THE PIARIST FATHERS Number 16 PROVINCE OF THE U.S.A. AND PUERTO RICO Winter 2019 PIARIST NEWSLETTER Deacon Ricardo Rivera, Sch.P. Bishop Emeritus Félix Piarists, other religious, diocesan vices. Lázaro Martínez, Sch.P. of Ponce, clergy, relatives and friends at- Deacon Rivera currently PR ordained Brother Ricardo Ri- tended the Mass and the lunch- resides in the Piarist community vera Ortiz, Sch.P. to the transi- eon afterward. at Annunciation Parish in New tional diaconate at St. Martin de Depending upon local di- York. He is in his last year of Porres Chapel in Ponce on De- ocesan guidelines, a deacon can studies in Theology at St. Jo- cember 8, 2018. Bishop Lázaro assist at Mass, proclaim the Gos- seph's Seminary in Yonkers, NY. exhorted Deacon Rivera to pro- pel, give homilies, baptize, wit- Congratulations to Deacon claim the Gospel and to conform ness marriages and preside at Ricardo Rivera. You are in our his life to Christ, who came “not wake services and graveside ser- to be served, but to serve.” Many prayers. Bro. Pedro Rivas, Sch.P. and Bro. Manuel Sanchez, Sch.P. Profess Solemn Vows Brother Pedro de Jesus or General, was the principal cele- ans in attendance. Several non- Rivas Guardado, Sch.P. and brant of the Mass. We were quite Catholic Christian leaders were Brother Manuel Sánchez Villanue- honored to have Archbishop Rob- also present. Father Aguado va, Sch.P. professed their solemn erto González Nieves, O.F.M. of asked everyone to walk as broth- (perpetual) vows in the Parish of San Juan and Bishop Emeritus ers and sisters, in prayer, so that Our Divine Savior in Río Piedras, Félix Lázaro Martínez, Sch.P. of Brothers Pedro and Manuel will San Juan, PR on December 7, Ponce join us for the occasion. be joyfully faithful in their total 2018. Father Pedro Aguado There were also many priests, and definitive surrender to God. Cuesta, Sch.P., who is our Superi- deacons, religious and seminari- Page 2 Number 16 THE CALASANZ MOVEMEN T The Calasanz Movement as an integral about Calasanz”. Movement is a pastoral part of its overall lay min- The official launch program, which the Pia- istry offerings. There will of the Calasanz Move- rists plan to implement be five stages, which are ment in our Province throughout our Order. based upon age, from took place at Annuncia- Brother Jorge Ramirez, childhood to adulthood. tion Church in New York Sch.P. and Father Emilio The specifics of the Ca- on December 16. We R.I.P. We ask you to Sotomayor, Sch.P. serve lasanz Movement will ask our dear Lord and remember in your as the coordinators in depend upon the specific Saint Joseph Calasanz to prayers our deceased our Province. nature of each parish or inspire and to motivate relatives and friends: The plan is that school. Lay leaders will our religious and lay each parish and school, work with the Piarists in leaders as they initiate Franco Antimucci which is entrusted to our each ministry to organize and expand the Calasanz George J. Eckerle care, will eventually the program. Its motto Movement in our various Luis Forcen Aramburu adopt the Calasanz is “All about Christ, all ministries. Rev. George Garcia Ryan D. Gilbert Lawrence J. Graff Ina Rose Hubbard James Lansdale Rev. Rufino Lecumberri Jean H. Lindsey Kellen O’Neil Benjamin Perez Betsy Perret Ann Marie Siefker (Left to Right) Piarists and lay leaders prepare for the launch of the Calasanz Move- ment in NYC; Logo; Piarist seminarians attend the launch at Annunciation Church. Mark Stimmler World Youth Day in Panama (Left to Right) Logo; Father Federico Avila and Brother Manuel Sanchez accompanied almost forty people from San Juan, PR to Panama for World Youth Day activities; Father General greets our participants in Panama. Pope Francis Appoints a Piarist as a Bishop Pope Francis has appointed ince of Brazil and Bolivia. We con- Father Carlos Curiel Herrera, Sch.P. gratulate Bishop-Elect Carlos and of- as a new auxiliary bishop in the Arch- fer our prayers for him as he begins diocese of Cochabamba in Bolivia. his new responsibility in service to He is a member of the Piarists’ Prov- our Church. PIARIST NEWSLETTER Page 3 Meet Some Piarists, Who Live Outside of Our Country (Left) Mexico: (Back Row) Brother Jose, Brother Norberto, Brother Daniel, Brother Melchor, Father Nicolas, Brother Jose Juan, Brother Victor; (Front Row) Father Julio, Brother Jose Guadalupe; (Right) Bolivia: Father Ruben There are currently two Pia- ish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus faithful and visits the sick in their rist priests and seven seminarians, (Progreso Nacional) in Mexico City. homes. who reside in either Bolivia or Mexi- He is very active in a number of the Father Nicolás is very happy co. They are all members of our parish’s ministries: education, youth, to be a member of the Piarists’ Prov- Province. Within the next few years, social and after-school. He partici- ince of the United States and Puerto we expect that they will all join us in pates in special programs, which the Rico. He would like to thank our reli- our ministries of the United States parish sponsors: “Faith and Culture” gious and our benefactors for their and Puerto Rico. They have all been conferences, which help to strength- prayers and support. blessed to receive the prayerful and en the spiritual and academic lives Father Plata financial support from our many of the children; workshops, which Father Rubén Plata Avalos, benefactors. We would like to in- make available to the parents psy- Sch.P. now resides in Santa Cruz de clude a little information about each chologists, medical doctors and cat- la Sierra, Bolivia. The Piarists of the of them in this newsletter or the echists; youth group, which meets Province of Brazil and Bolivia as- next. on a weekly basis; a store, which sumed responsibility for the admin- Father Zunún provides materials for the needy. istration of Don Bosco Parish and As a parish priest, Father Dominic Savio School in December Father Nicolás Zunún Mejía, Nicolás celebrates Mass for the Sch.P. ministers in the Piarists’ Par- 2018. (see page 4) Our Superior General Visits Our Province The Superior General of many times during the past ten the Piarist Fathers is required to years. He has been present for visit every one of our religious many of the important events of communities, either by himself our seminarians. Last summer, or through a delegate, at least he was the director of our annual once every six years. During this retreat. He made his canonical visit, he meets individually with (official) visit to our Province in each Piarist, and he meets with December. Father Francisco each community. In addition, Anaya, Sch.P., who is the Assis- when possible, he meets with our tant General for the Piarists in co-workers, parishioners, stu- the Americas, and Father Fernan- dents and alumni. do Negro, Sch.P., who is our Pro- Father Pedro Aguado, Sch.P. Father Pedro Aguado, vincial Superior, accompanied meets with the Piarists, who re- Sch.P. has visited our Province him. (see page 4) side in Ponce, PR. Page 4 Number 16 Meet Some Piarists, Who Live Outside of Our Country (continued) (continued from page 3) life for them. He writes: "In giving to rently lives in our Community of Ce- The parish has five chapels, others, I receive." He realizes that laya, Mexico. He writes: I would like and the school offers two different God helps the Piarists to faithfully to begin by thanking all of you for sessions of classes each day, in the what you have done for me during morning and afternoon. and efficiently develop the same my time here in Celaya. The experi- Father Rubén serves as paro- charism, which St. Joseph Calasanz ence has been great. The novices chial vicar in the parish and coordi- received from the Holy Spirit. have been able to concentrate on nator of pastoral ministry in the Brother Carreras our personal growth by getting to school. In addition, he also serves Brother Victor Carreras Flo- know ourselves better. We have ex- as Master of Pre-Novices for the reano, Sch.P. resides in the Piarists’ amined our past and explored new Province of Brazil and Bolivia. Community of Campeche, Mexico. paths with the Piarists. We have Brother García He has already completed his stud- begun to fall in love with our Found- Brother José Guadalupe Gar- ies in Philosophy and is now in his er’s charism and the Order’s minis- cía Jasso, Sch.P. resides in the Pia- third year of studies in Theology. try. In short, we have been provided rists’ Community of Celaya, Mexico. His ministry includes: assist- with the opportunity to slowly be- He works in a catechetical program ing with the after-school program; come a Piarist from the inside out. with children where he teaches working with 15 young people, who I’ll end by sharing with you a them the basic elements of a Catho- live in our Calasanz Cultural Center; quotation from a Piarist brother in lic-Christian life. He is quite happy tutoring in the school; coordinating our Province. “Following Christ has as he tries to help each child to be- the Youth Group; and supporting the implied many changes in my life, but come a good person. He finds that parish’s social ministry and cate- they have been blessings that I he is actually improving his own life chetical programs. In addition, he wouldn’t change for anything.” My by being with the children and by leads Celebrations of the Word in passion for Christ, for Calasanz, for offering them quality ministry.
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