"'.’J . ' ■i " > . K- t : >■ I'.' ’V '. ' • J SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1957 • t^ e d C r o s s Bloodmohite Visits J^sonW'^^pempH Ttfinorrow^ 1 2 ^ to 5 : 3 0 p . m FAGB TWELVE '\- lEoi^ning^^ralb . • . - r cm dbVh’ce. ;it -vftiM. likd' t^ng to A’m v ce 'Daily Nt^ FY Hun " * x 'Hm Waathar / " A ^ u | T 5 i i ^ 'Uitan to twb radfo stations at the GENEIUL- ' 7 ' For the w«ek Ended v aama jum*- BrediLfast Slated ■ May 4, 1957 - X <L’WeBlh«.Bwwi Heard Main> Street 'JM» went on for a whita, the pziatO'Layiirve Wedding ' Buniet wlll-meet B y Isabcjlla U nit ratmoundar going on. in hla ntalUf- tviE I^ V IC E Oeurtug heeuihlHg M r.- >t*le :3lIond&y S in Odd Fellow* And jafi; Some of MancheMter'* Sid^^^ireetB^ tifo luoda tones an^ . the music aerV' 12,608 Hall. A iOd will 'follow ing na'competing counterpoint. Mambara'of 'the Daughter* of Nights Flua Ihirta £ m m t UMder foolght.'LoiN’a M 4C Most­ n a i t n ; MesuMr af the Audit \ - : Finally the local station* over loaballa and their daughters wdll TEUSOS-MSS Bureau of ClrCnla.tton ly sim y Tnesday/ng^ ootnlnutee will aerve refruhmerita| . Run* Out of Clews , »m e«d-1m explapaUon Which Went wtildh the progran^—-or programs TM drill taam will hold a r^earsal jocaive Conimunlon hi a body at JHhnchester-^A City of Village Cfptrm One of Ma'nchea.ter * veteran j ajortethlng like th l^ :^ ^—wa* being carried, broke In.- the 8 a.m. Mast In the ^urch of s 7 p.m. Member* are alao remind­ policemen, eligible for . promotion^ “If your hpnoi>pIease,. I, I, rep- “Since it ia against the, ]x>llcy T- ed to biinf arttciea for the the Assumption Sunday.' ■ 7 ^ to sergeant, la-deeply involvpd'in resent So-and-so in the cas^ of of thle station, to brogdeast more ?Followlhg comlhuhlon, the group VOL. LXXVI, NO. 184 (FOURtEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, 6,‘ 1957 (ClMalfled Adverting an Page It). m a fe aale, elated Tueaday at 9 a.m .: an investigation and It Ip^^xlng i So-^d<^8o va. So-and-So. '!four than one. program a t a time,” the PRICE FIVE in Odd Fellowa Hhll. If lAckup la will proesad to. the Manchester hta police knowledge tp^tne hilt- ' honor I have, no desire to take ad- local annohneer said in a atral8ht~ 'D oun^^ub for'breakfast at9:80 dedlred, Mra. Ethel Aaptnwall may The mystery? Who .sent him ; vantage of* m y colleague,. Mr. forwartl sort .of‘way, ”w» wHl dig*: be caUM. a.ni., <Mra^ John Cagianello, .chair­ a set of aerge^t'atfipes through — , who is out of State. I continue the original 'feature,” '' m an of the'' committee, announced. With that eehaible dnnO'uhct- the mail?. [mean, I Would hot' be reluctant to -The Rev. Rlfclutrid;!*.- Foley will 94949 The Stanley Circle of-the South These xife the facta; | take advantage of him If he were ment, the mueic—bnd grchi- speak to the communicants follow­ Methpdlat WSCS will meet Tuea­ (IL^-^e took the exam along, in the State, but he Is out of State, Uns—won' out. ing the meal. 'The son of Mf. and day a t 7:4S p.m. at th e church.. wdtn several other patrolmen for I your hqnor,” gasped the distraught Mra. Comeiiua ', Foley, 49 Scar-- le sergeancy which beComea ya-1 lawyer, , He WaJU>T Spoofin’ borough Rd., he was ordained in lOPEN: To Disbaiid The Rev. Stephen R{i^jewaW,^'f cant when one of preaem ser- i The Judge, in what wd’s appa'r-i Vept It bq-Pfiened. Mayor Harold -Rome In Dacember 1955, and te St. John’a Church ^11 participate geants steps up to lieutenant. Thej ently an unpreceidented reversai of A. ■ Turklpglon showed up at the Waently curate at St. Anne's ,X in the hath anpiver^y celebra­ lieutenancy wlH'b* available when deciaion, reinstated the case and Directors’ informal bud^t hear­ ^Ureh, New Britain. l x . tion of St^-^Joa^phli Church. one. of the, present lieutenant* be- the . worried lawyer was able to ing, Monday night wearing a tux- Other Invited n e a ts will In­ =ALL DAY= B y G o ld e n Bridgeport tomprrbw afternoon at comes captain. .avoid taking unfair advantage of edb. clude' the priests from the three 3:80. ^yer^.-Of the 'pariahlonera (2J The stripea came in an en­ his colleague. , \-- \ This column last Saturday said Catholic Churches In toWn. N ew liaven[ M ay 6 < « ' P ) — plan to,tftah«!the trip. velope. Hla name and addreae the Mayor plannetT to attend the Committea mambara assisting 'V' " was typed on the envelop. He has: ISUNDAYi OOUN FROST p *per added: “An appeal by N ational D em ocratic C om m it­ One’s Apt to Get Blase' .Chamber of Commerce annual Mrs. Caglan*Ilo.,*re Mrs. Joseph WarsaVc, May 6 {/P)—^^A ma­ -lor calm and order-brought ‘The Green Thdmb grou(5 will traced the typewriter to one used Some of the best nevwf atories meeting and leave, early to sit in Bell, Mrs. Anthony LumbHiho, esponse. • The trouble in teem an John M . G olden .sug- ■,-tffeet Monday at 8 p .t^ a t the Comr in the squad room at police head- drop right into a ,mj6rter’a - lap. on the budget hearing. The'' con­ Mrs.' Edward 'CaVagnafo, Mrs. jor riot vhts reported toda.^ ^ a a e d . A num ber of i^ ien i! gealed today that the A m eri- \ •V ' munity Y. Mra. Richard WiJIard of quartera. And-when the reporter take* them scientious official looked “ dapper” Martin Regan, Mrs. Richard Mc­ from Jarosht^’, a garri^i ere hurt and police w ere .foiled j cans for D em ocratic A ction X. Wetherafield will demohattate (3) The envelope had a Town writh the aplomb hf the girl we’re __'y: — — and added even more dllraltv t< Mahon. Mrs. Stanlay Midltn, Mrs. town in Soutn use tear gas - , „ [-“disband for the good of the flower arrangement* and anyone, -thmkmg of, thaxtorjrgeU good. ^ the dignified' group 'than 'be nor­ ■Fred Bniioli, MrarJoseph Schaus- • YOUR DAY ; Moreinure thaniniui i.uuu1.000 luiH I I . The-paper said a battalion of r#-, - . „ annlce B fler thp l intereated ia cordially invited. left hand comer. ExhauaUve She had^apent a day..in bed mally ddes, Thanki, m ayor.. ter and Miss Pauline Vazzollo. w ere''called in to queU the dlsU irb-. serx’e police and a second battalion j 1 S P O K C V ® \ questioning of persons in that battling a virua and had been wel,- 8kftCjETe w hich app&rcn^ly occurred * o f the arhiy riot Bqusd w ^fe UoTlnBCtlCUt hrftncn 01 t i X 6 'j^^dent laveatigation Will be office haa reaidted m' flat denials. comjpd back to the office. A couple ' Insuranre for Spelling ; TOSAVE ; just bisfore the w ed^hd. / '1 brou gh t J.n; A battalion is about| A D A called for hi.s replace- , thb topic for diacnaaion at the (1) No'-ojje else u talking. of hours had gone by when she t o M a y 24 It ill-behoves any newspaper, •A report in tha>W far 8aw’ new s-! 800 men. ^ I itient ''meeting of Mancheater Auxiliary Each policeman in th^ local de-, kald; .paper Szpsndar^ody^suggested Nineteert people were reported Police to be held Monday night at partmeot ia trained In' Invesllgb- '' "A car rolled into my houae.yes- perhaps, to call attention to any­ Goiden returned yesterday- from one's spelling failure, aipce the pit­ RUMMA6E SALE : TILL : It n'a's on* ofxlhe m ^ t serious of taken Into custody, of whom sev­ Washihglon, whe're he attended a Police Headituartera atarfing at 7 tive procedure*. L c^ajee ho.w'Oils ^terday and knocked the refrigera­ falls for the presa are great. Tuesday, May 7-^9 A: m . recent buttminits against Commu- en were held. One''^ of those ar- National Committee .,nfeeting' .to o’clock. ■ • one^ applies that traimp^ If he tor over.” . \ nist state Authority. It carried in­ re.sted was an alfmy sergeant- To Answer Charges aq^ea the mystery, ^lerRi^a /he Thia was said In a dry, matter- But we cannot help note, as we dtspuss the rble of the Democratic glance at the calendar each -day, ODD FELLOWS HALL dications'^at. a mdttairy mutiny. major, Democratic The Infant Jeaua. of Prague can legitiraately idw on thoae of-fact tone that had abwt drawn SUNSET REBERAH LODGE These indications were: The paper blamed the sale pi Advisory Couhri> in Mothera’ Circle, held election of of­ an ■ uh-hiih frorn us when we did that it, advertises the firm o f ah too much liquor at dance* as '‘tlie P®''iy policy-risking, stripe,*. ’Insuror.-'' - For Pickup Coll MI a-OSOS 1. T he ■ arrival in the town of WashiiiKton. May 6 <jP)—The. AFL-Clo Ethical Practices ficer* recently alnd*choae Mra. FVed S'^^uble-take: Gen. Kur^leska, a district mill- main cause.". It added two in-j He wa* attacked in a joint B arrettaa leader. Co-leader ia Mra. The same “insuror” has a vestigkting commission* had been ■ statemept Issued yesterday by two •Cominittee today c h a r^ the giant Teamsters Union with Drawing the Line ’’Wljat-'d you say?" we queried.
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