The Gainesville Iguana Jan./Feb. 2012 Vol. 26, #1-2 INSIDE ... We the People, NOT Black History at UF ........6 Peg Libertus ..............7 We the Corporations Dr. Econ .................8 by Nancy Jones and Tommy Baker of the national Move to Amend organi- Iguana Election Guide. ......9 Gainesville Move to Amend zation (MovetoAmend.org). On Jan. 21, 2010, the U. S. Su- Calendar ................12 Grassroots movements across the preme Court took an extreme step Occupy Gainesville ........16 country are gaining momentum at a to further remove American citizens rate unprecedented in modern times, from the election process by allow- Mountaintop Removal ......22 due largely to Occupy Wall Street. ing corporations to spend unlimited Ending “Corporate Personhood” amounts of money on political cam- Occupy the Courts .........24 with a Constitutional amendment is paigns. The Citizens United v. Feder- one such national movement that has al Election Commission (FEC) court taken root in Gainesville, where we’ve He signed it on recently started a new local chapter of Continued on p. 24... the dotted line by Alexander Cockburn This article was originally pub- lished by Nation of Change on Jan. 6. More op-eds can be found at www.nationofchange.org. America changed as the new year stumbled across the threshold, but the big shift didn’t get much press, which is easy to understand. Can there be a deader news day than a New Year’s Eve that falls on a week- end? Besides, alive or dead, habeas corpus has never been a topic to set news editors on fire. The change came with the whisper of Barack Obama’s pen, as he signed Continued on p. 2... Photo courtesy of CreativeCommons.org. Dotted Line... cont. from p. 1 nation of the president as to whether sociated forces” can mean anything. the aforementioned citizen is waging See, for example, one of the defini- into law the National Defense Autho- a war of terror on the United States. tions of “enemy combatants” minted rization Act, the annual ratification If the answer is in the affirmative, after 2001: “associated forces that of military Keynesianism — $662 the citizen can be killed on the presi- are engaged in hostilities against the billion this time — which has been dent’s say-so without further ado. United States or its coalition part- our national policy since World War We’re also most emphatically not ners, including any person who has II bailed out the New Deal. talking about non-U.S. citizens or committed a belligerent act or has Sacrificial offerings to the Penta- possibly even legal residents (though directly supported such hostilities gon aren’t news. But this time, snug- I’d urge green card holders to file in aid of such enemy forces.” Like ly ensconced in the NDAA, came for citizenship ASAP). Non-citizens those memory pillows I saw on dis- ratification by legal statute of the get thrown in the Supermax without count in Macy’s on New Year’s Day, exposure of U.S. citizens to arbitrary a prayer of having a lawyer. Under the phrase “directly supported” will arrest without subsequent benefit of the terms of the NDAA, a suspect’s adjust itself to the whim of any inge- counsel and to possible torture and seizure by the military is a “require- nious prosecutor. imprisonment sine die. Goodbye, ha- ment” if the suspect is deemed to Obama issued a signing statement beas corpus. I wrote about this here have been “substantially supporting” simultaneous with passing the act before Obama signed the bill, but al-Qaida, the Taliban or “associated into law. when a president tears up the Consti- forces.” Theoretically, he’s against signing tution, the topic is worth revisiting. By the military? Until Dec. 31, the statements. In 2008 he said, “I taught We’re talking about citizens with- Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 limited the Constitution for 10 years, I be- in the borders of the United States, the powers of local governments and lieve in the Constitution, and I will not sitting in a hotel or out driving law enforcement agencies from using obey the Constitution of the United in some foreign land. In the latter federal military personnel to enforce States. We’re not going to use sign- case, as the late Anwar al-Awlaki’s the laws of the land. No longer. The ing statements as a way of doing an incineration in Yemen bore witness a NDAA renders the Posse Comitatus end-run around Congress.” few months ago, that the well-being Act a dead letter. Actually, whatever Obama may or summary demise of a U.S. citizen Connoisseurs of subversion and have taught, a signing statement, is contingent upon a secret determi- anti-terror laws well know that “as- whether issued by Bush or Obama, IGUANA, JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2012, PAGE 2 GAINESVILLE, FLORIDA doesn’t have the force of law. out charge or trial” (emphasis in the Obama’s Dec. 31 signing statement original). Subscribe! was designed to soothe the liberal That’s the heart of the matter. And vote, as the president expressed “se- in ambiguity we can see certainty: The Gainesville Iguana rious reservations with certain pro- The writ of habeas corpus can now is Gainesville's progressive visions that regulate the detention, be voided at the whim of a president, events calendar & newsletter. interrogation and prosecution of sus- whether it be Obama reversing him- Individuals: $15 pected terrorists” and insisted that, self on the personal pledges in his (or more if you can) by golly, he will never “authorize the signing statement or any successor, Low/No income: What you can indefinite military detention without as can the Sixth Amendment’s right Groups: $20 trial of American citizens.” to counsel. This pious language was part of a One day, perhaps soon, the Su- Iguana, c/o CISPLA diligent White House campaign to preme Court will rule on the act’s P.O. Box 14712 suggest that (a) there is nothing in constitutionality. For now, as ACLU Gainesville, FL 32604 the act to perturb citizens, but (b) director Anthony Romero said after Comments, suggestions, contributions anything perturbing is entirely the the signing, Obama “will forever be (written or financial) are welcome. To fault of Congress, and (c) Obama known as the president who signed list your event or group, contact us at: solemnly swears that so long as he indefinite detention without charge is president he’ll never OK anything or trial into law.” America is an em- (352) 378-5655 bad, whatever the NDAA might be pire on which the sun never sets, and construed as authorizing, and any- so, appropriately, the statute applies [email protected] way (d) there’s nothing new about across the planetary “battlefield” www.gainesvilleiguana.org facebook.com/gainesvilleiguana the detention provisions because that constitutes the Great War on they merely reiterate those of the Au- Terror.D thorization for Use of Military Force, The Iguana has been published signed by Bush in 2001. monthly or bi-monthly by volunteers To take the last point first, the The NationofChange team is for 25 years. Circulation for this NDAA expands the 2001 law and dedicated to fighting back against issue is 4,500. codifies ample new powers, plus new the forces of corporate greed and Publisher: prohibitions regarding any possible US imperialism with one simple Joe Courter removal of prisoners in Guantanamo. but powerful weapon: the truth. As for Congress, its performance For more articles from Nation Editor Emeritus: was lamentable, but as Senator Carl of Change, visit their website at Jenny Brown Levin, one of the bill’s co-sponsors, www.nationofchange.org. Mark Piotrowski has convincingly inferred, the real reason the White House threatened Editorial Board: a veto was because the bill, as then Pierce Butler drafted, might have limited what the Joe Courter executive branch deems its present Jessica Newman powers of indefinite detention with- Beth Grobman out trial. Amid the mutual buck-passing, Production work & assistance: what Congress and the White House Amanda Adams connived at, beating back all obstruc- Joye Barnes tive amendments, was the framing of Jason Fults cunningly vague language about the James Schmidt dirty work afoot. Jonathan Turley, Robbie Czopek a great champion of constitutional rights and civil liberties, puts the Distribution: trickery in a nutshell: “The exemp- Bill Gilbert, Joe Courter, tion for American citizens from the Marcus Dodd mandatory detention requirement Authors & photographers have sole ... is the screening language for the credit, responsibility for, and rights next section ... which offers no ex- to their work. Cover drawing of emption for American citizens from iguana by Daryl Harrison. Printed the authorization to use the military on recycled paper. to indefinitely detain people with- GAINESVILLE, FLORIDA IGUANA, JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2012, PAGE 3 Florida Legislature’s Attack on Women By Staci Fox are no exemptions for pregnancies Unauthorized that are the result of rape or incest. On Jan. 10, the Florida Legislature HB 1151/SB 1374: These bills are immigration began its 2012 session. The focus of a direct legislative attempt to chal- in the South the 2012 legislative session should lenge the US Supreme Court’s Roe be on strengthening our economy v. Wade decision by outlawing al- The League of Women Voters and getting Floridians back to work, most all abortions in Florida. of Alachua County and St. Au- not attacking Florida’s women and These bills do nothing to reduce gustine’s Church present this their access to reproductive health unintended pregnancies and the panel discussion on Tuesday, care. need for abortion. Instead these bills Jan. 24, from 7:30p.m.
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