QC,- 11 e " ! Sll \\! S1'0::t 1CAI. A R l', J _,, z~ ci AttGEt.t. sT. PP.OV • b • R ' r. THE ONLY E'!GI !S H JE NISH 'NEE'<L Y IN R I AND SOUTHEAST MASS. VOL. LIV, N0,,23 SEPTEMBER 4, 1970 15c PER COPY 16 PAGES lsra·eli Cabinet To Give U. S. Ti Ille T-o Correct Ceasefire Violations JERUSALEM - m 111 t ar y advantage to the Dayan Is reported to have argued Aut.borltatl.Ye sources have Egyptians. that the U.S. has already had ) reported that the divided Israeli The comprom lse was said to sufftclent time - nearly three Cabinet had decided, In a Involve a postponement In the weeks - to evaluate the Israel! Temple Beth Israel To Honor compromise, to wait about two . peacemaking efforts, to permit evidence that the Egyptians had weeks to determine whether the the U.S. to pursue the quiet been systematically building up United States could fUlflll Its diplomacy It Is reportedly their missile sites In defiance of - Past Presidents At Dedication assurances that the present requesting to correct the the American-sponsored cease­ Rabbi Samuel S, Kenner, recipient of the Chai Award, c easefl re would not bring violations of the cease-fire. High fire. executive director ol the New given by the Jsraell government officials In W asblngton said His proposal went beyond the ·England region, Ullted Synagogue for his service and devotion to yesterday that the U.S. was now of America, will be the guest Speakers To Analyze dlplomatlc delay and was said to the welfare of Israel through the satlsfted that the United Arab have amounted to the declaration speaker at the dedication ol the Israel Bond Organization. Rep u b 11 c had violated the new Temple Beth Israel Jewish Family life that the 90-day truce of Aug. 7 He Is a delegate to the Jewish standstill truce. was no longer valid and Israel sancruary at 8:10 p.m., Prtday, Commun I ty Council of "New Directions for the According to senior Israeli Sept. 18. would be free to reverse the Metr·opolltan Boston and Jewish Family'' for the 1970s d Ip Io mats , substantive peace missile build-up by the means at The eight living past will be presented at Temple Beth talks with Egypt and Jordan will chairman of Its Committee on her disposal, This proposal had presidents of the temple will be El on the Friday evenlnp of Sept. not begin until after Sept. 15, Russian Jewry and a member ·of cau.sed"'a spllt tlle Cabinet. honored at the Prlday services. of and when Foreign Minister Abba-Eban Iii the Massachusetts Board 11, 18 25 at 8:15 o'clock. The . Israeli olftclals said they had 'They are Louts Baclcman, Jacob Rabbis. He Is also on the board of conflicts and pressures facing arrives In New York to attend the Licht, Ira Galkin, Coleman annual opening debate of the no definitive word yet about the directors of Packard Manse, an parenta and teen-ace and college Nixon Administration's Intentions Zimmerman, lrvlng Brodsky, ecumenical organization devoted youth In today's society wUI be United Nations General to deal with the missile build-up, Charles Coleen, David Yanayer to Jewish-Christian analyzed at these symposiums. Assembly. By that time, they and Since It was the U.S. that Leonard J, Sholes, general understanding. Dr. Lewis P. Llpsltt of the said, It should be clear whether a ol the guaranteed the cease-fire, with ch I rm an dedication department of psychology at the Egyptian m lss lie build-up In planning committee. violation of the truce was assurances to Israel that no Several Jews Named Brown University will be the military advantage would be taken D!!!dlcatlon exercises will sympo_slum leader on Sept. 11. continuing or had been stopped. continue thrpugh Sunday, Sept. 20, Even U the acting Israeli of It, the Israel! Government now Mr. Sholes said. Solomon E. To British Honors list Hts subjects will be "Our feels that President Nixon has a Children's Dilemma - Growing negotlato r, Yosef Tekoah, central responslbWty. · They are Sellnker Is chairman ol the LONDON - The new honors Israat•a delepte to the United Prlday program, which will be Up In the 1970s." "The Parents' asklnl: from the U.S., first, an llll JWarded at the NJqUl!St at Dilemma - Attunlng Ourael•es Nations, returns to New York unequivocal acknowledgment that followed by an Oneg Shabbat In former Prime Minister Harold !Jere next week, sources 1 to tbe 19708'' will be the theme from the the ceasenre arrangement& have ., the redecorated soctal hall. The Wilson, contains the names of . said, he will conduct little more for the Sept. 18 session under the been violated - to reverse the I public Is Invited. several Jews. Jolul Diamond, leadersblp of Dr. Harold R. · than a . holding operation In his Impression of earller American ~- Members of Mr. Sellnicer' s chief secretary to the Treasury, Musllrer, director of psychology, talks with Dr. Gunnar v. Jarring, statements that the evidence was committee Include Rabbi Jacob whb lost his parliamentary seat Rhode Island Hospital. Secretary General Thant's Inconclusive. Handler, Cantor and Mrs. Karl S. In the last election, has been special representative for the Kritz, Mrs. Samuel Boclmer, appointed a life peer, The final session on Sept. 25 Middle East. They also expect strong U.s . Charles Bojar, Joseph Engle, Mr. A lmlgbthood l!lent to Joseph will be led by Rabbi Norman Dr. Jarring has been awaiting pressure on both the Egyptians and and Mrs. Nathan Plnlc, Dr. and Kagan, a Yorkshire Industrialist, Mirsky of the department of Tekoah' s return while Israel has the Soviet Union to end the Mrs. _Harry Goldberg, Abraham · who with his wife survived the psychiatry of the University of sc,ught action by the U.S. to m Is s 11 e-constructlon program Ralsner, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Nazi era In the ghetto ·of Kovno, Cincinnati Medical School. The counter the Egyptian build-up of and to try to arrange the Yoslnoff and Mrs. Sellnker. Poland, and came to England subject will be "The Jewish Soviet-supplied missiles near the withdrawal of the bases already Rabbi Kenner, a native of after the war. Kagan Is the Family - Where Do We Go Suez Canal before she resumes emplaced since the cease-fire Nova Scotia, Is a graduate of Inventor of a new type of from Here!' her participation In the peace became operational. Yeshiva Ullverslty and the ralnwear, preferred by Wilson. Rabbi Leslie Y, Gutterman talks. Finally, they are. pressing for Jewish Theologlcil Seminary of Also knighted were Leslie will Introduce the speakers and The talks, Involving speedier dellvery of additional America. He has served on many Lever, former Lord Mayor of serve as moderator. A question representatives of Israel, the arms and military equipment national and regional Manchester and a member of and answer period will be part of United Arab Republic and Jordan, designed to counter the new commissions of the United Parllament for many years, and the program and a coffee hour opened on Aug. 25, but Israel missile threat by Improving the Synagogue of America and the Dr. Joseph Stone, Wilson's will follow. participated only on the first day. capabilities of the Israeli Air . Rabbinical Assembly. He Is a personal physician. The public Is Invited to attend. Defense Mlnlster Moshe Force and Army. • from Tanglewood To Italian TV Budding Mu-sician Finds Summer Program Invaluable __ By CAROL N. AQUINq -- The next week Marc received In the end as well as you want a call from the BU fine arts to." "Right now I have to be a department and was offered a He studied with BSO little self-centered. Music Is my substantial ·scholarship for the percussionists Charles Smith and fUture and I have to concentrate program. He got the scholarship, Thomas Gauger. He concentrated on It," says Marc Parmet In without an audition, solely on the on mallets, one of the many types explaining his current basis oL Mr. Conte•s of Instruments which must be nonlnvolvement ln political recommendation and of his mastered by a percussionist. activities. membership In the Youth These Include orchestra bells and Tlie 17~year-old Hope High Orchestra. The program started chimes, marimbas, vibraphones School senior worked for Sen. a week later. and xylophones. He will continue Eugene McCarthy In 1968, but The Intensive eight-week with them this fall. He Is already hasn't had much time for such session of study and performance experienced on snare and bass things since. Is designed to lend a new drums , tympani, triangle and "I would !Ike to become much dimension In musical education to other basic percussion more of an activist, but mentally exceptlonally talented high school Instruments. I just don't have the time. I don't musicians. The · youngsters have '' A percussionist," Marc value that activity any less, but I an opportunity to study with explained, "has a good foundation had to sit down with myself at the members of the Boston Symphony In music. He Is aware and beginning of the summer and Orchestra and faculty from BU's capable of covering most aspects evaluate what I'm .doing with my music department. of drumming, but must be able to · life.'' play many other Instruments too. That Marc Is Indeed serious Besides their memi,ershlp In "A drummer,'' he said, in about his music and Is good at It ·the Young Artists Symphoriy fUrther distinguishing between the • Is evidenced by the Jong hours he Orchestra, the musicians attend two, "Is someone who just plays devotes to It and by his private lessons and music theory drums.
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