December 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8853 global warming,’ I wrote about Paul come such a poster-child for those try- only had a wood-burning stove. Be- Homewood, who, on his Notalotof ing to persuade us that we are threat- cause of the way the cost of energy has peopleknowthat blog, had checked the ened by runaway warming. But he gone up, she is worried that she may published temperature graphs for three chose that particular stretch of the leave this world in a home that only weather stations in Paraguay against Arctic because it is where ice is af- has a wood-burning stove. The trouble the temperatures that had originally fected by warmer water brought in by for her is, if this administration has its been recorded. In each instance, the ac- cyclical shifts in a major Atlantic cur- way, she can’t have a wood-burning tual trend of 60 years of data had been rent—this last peaked at just the time stove even. dramatically reversed, so that a cool- 75 years ago when Arctic ice retreated You see the cost of home energy ing trend was changed to one that even further than it has done recently. going up as dramatically as this ad- showed a marked warming. The ice-melt is not caused by rising ministration has forced it and you real- ‘‘This was only the latest of many ex- global temperatures at all. ize that doesn’t really hurt the rich in amples of a practice long recognised by ‘‘Of much more serious significance, America to have higher prices for en- expert observers around the world—one however, is the way this wholesale ma- ergy. It does hurt business. It abso- that raises an ever larger question nipulation of the official temperature lutely does. It means they can’t give mark over the entire official surface- record—for reasons GHCN and Giss raises because they are spending that temperature record. have never plausibly explained—has be- money on higher bills. So people are ‘‘Following my last article, come the real elephant in the room of not keeping up with what they should. Homewood checked a swathe of other the greatest and most costly scare the Then we found out during this ad- South American weather stations world has known. This really does ministration the unthinkable occurred, around the original three. In each case begin to look like one of the greatest and the President even admitted it on he found the same suspicious one-way scientific scandals of all time.’’ camera. For the first time in the his- ‘adjustments.’ First these were made Mr. Speaker, I am wondering if it tory of this country ever, after this by the U.S. government’s Global His- might be possible that there is a main- President’s policies had been fully im- torical Climate Network (GHCN). They stream media reporter out there—with plemented for 5 years, 95 percent of the were then amplified by two of the main the New York Times, Washington Post, Nation’s income went to the top 1 per- official service records, the Goddard In- ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, one of those that cent. stitute for Space Studies (Giss) and the have lost so many of their viewers and The President, who had talked so National Climate Data Center (NCDC), readers—that might someday, against much about helping the middle class which use the warming trends to esti- all of the criticism like Galileo got and and helping the poor, has presided over mate temperatures across the vast re- others received, pick up that mantle policies that have made the rich—put gions of the Earth where no measure- and do a true investigation from a them in a position where 95 percent of ments are taken. Yet these are the mainstream media outlet, facing the income is going to the top 1 percent. It very records on which scientists and belittling and the criticism of all of the had never happened before this Presi- politicians rely for their belief in ‘glob- Chicken Littles that are in the main- dent’s policies, which have made life al warming.’ stream media currently and actually difficult for people in America. ‘‘Homewood has now turned his at- gather accurate data, show the fraud, I mean not for the people that have tention to the weather stations across show the wasted money, show the lost all the cronyism, crony capitalism, much of the Arctic, between Canada (51 lives, show the suffering by running up General Electric and all those friends degrees W) and the heart of Siberia (87 the price of energy so high, and show of the President. I am talking about degrees E). Again, in nearly every case, just what Christopher Booker talks the distance between the rich and the the same one-way adjustments have about as he finished his article. This poor has gotten farther with fewer peo- been made, to show warming up to 1 really does begin to look like one of ple in between. That is tragic. degree C or more higher than was indi- the greatest scientific scandals of all So countries swarm to the global cated by the data that was actually re- time. warming conferences. Just watch. Fol- corded. This has surprised no one more As the great philosopher Rush low the money. They hope to leave than Traust Jonsson, who was long in Limbaugh once said, ‘‘Follow the with an agreement by the United charge of climate research for the Ice- money.’’ Many others have said it. If States that will punish American resi- land met office (and with whom you hear someone saying, ‘‘Let’s bring dents and cause them to have to pay Homewood has been in touch). Jonsson Syrian refugees in’’ when we know more taxes that will be paid to coun- was amazed to see how the new version there is no adequate data to be assured tries around the world. completely ‘disappears’ Iceland’s ‘sea of who they are, where they are really Of course, they flock to these global ice years’ around 1970, when a period of from, follow the money. See if they are warming climate change conferences extreme cooling almost devastated his part of those dividing up the 1 billion- because they think the President is country’s economy. plus dollars being paid to people to going to do what he is hoping to do and ‘‘One of the first examples of these bring refugees into the United States. start sending checks from the Amer- ‘adjustments’ was exposed in 2007 by Well, Mr. Speaker, when this admin- ican taxpayers to all of these other the statistician Steve McIntyre, when istration goes about driving up the countries, places where their policies he discovered a paper published in 1987 prices of energy as it has, despite its have stifled growth or they don’t have by James Hansen, the scientist (later best efforts, gasoline prices came down. the energy we do. How about sending turned fanatical climate activist) who The last I saw, they had dropped their them some energy? Send them some for many years ran Giss’’—or the God- approval of production from Federal coal. They will be far better off. dard Institute for Space Studies— land to about 40 percent of grants that In closing, Mr. Speaker, let me just ‘‘Hansen’s original graph showed tem- had been approved during the Bush ad- remind that you don’t have to pay peo- peratures in the Arctic as having been ministration’s 8 years. ple to hate you. They will do it for free. much higher around 1940 than at any Less production is being authorized We don’t have to be sending that time since. But as Homewood reveals by this administration. They are sic- money overseas. in his blog post, ‘Temperature adjust- cing the EPA now with these new regu- I yield back the balance of my time. ments transform Arctic history.’’ lations on the oil and gas industry, f Wow, Mr. Speaker, I need to read which will ultimately—if they are suc- b 2015 that again. I had not seen that. cessful and Congress isn’t able to stop ‘‘Hansen’s original graph showed them as we should, the price of gaso- UKRAINE UNDER SIEGE temperatures in the Arctic as having line will skyrocket as the President The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. been much higher around 1940 than at said he wanted coal-produced power to ABRAHAM). Under the Speaker’s an- any time since.’’ skyrocket. nounced policy of January 6, 2015, the ‘‘Homewood’s interest in the Arctic As one of my senior citizen constitu- gentlewoman from Ohio (Ms. KAPTUR) is partly because the ‘vanishing’ of its ents had told me—I think she said she is recognized for 60 minutes as the des- polar ice (and the polar bears) has be- was 80—she was born in a home that ignee of the minority leader. VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:24 Dec 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00205 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01DE7.090 H01DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H8854 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 1, 2015 Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, as West- mous, ranging from medical supplies to time for need. The instruments antici- ern Europe strains with more than 1 everyday items, such as food, water, pated by the National Guard State million refugees fleeing war in the Mid- and clothing.’’ Partnership and Partnership for Peace dle East and enduring terrible condi- They don’t even ask for new clothing.
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