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No. : 893 /26A/21-22 Dated: 11.05.2021 E-Tender Notice 1. The Executive Engineer, Construction Division Building, P.W.D., Kanpur on behalf of Governor of Uttar Pradesh invites the percentage rate Online bids from the eligible and approved Contractors registered in respective categories Building with UP PWD in relevant Class. The Bidder may submit bids for any or all of the works. Bidders are advised to note the minimum qualification criteria specified in Clause 4 of the Instruction to Bidders to qualify for the award of the contract. 2. Cost of Bid Time of Estimated Cost Bid Security Sl. No. District Name of Work Document (Rs.) Completion (with (Lacs.) (Lacs.) rainy season) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2216 AR to Residencial Building at Kanpur Nagar Kanpur Circuit House Colony Type A,B 12.00 1.20 06 Month 1 Nagar &Type IV 856.00 Kanpur Circuit House Colony Type III,Type I 12.50 1.25 06 Month 2 Nagar & Out Hoses 856.00 Kanpur Govind Nagar Colony 10.00 1.00 06 Month 3 Nagar 856.00 Kanpur Laxmanbagh Colony 7.00 0.70 04 Month 4. Nagar 856.00 Kanpur Medical college Colony 8.00 0.80 04 Month 5. Nagar 856.00 Kanpur Sarsaiya Ghat Colony 6.00 0.60 04 Month 6. Nagar 856.00 Kanpur U.H.M. Colony 5.00 0.50 03 Month 7. Nagar 856.00 Kanpur Rawatpur Colony Type A,Type B & 12.00 1.20 06 Month 8. Nagar Type IV 856.00 Kanpur Rawatpur Colony Type C 6.00 0.60 04 Month 9. Nagar 856.00 Kanpur Rawatpur Colony Type D & Type E 14.00 1.40 06 Month 10. Nagar 856.00 Kanpur McRobertganj Colony 8.00 0.80 04 Month 11. Nagar 856.00 Kanpur Shastri Nagar Colony 3.00 0.30 03 Month 12 Nagar 767.00 Kanpur Raipurwa Colony 3.00 0.30 03 Month 13 Nagar 767.00 Kanpur Babupurwa Nagar Colony 2.50 0.25 03 Month 14 Nagar 767.00 Kanpur Mcrobertganj Colony Experimental 2.00 0.20 03 Month 15 Nagar Houses 767.00 2059 AR to Non Residencial Building at Kanpur Nagar Kanpur Chief Engineer office campus 6.00 0.60 04 Month 16 Nagar 856.00 Cost of Bid Time of Estimated Cost Bid Security Sl. No. District Name of Work Document (Rs.) Completion (with (Lacs.) (Lacs.) rainy season) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Kanpur Circuit House campus 12.00 1.20 06 Month 17 Nagar 856.00 Kanpur P.D. office campus 7.00 0.70 04 Month 18 Nagar 856.00 Kanpur McRobert Ganj office campus 6.00 0.60 04 Month 19 Nagar 856.00 Kanpur Circuit House campus Officers and 8.00 0.80 04 Month 20 Nagar Transit Hostel 856.00 The Rate adopted in the BOQ including all Other taxes. Cost of Bid Document : as per coloum 6 (non-refundable) To be deposited in the account of UP e-tender online Account through e-tender portal by Internet Banking only. All concerned please note that the bidding process will not move onward if the the bid document’s Cost (Tender Fee) is not paid through e-tender portal by Internet Banking. Bid Security (EMD) : Bids must be accompanied with security of the amount specified for the work in the table as per column 5. Bid security will be deposited in the account of UP e-tender online Account through e-tender portal by Internet Banking only.

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