Pope Innocent II (1130–43) The pontificate of Innocent II (1130–43) has long been recognized as a watershed in the history of the papacy, marking the transition from the age of reform to the so-called papal monarchy, when an earlier generation of idealistic reform- ers gave way to hard-headed pragmatists intent on securing worldly power for the Church. Whilst such a conception may be a cliché, its effect has been to concentrate scholarship more on the schism of 1130 and its effects than on Innocent II himself. This volume puts Innocent at the centre, bringing together the authorities in the field to give an overarching view of his pontificate, which was very important in terms of the internationalization of the papacy, the internal development of the Roman Curia, the integrity of the papal state and the governance of the local church, as well as vital to the development of the Kingdom of Sicily and the Empire. †John Doran was Senior Lecturer in Medieval History at University of Ches- ter, UK. Damian J. Smith is Associate Professor of Medieval History at Saint Louis University, Missouri, USA. Church, Faith and Culture in the Medieval West Series Editors: Brenda Bolton, with Anne J. Duggan and Damian J. Smith The series Church, Faith and Culture in the Medieval West reflects the central con- cerns necessary for any in-depth study of the medieval Church – greater cul- tural awareness and interdisciplinarity. Including both monographs and edited collections, this series draws on the most innovative work from established and younger scholars alike, offering a balance of interests, vertically through the period from c.400 to c.1500 or horizontally across Latin Christendom. Top- ics covered range from cultural history, the monastic life, relations between Church and State to law and ritual, palaeography and textual transmission. All authors, from a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds, share a commitment to innovation, analysis and historical accuracy. Recent titles in the series: Joachim of Fiore and the Influence of Inspiration Julia Eva Wannenmacher Episcopal Appointments in England, c. 1214–1344 Katherine Harvey Liturgy and Society in Early Medieval Rome John F. Romano Rome and Religion in the Medieval World Valerie L. Garver and Owen M. Phelan Godfrey of Viterbo and his Readers Thomas Foerster Papal Justice in the Late Middle Ages Kirsi Salonen Pope Innocent II (1130–43) John Doran and Damian J. Smith Poverty and Devotion in Mendicant Cultures, 1200–1450 Constant J Mews and Anna Welch The Church at War Daniel M. G. Gerrard Pope Innocent II (1130–43) The world vs the city Edited by John Doran and Damian J. Smith First published 2016 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN and by Routledge 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © 2016 selection and editorial matter, John Doran and Damian J. Smith; individual chapters, the contributors The right of John Doran and Damian J. Smith to be identified as the author of the editorial material, and of the authors for their individual chapters, has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. Trademark notice : Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Pope Innocent II (1130–43) : the world vs the city / edited by John Doran and Damian J. Smith. pages cm. — (Church, faith and culture in the medieval west) Includes index. ISBN 978-1-4724-2109-8 (hardcover : alk. paper)— 1. Innocent II, Pope, –1143. 2. Papacy—History—To 1309. 3. Church history—12th century. I. Doran, John, –2012, editor. II. Smith, Damian J., editor. BX1218.P67 2016 282.092—dc23 2015031552 ISBN: 978-1-4724-2109-8 (hbk) ISBN: 978-1-3156-0134-2 (ebk-PDF) Typeset in Bembo by Apex CoVantage, LLC For Aleta, Anastasia, Cecilia, and Susanna. This page intentionally left blank Contents Preface ix Contributors x Abbreviations xi List of figures xvi Innocent II: A very short introduction 1 DAMIAN J. SMITH 1 Two popes: The city vs the world 5 † JOHN DORAN 2 Innocent II and the Empire 27 I. S. ROBINSON 3 Sicut ex scriptis vestris accepimus : Innocent II and the insulae Britanniae et Hiberniae 69 ANNE J. DUGGAN 4 Innocent II and Capetian France 107 PASCAL MONTAUBIN 5 From Aquitaine to Provence: The struggle for influence during the schism of 1130 152 URSULA VONES-LIEBENSTEIN 6 Innocent II and the kingdom of Sicily 172 G. A. LOUD 7 The men who would be kings: Innocent II and Spain 181 DAMIAN J. SMITH 8 Struggling for ecclesiastical independence in the North 205 TORBEN KJERSGAARD NIELSEN viii Contents 9 The transmission of the councils from 1130 to 1139 226 MARTIN BRETT AND ROBERT SOMERVILLE 10 Jura sua unicuique tribuat : Innocent II and the advance of the learned laws 272 ANNE J. DUGGAN 11 The livery of loyalty: Innocent II and the pallium 311 STEVEN A. SCHOENIG, S.J. 12 Innocent II and the liturgy 326 JOHN F. ROMANO 13 Patronage of art and architecture 352 DALE KINNEY Index 389 Preface The pontificate of Innocent II (1130–43) has long been recognised as a water- shed in the history of the papacy, marking the transition from the age of reform to the so-called ‘papal monarchy’, when an earlier generation of idealis- tic reformers gave way to hard-headed pragmatists intent on securing worldly power for the Church. Of course, such a conception is a cliché, but its effect has been to concentrate scholarship on the schism of 1130 and its effects rather more than on Innocent II himself. There has long been a need for an overview of the pontificate – a pontificate which was so important in terms of the inter- nationalisation of the papacy, the internal development of the Roman Curia, and the governance of the Church. This book was the brainchild of Dr John Doran, a very fine scholar and man, who died very suddenly of acute myeloid leukemia at the end of October 2012. Dr Doran was especially keen to further the project of providing scholarly volumes on the popes of the High Middle Ages, and had assembled an international team of scholars to present papers at the Leeds International Medieval Congress and to write studies concerning the pontificate of Innocent II, a subject on which he had acquired consider- able expertise. It has only been possible to bring this volume to completion through the goodwill and patience of many people who have contributed to the book, or helped in other ways. Professor Anne Duggan deserves a special mention, not only for her own chapters, but also for having edited Dr Doran’s own work with great skill and accuracy, and (if this were not enough) for hav- ing read through other chapters and spared us all from many pitfalls. Father Steven Schoenig, S. J., also helped in this last task, as did Mr Edward Holt, of the history department of Saint Louis University, who by now must know more about Innocent II than almost anybody else. John Smedley and Emily Yates at Ashgate have been more supportive than one could possibly expect or hope for. Dr Paul Baker and Miss Brenda Bolton deserve thanks for having brought Dr Doran’s papers together. The volume is dedicated to John’s widow, Aleta, and their children, Anastasia, Cecilia and Susanna, whose goodness and fortitude have inspired us to complete this task. DJS Contributors Martin Brett , Robinson College, University of Cambridge † John Doran , Department of History and Archaeology, University of Chester Anne J. Duggan , Department of History, King’s College London Dale Kinney , Department of the History of Art, Bryn Mawr College Graham Loud , Department of History, University of Leeds Pascal Montaubin , Faculté d’Histoire et de Géographie, Université de Picar- die Jules Verne, Amiens Torben Kjersgaard Nielsen , Department of History, Aalborg University I. S. Robinson , Department of History, Trinity College, Dublin John F. Romano, Department of History, Benedictine College Steven A. Schoenig , Department of History, Saint Louis University Damian J. Smith , Department of History, Saint Louis University Robert Somerville , Departments of Religion and History, Columbia University Ursula Vones-Liebenstein, Historisches Seminar, Universität Köln Abbreviations Abp/abp archbishop abpric archbishopric Acta Pont. Rom. Acta Pontificum Romanorum inedita, i, ed. J. v. Pflugk- Harttung (Tubingen, 1880) AHP Archivum Historiae Pontificiae ASRSP Archivio della Società Romana di Storia Patria BAV Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana BIHR/Historical Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research (now Historical Research Research) BJRL Bulletin of the John Rylands Library BMCL Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law BL British Library Boso, Vita Liber Pontificalis, ii, 379–84 Innocentii Bp/bp bishop bpric bishopric BRAH Boletín de la Real Academia de la Historia Brixius J. M. Brixius, Die Mitglieder des Kardinalkollegiums von 1130 –1181 (Berlin, 1912) CB cardinal bishop CCCM Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Medievalis CD cardinal deacon CHJ Cambridge Historical Journal Cod. Codex Iustinianus Codex Udalrici Codex Udalrici, ed. P. Jaffé, Monumenta Bambergensia, Biblio- theca rerum Germanicarum v (Berlin, 1869) 1 Comp.–5 Quinque compilationes antiquae necnon collectio canonum Lip- Comp. siensis, ed. E.
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