sonality. One particular mischievous Birds of Prey bird, "King Tut," will rarely pass up the chance to give a little love bite to any at the Oklalwma City Zologica~ Park unwary bird keeper. by Chris Smith, Oklahoma City, OK Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocepbalus he term "bird of prey" is used living species of bird of prey. The The Bald Eagle is perhaps the most in reference to several types wingspan of these immense vultures recognizable bird of prey, as it is the T of carnivorous birds - specif­ can reach over three meters (about 10 national symbol of the United States. ically eagles, hawks, falcons, and owls. feet). Males are distinguished from the Despite being the national symbol of Although these birds share similar females by having a large fleshy crest the USA, the Bald Eagle became characteristics, such as talons, hooked on the beak. Males are also larger than endangered throughout parts of its beaks, and keen vision, not all of them the females, a trait that is unusual with range. Pesticide contamination in the are as closely related as they may birds of prey. These birds occur in the food chain led to the decline of the appear. Andes Mountains of South America. Bald Eagle in southern Canada and the "Bird of prey" is a rather casual The pair at the Oklahoma City contiguous 48 states. After the pesti­ description of members of two unrelat­ Zoological Park has been exhibited cide DDT was banned in the 1970s, ed orders of birds; the Falconiformes since 1960, and have produced six the Bald Eagle's population has been (eagles, hawks, and falcons) and the chicks that survived to adulthood. recovering. Although the Bald Eagle's Strigiformes (owls). These two groups Andean Condors have a slow repro­ population is on the rebound, it is still are an example of convergent evolu­ ductive rate, laying only one egg every classified as a threatened species and tion, in which two lineages of unrelated other year. The most recent offspring remains protected. birds have evolved similar characteris­ parented by these birds have been The Bald Eagle is often thought of tics and behaviors. Although many dif­ placed in release programs. Captive­ as a noble and majestic predator, but ferent species of birds are predators, hatch Andean Condors have been often behaves much like an over-sized "bird of prey" is usually only descriptive reintroduced into their natural habitat sea gull, in that it will readily steal food of the two above mentioned orders. so researchers could study how well from other birds, scavenge for dead Each of these orders of birds is sub­ they acclimated from captivity to a nat­ fish in shallow rivers or even dine on divided into families, of which each ural environment. Andean Condors roadkill. member shares even more distinguish­ were also released in remote regions The Bald Eagle at the Oklahoma ing characteristics. Falconiformes is of California. These studies were con­ City Zoological Park is on loan from comprised of five families; 1 ) eagles, ducted in order to establish a safe and the United States Fish and Wildlife hawks, kites, and Old World vultures, effective method of reintroducing the Service. All captive Bald Eagles are the 2) New World vultures, 3) osprey, 4) highly endangered California Condor property of the U.S. government as it is falcons ahd caracaras, and 5) secretary Gymnogyps califomianus into its nat­ illegal to own one. Like many Bald bird. Strigiformes is divided into only ural habitat. Eagles in captivity, this bird suffered two families; I ) barn owls and 2) typ­ injuries that would not allow it to sur­ icalowls. King vulture vive in the wild. The Oklahoma City Zoological Park Sarcorampbus papa maintains a diverse collection of birds The King Vulture is one of the most Harpy Eagle of prey. Most of the above mentioned colorful birds of prey. The plumage is Harpia barpyja families are represented in the zoo's black and white, and the head, The Harpy Eagle is the largest of the bird collection. Not only is the selec­ although featherless, is a brightly col­ eagles, weighing up to nine kilograms tion of bird families varied, but the ored orange with shades of yellow, red 09.89 pounds). The wingspan can range of size of the birds themselves is and purple. These vultures also have a reach two meters, however, these great. At the Oklahoma City Zoological brightly colored caruncle at the base of eagles have relatively short wingspans Park, visitors can see not only some of the beak. in relation to their body size. The the largest birds of prey, but also some This is one of only a handful of bird Harpy Eagle is characterized by having ofthe smallest. Several species exhibit­ species that has a strong sense of smell. a crest of long dark plumes on its ed are rarely seen in zoological collec­ The King Vulture is found primarily in head, giving it an owl-like appearance. tions. Others are endangered species tropical forests of Central and South The size difference between males and in need of captive breeding programs America, and uses its keen olfactory females is great. Females are almost in order to prevent their extinction. senses to find carrion that would nor­ twice as large as males. mally be hidden by dense vegetation. Harpy Eagles are found in tropical Andean Condor The King Vultures at the Oklahoma forests in Central and South America. Vultur grypbus City Zoological Park are not only col­ These raptors prey mainly on large The Andean Condor is the largest orful in appearance, but also in per- arboreal mammals, such as monkeys, 42 January/February 2000 sloths, and opossums. Despite their Saharan Africa. These birds prey on any centimeters in length, roughly the size size, Harpy Eagles are agile flyers, small animals that are found on the of a starling. African Pygmy Falcons capable of snatching sloths from the ground that can be overpowered with are dimorphic, with the female being undersides of branches while in flight. swift powerful kicks. They are well more colorful than the male. Males are The Harpy Eagle's name comes from known for their ability to hunt and kill slate gray with white undersides. the Greek mythological monsters, the snakes, including cobras. These birds Females are recognized by having a Harpies, which were used by Zeus to are often attracted to grassfires, where chestnut cape. persecute those who angered him. they will feast upon small animals and These little falcons are rather unique The Harpy Eagle is an endangered insects fleeing the danger of the fire. in their nesting habits - they almost species due to deforestation and Farms in South Africa sometimes keep always nest in weaver colonies. human persecution. Secretary Birds to help control rodents Weavers are finch-like birds that con­ and other vermin. struct massive multi-chambered nests, Cinereous Vulture Secretary Birds are often thought to which can hold up to 50 pairs of Aegypius monachus have been named for their resem­ weavers. African Pygmy Falcons will The Cinereous Vulture is one of the blance to medieval secretaries with take over a few chambers and live largest vultures found in the Old quill pens tucked behind their ears, among the weaver colony. Although World. These birds can weigh over but it is more likely their name came the pygmy falcons occasionally prey twelve kilograms (26.5 pounds) and from the Arabic term saqr-et-tair, upon weaver hatchlings, the weavers can have a wingspan of close to three meaning "hunting-bird." and falcons live in harmony with each meters (about 10 feet). The Cinereous In 1986, the Oklahoma City other. Vulture is sometimes called the Zoological Park became one of the These tiny raptors are found in two European Black Vulture, which is first zoos in North America to success­ distinct regions of Africa. One popula­ descriptive of juveniles. Adults are col­ fully hatch and rear the Secretary Bird. tion occurs around Somalia and Kenya ored by various shades of dark brown, and the other is found in Namibia, while young birds are nearly black. Mrican Pygmy Falcon Angola, and South Africa. Each of The Cinereous Vulture is the domi­ Polihierax semitorquatus these populations is sometimes recog­ nant scavenger at a carcass. Most other The African Pygmy Falcon is one of nized as a sub-species although there species of vultures are too small to tear the smallest of the birds of prey. These is very little difference between the into larger carcasses and must wait for diminutive raptors are only about 20 two. African Pygmy Falcons prey pri- the Cinereous Vulture with its large and powerful beak to make the first cuts. In Tibet, this species will often feed at "celestial burial platforms," where dead domestic animals and occaSionally humans are ceremonious­ ly laid to rest. These vultures once ranged throughout southern Europe to central and eastern Asia. Today, most of the European population has disappeared, and the Asian population is declining AMR laboratories is on independent biotechnology company due to loss of nesting sites, accidental poisonings, and human persecution. A specializing in cutting edge veterinary testing. Species Survival Plan (SSP) has been AMR laboratories offers accurate and fast sexing of your birds developed by The American Zoo and from DNA. It's no longer necessary to subject your birds. to to the Aquarium Association (AZA) in order to maintain a viable captive population trauma of surgical sexing. We con sex all species of birds from of these threatened vultures. The either a single drop of blood ($17.50) or from 3-5 feaJhers Oklahoma City Zoological Park is an ($22.50).
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