FIRE ENGINEERING 2001 EDITORIAL INDEX Authors Mar, p170; Tragedy at the Towers. Nov, Colletti, D. Priming Midship Fire Pumps: Amigliore, J. All-Terrain Rescue Vehicle. p104; “Whaddya Do...?” July, p120; Questions and Answers. (Engine Company (Rescue Company, The) Oct, p56. “Whaddya Do...?” Part 2. Aug, p156. Showcase) Mar, p111. Andersen, R.E. Halyard Options for the Brunacini, N. Importance of the Initial Collins, L.R. and M. Lonsdale. “Diver 24-Foot Extension Ladder. Oct, p107. On-Scene Report, The. July, p63. Missing.” June, p71. Anderson, R.R. Comprehensive Industrial Bruni, J. and R. Edwards. Can You Handle Compton, D. Community Involvement, Emergency Management. Nov, p71. the Line? (Engine Company Showcase) Leadership, and Influence: A “Systems” Angione, C.R. Last of a Dying Breed, The. Mar, p130. Approach. Aug, p111. (Fire Commentary) Jan, p20. Switching Buckman, J. M. Perils of Leadership, The: Cone, D.C. and S. Bogucki. Complex Extri- from Offensive to Defensive Operations. Making Chief Is the Easy Part. Aug, p77. cation Saves Worker. July, p37. Apr, p107. Volunteers Corner: Developing Officers. Cook, Jr., J.L. Role of the Company Offi- Angulo, R.A. How Do You Define Leader- July, p10; Learn to Anticipate the Unex- cer in Managing Diversity, The. July, p82. ship? (One-Minute Motivator) July, p101. pected. Feb, p10; Reducing Death and Cook, R. How to Become an Effective Avillo, A. Managing the Probationary Fire- Injury from Accidents. Aug, p10. Fire Officer. July, p 71. fighter. Sept, p39. Burns, D.R. and B. Tutko. Lone Star Steak- Corbett, G.P. So You Have to Inspect...A Bachman, E.G. Gasoline Tanker Fire house Fire, Downers Grove, Illinois. May, School. (Fire Prevention Bureau) Mar, p42. Threatens Townhouses. Sept, p59. Pipeline p63. Cromer, P.B. Evolution of the Mini- Rupture: A Case Study. Apr, p81. Residen- Burris, Jr., K.O. USFA Today: Federal Pumper, The. Oct, p138. tial Preincident Intelligence. Aug, p71. Grant Process, The. Feb, p174; Leadership. D’Amore, Jr., F. and R.E. Kanterman. Pub- Bales, J. When the Preconnect Doesn’t July, p107; National Emergency Training lic Education: Its Time Has Come, Again! Reach: Increase Hosebed Versatility. (What Center Capital Improvements. Apr, p130; (Fire Prevention Bureau) Nov, p89. We Learned) Mar, p24. New Educational Programs. May, p112; Daniels, I.D. Command Support: The Bernzweig, D., J. Cannell, and J. Reall. Saving Firefighters’ Lives. Aug, p136; Time Has Come. Aug, p105. High-Rise Fire Training: Operation Senior Fire Prevention Campaign. June, Darnell, C. Trench Awareness. May, p73. “H.O.T.T.” Aug, p47. p117; Terrorism Training at the National De Lisi, S.M. Overturned Tanker Threat- Blossom, D.R. Case Against Hose Sta- Fire Academy. Dec, p79; Turning Data into ens Underground Utilities. Mar, p86. tions, The. (Fire Prevention Bureau) Jan, Information. Jan, p136; USFA/NFA Cours- Dellarocco, M. Bombing Investigation: A p117. es: A Format to Fit Your Schedule. Oct, Basic Primer. Apr, p103. Bogucki, S. and D.C. Cone. Complex Extri- p167; USFA Reorganization, The. Mar, Deonarine, L. Industrial Terrorism: New cation Saves Worker. July, p37. p158. Concerns for Fire Departments. Nov, p53. Brannigan, F.L. Ol’ Professor, The: Build- Cajzer, J.D. Confined Space Incident. Dittmar, M.J. Hepatitis C and the Fire ing Marking System: Update. Jan, p121; (What We Learned) May, p97. Service: Part 2: Mounting an Offensive. Catastrophic Hidden Hazard, A. Sept, p84; Cannell, J., D. Bernzweig, and J. Reall. Jan, p55. Houston Tragedy, The. May, p104; July, High-Rise Fire Training: Operation Dolan, J. Overview of the 2000 Interna- p103; Laminated Beams and Arches. Nov, “H.O.T.T.” Aug, p47. tional Fire Code 7®. Aug, p117. p85; Narrow Escape. Mar, p152. Preplan- Carlin, J.T. When to Break Windows. Downey, R. Gas Explosion and Building ning Building Hazards: Feb, p156; Apr, (Training Notebook) Sept, p12. Collapse. (Rescue Points to Ponder) May, p123; June, p107; Aug, p134; Oct, p164; Carr, J. and L. Omans. Responding to p22. Dec, p78. Commercial Aircraft Haz-Mat Incidents. Fitzwilliam, J.F. Keep Members from Brennan, K. Delivering Local Training Nov, p47. “Voting with Their Feet.” (Volunteers Cor- Programs. Feb, p135. Cayse, M. Managing a Training Program ner) Jan, p10. Brennan, T. Random Thoughts: And from the Ground Up. Feb, p89. Fredericks, A.A. and J. Regan. Considera- When Do You...? Feb, p212; Can We … Chubb, M. Using EMS Calls to Stress Fire tions for the Effective Use of Deck Guns. Should We … Are You Moving on from Safety. Dec, p61. Mar, p77. This? Dec, p96; Fewer Fires, but More Ciampo, M.N. Tower Ladders. (Points to Gasaway, R.B. Interactive Newsletter Flashovers. May, p128; Few Simple Ponder) Apr, p24. Keeps Firefighters Informed. (Volunteers Lessons for All Time, A. Jan, p260; More Coleman, J.F. Searching Smarter, Part 1: Corner) June, p10. Simple Lessons for All Time. June, p128; The Basics. Feb, p99; Part 2. The Oriented Graham, D. Missing Protocol, The: Writ- “Mutt of the Year” Awards. Sept, p100; Search. Mar, p93; Part 3: Advanced Orient- ing a Legally Defensible Report. Aug, Portable Ladder Safety. Apr, p156; Search. ed Search. Apr, p113. p109. FireEngineering.com 1 January 2002 FIRE ENGINEERING 2001 Editorial Index Greiff, J.S. Performance Tests of Personal Lewis, W.J. Developing and Implement- Olson, J. and A.D. Vickery. Intermodal Escape Rope Systems. May, p45. ing a Mentor Program. Feb, p61. Crane Topples Onto Pickup. Oct, p81. Grube, M.C. Training Notebook: Appara- Liebeck, F.P. Second Chance, A. June, Omans, L. and J. Carr. Responding to tus Access Problems. July, p12; Controlling p68. Commercial Aircraft Haz-Mat Incidents. Unignited Liquid Fuel Spills. Nov, p16; Lombardo, M. Search Tips. Jan, p77. Nov, p47. Quick Drills. Feb, p16. Lonsdale, M. and L.R. Collins. “Diver Onder, J. and R.E. Shaw. Enhanced Pro- Guglielmo, J. Pesticide and Mold: A Missing.” June, p71. tective Glass in Vehicle Extrication. Dec, Potent Combination. (What We Learned) Lopina, M.J. Proper Positioning of Appa- p81. Feb, p22. ratus. (Training Notebook) Oct, p34. Parrott, D.W. Emergency Communica- Gustin, B. Ensuring a Continuous Water Lowry, J. Fire Marshal, The: Lighting the tions: The Corpus Christi System. Nov, Supply. Oct, p87; Protecting Exposures. Fire. Jan, p118. p61. Sept, p47. Tips for Donning Masks, Hoods, Lubnau II, T.E. and R. Okray. Crew Peeples, L.C. Controlling the Door. Apr, and Helmets. June, p59. Resource Management for the Fire Service. p109. Stairwell Operations. May, p81. Haase, R. Quick-Attack Vehicles: Indus- Aug, p99. “You’ve Got the Roof”. Oct, p97. try Response Tool. Nov, p81. Lynch, P.A. Questioning a Juvenile? Pro- Perry, S. Health and Fitness Dos and Hall, S.A. Duty, Special Duty, and Com- ceed with Caution! (Fire Service Court) Don’ts. June, p69. mon Sense. (Fire Service Court) Mar, p160. Feb, p166. Safety Risks for the Fire Investi- Peters, W.C. Storage Solutions. (Appara- Hendrick, W. and A. Zaferes. Immersion gator. Feb, p170. tus Points to Ponder) Oct, p38. What Are Hypothermia and Winter Water Operations. Manning, B. Editor’s Opinion: “Almost” We Going to Call This Rig? Oct, p73. Dec, p43. Is Not Good Enough for Sprinklers. Sept, Peterson, D.F. Haz Mat: On the Line: Holbert, J.M. Four-Level Training Tower. p4; Candid Camera. May, p4; Downloading Class B Foam: The Neglected Tool. Oct, (Innovations: Homegrown) Feb, p162. the Truth About NFIRS, Part 1. Feb, p4; p161; Haz-Mat Megatrends. Feb, p158; Hollins, L.T. Mid-Air Collision: Manatee Downloading the Truth About NFIRS, Part Haz-Mat Response Team Evaluation and County, Florida. June, p95. 2. Mar, p4; Keeping Us in the Game, Bare- the Three Cs. June, p42; New Approach to Horist, R. and F.F. Reeder, Jr. Training ly. Apr, p4; Killing Firefighters with “Busi- Haz-Mat Chemistry, A. Aug, p120; Officer 101. Sept, p65. ness as Usual.” Nov, p4; Law of Responding to Gasoline Releases. Apr, Huelsenbeck, A. and C.H. Shelley. Rapid L.O.D.D.I., The. July, p4; NFPA 1710: The p121. Intervention in the Marine Environment. New “Accountability” Standard. Aug, p4; Petruzzello, S.J., D.L. Smith, and T.S. Man- July, p89. “Separating” Tire Fact from Fiction. Jan, ning. Effects of Live Fire Training on Hutton, J. Nuclear Gamble. (Fire Com- p4; They Are Alive in You. Oct, p4; Recruits. Sept, p79. mentary) Mar, p156. Unspeakable Crime, The. June, p4. Our Pressler, B. Drills. (Volunteers Corner) Kanterman, R.E. From the NFAAA. Oct, Most Tragic Day: Initial Report. Oct, p11. Mar, p10. Fire Focus: Portable Ladders. p170. New Uses for Foam in Industry. Nov, Manning, T.S., D.L. Smith, and S.J. May, p26; Two-Minute Drills. Apr, p48. p55. Petruzzello. Effects of Live Fire Training on Five-Point Size-Up. Feb, p75. Kanterman, R.E. and F. D’Amore, Jr. Public Recruits. Sept, p79. Raber, N. Resolving Conflict. (Volun- Education: Its Time Has Come, Again! Mata, A.P. Low-Tech Teaching in a High- teers Corner) Sept, p10. (Fire Prevention Bureau) Nov, p89. Tech World. Sept, p53. Rakosnik, R.J. Fire Investigation: Men- Kertzie, P.F. Using a Chain Saw in McEvoy, M. EMS Response to Behavioral nonite Church. Jan, p113. Heater Fire in Peaked-Roof Ventilation. Apr, p91. Emergencies and Restraints. Dec, p69. College Dorm Room. (What We Learned) Kidd, W. Program to Prevent Under- Melfi, P.C. Fire Service Accountability. Aug, p126. ground Utility Damage, A. Mar, p88. Dec, p67. Reall, J., J. Cannell, and D. Bernzweig. Kiurski, T. Fire Prevention Bureau: Props Montagna, F.C. Just a Routine Water High-Rise Fire Training: Operation to Punctuate Your Fire Safety Education Leak? Nov, p69. What the Chief Wants to “H.O.T.T.” Aug, p47. Programs. Apr, p124; Spreading the Safety Know.
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