'I All Uio Nowg at , ' RBDBANtt SECTION and Surrounding Towns fold Pearlcul* and Without Bin. ONE luued W««kl7, entered u Baoo'nd-Clui Uttur «t Iho Poit- VOLUME LJX, NO. 22, ofilc* >t Red Dunk. N. J« undo On Act of M*rcb 8. 1819. Subscription Pricei On« Year 12.00, RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1936. SU UoDtbt. 11.00. Single copy. 4a. PAGES 1 TO 16. CHURCH SPEAKER Over 2,000 Shade Register Out Day Trees Being Set Earlier Next Week Out At Red Bank Thanksgiving, Thursday, No- vember 26, falling on Tho Beg- Project Wat Started Last Week lstor's publication day, tho by the WPA on Streets on the paper next week will be Issued Drummond Tract—Will .Not Wednesday, November 25. AS- vertls&t* nro advised to have be Completed Until Spring. their copy prepared »,day earl- ier and correspondents and Tree planting has been started at those having news .items they M. Rosenberg, Prominent Woman's Club Red Bank as a Works Progress Ad- ministration protect. The WPA has wish inserted are asked to send Appropriations Lady Elks Club Mrs. J. B. Rue and William City Business Owner, to allotted 2,268 Norway maple. Orien- them In a day sooner than benefit November 30 Guest Night tal sycamore, sugar maple, red oak usual. "O'Brien Estate Has Land and elm trees for this purpose, and Reported To Be Build Handsome Horn Preparations aro under way for a the work of planting them waB Needed for Improvement And Comedy started last week on the streets of Within* Bounds card party to bo given Monday night, on ScoBeyville Farm. the Drummond tract Twelve men November 30, at the Elks homo on are employed on the Job. It Is an- Broad street by the Lady Elks Bowl- and Future Use. Large Attendance Indicated at ticipated that the work will not be Some Red Bank Departments ing club. Mrs. Thomas King is In Monmouth Group charge. • • Festivities to be Held Tomor- finished until spring. The trees not planted are trenched on the prop- May Finish Year With Bal- Members of tho club held a bowl- Property Has An row at St. James' Auditorium erty of Ensley M. White of St. Plans Benefit ances on Hand—Councilman ing party Monday night. Mrs. Eu- Nicholas place, who is directing the gene Lieneck won tho prize for high May Open Broad Street —Dancing and Refreshments. planting. Wyckoff Praises Nurses' Work score and Mrs. Wilbur Symington re- ceived the consolation prize. A cake •'•.., Interesting History The trees are 10 to 15 feet high Card Party Here Tho report of Auditor, John P. Mul donated by Mrs.-Robert Graliam was To River At Same Time All Is.in readiness for guest night REV. EDWARD D. KOHLSTEDT and 1% to 3 Inches In diameter. They Friday at 8 o'clock In St. James' au- vihlll was received at the meeting of won by Mrs. Joseph Tomlinson. are planted for the most part bc- Monmouth Chapter D, A. R. to Atlantic Stock Farm, noar Scobey- ditorium to bo enjoyed by members twen the curbing and the sidewalks. tho mayor and council of Red Bank Others present besides thoso men- of tho Woman's club of Red Bankq Monday night and was commented tioned wero Mrs. Frank Sherry, Mrs Omccra and directors, of tho Heot vlllo, ono of tha finest properties ol Mr. White states that he prefers to Hold Party at Molly Pitcher Bank Chamber of Commerce met its kind In this section, waB sold last and their frlonds. Mrs. J. ,R. Smith, havo them back of the walks but upon with gratification by Kenneth Fred Jones, Mrs. Alice Clayton, Mrs. general chairman, reports that there Mission Officer To Hotel December 1—To Meet M. Wyckoff, chairman of the finance Louis Szalgyl, Mrs. James MeDon- with Mayor Charles R. English and weok to M, Rosenberg, a wealthy this requires the consent, of the membera of the borough council in Now York business man. Tho brolu la every Indication of a largo at- property owners and one objector committee of the council. Mr. Wyck- cugh, Mrs. Elmer Dey, Mrs. Joseph tendance. This marks the first time at Hightstown Tomorrow. off stilted that the report showed that Layton, Mrs. John Rohrey, Mrs. John joint session Monday night following ors In tho transaction was Charles E. Address Methodists on a street Is sufficient to prevent the official meeting of the*1 mayor . Sweeney of ^Rumson and. Ennls-Vo- the club has planned such an event. the trees being so placed because it all the various departments jvere well Hughes, Mrs. Emily Johnson, Mrs. Monmouth chapter, Daughters of within the budget appropriations and Walter Bookwalter and Miss Madele- and council. The Joint session waa • gel of West End. ' Tho members of the cast of the U desirable to have the trees uni- held In the interest of obtaining bet- comedy to bo given, "Virtuo Trium- Rev. Edward D. Kohbtedl, Sec- formly In llne._ _ . the American Revolution, will hold that some of them might finish the ine Dennett. The purchase was made from its November meeting tomorrow at tor parking facilities' adjacent to —Louis Cslpoof- Perth Amboy,~ who phant over-Vice, Even Unto-Death,' retary of Board of Home Mis- In the spring the soli around the .year with balances. Rdd Bank's commercial district. • bought the farm several years ago. are: . sions of Methodist Church, to trees will be cultivated and fertil- Hightstown. Mrs. Fred Appleget Mr, Wyckoff called special atten- and Miss May Pumyca of Princeton John B. Alien, who has been chair- The placo adjoins Festoon Farm, MttW : :..WIIila VanWBBonoi. Speak at Red Bank Sunday. ized. They were bought by the WPA tion to an. Item In Mr. Mulvlhlll's re- Parade Permit man of the Parking committee 6t which Is owned by Allison L. S. Stern Paw .....* Gooreo 0. Worthloy. Jr. from the' Princeton nursery, .that will bo. hostesses at a luncheon at port showing that the budget appro- the chamber of commerce for soma Noll Jane McHuith tho • Presbyterian church, • Main and which Is ono of the handsomest Cy .....Joseiih Eftchelbach. Jr. concern having made the lowest bid. priation for public health nursing tlmo, was spokesman for the Cham' country estates In this locality. Mr. Relentless Rudolph Patsy Arnono Rev. Edward D. Kohlstedt, execu- Mr. White, In talking with a Reg-street, Hightstown. was $6,800 and that fees received for Fee Paid Back ber of Commerce group. He outlined . Rosenberg will build a flnc residene Property nian Geno Worthley tive secretary of the board of home ister reporter Tuesday, said that un- Garments for Crossnore School and such servlco amounted to $1,400, leav- the gravo necessity for providing Stato managers Gooruo Mlddloton, flower bulbs for mountain schools on tho placo for his own use. Rohort IJrown missions and church extension of tbe employment Is considerably less than ing an actual outlay of $5,400. Mr. more adequate parking facilities and Methodist church, will bo tho opcak- will be received.. Miss Carlotta L. To Labor League Atlantic Stock Farm comprises 8C Dack atafco aDslntnnts :.Mlnn Davlfl, at this time last year but he fears Wyckoff said this was a very small laid great stress upon the fact that Joan Dunnell er at the service of the Red Bank an increase when cold -weather sets Davison, minister of music and of-expense considering the large amount it Red Bank Is to retain Its supreme acres on tho north sido of tho coun- Between the Rets Ringer....Eugene Mageo Methodist church Sunday morning at ficial accompanist at Westminster ty road a short distance east of the (Gay OO's Tenor) in. and high quality of tho service ren- Money Refunded as Urged by ncy as the shopping center of Mon« vlllago center of Scoboyvlllc. It ha Musical effects Michael Carotenuto 11 o'clock. Dr. Kohlstedt Is in charge Guards will be placed around the Choir schools in Princeton, will give dered. Ho said ho doubted If the mouth county It must make It mord a frontago of 1,300 feet on tho road Planlit Virginia Wyckott of the board's office at Philadelphia. trees !f this Is found necessary. So an organ recital. people of Red Bank fully appreciat- The Register in Editorial Last Inviting for those using automobiles His field work takes him to all parts Tho annual card party of the Mon- r and extends back to Swimming As an introduction to tho play far no damage has been dono and ed the fine record which had been Week—Imposition of the Feeto trade In Red' Bank. river. Tho rear portion of tho farm there will bo a farmerette danoe to of the. United States, Alaska, Ha- Mr. White is hopeful that -guards mouth chaptep r will bo held Tuesdayy, mac}c In public health nursing. tho tune of "Turkey In tho Strriw." waiian Islands, Puerto Rico and tbe will not be required to protect the DecembeDb r 1, att thth e MollMll y PiPitchet r Bills to the amount of $4,525.96 Due to a Misunderstanding. Others who addressed the mayoB la. a largo plateau overlooking thi and council on the subject were Mor- river and densely covered with trees, Thoso taking part are Sally Bleber, Dominican republic. trees. Mention of the tree planting hotel on Riverside avenue. Mrs were ordered paid. Doris Swift, June Warner, Allco Wy-> ris H. Jacks, Albert a Miller, Hu>, mostly pine and cedar. This beauty Gaining distinction as a pastor dur- project was mado Monday night at Ehrlck Parmly Is general chairman Councilman Joseph C.
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