Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC July 1998 Daily Egyptian 1998 7-16-1998 The Daily Egyptian, July 16, 1998 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_July1998 Volume 83, Issue 162 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1998 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in July 1998 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Blacksmith: Office time:. Supervisor at Lentz Hall • A;gersinger has first uses spare meeting with AP time to Council. create pageJ works of arts. Southern Illinois University at carbondale Vol. 83, No. l62, lZ pages single ccP, free •Nov. 14, 1996 'i"•· •. sruc raculty votes to unionize. •MARot 1907 Faculty contract negotiations begin. •JUNU 1907 Union presents first contract proposal. •SEPTEMDEH 1907 f'ocultY rejeClS i:dnlnislratkrt; lntertm agreement. •Ocroom 1997 Faculty union files unfair labor practice complaint over e.xcluslon rrom chancellor search. •DEC. 17, 1997 AdmlnlStrarton produces contract counter-proposal. •J,'J'<\JNlY 1098 , AdmlnlSltailon. union• announce settlement of unfair labor practice complaint. · •l\t...rtot 4, 1998 Unlon members authortze ·-· /~ leaders to seek mectmtlon. -~-f·'l ~- :f~~'g1~g~c:.nd file intent 10 ·'!'-' ,. •M-\1101 23. I 998 . ··u. Unioo pickets Mthorly Hall to ~~8}'t"al'of -~~ . "'·,If. •N~(ll. 2. 1998 • AdmlnlStration surprtses 1~~~~A\~ a package X'Jm/nTstfa~ w11hdraws ~~=brJ1a~~~l'Y unaccep1able. Faculty presents coun1er-proposal. •Aprtl 4, 1998 COMPROMISE: Teel Riggar carries th~ ballots to be c~untecl from Wednesday's vote. rr~~u~~oe,n;a~~er'medJator. SARA BEAN board adjustments and merit pay DAILY l:m'mAN RErolITTR Onion: reaches tentative contract increases which will provide an average 13 percent inaease over , i.."Jm11n?s1fa~ Joins In request for federal media:or. IUC administrators and fac- agreement with administration the three year duration of the con­ •Aprl! • sulty union leaders are tract for the· about. 740 tenured Farulty14 Union1998 withdraws pleased and hopeful about and tenure:track faculty•. threat or unfair labor practice the future after a count of faculty Thc contract also offCIS a new ~~~~ ~~!>~?,mg~ and votes showed overwhelming sup- .. grievance . procedure ending in University 1a~ers that port for a tentative contract agree- binding. arbitration and· 'greater unfreezes COLA and college rnent between the two parties. levels of shared governance. ~'fc~t~_ertng racu~ry About 85 percent of eligible Mary Lamb, faculty associa­ faculty returned ballots, and 92 tion vice ~ident, said she was '. •April 16. 1998 pcr::ent of those voted in favor of very pl~ with· the turnout of SIUC admlnlStration and rarulty negotiator. the tentative contract agreernenL · the faculty in the vote. Acting faculty association 'This is an enonnous faculty •Mayo. jggs President Bary Malik said that engagement at a University that I\SSOda1e proressor or hlStory Kay carr Is elected out of 400 union members, about has been chanicterized by faculty · president of lhe assoclallon. 288 of314 votes were in support. apathy," Lamb said. "It is very replacing Jim Sulllvan. after he announced he was "We arc extremely pleased." positive for the faculty to feel that Associate V'ice Chancellor for they have a voice." ~71~fa~Sl~P;l~=~·lce Academic Affairs Margaret : Faculty association media president. Winters said. "I think it is a very coordinator Walter Jachnig said . i:'~~~ ~lion leaders good sign for !he relationship of he was surprised and pleased by voted 37·2 to endorse 10 the the faculty and the administration · the strength of the support. He membership a tehtallve that the vote was so overwhclm- said that in a recent discussion contrac1 agreement. ingly in support of the agree- _about the contract among the fac­ •Julil s, 1998 menL" ulty association members, several Act j8 racul:y association The agreement spells an end expressed problems they had ~~~::S8;1~N~~~aculry5 to the turbulent negotiati_ons that with the contract. association members voted began over a year ago. The some- Jachnig said he anticipated a 10 raury the contract times confrontational negotia- greater negative vote. · ~ by.no-.~. lions brought two visits from fed- Winters said the , Board of , •.,. er:tl mediators. M unfair labor Trustees delegated the authority ·. practice charge, an informational DMN MWI/Daily Ea-pdan of approving the oor.iract to the picket and the threat of a faculty executive . committee. The strike. Faculty association Media Coordinator Walter .kiehni_a (le&) and decision of ·the cx~utive , Thc contract offers a compli­ Election <;ommittee Chairman Teel Riggar count the final votes cated financial paclcngc involving · Wednesday For the tentative contract agreement between the lump-sum pa)111Cnts, across-~ . faculty and' odmi~istrotton< ... ... SEE AGREEMENT, PAGE 5 2 • WEDNESDAY JULY 16 1998 DAILY EGl'PTL\N Almanac· Saluki Calendar THIS WEEI{ IN 1974: UPCOMING lec!ure, July 17, 7 J::·• ~m Sailpture Gorden, Horrishurg office, moro i:Jo cx:,nlod Trocy 453-538B. • Tcxos mcm murderer, Elmer Wayne Henley, was • Women's~ Guided mD 618·833·8576. · found gui:ty ol murder ol six deaths in o IK,ino,-. l~/Slmu Reduclion woJ.. • Carbondale Main Street uol lorlure ring in which 27 youths were lilied. sh:,p for women, bllll9 )'Ollr · • Carbondale r.:irmer's Mance!, Massive Funk free cx:,ncert, July Henley, 18, ond accomplice David Owen Brooks, lunch, July 16, noon lo 1 p.m., 01slomer appracianon day, ;!;~~re W<X:nf Hofl A·310, coo!oct priu.s ond mJsic, July 18, 8 !~:i ~t~~r~:'rt!!h~,;~rn:i!:!3'!: Therese or Carol 453•3655. o.m. lo noon, Wes!own Plom Corbondole, con!od Joel 529. Corll, their third acoompfice. pan.mg lot, cx:,nlod lorcoe 61 B0 Bo.!O. • library Affairs ~d-,onced 893-2170. WWW !IOOrching 5elfflncr, July • ~Affoi;s Jave worlc· ~ Shawnee Nolional forcst 22, p.m. to p.m., 16, 2 p.m. to 3 p.m., Morris sh:,p, Ju 2 3 • Miss Chris Chubbuck. ~ of the ABC offiliole's Library 103D, ccD !he Geoiom- hil:es, July 18, 10 o.m. Morris Li rcry Room 103D, coll •Sunccas! Digest,• in Sorosolo, Flo., shot herself in o.m. Undeigroduom desk 453:2010. Rim Rock and· 11 Gorden ~ ~desk~3· . the head while on the oir. According !o slotion offi• ol lhe Gods, for more info coll 1 F,GWTl.l~ ciols ond eyewitr nes, Miss Chubbuck was read· • Civil Airpotrol mee!ing every 618-833-8576 . .D.uu ing a news report obout o ~I-out al o bor • Egyption Dive Oub Leading Southern Illinois University at C=nbondale Thursdey, 7 p.m., Morion oir- • Shawnee National Forest when mechonicol trouble developed with a li1m port, conlod A:,ron 618·9.d2· mecling, ~Wednesday, 1 6:30 p.m., f'u IO!TI 021, conlod dip. After a I, ., $8CO!lds, Miss Chubbuck come 3991. bock on and calmly read a statement onnou!Y.ing ~t·!t1l Anr/ 529•28.d?. 618·833·8576. ~r-·. Editor•ln-Chid: Willi= Hat!iel.l her planned suicide attempt, she reached into a • Mo~ rider program, • SIU Cdlegialo Soil",ng Oub }.~Editor:Chru Mill« shopping bog behind her desk and shot herself. offering mol0rt:)'de lessoru, . N= Ediwr. Brun Eb<n • Li~ Affairs lnfolroc: and meclings fMfY Wednesday, 8 C'l')"De,lcO,ld:Miko Bjorklund July 2.d-26, regiiler eorty, mn lnlcbnc seorchbonk seminar, p.m., siudeitt CcnlerOhio 1-1300-642·9589 or Vole,. Editor:Jm Pmu.. July 20, 10 o.m. to 11 a.m., room, conlod Mott A.57·5591. Stu.lcni Albin: Karen Bwur . • Richard Gruny, legal council lo the Board of www.5iu.edu/-cyde/. Morris u"brory 103D, mH tl-.:i Etu=inmmr Ed,ror: o.,.. Duhriwnv • library Alfairs ln!rcduction lo Politi<> Editor: J•ycn• Bolioikl Trus!ees, was teslifying about irregular expenditure • SIUC and the Illinois Undergroduo1e desk -453-2818. of more lhan $5,000 of StUC's money. Tho money uiing WWW Using Ne!scope Sporu Editor- Bot,by Narong was used by the top SlUC's off'ciols to buy liquor • Library Alfairs Digitol seminor,J,.,ly23, 9 o.m. lo 10 Photo Editor: DcTin Millu offersDepartmen~ FREE • rider r;.,p1,,,., Editor. Bobbi Shamhart for enlertair,ment al the University Hou$!!. SlUC's Imaging for !he Weo seminar, o.m.,Morris~ cx,urses, Aug:.rs! 7, .8, and 9, July 21, 2 p.m. lo 3 p.m., 103D, aillthe N.,.~ Ot1k/Lll:r.uian: Alvce ln:nm C'.Jrrenl No. 2 mon, Danilo Oresc::min, hod also • rogisler oo:ly, coU 1-800-642· Student Ad ~ian:ai:tt: Pl,U Hammu made out vouchers lo the Holiday Inn for coterino Morris Library Room 19, coll desl:453-2818. Cl=i!ld: Lori P..holik 9589 or on tha 453· seNices when the money aduolly hod been ui.ed l ~roduo!e clesk • library Affairs lnlennedio!e llu,ines,: Jmnilrr Mattin&lr www.siu. /-cyde/. 2818. Ad Production: Sluoncn Biby lo reimburse the IM for packaged liquor. Caulnx!iai serrinor, webPoge TroductkaAssistant:KltkSlcaar • Ou Alpha Christion • library Alfairs Powed'oinl July 23, 3 p.m. lo 5 p.m., Fellowship meeting every seminar, July 21, 3 p.m. la 4 M::>rris uorc.-yR.ocm 1030, coll • The DuQuoin State F::,ir was featuring, Liza Friday, lntemalionols and p.m., Mortis Li~Room !he Undergrciduo!o desk 453. Minelli, Wolfman Jock, loreHa Lynn encl Rich Little Ameri= wel(X)l!lC, July 17, 1030, coll !he roduota 2818. 6:30 p.m., Whom 105, can cleslc 453-28.18 •. Elise 529·4395. .. Library Mm Digi!cl • •UniYersi!y Museum •Music in lmoging for me Web, 123, 3 • Thomas Knight, a 23-year-old ex-convict from • ~ Na!ional ftirest the Gorden• Jerry Giffin and p.m.
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