The Campaign for Physics Update Inside A P S N E W S JUNE 1997 THE AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY VOLUME 6, NO 6 APS NewsTry the enhanced APS News-online: [http://www.aps.org/apsnews] Special Offer Physical Review Online Subscriptions Only $25 for APS Members eginning July 1, you may register online and select your views of Modern Physics in early 1998. For the latest journal subscription B 1997, APS personal username and password for As the APS continues research into the rates for all APS research journals and members may enter the online journals. We must have your latest and most effective online delivery other APS membership benefits, please an online-only one year subscription correct email address to proceed. mode to better serve the diverse needs see the 1997-98 Guide to Member Ser- to Physical Review Letters or any sec- Currently available online are Physi- of the physics community, new features vices enclosed with your renewal tion of the Physical Review for only $25 cal Review A, B-Rapid Communications, and delivery schedules will be incorporated package, or visit the APS home page at each. In addition, APS members who C, and D, as well as Physical Review Let- into all online journals. CD-ROM versions http://www.aps.org, or send an email have a paper subscription to Physical ters. The APS is aiming to release the of APS online journals are currently priced to membership@aps.org. Inquiries may Review Letters or any section of the online version of Physical Review B and at $25 per disk and will be announced as also be directed to phone: (301)209- Physical Review will get a free subscrip- Physical Review E in July 1997, and Re- they become available during the year. 3280 or fax: (301)209-0867. tion to the online version of the corresponding journal. APS members who have a paper Highlights from Kansas City March Meeting subscription to either part of Physical pproximately 4,400 physicists on Industrial and Applied Physics were physics, and a humorous series of lec- Review B (B1 or B15) will get a free converged on the Kansas City also represented. A tures exploring the “lighter” side of subscription to the online version of the Convention Center in Kansas City, Among the technical highlights were science, the third such session orga- entire Physical Review B (B1 and B15), Missouri, 17-21 March, for the Society’s numerous sessions on carbon nized by the APS Topical Group on as well as Physical Review B-Rapids annual March Meeting. Over 4,500 nanotubes, as well as the measurement Instrument and Measurement Science online. APS members who have a paper technical papers were presented, of atto-Newton forces using magnetic since 1994. The meeting also featured subscription to either part of Physical mostly on topics in condensed matter resonance microscopy, the latest on celebrations of the 100th anniversary Review D (D1 or D15) will get a free sub- and materials physics, as well as related switchable mirrors, the observance of of the discovery of the electron and scription to the online version of the fields. APS units represented at the self-organized criticality in mammalian the 50th anniversary of the transistor. entire Physical Review D (D1 and D15). meeting included the Divisions of brain cells, the development of x-ray Prizes and Awards. The traditional To take advantage of this offer, add Biological Physics, Chemical Physics, microprobes, and splitting DNA using ceremonial session for the bestowal of the online journals selected on your Condensed Matter Physics, Fluid optical tweezers. There was also a spe- prizes and awards was held Monday renewal invoice and remit the appro- Dynamics, High Polymer Physics, and cial session featuring lectures by this evening, followed by a reception priate payment. Please take the time to Materials Physics. Recently established year’s Nobel Prize winners. hosted by APS President D. Allan print your email address legibly in the Topical Groups on Statistical and Nontechnical highlights included a Bromley (Yale University). Ten APS space provided on the invoice so that Nonlinear Physics and Magnetisim and session on the challenges of handling we may notify you by email as to how its Applications as well as the Forum nuclear waste, a look at entrepreneurial (Continued on page 5) Career Task Force Makes Recommendations to APS Council he APS Task Force on Careers and reer-oriented programs with the AIP has been recognized by the APS and AIP Developing a workshop designed to TProfessional Development pre- Career Services Division; formulating through numerous programs, the task educate faculty about the changing job sented its final report and a long-term strategy to address career force found that these programs do not market, was another recommendation. recommendations to the APS Council and professional development issues, currently reach as many members as they Suggested contents for workshops, to in April. Chaired by Diandra Leslie- incorporating existing elements of the could, and called for a continuation of be presented at APS meetings, included Pelecky (University of Nebraska, APS as well as new ideas and programs; efforts to obtain outside funding for such (Continued on page 3) Lincoln), the task force was created last and identification and assistance in the activities. year in response to concerns over the implementation of new programs to changing situation for employment of effectively serve the physics commu- Four Corners Section Established by Council physicists. “The Task Force was asked nity in dealing with career issues. The Four Corners Section, the first ers, elected by an organizational group to take a long-range approach and First and foremost, the task force new APS regional section since 1976 was meeting in Albuquerque on March think of ways that the APS could stimu- determined that the APS must be con- established by unanimous vote of APS 22nd, are: Chair, Bill Evenson (BYU), late improved preparation and cerned with career and professional Council at its April 19 Meeting, subject Chair-elect, J.D. Garcia (U. Of Arizona), broadened career options for physi- development issues at all levels, includ- to ratification of its bylaws by the APS Vice-chair, David Wolfe (UNM), Secre- cists,” said Barrett Ripin, APS Associate ing not only PhDs, but also Master’s Constitution and Bylaws Committee. The tary-Treasurer, Eric Jones (Sandia), plus Executive Officer. “We are pleased that degree recipients, bachelor-level physi- Four Corners Section encompasses Ari- members-at-large of the Executive did just that,” he said. cists, and mid-career physicists faced zona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah. Committee: Brenda Dingus (U. Of The charge to the task force included with career changes, voluntary or other- There are over 300 charter members to Utah), Mariet Hofstee (Colorado Sch. advising the APS on efficient and ef- wise. While acknowledging that the date. APS members living in the Four Of Mines), Andrea Palounek (LANL), fective mechanisms for coordinating need to increase the exposure of faculty Corners area are encouraged to join the Michael Petras (Motorola-Tempe). and integrating the existing Society ca- and students to different career options new section by writing it in on their APS Harry Lustig, APS Treasurer emeritus invoice returns. Note that Section mem- and now living in Santa Fe, played a berships are free to APS members. leading role in the new section’s for- IN THIS ISSUE Interim Four Corners Section Offic- mation. APS Online Journals ...................................................................................... 1 Highlights from Kansas City ........................................................................... 1 Members To Vote on Proposed Amendment to Career Task Force Makes Recommendations to APS Council ...................... 1 APS Mission Statement Four Corners Section Established by Council ................................................ 1 Council Statements Endorsed ........................................................................ 2 At its April meeting, the APS Council approved a proposed amendment to the APS mission statement. The proposed revision will appear on the election ballot this NSF Faculty Early Career Development Program .......................................... 3 summer for APS members to vote on its adoption. The amendment — actually a Physics History on the Web............................................................................ 3 preamble — to the APS objective is motivated by a desire to articulate the IN BRIEF ........................................................................................................ 3 organization’s concern for science education and public affairs issues, and to ex- Opinion ........................................................................................................... 4 pand the objective to include activities in this area. The text of the proposed The Federation of Materials Societies ............................................................ 7 amendment is below. DCMP and DMP Celebrate 50 Years.............................................................. 7 Nominations for 1998 APS Prizes and Awards............................................... 7 Article II - Objective. The Back Page ............................................................................................... 8 In the firm belief that an understanding of the nature of the physical universe will APS Meeting News ................................................................................
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