Lesley University DigitalCommons@Lesley Lesley Newspaper Archive Special Collections and Archives Spring 5-24-1966 The Lantern (May 24, 1966) Lesley College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.lesley.edu/newspaper_archive Recommended Citation Lesley College, "The Lantern (May 24, 1966)" (1966). Lesley Newspaper Archive. 104. https://digitalcommons.lesley.edu/newspaper_archive/104 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections and Archives at DigitalCommons@Lesley. It has been accepted for inclusion in Lesley Newspaper Archive by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Lesley. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~· .,;... ~ ., ___ ,. ... Vol. XXVIII CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS, MAY 24, 1966 No. 2 N 1EW FAC,E,S TO· APPEAR Graduation · Heralds O:N COLLEGE CAMPUS J. ' The comi~g year 1966-67 will received her B.A. at the College of bring several faculty changes and one Sacred Hearts in Puerto Rico, M.A. administrative change. at Yale University in 1948, and Mrs. Claire G. Low will be- the studied at the U: niversity of Madrid. Seniors' Last Honor new Dean of StudeQ.ts. She is pres- Mr. Gerrit H. Argento is our new ently Dean of Students at Juaniata history instructor. He received his Baccalaureate and Commencement exercises for the Class of 1966 will College, Huntington, Pennsylvania. B.1\. and M.A. at Harvard University. be held at Sanders Theatre on Sunday, l\iay 29. Baccalaureate will be held For six years she held the position • Mr. Allan Morris was given the at 10:30 and the Commencement exercises will begin at 2:00. of Assist.ant to the Dean of Women position of Financial Aids Officer. He The Baccalaureate sermon "Another Life" will be given by the school at Northeastern University. She had is in charge of scholarships and finan­ chaplain, Dr. Russell G. Schofield. Following the service a luncheon will be studied at Mississippi State College, cial aid and will work in collabora­ held in White Hall Cafeteria at 11 :45 for the seniors and their parents. Columbia University, Tulane and tion with Mr. Tucker and the University of Cincinnati. scholarship committee. The class marshals for commence- She served on the faculty of Mary­ Mrs. Carmen Lopez will asume the ment are Nancy Bogg and Ruth Zul- land University, Graduate School of position of Spanish instructor. She Mr. Ladd Holt is returning after ofsky. The CommencemenLspeaker Social Work and the University of a year's absence. He will assume the will be Mrs. Frances Humphrey North Carolina teaching seminars in position of Director of Lesley-Ellis. Howard, who is with the Agency for international community develop­ ?r/Jtd. tfiadiJi JUwmA International Development. She· is ment. In December she received an program liaison officer with the Vol- honorary doctorate from Lane Col­ (J)Juviti adWn. 9A Dr. Orton Crowns untary Agencies. Mrs. Howard serves 1ege, Jackson, Tennesee. Mrs. Catherine Basie ·addressed the as a bridge between the Government's Ushers for Baccalaureate and Com­ Lesley community on Tuesday, May Campus May Queen foreign aid program and those of pri- mencement exercises will be members 10, 1966. Mrs. Basie, a trustee of the vate organizations. of Emerald Key. They are Jean College, emphasized brotherhood in Mrs. Howard received her mas- Birmingham, Jo-Anne D'Amato, Re­ her talk. She is a member of many ter's degree in sociology from George becca Epstein, Rosalyn Heifetz, Ju.­ national committees and is dedicated Washington University. She has done dith Kasprzak, Marjorie Levine, lle~e to racial and religious integration; advanced work- ift international re- Meyer, Louise Sfieinman and among tb.ese organizations is tl\e lations at Johns Hopkins University. ,. Adrienne Stavis. United Conference of Christians and Jews, of which she is a local and na- tional Board member. Mrs. Basie related her talk to Les­ Dea1n La.Caro Bids Us "Hasta Luego" ley students. As women, we are the "givers and sustainers 0£ life;" "the Dear Friends, brotherhood of men under the father­ hood of God is made possible by It is with great reluctance and con­ women." It is the obligation of the flicting feelings that I announce my teacher to prepare for primary educa­ resignation from Lesley College. tion and training. Teachers should Before I definitely separate myself use their talents and resources for the from Lesley, nothing would please me benefit of mankind. "Democracy," re­ more than to be able to shake hands or lated Mrs. Basie, "is more than gov­ give a big hug to each one of you, not ernment - it is Brotherhood · in Action." to say goodbye but to exprei>!i' my _appre­ Brotherhood is common sense and ciation and sincere thanks for accepting teachers should educate ..with com­ me as a member of the Lesley Commu­ mon sense. "Hatred is cancer of the Joanne Lipsher was crowned as the nity and giving me your friendship and mind and soul." It should be cured. 1966 Lesley College May Queen, on collaboration during the past four years. Education processes can cure this can­ May 6, during the intermission of the My experience at Lesley has special cer and the real enemy, "man's production of "Patience". ~fter a significance and it leaves profound· im­ cruelty to man" will not survive. Mrs. short history of the tradition of the pressions on me. I am only going away Basie hopes that "man will )earn to May Queen by Maxine Watstein, love one another. There is no sub­ physically. Part of me remains here and Spring Week-End Co-chairman, Dr. I take with me part of all of you, plus a stitute for personal integrity." Orton announced the. winner and On the subject of rioting, Mrs. presented her with a ·bouquet of treasure of wonderful memories of rela­ Basie commented that she feels the tionships and friendships. Dean LaCaro has been offered flowers. many good opportunities for next Watts riot was unnecessary and that Joanne, a Senior from Hamden, Goodbyes are very painful. Therefore, the leaders of the community should I say "hasta luego" and I hope you will year. In Puerto Rico she has been Connecticut, has been active in many asked to work on the Poverty Pro­ have controlled the holocaust. The phases of campus life during her four think of Puerto Rico, not as a little dot Harlem riot disgraced both the Negro gram as an Island Wide Legal Aid years here. She is a member of both in the Caribbean, but as a place where Assistant, also to work in mental and White races. She is shocked by the Emerald Key Honor Society and the extreme vandalism, but surprised you have a friend and a place where health or teach at the University. An­ the Lord Newark Society. A Dean's there will always be a part of Lesley. other position offered was to work that only a few rioters were killed in List student, she was a member of the the midst of such a riot. with the Department of State for two Judicial Board, and served as its My best wishes to all of you. years in · Peru. Chapel Hill College An advocate of peace marchers, Chairman this past year. Con mucho carino, Mrs. Basie commented that the in North Carolina asked the Dean Beginning next September, Joanne to teach mental health there. She has "Negro has been limited in trying to will be teaching second grade in the Lolin LaCaro help himself." Pierce not made her decision yet but will School, Newton, Massachu­ this summer. Next fall the Dean will At the dose of her talk, Mrs. Basie setts. briefly mentioned intermarrjage, re­ Lesley has received a ten thou­ notify the school so the students can ferring to racial and religious inter­ .Finally, Mrs. Basie, as the mother sand dollar uqrestricted gift from correspond with her. marriages. She feels that as a member of a retarded daughter, spoke of her the United States Steel Foundation of the older generation, intermar­ interest in Carroll Hall. All of the in New York. This is a grant for riages usually increase the problems girls who met Mrs. Basi~ at the Presi­ our teacher-training program. The enrollment for the year '66- of marriage. She herself is the prQd­ dent's Seminar saw the warmth, These grants help private teacher '67 will be five hundred and fifty uct of an intermarriage; she realizes humor, vitality, compassion and un­ colleges. students. the problems involved. derstanding that engulfs this woman. Page 2 May 24, 1966 LESLEY" TO 'MANAGE The Lantern Spe~ks HEADSTART PROGRAM By request, L_esley will be dev_el?p­ ing and. managmg a teach~r-tr~1mng orientat10n for people workmg m Op­ TAKING THE NEXT STEP eration Headstart this summer. To be trite but true, Graduation draws very near. The assention to the Twenty-five people were selected. to participate in the orientation which position of being a graduating Senior, can be -held analagous to. a set ~f graduat:d will be held from May 31 to June 7. children's blocks, the letter of the alphabet on their surfaces, with w~1ch t~e c~ild The basic training staff will consist builds the structures of his world, showing what he has ~e.arned by looki?g, hstem!1g. of Mrs. Sandra J ackanicz, Mrs. ~ary As the st"ructure gets higher, the child shows better .ability to work with ma_tenals Mindess and Dr. George Miller. he is given, to use his knowledge; he is more sure of himself. But the. task is also Many other resource people from the­ more precarious, for the higher the building, the sturdier the foundation must be college will be asked to assist.
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