GREAT DEALS | GREAT SERVICE | EVERYDAY 2020 SYMBOL/ FRANCHISE GROUP OF THE YEAR SHORTLISTED Offers GOLD 5 MONDAYSUNDAY 4 TH9 HAPRIL MAR - - SATURDAY SUNDAY 29 24THTH MARAPRIL 2020 2021 Nescafé Azera Americano Nestlé Frosted Shreddies 6 x 100g 6 x 500g Buy any 2 cases & get a case of £14.35 £9.75 6 branded glasses FREE!* 114020 996810 Only £12.85 114159/114160 PM £3.99 PM £2.89 PM £1.89 or 2 for £3.50 POR 40.1% POR 43.8% POR 32.0% Walkers Crisps Lucozade Energy VAS 32 x 32.5g Orange/Original £10.25 24 x 380ml 269964/269965/ 269966/269963/ £14.45 682149/680475 269967 E M Y PM 65p Retail £1.25 R POR 40.9% POR 42.2% Solsken Mixed Fruit/Strawberry & Lime 12 x 500ml T Carlsberg Export Holsten Pils Russian Standard Vodka Santa Loretta Prosecco 12x330ml 6 x 4x500ml 6 x 70cl 6 x 75cl £7.89 £18.99 £63.55 £34.85 114195 988681 113215 145104 Retail £11 PM £5.99 PM £15.79 Retail £8.99 POR 16.1% POR 36.6% POR 19.5% POR 22.5% DELIVERING THE BEST POSSIBLE SERVICE SHEFFIELD 2 Great 50% Plus POR Deals Fuel10K Granola Barista Coffee RTD Super Berry Café Latte/ 6 x 400g Caramel Latte £8.59 12 x 250ml 951797 £4.95 998809/998810 Retail £2.99 PM £1 POR 52.1% POR 58.8% McVitie’s Biscuits Highland Barratt Duracell Plus VAS Spring Water Chewy Nougat 9V 15 x Pack Still 40 x 35g Single £10.25 6 x 2ltr £7.19 £1.65 992555/992558/ 627476 109367 992557/992560 £2.79 993794 PM £1.65 Retail £1.25 Retail 45p Retail £3.99 POR 50.3% POR 55.4% POR 52.1% POR 50.4% Twinings Tea Tetley Tea Decaf L’Or Classique Coffee VAS 4 x 20 Pack 6 x 40 Pack 6 x 100g £5.65 £6.15 £14.35 772752/111939/ 975097 993547 960373/974515/ 753698 Retail £2.39 PM £1.75 PM £3.99 POR 40.9% POR 41.4% POR 40.1% Nescafé Azera Americano Taylors Rich Italian Taylors Rich Italian Nestlé Honey Cheerios 6 x 100g Ground Coffee Coffee Bags 6 x 375g £14.35 6 x 227g 3 x 10 Pack £9.75 114020 £13.95 £5.15 270340 700494 114800 PM £3.99 PM £3.79 Retail £2.99 PM £2.69 POR 40.1% POR 38.7% POR 42.6% POR 39.6% Great Deals on Grocery 3 Nestlé Frosted Shreddies Nestlé Curiously Cinnamon Quaker Oat So Simple Sachets Quaker Oat So Simple Pot 6 x 500g 6 x 375g Golden Syrup/Original Golden Syrup/Original £9.75 £9.75 6 x 8 Pack 8 x 57g/45g 996810 996811 £7.19 £5.15 269172/269173 152890/152889 PM £2.89 PM £2.89 PM £2.29 PM 99p POR 43.8% POR 43.3% POR 47.7% POR 35.0% Weetabix Crispy Minis Weetos Chocolatey Hoops Ready Brek Jordans Country Crisp Chocolate Chip 8 x 350g Original Chunky Nut/Strawberry 5 x 450g £12.09 6 x 450g 6 x 400g £7.59 270728 £9.15 £9.25 270729 270732 974123/974121 PM £2.49 PM £2.49 PM £2.49 PM £2.69 POR 39.0% POR 39.3% POR 38.8% POR 42.7% Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Fuel10K Granola Squares Super Berry VAS 30 x 36g/28g 6 x 400g £9.05 £8.59 996834/996852/996830/ 951797 996833/113999 WHATEVER YOU DO PM 59p Retail £2.99 POR 38.6% POR 52.1% Fuel10K RTD Fuel10K Oat Bar Banana/Chocolate Chocolate/Peanut Butter 8 x 330ml 20 x 45g £6.15 £9.95 996035/996018 114508/114509 WE DO BREAKFAST PM £1.29 Retail 99p TM, ®, © 2021 KELLOGG Company. All rights reserved. 30% less sugar on average than other POR 40.4% POR 49.7% chocolate flavoured toasted rice cereal. IRI UK 2020. www.cocopops.com 4 Great Deals on Grocery Applied Nutrition ABE RTD Applied Nutrition Bar BSN Protein Bar Optimum Nutrition Blue Lagoon/Fruit Candy/ Chocolate Caramel/ Peanut Crunch Protein Bar Orange Burst/Grape Soda White Chocolate Caramel 10 x 60g Chocolate Caramel/ 24 x 330ml 12 x 60g Crisp Marshmallow £8.75 10 x 60g/65g £18.45 £10.25 272590 114690/114691/ 114696/114698 114692/114693 £11.29 272588/272589 Retail £2 Retail £2 PM £1.49 PM £2.29 POR 53.9% POR 48.8% POR 29.5% POR 40.8% Nature Valley Protein Bar Nutella Cadbury Chocolate Spread Nesquik Milkshake Peanut & Chocolate/ 6 x 350g 6 x 400g Cocoa/Strawberry Salted Caramel Nut 10 x 180ml 12 x 40g £13.35 £10.79 272002 620422 £3.59 £4.95 113358/113361 967662/967664 PM 85p PM £2.89 Retail £2.49 Retail 59p POR 41.8% POR 23.0% POR 27.8% POR 39.2% Nesquik Nesquik Ryvita Thins Blue Dragon Noodle Wok Chocolate Strawberry/Banana Mature Cheddar/Multi-Seed Oriental Chicken/Spicy Thai/ 10 x 300g 10 x 300g 6 x 125ml Sweet Chilli £14.35 £12.29 £7.69 6 x Each 478267 478410/478212 271950/991778 £6.69 7298/7308/7287 Retail £2.59 Retail £2.59 PM £1.99 Retail £1.69 POR 44.6% POR 43.1% POR 35.6% POR 34.0% Batchelors Pasta ’n’ Sauce Cooks & Co. Fat Old El Paso Kit John West Sardines VAS 7 x 99g Goose/Duck BBQ Fajita Brine/Sunflower Oil/Tomato £3.89 6 x 320g 4 x 500g 12 x 120g 271027/271029/ 271026/271028 £11.29 £7.69 £8.75 108163/144014 958556 669647/773539/691936 PM £1.09 Retail £2.69 PM £2.99 Retail £1 POR 49.0% POR 30.0% POR 35.7% POR 27.1% Great Deals on Grocery 5 Batchelors Batchelors Batchelors Super Noodles Pasta ’n’ Sauce Super Noodles Chicken/BBQ Beef/ Chicken & Mushroom/ Chicken/Curry/BBQ Curry/Bacon Cheese & Broccoli 8 x 75g 8 x 90g 6 x 65g £4.09 £3.59 £3.09 271022/271021/271023 271018/271019/ 271025/271024 271017/271020 PM £1.20 PM £1.20 PM £1.09 POR 57.1% POR 57.4% POR 58.8% Green Giant Sweetcorn Tilda Long Grain Rice Patak’s Paste Salad Crisp Naturally Sweet 8 x 1kg VAS 12 x 150g £7.69 6 x 283g/312g £5.65 273086 £7.69 982617 925398/650322/ 649542/150220/ 649773/650047/ 650191/58508/ 858496/650421/ 649894/926647 PM 75p Retail £1.49 Retail £1.99 POR 37.2% POR 35.5% POR 35.6% Patak’s Pickle Encona Sauce Encona Sauce Filippo Berio VAS VAS VAS Olive Oil 6 x 283g 6 x 142ml 6 x 142ml Extra Virgin/ Pure £7.69 £3.79 £4.65 6 x 500ml 493620/840969/ 146278/146279/ 145341/145342/ 907385/755230/ 155399/145343 113140 935786/907428/ £15.89 611536/926780 963995/963993 Retail £1.99 PM £1 Retail £1.29 PM £3.99 POR 35.6% POR 36.8% POR 39.9% POR 33.6% Filippo Berio Pesto Cirio Tomato Puree Goldenfry Sauce Granules Del Monte Fruit Cocktail VAS 12 x 140g Cheese/Curry/ In Syrup 6 x 190g Peppercorn 12 x 227g £8.19 6 x 250g £6.05 583343 £7.19 149833/149832/ 638531 151917/151916/ £4.29 985645/985644/269428 272556/272555 PM £1.99 Retail £1.09 Retail £1.19 Retail 79p POR 49.3% POR 37.4% POR 39.9% POR 24.2% 6 Great Deals on Grocery CRACKING COLMAN’S DEALS McDougalls Flour Plain/Self Raising 10 x 1.1kg Colman’s Recipe Colman’s Sauce Colman’s Sauce Mix Sachet Sachet Sachet VAS 10 x Pack Onion Pepper/Parsley/ £8.15 271009/271008 10 x Pack White/Cheese £6.05 10 x Pack 270123/270122/269759/ 270124/269760 £4.65 270120 £4.65 PM 99p 269756/269757/ POR 38.9% Retail 75p 270121/269944 PM £1.59 POR 38.0% PM 75p POR 48.7% POR 38.0% Be-Ro Flour Plain/Self Raising 10 x 1.1kg £8.15 271010/271011 PM £1.59 POR 48.7% Ambrosia Rice Pudding/ Ambrosia Custard Bird’s Custard Devon Custard Chocolate 6 x 300g 12 x 400g 12 x 400g £5.15 £7.69 £7.69 113226 271000/271001 272583 PM £1.09 Retail £1.09 PM £1.59 POR 41.2% POR 41.2% POR 46.0% Pearce Duff’s Blancmange Hartley’s Tablet Jelly Betty Crocker Cake Mix Betty Crocker Icing Chocolate/Strawberry/Vanilla VAS 12 x 135g VAS 4 x 425g Vanilla/Chocolate Fudge 12 x 41g/35g £6.15 £5.85 4 x 425g 537490/690445/694630/ 979025/979844/ £2.35 537489/687649 979131 £5.85 269987/269988/2 979846/979847 69989 Retail 35p Retail 79p PM £2.49 PM £2.49 POR 44.0% POR 35.1% POR 41.3% POR 41.3% Whitworths Almonds Whitworths Whitworths Desiccated Ground/Flaked VAS 5 x 325g/350g Coconut 5 x 150g £6.15 5 x 200g 154859/154896/ £6.89 154901 £6.35 154897/154898 962929 Retail £2.19 Retail £1.99 Retail £1.99 POR 37.1% POR 38.2% POR 36.2% Great Deals on Chilled & Frozen 7 Naked Juice Mars Milk Dairylea Spread VAS 6 x 702ml 12 x 145g 8 x 360ml £6.69 £10.25 £8.95 976259 152547 998530/998531/ 998538/998537 Retail £2.49 PM £1.69 PM £1.35 POR 46.1% POR 20.8% POR 36.7% Dairylea Portions Dairylea Slices Bertolli Spread Barista Coffee RTD 6 x 125g 6 x 200g 8 x 250g Café Latte/ Caramel Latte £5.15 £6.99 £8.19 12 x 250ml 152300 149924 897040 £4.95 998809/998810 PM £1.35 PM £1.70 Retail £1.75 PM £1 POR 36.4% POR 31.5% POR 41.5% POR 58.8% Aunt Bessie’s Aunt Bessie’s Mashed Potato Birds Eye Garden Peas Birds Eye Battered Cod Filelts Golden Yorkshires 650g 375g 200g 220g £1.39 85p £1.75 £1.29 270712 978301 979942 114182 PM £1.79 PM £2.25 PM £1.29 PM £2.49 POR 27.9% POR 38.2% POR 34.1% POR 29.7% Birds Eye Cod Fillets Birds Eye Chicken Pie Aunt Bessie’s Roasties Aunt Bessie’s 200g 155g 800g Bramley Apple Crumble 240g £1.75 75p £1.29 p 976113 105710 271058 75 959988 PM £2.49 PM £1 PM £2.25 PM £1 POR 29.7% POR 25.0% POR 42.7% POR 25.0% Birds Eye Value Fish Fingers Birds Eye Ready Meal Young’s Fish in Sauce 250g Chicken Curry with Rice/ Butter/Parsley Chicken Tikka Masala with Rice 140g 99p 400g p 113254 85 £1.45 271264/270575 270166/270509 PM £1.25 PM £1.99 PM £1.19 POR 20.8% POR 27.1% POR 28.6% 8 Great Deals on Biscuits & Cakes MIGHTY McVITIE’S DEAL Fox’s Chunkie Cookies Fox’s Chunkie Cookies Milk Choc/White Choc Extremely Chocolatey 9 x 180g 9 x 175g McVitie’s Biscuits VAS 12 x Pack £7.69 £7.69 982720/983624 983615 £7.19 268954/268952/ 268953/268949/ 268950 PM £1 PM £1.39 PM £1.39 POR 40.1% POR 38.5% POR 26.2% Fox’s Creams Golden Crunch/ Ginger Crunch/ Double Choc 12 x 230g £7.69 978231/978220/988921 PM £1 POR 35.9% Fox’s Classic Oreo Belvita Soft Bakes Belvita Honey Nut 22 x 7 Pack Golden Biscuit/Double Stuff/Original Choc Chip 20 x 50g £13.35 16 x 154g 20 x 50g £8.19 270666 £8.19 £8.19 113870 971419/270220/152848 963621 PM £1 PM 79p PM 60p PM 60p POR 27.2% POR 35.2% POR 31.8% POR 31.8% Cadbury Cookies McVitie’s Biscuits Flipz Covered Pretzels Double Choc Chip/Choc Chip VAS 15 x Pack Milk Chocolate 6 x 150g £10.25 6 x 80g 992555/992558/ £3.59 992557/992560 £3.79 147451/147450 113467 PM £1 PM £1.65 PM £1 POR 28.2% POR 50.3% POR 24.2% Wagon Wheels Maryland
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