and responsive wills de- or executive items cleared for action, military construction conference re- siring Your will for our Nation. Go be- may also be considered during today's port for fiscal year 1999. fore us to show the way. Help the Sen- session. This conference report was adopted ators to live expectantly, knowing that by the House of Representatives by a I thank my colleagues for their at- You will provide serendipities, wonder- vote of 417 to 1. It was sent to the Sen- tention. ful surprises of Your grace and good- ate and now waits our final passage. ness in pressures and problems. You Mr. President, I suggest the absence We have worked hard with our House are in charge, Father; this is Your Na- of a quorum. colleagues to bring the military con- tion. We commit ourselves to enjoy the The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The struction conference to a successful privilege of working for You today. clerk will call the roll. conclusion. Both bodies took a dif- Through our Lord and Savior. Amen. The assistant legislative clerk pro- ferent perspective on the allocation of ceeded to call the roll. military construction funding for the f Department of Defense. In the final Mr. BURNS. Mr. President, I ask conference report, we met our goals of RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING unanimous consent that the order for promoting quality of life initiatives MAJORITY LEADER the quorum call be rescinded. and enhancing mission readiness. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. This bill has some points I want to able Senator from Arkansas is recog- HUTCHINSON). Without objection, it is highlight. It provides a total of $8.4 bil- nized. so ordered. lion for military construction. Even · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S9715 . S9716 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE September 1, 1998 though this is an increase of $665 mil- (At the request of Mr. BURNS, the fol- H.R. 4059, MILITARY CONSTRUCTION APPROPRIATIONS, lion over the President's budget for fis- lowing statement was ordered to be 1999 SPENDING TOTALSÐCONFERENCE REPORTÐ cal year 1998, it is still a reduction of printed in the RECORD:) Continued $759 million from what was appro- · Mr. DOMENICI. Mr. President, the [Fiscal year 1999, in millions of dollars] priated last yearÐan overall reduction pending military construction appro- Non- of 8.8 percent. priations conference report provides Category De- de- Crime Man- Total Some 42 percent of the bill is allo- $8.5 billion in new budget authority fense fense datory cated to family housingÐa total of $3.5 and $2.6 billion in new outlays for mili- Outlays ............................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ billion. This includes new construction, tary construction and family housing 1998 level: improvements to existing units and programs for the Department of De- Budget authority ................ ´446 ............ ............ ............ ´446 Outlays ............................... ´412 ............ ............ ............ ´412 funding for operation and maintenance fense for fiscal year 1999. President's request: When outlays from prior-year budget Budget authority ................ 666 ............ ............ ............ 666 of that housing. Outlays ............................... 126 ............ ............ ............ 126 The base realignment and closure authority and other actions are consid- House-passed bill: part of the bill account for 19 percent ered, the outlays for the 1999 program Budget authority ................ 216 ............ ............ ............ 216 Outlays ............................... 98 ............ ............ ............ 98 of our total fundingÐabout $1.6 billion. total $9.2 billion. Senate-passed bill: This encompasses funding for environ- Compared to 1998 appropriations, this Budget authority ................ ´31 ............ ............ ............ ´31 Outlays ............................... 65 ............ ............ ............ 65 mental clean-up of the closing bases bill is $446 million lower in budget au- Note.ÐDetails may not add to totals due to rounding. Totals adjusted for and construction of new BRAC-related thority, and it is $412 million lower in consistency with current scorekeeping conventions.• facilities. outlays. I continue to be concerned about the This legislation provides for con- Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, I am growing costs of environmental clean- struction by the Department of De- pleased to join my chairman, Senator up at our BRAC installations. These fense for U.S. military facilities BURNS, in bringing to the Senate our costs frequently continue long after we throughout the world, and it provides conference report on the 1999 military have closed these bases. for family housing for the active forces construction appropriation bill. We strongly protected quality of life of each of the U.S. military services. Favorable action in the Senate today initiatives. We provided $716 million Accordingly, it provides for important will send this conference report to the for barracks, $34 million for child de- readiness and quality of life programs President, making it the first of the velopment centers and $184 million for for our service men and women. regular 1999 appropriations bills to be hospital and medical facilities. The bill is within the revised section passed by Congress. This is a note- We provided a total of $480 million 302(b) allocation for the Military Con- worthy accomplishment, and I hope it for the Guard and Reserve components. struction Subcommittee. I commend will set the stage for swift action on Overall, this represents an increase of the distinguished subcommittee chair- the remaining appropriations bills. $300 million from the President's budg- man, the Senator from Montana, for We had to make some very tough et request. Many of those projects will bringing this bill to the floor within choices on this bill. Our conference enhance the readiness and mission ca- the subcommittee's allocation. agreement totals $8.4 billion. This is pabilities of our Reserve and Guard Earlier, because CBO had not ad- $760 million less than what was appro- forces, vital to our national defense. justed its baseline, prior year military priated last year. Given the tight budg- I thank my ranking member, Senator construction outlays had not been re- et confines in which we were operating, MURRAY, for her assistance and support vised to reflect Congress' override of there were many worthy projects that throughout this process. She and her President Clinton's line-item veto of 37 we could not fund. Not one Senator or staff were extremely cooperative. fiscal year 1998 projects. This adjust- one State was exempt from this belt- I commend this product to the Sen- ment would have revised prior year tighteningÐnot Senator BURNS, not ate and recommend that it be signed by outlays upward by $112 million. This me, and not our leadership. Neverthe- the President without delay. $112 million has now been added back less, we held ourselves to a high stand- It is nice to see everybody back from to the CBO baseline and CBO's scoring ard of fairness and equity, and our con- vacation and the August break. I think of this legislation. Accordingly, this ference report reflects that effort. This most of us had time to travel around conference report contains no report satisfies to the best of our abil- our States and talk with our folks at scorekeeping adjustments. ity the national and international pri- home and to bring back maybe some I urge the adoption of the conference orities of our military services as well new ideas. I remind this body that for report.
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