EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE ON MAIN CHARACTER IN “WE WERE SOLDIERS” FILM FITRIANI 104026000954 ENGLISH LETTERS DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF ADAB AND HUMANITIES STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY “SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH” JAKARTA 2011 EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE ON MAIN CHARACTER IN “WE WERE SOLDIERS” FILM A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Letters and Humanities in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata One (S1) FITRIANI 104026000954 ENGLISH LETTERS DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF ADAB AND HUMANITIES STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY “SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH” JAKARTA 2011 ABSTRACT Fitriani, Emotional Intelligence on Main Character in Film “We Were Soldiers”. Thesis; Faculty of Adab and Humanities, the State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, April 2011. The research is focused on film “We Were Soldiers” helmed by director Randall Wallace, based on the book We Were Soldiers Once… And Young by Lieutenant General Hal Moore and reporter Joseph L. Galloway. The research is aimed at understanding the Emotional Intelligence and to find out that the Emotional Intelligence does affect successful teamwork. In doing this research, the writer uses the qualitative-descriptive method. Here, the writer studied the film as the unit analysis. In the analysis, the writer found out the characteristics of the main character to represent a leadership characteristic of Emotional Intelligence by characterization of film. The characterization in this analysis is based on the dialogue, the appearance of character, and the interaction of the main character and his subordinates. After finding them out, the result from the first analysis is to support the effect of them on the other characters by using Daniel Goleman’s leadership theory of Emotional Intelligence and its implication for everyday life including the world of work. “We Were Soldiers” is the film which tells the role of main character, Lieutenant Colonel Harold G. Moore that describes his effectiveness as a leader in leading his subordinates in the homeland and especially in the chaos of the battle. The film narrates the leadership under Moore, in which 400 American troops took on 2000 North Vietnamese. The effectiveness of Moore is showed by the possession of Emotional Intelligence characteristics to his subordinates. The Emotional Intelligence on main character suggests that feelings (moods and emotions) play a central role in the leadership process and proposed that emotional intelligence, the ability to understand and manage moods and emotions in the self and others, contributes to effective leadership in a collaboration of teamwork. i APPROVEMENT EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE ON MAIN CHARACTER IN “WE WERE SOLDIERS” FILM A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Letters and Humanities in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata One (S1) By: FITRIANI 104026000954 Approved by: Advisor Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum 19781003 200112 2 002 ENGLISH LETTERS DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF ADAB AND HUMANITIES STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY “SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH” JAKARTA 2011 ii LEGALIZATION Name : Fitriani Nim : 104026000954 Title : Emotional Intelligence on Main Character in “We Were Soldiers” Film The thesis has been defended before the Faculty Letters and Humanities’ Examination Committee on January 24, 2011. It has been accepted as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of strata one. Jakarta, January 24, 2011 Examination Committee Name Signature Date 1. Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M.Pd (Chair Person) ________ ________ NIP. 19640710 199302 1 006 2. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum (Secretary) ________ ________ NIP. 19781003 200112 2 002 3. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum (Advisor) ________ ________ NIP. 19781003 200112 2 002 4. Inayatul Chusna, M.Hum (Examiner 1) ________ ________ NIP. 19780126 200312 1 002 5. Drs. H. Abdul Hamid, M.Ed (Examiner 2) ________ ________ NIP. 150 181 922 iii DECLARATION I hereby declare that this submission in my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgement has been made in the text. Jakarta, May 2011 Fitriani iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, the writer would like to thank to Allah, the lord of the world, the master and creator of everything in the universe. Peace and salutation be upon to the noble Prophet of Islam, Muhammad SAW and his household, his companions and his faithful followers who strive in Allah’s religion of Islam. Second, the writer wishes to express her gratitude from the bottom of her heart to her parents: H. Yusuf Budiman and Hj. Sriwahyuningsih, thank you so much for their financial support, prayers, and all contribution the writer needs to finish her study in this university and much kisses to her beloved nephew Daffa Hanif Fahrizal who always makes her laughs, and cheer her up during processing of finishing this thesis. Next, the writer deeply appreciate the patience, suggestion, correction, and advices of her advisor Ms. Elve Oktafiyani, M. Hum. Thanks for all, may God bless her and her family. The writer also wishes to say gratitude to the following persons: 1. Dr. H. Wahid Hasyim, M. Ag, the Dean of faculty of Adab and Humanities, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University. 2. Drs. Asep Saepuddin, M.Pd, the Chief of English Letters Department. 3. Mrs. Elve Oktafiyani, M. Hum, the Secretary of English Letters Department. 4. All lecturers of English Letters Department, for teaching precious knowledge and giving wonderful experiences. v 5. All Librarians of UIN Jakarta Center Library, FAH UIN library, DEPDIKNAS RI library Jakarta, and Pusat Kajian Wanita UI library, for helping her to get many extraordinary references to finish this thesis. 6. A final thank you goes to her friends in C class that she cannot mention one by one. She can not say anything except thank you very much for giving their friendship, you are great friends. May Allah bless us; the writer realizes that this paper has not been perfect yet. Accordingly, the writer hopes any suggestion and criticism for this paper. Jakarta, May 2011 The writer vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT .............................................................................................. i APPROVEMENT ..................................................................................... ii LEGALIZATION ..................................................................................... iii DECLARATION ...................................................................................... iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................ v TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................... vii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ............................................................ 1 A. Background of the Study ........................................................................ 1 B. Focus of Research .................................................................................. 6 C. Research Questions ................................................................................ 6 D. Significance of the Research .................................................................. 7 E. Research Methodology ........................................................................... 7 1. The Objective of the Research ................................................... 7 2. Method ...................................................................................... 8 3. Technique of Data Analysis ....................................................... 8 4. Analysis Unit ............................................................................. 8 5. Instruments ................................................................................ 8 CHAPTER 11: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ................................. 9 A. Character ................................................................................................ 9 B. Characterization ...................................................................................... 11 C. Psychology .............................................................................................. 14 1. Introduction to Psychology ........................................................ 14 2. Psychology of Literature ............................................................ 14 D. Exploring Emotional Intelligence ............................................................ 15 1. Emotion and Emotional Intelligence .......................................... 15 2. Emotional Intelligence Theory ................................................... 17 vii a. Self-Awareness ...................................................................... 18 b. Self-Regulation ...................................................................... 18 c. Motivation ............................................................................. 19 d. Empathy ................................................................................ 19 e. Social Skills ........................................................................... 20 3. Teamwork and Social Interdependence ..................................... 20 4. Emotional Intelligence and Teamwork ...................................... 24 CHAPTER III: RESEARCH FINDINGS ................................................ 26 A. Emotional Intelligence on Main Character, Lieutenant, Colonel Harold,
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