Think September 2014-Covers_Covers 9/18/14 10:47 AM Page 1 september 2014 AMERICAN CHRISTIANITY AND THE RISE OF DENOMINATIONALISM Page 16 CURRENT ISSUES FROM A DISTINCTLY CHRISTIAN VIEW HINDU MAN-MADEISLAM RELIGIONS BUDDhISM $3.95 Think September 2014-Covers_Covers 9/18/14 10:47 AM Page 2 “Butevenifweoranangelfromheavenshouldpreach toyouagospelcontrarytotheonewepreachedto you,lethimbeaccursed.Aswehavesaidbefore,soI sayagainnow,ifanymanispreachingtoyouagospel contrarytowhatyoureceived,heistobeaccursed!” Galatians 1:8-9 Think September 2014-Interior_Interior 9/18/14 10:54 AM Page 3 in this issue SEPTEMBER 2014 20 14 22 features departments _______14 _______20 4 FROM THE EDITORS That Modern Devil Why I Am Not A Buddhist 6 MAILBAG M I K E L A N E KEVIN CAULEY 8 FAITH AND FINANCE 16 22 _______ _______ 9 THE LOST GENERATION American Christianity and the Rise Turning the World Upside Down: 10 WHAT WOULD GRANDPA SAY? of Denominationalism Lessons from Our Muslim Friends MIKE BONNER CHANTELLE SWAYNE 24 AMERICA’S FAITH _______18 26 WELLSPRING Women: Precious or Property? 27 SOLID GROUND RACHEL HANDLEY articles 28 NOT A STATISTIC God’s S.W.A.T. Team ..........................12 31 HEART OF THE MATTER THINK | SEPTEMBER 2014 3 Think September 2014-Interior_Interior 9/18/14 10:54 AM Page 4 From the Editors Andrew Chavarrilla, Brad Harrub, Josh Taylor, Jay Lockhart, Keith Parker, Jack Wilkie, and Willie Franklin Quite literally the world seems to be on fire. From rockets lighting up of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among the night sky on the Gaza strip, buildings and cars in Ferguson, Missouri, themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and planes shot down on the Ukraine-Russia border and coming to a fiery halt worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed as they meet the ground. It seems “hell is breaking loose” on this world forever! (Romans 1:22-25). we all call home. You see today many people have bought the lie just as they did in that Some Christians ask why this is happening? Where is God? Have we day. People think that they can have the presence of an immortal God who been left to fend for ourselves? All of these questions beg yet another ques- is pure and just but at the same time be able to mold Him into their needs tion. Has God forgotten us or have we forgotten God? The truth is that if to fit their lifestyles. However, look at what happens––it’s not that God we are going to be consistent with God’s Word, we have to know that when forgot His people; they forgot Him. As a result, therefore, God gave them we as a people turn our backs on God, He will leave us to our own devices up in the lusts of their hearts.” Heartbreaking, isn’t it. Jesus probably puts and desires. Even in Scripture He [God] never imposes on the free will of the world today in perspective when He says, man. Even still it is never without warning that we should “not be deceived: No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap (Gala- the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the tians 6:7). The decisions that we make will bear their legitimate fruit. So, other. You cannot serve God and money … . Therefore I tell you, do not when we choose to replace God with the things of this temporal life, what be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor can we expect to receive? God is consistent in His dealings with His peo- about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and ple and we know that “… God shows no partiality, but in every nation any- the body more than clothing? … And which of you by being anxious can one who fears Him and does what is right is acceptable to Him” (Acts 10:34- add a single hour to his span of life? … But seek first the kingdom of 35). In other words, God doesn’t play favorites––He expects everyone, every- God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you where to be equally obedient everyday. (Matthew 6:24-25, 27, 33). When we look at what is going on in the world around us, we cannot help but be reminded that “righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a re- We cannot serve two masters; we cannot serve God and uphold the same proach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34). That wasn’t just true of Israel and allegiance to the things of the temporal things of this life. Sadly, we know it’s not only applicable to America today; it’s for every nation everywhere. all too well today that selfishness dominates the way many view the world Turn on your computer and go to your favorite news site, turn on the tel- and success and because of that we are literally burning down the house. evision and go to a news channel, walk out to the curb or driveway and So how do we put the fires out? The answer is a lot simpler than you pick up the newspaper … watch or skim for just a few seconds––the world might think. Many today think you “fight fire with fire,” as the adage goes. is in a bad spot, right? I bet you saw something that has to do with mur- However, that just doesn’t work; it only makes the fire larger. When you’re der to some degree or another, probably sexual misconduct, something drug fighting fire, the best way is to extinguish it with water. So is the case now; related, probably something that has to do with the character of a lime- we must extinguish the fire, but how? For the answer again we turn to light individual, and you probably even saw something pointing to the ho- Jesus, “You shall love the Lord your God with all mosexual agenda. Today, however, is not the first time people have ex- your heart and with all your soul and with all your changed God for their selfishness. Look at the Roman lifestyle and the way strength and with all your mind, and your neigh- that it not only influenced the Gentiles but the Jews as well, especially bor as yourself” (Luke 10:27). Love is the answer. when it came to God, However, we cannot love others if we do not first love God. When God becomes our focal point, love Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of will prevail and the fires will extinguish. As always, the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and we pray you will Think on these things. L animals and creeping things. Therefore God gave them up in the lusts ANDREW CHAVARRILLA BRAD HARRuB JAy LoCKHARt KEItH PARKER JACK WILKIE WILLIE FRANKLIN JosH tAyLoR 4 SEPTEMBER 2014 | THINK Think September 2014-Interior_Interior 9/18/14 10:54 AM Page 5 DONATE A VEHICLE TO FOCUS PRESS In addition to monetary donations, Focus Press also accepts donations of vehicles in good working condition. We are a tax-deductible non-profit 501(c)3 dependent on your donations Donate online at www.focuspress.org/donations Think September 2014-Interior_Interior 9/18/14 10:54 AM Page 6 Mailbag Doris C. I love Focus Press, Inc; you guys speak the Truth and if someone likes or someones doesn’t like it, anything you say is nothing but the Truth. Volume 9, Issue 9• September 2014 © Focus Press, Inc. 2014 Corey T. published monthly by Focus Press, Inc. It’s simple, it’s great! Love this work and the work that is being done by this organization Executive Editor (Focus Press, Inc.). Brad Harrub, Ph.D. Editors Kim M. Keith Parker If you want the Truth it’s here. I’m so glad to have Focus Press. And if you have never been to a Jay Lockhart Willie Franklin seminar I highly recommend you attend one, truly inspirational. Jack Wilkie Associate Editor Wayne R. Andrew Chavarrilla Great resource for those who seek the truth. Keep up the great work! Student Editor Josh Taylor Davette W. Advisory Council Highly recommend this work! Real deal … for those not scared to stand for Truth and think for Gene West themselves! Dan Cottrell Office Manager Tracy M. Saundra Thornton Production Manager/Director of IT Great people doing great things for the greatest cause. Michael Thornton Editorial Assistants R. DeLonge Tonja McRady, Julie Forthun We used your material with our neighbor who was searching for answers. We are excited to Creative Director say that he responded with excitement to our study, and was baptized after 4 weeks. Thank you Nick Long for producing such Biblically sound material that helps so many people. Charlene R. Annual Subscription Rate: $30 individual or gift Best presentation for the defense of the Bible and Christ that I have heard in much too long $27 group rate—5 or more to multiple addresses $24 bulk rate—5 or more to one address a time. $45 Overseas & Canada Airmail Articles in Think magazine may be copied and distributed for Bible study and W. Shepperd other small group use, provided that any and all material is used exactly as it appears in the publication (i.e., no changes and/or edits).
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