March 24, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E389 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING MS. GEORGIA HENLEY In commemoration of another event of the nificance to both the people of the United ON THE OCCASION OF HER 90TH combined interests of our two peoples, the States and Taiwan—the 70th anniversary of BIRTHDAY 36th anniversary of the passage of the Taiwan the end of World War II. Relations Act (TRA), we rededicate ourselves The contributions of the Republic of China HON. BRIAN HIGGINS to enhance the critical relationship between played a key role in the successful victory over the Axis Powers. While many are familiar OF NEW YORK the people of Taiwan and the United States of America. with figures such as General Joseph Stilwell, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The economic and strategic security of Tai- General Claire Chennault and the Flying Ti- Tuesday, March 24, 2015 wan is of highest importance to our well-being. gers, few fully appreciate the fact that for eight Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to In these times of worldwide political chaos, we years, ROC forces tied down Japanese troops honor Ms. Georgia Henley upon the joyous must have dependable allies; Taiwan has in China, preventing Tokyo from throwing its occasion of her 90th birthday, which will be proven itself time and time again. In addition full military might against the rest of the Allied celebrated with her family, friends, and church to being a dependable ally, Taiwan is one of Powers. family on March 22nd, 2015 at Unity Church our strongest trading partners; contributing The war came at a great cost to the ROC of Buffalo. greatly to our economic stability. both during and after the war. In the post WW Ms. Henley was born in Mobile, Alabama on To ensure the viability of Taiwan, which is in II upheaval, the communists took power, and March 21st, 1925. In 1945, during the period our self-interest, we must enable Taiwan in 1949, the ROC was forced to relocate to of the ‘‘The Great Migration’’ Ms. Henley and under the mandate of the TRA the ability to Taiwan. her husband joined the millions of African purchase defensive arms necessary to help Despite the seemingly impossible chal- Americans leaving the rural South to find bet- them defend themselves. lenges the ROC faced over much of the 20th ter opportunities in the Northeast. This journey f century, Taiwan has achieved the vision of Dr. landed her in our beloved Queen City, Buffalo, Sun Yat-sen and other visionaries, who fore- CLARE EDMUNDSON NY. After a divorce in 1954, Ms. Henley was saw a modern, democratic state with a great left to raise 5 small children and often worked deal to offer to its neighbors and the world. 6–7 days a week, from 4 AM and not finishing HON. ED PERLMUTTER Today, Taiwan is a multiparty democracy with sometimes until 9 PM. Her strong determina- OF COLORADO an advanced economy that is an important tion coupled with her propensity for uncondi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES component of the regional and global econ- tional love allowed her to provide for her chil- Tuesday, March 24, 2015 omy. Taiwan remains one of our closest eco- dren and in turn her sacrifice has blessed her nomic and security partners, and I am proud Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to call myself a friend of Taiwan. with 10 grandchildren, 18 great grandchildren, today to recognize and applaud Clare and 5 great-great-grandchildren. I hope my colleagues will join me during this Edmundson for receiving the Arvada Wheat 70th anniversary year, in recognizing the con- A longtime member of Unity Church of Buf- Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. falo, Ms. Henley will also be celebrating her tributions all of our allies made to defeat the Clare Edmundson is a 7th grader at Drake Axis Powers and in securing the peace and 50th Anniversary of church membership. She Middle School and received this award be- is deeply devoted to her church and commu- prosperity of the postwar Asia-Pacific. I thank cause her determination and hard work have the Taiwan people for their important contribu- nity and has served on the Unity Church allowed her to overcome adversities. Board, Erie County Senior Services Advisory tion. The dedication demonstrated by Clare f Board, and received the Network of Religious Edmundson is exemplary of the type of Communities Religious Service Award. achievement that can be attained with hard HONORING CATHY PERKOWITZ Ms. Henley is well-known for her generosity work and perseverance. It is essential stu- FOR OUTSTANDING SERVICE and spirit. She has said, ‘‘The most important dents at all levels strive to make the most of thing and the greatest blessing I’ve received in their education and develop a work ethic HON. PETER J. ROSKAM life is learning to love unconditionally.’’ Ms. which will guide them for the rest of their lives. OF ILLINOIS Henley continues to demonstrate this power to I extend my deepest congratulations to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES love in life, despite challenges and hardships. Clare Edmundson for winning the Arvada Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Mr. Speaker, it is with great pride that I rise Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth today to celebrate the life of Ms. Georgia Hen- award. I have no doubt she will exhibit the Mr. ROSKAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ley. I ask my colleagues to join me in wishing same dedication and character in all of her fu- recognize Cathy Perkowitz, an extraordinary Ms. Henley a very happy birthday and con- ture accomplishments. woman from the sixth district of Illinois. Re- gratulate her for reaching this exciting mile- cently, the Alzheimer’s Association named f stone. I wish Ms. Henley and all those who Cathy the 2015 Outstanding Advocate of the worship with her at the Unity Church of Buffalo RECOGNIZING THE 36TH ANNIVER- Year. This award is given to an advocate who all the best for years to come. SARY OF THE TAIWAN RELA- has a deep commitment and strong passion f TIONS ACT for the Alzheimer’s cause. Cathy’s husband, Bill, was diagnosed with COMMEMORATING THE 36TH ANNI- HON. SCOTT DesJARLAIS younger-onset Alzheimer’s in 2006 at the age VERSARY OF THE TAIWAN RELA- of fifty two. Cathy has been actively involved TIONS ACT OF TENNESSEE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with the Alzheimer’s Association since 2009. Since then, she has dedicated herself to car- HON. BLAKE FARENTHOLD Tuesday, March 24, 2015 ing for her husband and advocating on behalf OF TEXAS Mr. DESJARLAIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today of those with Alzheimer’s disease. She has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to join many of my colleagues in recognizing been an Alzheimer’s Ambassador since the the 36th anniversary of the enactment of the program’s inception in 2010 and recently trav- Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Taiwan Relations Act. Through the Taiwan eled to Springfield, Illinois to attend her sixth Mr. FARENTHOLD. Mr. Speaker, it has Relations Act, the United States and Taiwan straight lobby day on behalf of the Alzheimer’s been 70 years since the end of World War II. have enjoyed a warm and mutually beneficial cause. Seventy years since, as allies, the R.O.C. relationship, which has promoted security and During her time as an Alzheimer’s advocate, (Taiwan) and the United States stood shoulder economic prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region. Cathy has worked to develop strong personal to shoulder against the forces that threatened I would like to point out another anniversary relationships with elected officials. I can per- the destiny of our two peoples. that will take place later this year of great sig- sonally speak to this. Cathy was kind enough ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:11 Mar 25, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K24MR8.001 E24MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E390 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 24, 2015 to invite me to visit her husband Bill in his After 15 years in federal, state, and local The 130 Miss World contestants were long-term care facility. This was a special ex- health policy, Carol complemented her career judged not only on beauty but also on physical perience for me, and I am grateful for Cathy by contributing to private sector health care fitness, modeling, social media skills, interview and her family’s willingness to help me under- through senior level executive recruiting. Dur- skills, and their philanthropy project, called stand what it’s like to live with and care for ing the course of her 25-year career, Carol ‘‘Beauty with a Purpose.’’ someone with Alzheimer’s. Not many people was a partner at three of the top four inter- Elizabeth represented the United States are willing to open their lives up that way. national recruiting firms: Spencer Stuart, well, finishing first in the multimedia portion of Cathy’s involvement also stretches beyond Heidrick & Struggles, and Russell Reynolds the competition. She ultimately was crowned the advocacy field. She is active in a local Associates. Carol’s last 10 years were dedi- 2nd Princess, a 3rd overall finish in the 2014 younger-onset caregiver support group since cated to building and leading the Health Serv- Miss World pageant, thereby receiving the ad- 2006, when there were less than twelve con- ices Practice at Russell Reynolds Associates.
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