THETH CHRONICLE CELEBRATING OUR 39 YEAR AS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN MT. JULIET AND WEST WILSON COUNTY | WWW.TCOMJ.COM of Mt. Juliet LARGEST CIRCULATION IN WILSON COUNTY • JANUARY 9, 2019 • VOLUME 39, NUMBER 2 Voting now open for Best of MJ By Sarah Tate tion. Managing Editor Voting can also be done only once per IP address. Readers of The Chroni- This means anyone con- cle can now vote for their nected to the same network, favorite local businesses in such as using the same the Best of Mt. Juliet polls. computer or using Wi-Fi to Voting runs throughout the vote, will not be able to cast month of January. To vote, their vote if someone else visit tcomj.com/polls. has already voted. Polls were available online If you have a mobile de- prior to voting so readers vice, such as a smartphone could view the nominated or tablet, try disconnecting businesses in each catego- from any Wi-Fi and using Photo courtesy of MJPD ry and make suggestions for your data to vote from the Pictured left to right are Sgt. Tommy Shelton, Chief James Hambrick, and Lieutenant Jason Brockman additions. Votes cast during device. During the fi rst cou- of Mt. Juliet Police. December were not counted ple weeks, the page may load and were erased prior to of- slowly due to the increase in fi cial voting Jan. 1. traffi c. This should subside Voting for the Best of Mt. so that readers will be able MJ offi cers receive awards Juliet began at midnight to cast their votes quickly. Jan. 1, 2019, and will run In years past, voters have Staff Reports Sergeant Tommy Shelton enforcement management the entire month, ending at received a message after received the Trilogy Leader- practices through training, 11:59 p.m. Jan. 31, 2019. casting a ballot thanking Two Mt. Juliet police of- ship Institute Award. education, and networking Along with receiving certifi - them for voting for a busi- fi cers recently completed a FBI-LEEDA states their among police professionals cates, the winners and run- ness they may not have vot- three-part Law Enforcement mission is “to advance the across the United States ners up will be announced ed for. This message was an Executive Development As- science and art of law en- and beyond.” in The Chronicle’s annual error, defaulting to the fi rst sociation (FBI-LEEDA) pro- forcement leadership and “Lt. Brockman and Sgt. “Best of Mt. Juliet” special gram, which led to Lieu- promote the exchange of Shelton sought to carry out section, which will be an- tenant Jason Brockman and See VOTE, PAGE 3 information to improve law See AWARD, PAGE 3 nounced closer to publica- Community Calendar Burglary suspects Police look for man JAN 10 caught on camera who robbed bank Staff Reports They later attempted to use By Sarah Tate Parkinson’s Support Group Managing Editor the victim’s cards at a Kro- Lebanon Offi ce Police offi cers were sum- ger in Lebanon. An unidentified man moned to a daycare in the It was likely that the robbed US Bank on Pleas- JAN 14 80 block of South Greenhill thieves specifi cally target- ant Grove Road in Mt. Road to investigate a car ed the location because it is Juliet around 12:50 p.m. Board of Commissioners burglary on Dec. 12, 2018, common for purses to be left Tuesday. City Hall around 4 p.m. During the in a vehicle. Thieves com- Police are looking for the burglary, the thief(s) busted monly frequent gyms, day- man who they say passed a a window and stole a purse care centers, yoga studios, JAN 22 note at the bank, claimed that was left in plain view. and gymnastic businesses he had a gun, and then Credit cards from the vic- in search of easy targets. demanded cash. They said JECDB tim’s purse were used with- Many times, vehicle bur- he left the area on foot, but Lebanon Offi ce in 20 minutes of the theft at glary is a crime of opportu- they have no indication he a Kroger in Mt. Juliet. nity that can be prevented if is still in the area. Investigators were able to there is no opportunity for Anyone with informa- Additional information get surveillance video that the thief to steal. Mt. Juliet tion regarding the robbery Page 3 recorded two suspects us- can contact Mt. Juliet Po- Suspect photo courtesy of MJPD ing the victim’s credit card. See MJPD, PAGE 3 lice. COMMUNITY CALENDAR - pg.3 / OBITUARIES - pg.10 / CLASSIFIEDS - pg.12 Page 2, The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, JANUARY 9, 2019 Deputies discover signs of identity theft Staff Reports a Shannon Ketler and Jamee Hagelberger in room 305. On Jan. 3, Wilson County Both subjects were found to Sheriff’s directed patrol units have active warrants out of were conducting an investi- Rutherford County. gation in reference to a stolen During a consent search vehicle that was located at of the room, several items 205 S. Eastgate Blvd. (Wood- were located such as debit Spring Suites) in Lebanon. cards with different names Upon arrival, Cpl. Dustin and boxes of “Insta Checks” Harvey made contact with a which are commonly used black Nissan Altima that had with the process of identity been entered as stolen out of theft and fraud. Detectives Murfreesboro. from the Criminal Investi- During the course of in- gations Division (CID) were vestigation, it was found that notified of the findings and the subjects who had been responded to the scene. driving the vehicle were stay- Deputies then went to ing in rooms 302 and 305. Deputies made contact with See IDENTITY, PAGE 11 Photo submitted Pictured left to right are the Homecoming Court for Friendship Christian School. Back Row: DJ Rog- ers, Jaheim Robinson, JakeBlair (King), Landon Crecelius, Cole Cottrell. Front Row: Nishika Shah, Meals on Wheels Mallory Dean, Bayley West (Queen), Cameron Burton, Khia Young helps those in MJ FCS Homecoming Court Staff Reports “Currently we have a need for volunteers to de- Mid Cumberland Meals on liver meals, help package Wheels (MOW) operates pro- food for delivery, help serve announced ahead of game grams in the counties that and clean up for lunch at surround Davidson County. the Center Tuesday through It is a non-profit that serves Thursday,” she said. Jake Blair, son of Rick and Tune of Lebanon. Staff Reports the community in a variety Cook said the positions Kristen Blair of Mt. Juliet. The sophomore atten- of ways through the help of are not a big time commit- On Friday, Jan. 11, The senior attendant is dant is Khia Nicole Young, volunteers. ment, with drivers delivering 2019, Friendship Christian Cameron Burton, daughter daughter of Kera Dye and Meals on Wheels has been on a specific day of the week, School will celebrate Bas- of Terry and Renee Burton Jerry Young of Lebanon. operating in Mt. Juliet for de- every other week. ketball Homecoming. The of Lebanon. The senior es- The sophomore escort is cades and is based at the Mt. “The routes take 1.5 to ceremony will take place cort is Landon Crecelius, Cole Cottrell, son of Renn Juliet Senior Activity Center 2 hours to run,” she said. at 5:30 p.m. prior to the son of Stephen and Renee and Nancy Cottrell of Leb- (MJSAC), 2034 N. Mt. Juliet “Helping to package food, games with Davidson Acad- Crecelius of Lebanon. anon. Road. They currently provide serve lunch or clean up takes emy. The junior attendant is The freshman attendant home-delivered hot meals for about an hour each day. You The 2019 Homecom- Mallory Dean, daughter of is Nishika Shah, daughter 24 people daily. They have can volunteer for as many or ing Queen is Bayley West, Jennifer and Charley Dean of Vick and Mona Shah of seven who receive frozen as few days as your schedule daughter of Bill Bob and of Lebanon. The junior es- Lebanon. The freshman meals every two weeks, and allows. We are very flexible.” Kimberly West of Lebanon. cort is Jaheim Robinson, escort D J Rogers son of they provide lunch to MJ- Those interested in vol- The Homecoming King is son of Adam and Kimberly Amy Flippin of Gallatin. SAC members who make a unteering for the Mt. Juliet reservation to eat in-house MOW program can contact Tuesday through Thursday. Cook or Marianne Morgan, Lisa Cook, Mt. Juliet site back-up manager, at MOW site manager, said the 615-758-2777, or email group is in need of more vol- them at mow.mtjuliet@ unteers for the area. mchra.com. Judy’s Fashion Boutique LADIES CLOTHING CLOSEOUTS STOP BY TODAY & PICK UP SOME GREAT WINTER LADIES CLOTHING 60% - 75% OFF! select items only SELECT NYDJ JEANS: 40% OFF 224 W. Main Street, Lebanon, TN | 615-443-5433 Open Tuesday-Saturday 9a-5p The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, JANUARY 9, 2019 Page 3 Photo submitted Photos courtesy of MJPD Pictured is Alt. Capt. Tristen Arkon who had one goal during the game. From MJPD, PAGE 1 encouraged to call the Mt. Juliet Police Department MJ Hockey gets win over Blackman Police encourage everyone, at (615) 754-2550. Infor- in all circumstances, to mation can also be given Staff Reports Corey Settle had one goal while Michael Settle and never leave items of value anonymously by calling and one assist during the Nash Buckner each had in plain view or their vehicle (615) 754-TIPS (8477) or The Mt. Juliet hock- game.
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