STATISTICAL HANDBOOK OF TAMIL NADU 1987 ISSUED b y COMMISSIONER OF STATISTICS d e p a r t m e n t o f s t a t i s t i c s m a d r a s PREFACE, The Statistical Hand-Book of Tamil Nadu for 198? !» tlie Seventeenth issue in the series from the first publtehed in 1969. There were do issues during 1971 and 1973. The Statistical Hand-Book presents key Statistical ioformation pertaining to various facts of the economy of Tamil Nadu. The data presented in this Hand-Book are being exclusively used by policy makers le^slators research scholars, economists, planners and other Govern­ ment Deparlmwts. The data incorporated in this publication haw beeir collected from various Heads of Departmenls of both Central and State Governments, Public Sector Under­ takings and Private Institutions. 1 am grateful to them for their kind co-operation in :lhis venture. Suggestions for improvement of tbii'publicalioD «'Ould be welcome. Madras. ^ P. NAGARAJAN, D a te : 18th January 1988. Conmbsioner of SuaiitUi^ N IE P A D C D 04848 CONIENTS, GENERAL INFORMAT ON PAGE. 1 G overnor and Ministers . .. 1 2 Chief Justice of Madras High Coirt .. 4 3 C hief Secretary to OoTernmert .. .. 4 4 Q aairm an, Tamil Nadu PuUic Ser»ce Commission. ....................... 4 5 C hairm an, State PlanringCommBsict. 4 TAMIL NADU AT A GL/N(E. 5 SELEC T ECONOMIC INIXCATOJS. 25 paob 1.1 Area. Population, Literates, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes by Districts .. ,. .. .. 1.2 Population by BroadlndustrialCategories of workers .. ........................... t.J Population by R e lig io n ............................. 58 t.4 Population by Age Groups .. .. 6® 1.5 Population of Tamil Nadu Decennial Growth....................................................... 62 1.6 District-wise Density Sex ratio percen- ^ tags increase in population since 1971. 6. n . VITAL STATISTICS. 2.1 Births and Deaths by Districts .. .. 70 2.2 Birth, Death and Infant Mortality rates _ in Tamil N a d u ..................................... 75 2.3 D eath by c a u s e s ...................................... V 2.4 Expectation of Life at birth .. .. 7^ lit. STATE INCOME. 3.1 Nett State Domestic Product at factor cost by Industry of Origion at Current prices .. .......................... .. S2 3.2 Neitt State Domestic Product at factor cost by Industry of Origin at C'Onstant Frices. ....................................... 86 vil PAOB. 4.1 Temperature at select StatioQS .. .. 9 0 4-2 Distribution of districts by Range of R a in fa ll..................................................... 99 4.3 Rainfall by Seasons ............................... 102 4.4 Rainfall by Districts ............................... lOT V. AGRICULTURE. 5.1 Soil Classification ........................... 106 5.2 Land U tilisation ....................................... 109 5.3 Area ana Production of Principal Crops. M l 5.4 Area under Principal Crops by Districts. 116 5.5 Area under Principal Crops as perceotago} to the total Area sown in the Districts. 136 5.6 Production of Principal Crops by Districts. 142 5.7 Agncultural Machinery and I -nplenrkents. 154 5.8 Number and Area of Operational holdii^ga. 156 S.9 Consumption of Chemical fertiUze;? ,. 160 f,iQ Regulated Markets .. ,, 1'64 f . l l 166 PAO^. (S. I Sources of Water Supply .. .. 6.2 Nelt Area Irrigated by Sources .. nr 6.3 ^reasownandlrrigaied by Districts. .. J78 &A ^ ca Irrigated by Principa 1 Crops .. m 6.5 W ater levels In certain Reservoirs .. 185 6.6 Irrigation potentials created in Taniit N a d u ......................................... 191 Vn. LIVESTOCK AND ANIMAL HUSBANI:RV 7-! Livestock and Poultry, Population .. 196 7.? Veterinary InstitutiQns an(J Animals c r e a te d .................................................... 202 •7.3 204 7.4 D airy Development ........................... 206 7.5 Poultry Dsvelopment ........................... 208 .. VIII. FISHERIES. 8.1 Fisheries D e v e lo p m e n t............................ 213 8.2 Estimated Marine Fish Productiop by • D istricts.................................................... 216 It IX. FORESTS. 9.1 Area under forests by Districts *217 9.2 Outturn of forest produce .. .. 225 9.3 Forest-Based Industries........................... 227 9.4 Wild Life Sanctuaries .. ., .. 228 9.5 Area under Social Forestry .. .. 230 X. ELECTRICITY. 10.1 Installed Capacity, Oeneration of Eloctricity ....................................... 232 10.2 Transmission and Distribution .. .. 238 10.3 Consumption of Electricity .. .. 239 10/4 Rural Electrification ........................... 240 10^ Street Lights in Tamil Nadu .. .. 244 XI. INDUSTRIES. 11.1 Results of Annual Survey of Industries. 246 11.2 Estimates of Value of output and value Added by Manufacture by Industries based on Annual Survey of Industries. 248 11.3 Industrial P roduction ........................... 250 11.4 Production and Value of Minerals In Tamil Nadu ....................................... 254 11.5 Production of Handloom Cloth . 258 X PAQB. 11.6 Small Scale ladustries ......................... 262 11.7 Khadi and Village Industries .. 264 11.8 Nutabor of Printing Presses .. .. 261 11.9 Sericulture................................................... 269 Xn: FACTORIES. 12.1 Rfigistcrel and Working Factories .. 27l 12J2 Braplojrinent in Working Faaotios .. 272 12.J Trade Unions, Industrial Disputes by Strikes and Lockouts, Ohoraos. 274 Xm. COMPANIES LIMITED BV SHARES. 13.1 Industrial Classiflcatidn of Now Regis­ tration of companies limited by shares in Tamil N ad u .................................... 276 XIV. MEDICAL AND HEALTH. 14.1 Hospitals, Dispensaries, Bed SCreng(t\, Doctors and N u r s e s ....................... 280 XV. FAMILY WELFARE. 15.1 Progress of Family Welfare Programme. 282 f 15.2 Progress of Family Welfare Programme by'Districts. .. ^ .. 283 P age, 16.1 Uaiversities, Students axnd Teacficrs .. 288 16.2 Colleses for Ginetal Education Students and T e a c h e r s ........................................ 290 16.3 Colleges for Professional Education, Students and Teachers .. .. 291 16.4 Colleges for Special Education. Students . and T eachers ....................................... 293 16.5 Schools for General Education students and T e a c h e r s ....................................... 294 16.6 Schools for Professional Education, Students and T9ach,ers........................... 29 f- t6.7 Schools for Special Education, Students and Teachers ....................................... 298 16.8 Institutions for other Professional Educa­ tion, Students and Teachers .. .. 300 16.9 Hostels and Inmates for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes denotified communities and Backward classes District-wise 302 16.10 District-wise Scholarships to Students of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribps, .Penoiified Commnijilies and Baglc- ward Classes «....................................... 310 xi’i XVU. TRANSPORT. paob. 17.1 Length of R o a d s ....................................... 312 17.2 Road Accidents by Districts .. .. 314 17,3 R'egisterM Motor Vehicles by Districts .. 316 17.4 Transport Corporations in Tamil Nadu. 324 17.5 Select Indicators on performance of State Transport Corporations'of Tamil Nadu. 32% 17.6 Railway Lines : Length in Tamil M ada 336 i t ! Port Development ........................... 337 17.8 Inland Water Trans^cfH ........................... 33^ 17.9 Air Transport in Tamil Nadu .. .. 34^ XVin. COMMUNICATIONS. IS.l Post and Telegraph Offices .. .. 342 18.2 Telephones in Tamil Nadu Q’rcJe .. 343 XIX. OO-OPERATION. 19.1 Number Membership and paid up Share Capital oT Co-opejfative Societies. 345 19.2 Loans Advanced, OiitsCaadIn& and .over due of certain Cooperative Societies. 350 x a i XX. REGISTRATION. PAOE. 20.1 Nutnbar of Resiitratioa Offices Registra­ tions aad Aggreidto value of Properfies Transferred................................................. 352. XXI. COI4MUNITY development . 21.1 Coverage of Community Development Programmo ....................................... 357 21.2 Physical Achievements under Community Development Programme .. .. 358- 2 1 3 Progress of Community Development ' Programme. 360 21.4 Number of Beneficiaries under Tnlegrated Rural Development Programme in Tamil Nadu ........................................ 365 XXII. EMPLOYMENT. 22.1 Working of Employment Exchanges .. 36T 22.2 Employment in Public Sector .. .. 369 22.3 Employment by Industrial Divisions .. 370 122.4 Placements Provided by Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, Staff Selection Commissloa, Railway Recruitment Board and Bank Recruit­ ment Board ........................................ 374 XXm. HOUSING AND BUILDING ACTIVITY. PAOH^ 23.1 Dwelling Units created in New construc­ tions under Public and Private Sectors by room units ........................... 388 23.2 Building Permits sanctioned by Local B o d i e s .................................................... 389 23.3 Amount invested in Housing and Build­ ing activity under Public Sector .. 390 23.4 Construction Activity of Tamil Nadu Housing Board ........................... 391 23.5 Construction Activity of Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board .. .. 392 23.6 Index Numbers of Building Cost in Madras C ity ....................................... 393 XXIV, -INSTITUTIONAL FINANCE. 24.1 N um ber o f Commercial Bank Offices .. 395 24.2 Deposits of Scheduled CommercialBanks 397 24.3 Occupation-wise Classification o£ Out­ standing Credit of Scheduled Com­ mercial Banks ......................... ' 398 24.4 Aggregate Deposits and total Credit of Public Sector Banks and their Advances to Priority Sectors .. .. 402 TAQH.
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