, NATIC3NAI SERVICE BUREAU l%DrERAL TIBATRE PROJECT WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION 1697 Broadway - New York City Irwin A. Rubinstein - Manager A LIVIKG NEWSPAPER about Housing by A.RT€XR ARF;NT ,.PUBLICATION NO 44 S 50 cents a copy To 99 ies secure additional r mail 500 for each to Cat&@??, FATIONAL SER'VI6E BURBAU, It.' FEDEIUL THEATRE PROJECT, (Address abow) z Please mention publication nhr - "f P&.OPEBTY OF LIBRARY CONGRE8S a4 TEB OR' .x LIVING REWSPUER J THE sponsored by c NIZSPAPER GUILD OF WEW YO= "...one third of a nation..." a Living Newspaper about Housing bY Arthur Brent --.I...- Based on research compiled by the Editorial Staff of the Living New* >, PSPBP. - L-, --, c Stsged by Lem Ward Setting by Howard Bey Technical. Director, Moe Hack Music by Lee Wainer Costumes desi-ed by Rhoda Raaaaelkamp Manager for the Living Newspaper, Irving Mendell Produced by Philip W. Barber J-W, Adelphi Theatre =- 1938 BidEdition c 11 " . one third of a nation TABU OF CONTENTS VOL I FOREWORD BIBLIOGRAPHY CAST OF CHAHACl'ERS SCENE TITUS DIALOGUE .-.,' FOREWORD . L * With 11,. .one third of a nation. , the Living Newspaper presents its fifth Broadway production, ? .- TRIPLE A PLOWED UNDER, the first Living Newepaper edition, opened on March 14, 1936, and ran for eight weeke, It was seen by 38,Ocx> New Yorkero. As its name implies, the play deals with the economic problem of the farmer. The interest in this initial Living NewspRper WRF so great tht Chicago, LORAngelea, Milwaukee and Cleve- land reproduced it; Chicago, 93, PerformnceR, LORAngsles, 32 mcl Mil- wnukee, 22, The second edition of the Living NewspRper, HIGHLIGHTS OF 1935, opened on Mey 12, 1936, md rnn for three weeks. It dramatized . imnortnnt front page stories of the previous year, The Brooklyn Ewle charpcterized the plny a~,"a selection of headlines, editorials 8s well AS nem, in R nice combination providing pungency and humor." With INJUNCTION GRANTED the Living Newspaper started to form its definite production pattern. This cm be said to be the Thy, the when, and the Therefore -- cause and effect -- of living problems con- fronting us tohy, The subject at hnnd in that production was organized labor in the Courts, ad the 63,000 peoFle who saw it during its thir- teen veek run, were most enthusipstic in their response, both as regards the theme of the play, and the Living Newepaper form of dramatization, Gilbert Seldes in Scribnarls MBMzine mid, "I do not know which to praise more, the Rhrewdnops of the mothod, tho significance of the RU~ ject, or the passion which, in the end, communicntes a positive excite- ment to the audit.nce.tl Aa it's fourth production, POmER, A play trpcing the history of the electric industry in the United Stptes, was produced. It onened on February 23, 1937, end during its twenty week run played to a tothl audience of 76,529 people. mile it was playing to capacity houses in New York, $An Francisco and Seattle also produced it, At this moment, Portland, Oregon ha8 A cmt in rehearsal, and word comes from Seattle, that the play is touring the State of Washington with much success. Early in February of this year, a second company was formed, had a four week run on Broadway, and now has numerous spot bookings throwhout the city. The genernl feeling is tbt POW will be on the books of the Federfrl Thentre for some time to come. While POXER was still drawing lmge audiences, tho germ of n,,,ono third of a nstion..,tl WPB tdcing root. Housing, A msjor problem of modern existence, WRS filling the columns of our metropolitm news- papers, Legislation wr?s being drnfted in Washington, .e.nd in our own City and StPte, groups were working .for RppropriPtionv,'not only for slum clearance, but R~ROfor houeing projects, The production of ",,.one third of R nntion,,.lf on Jmmry l7th, Rt a time Then there wes so much activity in the natiornl housing field, indicptes the vitnlity of the Federal ThoPtre. At this writing, April 20th, the plpy has passed its eightieth porformnnce, and hea been ~eenby 111,000people. It is booked solid with thwtre pnrties until the 10th of June. There can be no doubt tht the Living Newspaper hPs given to Nm York the, "hit of tho 8eAflon." It is the hops of the Living NewspPpor md the Federal ThePtre Project thRt "...one third of R nntian..," will be the bpaia for mmy prosentatinnR in locnl comunitiee, We hpve aet the scene in Hew York, but LOuDsPEAgER Ladies and gentlemen, this might be Boston, New York, St, LouiR, Chicago, PhilPddnhia ---- Pnd with chmges in npmes and locale, n,..one third of a nation,.," can be proBuced for ell the nation, New York April 20, 1938. ,- "...one third of a nation..." ------------BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS PROSTITUTION - CONSIDERED IN ITS MORAL, SOCIAL AND SANITARY ASPECTS, William Aoton, M.R.C.S. WNICIPAL HOUSING, Helen Alfred HOUSING - ITS RELATION TO SOCIAL WORK, Albion Fellowes Bacon WHAT BAD HOUSING WSTO TKE CObWNITY, Albion Fellowes Bacon MODERN HOUSING, Catherine Bauer THE ROOKERIES OF LONDON, PAST, PRESENT, AND PROSPECTIVE, Thomas Beames AN HISTORICAL SKETCH OF TRINITY CHURCH, William Berrean COLL MINER'S INSECURITY, Louis Block DANGEROUS CLASSES OF YO=, C. L. Brace COLISLPSE OF FEDERAL HOUSING,NEW Brown Norbert THE WORLD'S SOCIAL EVIL, William Burgess HOUSEHOLD OF A MILLTOWN, Margaret P. Byington NEN YORK CIVIL PRLCTICE, James Christopher Cahill TENnNT FARMER, Erskine Caldwell LAW &!?D CONTEMPORARY PROBLINS, N.C. Durham THE OUTLOOK, Corey MAGGIE,NEW Stephen CraneH. THE TE'NBENT HOUSE PROBLEM, two volumes, DeForest and Veiller WHY KEEP THEM ALIVE?, Paul De Kruif A HISTORY OF THE PARISH OF TRINITY CHURCH IN NEW YORK, Morgan Dix WINFIELD SCOTT, THE SOLDIER AND THE WJ?, ldajor Charles W. Elliott THE T-NT HOUSE SYSTEM IN NZi? YORK, E. Dodge THE HOUSING QUESTION, Frederick Engels W. J.A. CAPITAL AND LABOR, Fitch SLUNS AND HOUSING, two volumes, James A. Ford UNCLE Sldd BlNKER - 1910-1940, James Arthur Fulton LIFE AND VENTUPaS OF ORIGINAL J.J. MTOR, Elizabeth H. Gobhard SOME SOCIAL CXJSES OF PROSTITUTION, M. 17. Glenn HISTORY UISIVCRSITY OF CHICAGO, Thos :,To Goodspeed THE TiAGES OF LABOR, Wlliam Graham . OBSOLESCENCE OF AMERICi'X HOMES, C 11.. Gum THE SLuhl AND CRIIIE, Irving 17. Hnlparn TIB CONTROL OF 'rl..rZGES, H. IIamilton REAL ESTATE SPECULATION e: JUVENILE DELINQUENCY, Reuben E. Harkness REMINISCENCES OF AN OCTOGEXARIAN, Charles H. Haswell CITY PLANNING HOUSING, Werner Hogemnn NOOKS AND CORNCRS OF OLD NEV YORK, Charles Hemstroot JOHN JACOB ASTOR, UNDLORD OF NE'R YORK, Arthur D. Howden Smith MODERN CITY AND ITS PROBLEMS, Frederic Howe RULES AND REGULATIONS OF U.S. SENATE, Jefferson's Manual fSOUSIlYGKING'S NOTABLE ??EX? YORKEM, Moses King PRMR, Arthur C. Holden INDUSTRIAL HYGIbENE & SOCIAL BETTERPENT, George Id. Kober L INDUSTRIAL HOUSIIIG, Morris Knavles THE IIISTORY OF THE CITY OF mi/ YORK, Martha Lamb '3 r THOUGHTS FOR A YOUNG IvW, Horcce Mam i NO NWiN CITY, H.K. Long and Alexander h!cArthur Bibliography - page 2 -BOOKS (Cont'd.) SLUMS AND SLUMIERS, CR. Martin CAPITAL, Karl Ihrx FO~IG~~COR?! TIT Tim UNITED STATES, Dwight C. 1.forgan MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS OF NE'uI YORK, 1901 VOL 5 HISTORY OF TEE GREAT WRICAN FORTmS, Gustavus wers HOUSING OFFICIALS' YEAR BOOK, 1936 THE NET{ DAY IN HOUSING, Louis H. Pink THE GOLDEN EARTH, Arthur Pound REXL ESTldE VALUES & HISTORICAL MOTCS OF CHICAGO, €!*He Putney THE SLUM R.U. Romsey MRS. DWELLER, BAILEY PAYS THE RENT, Ira Do Reid ' MIRRORS OF Wmn!, Ira D. Reid THE HOUSING OF THE POOR IN NJERICfLN CITIES, Marcus T. Reynolds THC BATTLE KITH THE SLmJ, Jacob A. Riis HOIJ TEE OTHER IIALF LIVES, Jacob A. Riis CHILDRIlN OF THE POOR, Jacob A. Riis THC CHILDREN OF TCNCLITNTS, Jacob A. Riis A TEN YUR'S XiR, Jacob A. Riis THE PO'J3R OF THE FEDERAL GOVEIUII.DIJT TO CONDEEN LAND FOR SLup.pI CLEfiRfJCE AND LO'J I?.ENT HOUSIIJG, Ira S. Robbins ANTHXXITE COAL TO'JHS, P. Roberts SOCIAL TJLSTE 0" k GREAT CITY, LIL. Seaman (Dr.) A JLCK-ROLLER - A DELINQUENT BOY'S 017N STOXY, Clifford II. Shaw EKWJ;.L ON IIEBXTJ PRIVLTE LIFE, -iialiace N, Stearns ASTOKE'S ICONOG33HY REBEL IdEJiXICR, Symes & Clement HISTORY OF THE DTJELLIMG HOWE AKb ITS FUTUX, Robert E. Thompson THE GANG, Frederick Id. Thrasher THE SLUM PizOBLEI:, R. S. Tonnroc l?ANUAL OF THE CITY OF hTJ YO??, David Thomas Valentine HOUSING P2OBLETdS AND POSSIBILITIES IN THE U.S., Frank ;-{atson l.IEl,!Cj(i3IiiL HISIORY OF THE CITY, OF hi,/ YO=, James Grant Vilson RECENT TXENDS ITJ fdE21CLN HOUSING, Edith E. Vood REHOUSIKG U?J3LN kJ.ZF:;tICA, IIenry Wight ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITILNNICA ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SOCIAL SCIENCES ENCYCL0PEI)Ih .M.EXt' CkJh'i F'AiCdS AND VILLAGE HOUSING - VOL. 7 1 HAXPEI',lS POPULAR CYCLOPLEDIA OF UNITED STATES HISTOXY, John Lbssing Bonson MOR FACT BOOK I, 11 liND I11 NE%' INTERNATION~FLLENCYCLOPEDIA 0 hTd IN'i'ENXT IOKAL YE=l";l"OOK, 191 6- 1936 TENELTENT IfISTOXY OF NET{ YOAX - 1852-1900 'JO?LD LLUN?.C 1935, 1986. 1937 UdOR - YIIZ-itBOOK OF STATISTICS 1935-1936, INTE2NiiTIONAL LLBOZ OFFICE - LEAGUE OF N1.TI ONS, GEIJEVA Bibliogrmhy - mge 3 MAGAZINES I AMERICAN AXHITECT MEHICAN BUILDER r AMEHICAN CITY MAGAZINE A. F, OF L, 'IEEKLY SEV7ICE -d' NEWS AMXtICAN INSTITUTF, OF AXCHITECTS JOWXAL ANNALS OF AbEHICAN ACDM OF POLITICAL SCIENCE ARCHITECT AND ENGINEEIL AELCHITECTUd4L FOHUl! AHCRITECTUIU IlECORD THE ARENA ATLANTIC MONTHLY THE MAGAZINE BETTWBANKEIilS TIMES BUILDING AMEMCA BUSINESS PEEK CATHOLIC VOiUD CENTUHY KAGAZINE CITY MANAGER MAGAZINE COLLIERS COTTON Cu1WTNT HISTORY EASTEliN UNDEMWITIZ ENGINEELLING NEVS-IU3COHD EVEIiYBODY S "BULLETIN" OF FEDEllATION OF AHCHITSCTS, VNCINEEItS, CHEMISTS TECHNICIANS AND FOItTUNE F-0 lirn Ey)IIub4
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