• (Trnttivot Coronati Jibmg

• (Trnttivot Coronati Jibmg

• (trnttivOt Coronati Jibmg. I LODGE No. 2076, LONDON. Reference No. ..J."l .H.7j ..: Press Mark JN.lQ.f9-€! I jfreemasonrs, literature, Science, anb Hrt VOL. XXXV. PUBLISHED WITH THE SPECIAL SANCTION OF HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , M.W. GRAND MASTER OF ENGLAND. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF ABERCORN , M.W. GRAND MASTER OF IRELAND . LORD SALTOUN , M.W. GRAND MASTER OF SCOTLAND , AND THE GRAND MASTERS OF MANY FOREIGN LODGES. LONDON : GEORGE KENNING , iG AND I 6A, GREAT QUEEN STREET , LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS, W.C. 1897, "TH E FREEMASON " PRINTING WORKS, 16 AND I 6A , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS, LONDON , W.C. INDEX TO VOL. XXXV. ' Accident Insurance Com- A NNUAL CELEBRATIONIS ' coiitinutd ) — Birkenhead Masonic Char- CONSECRATIONS (continued) — pany, Limited, 396 Annual Ladies' Night of the Gallery Lodge, ity Ball, 71 Royal Arch Chapters. Afternoon Outing- of the Skelmersdale No. 192S , 122 Board of Benevolence, 47, 153, 225, 345, 41S, Albert Edward, Ni. 13G2 , Lodge, an, No. 1599, 36 Annual Ladies' Night of the Skelmeresdale 97 5 514, 572, 694 Alfred Wootton , No. 127, Lodge, No. 1653, 57 Book of Constitutions 595 A LLIED MASONIC D EGREES — , 1723-1S9G , 510 Baliol, No. 1230, 41 Annual Meeting of the Grand Imperial British Natural Premium Provident Associ- Grand Council of England and Wales, Conclave ot Knights of Rome and Red Earl of Zetland, No. 13G4, 657 ation, the, 209 Eccentric, No. 224S, &c, 604 Cross of Constantine, 137 s Masonic Library . : 97 Bro. Bain' 370 Fellowship, No. 2535, 1S1 T.I. Metropolitan , 3S0, 535 Annual Outing of the Queen Victoria Lodge, Bro. the late Dr. W. R. Woodman, Southern~v«v..... .. Starw.u.,, .. v.* ( . J-., u W. M. Sewell, 350, 514 No. 25S4, No. H5-S, 2G1iv" 413 Memorial Fund, 9S St. 16 Stewart, 65 Annual Picnic of the Gallery Lodge, No. 192S, John-at-Hackney, No. 2511, G7 1 S Studholme Brownri gg, No. 2421, 207 NCIENT AND CCEPTED ITE . 3 7 A A R — Annual Picnic of the White Rose of York Sympathy, No. 4S3, 330 Truth, No. S, 3 Mount Calvary, 151, 289, 665 Lodge, No. 249 1, 366 Centenary Celebration of 145 511 10 Invicta, 272 Annual Social Gathering of Relief Lodge, Prince Frederick Lodge, No. 307, 70 White Rose of York, No. 249 1 , 1S2 Wycombe, No. 1501 , 412 23 Hilda, 159 No. 42, 309 . Centenary Celebration of the Prince Gsorge Rose and Lily, 97 665 Annual Supper of the Earl of Lathom Lodge Lodge, No. 30S, 194 Mark Lodges. 107 Shadwell Clerke, 140 of Instruction, No. 1922 , 145 Centenary of Columbian Lodge, 1S1 Caldene. No. 501, 11S Caer Daf , 6G Annual Supper of the Evening Star Lod 470 5 ge Centenary of the Loyal Volunteers Prec:p- ; Eland, No. , 219 of Instruction , No. 1719, 65-) 493 An Oration Delivered by Bro. Rev. C. C. tory, No. 7, 463 . St. George, No. 492 , 325 Annual Supper of the Prosperity Lodge of 1 Bluett, at the Consecration of the Christianity and Freemasonry, 467, 4S9 St. Pancras, No. 494, 428 Stanley of Preston Lodge, No. 2G00, Instruction, No. 65, 617 Star, No. Annual of the Ranelag 499, 590 344 Supper h Lodge of CONSECRATIONS— I nstruction, No. 834, 15S Roval Ark Mariners . An Oration Delivered by Bro. Rev. C. E. L. Craft Lodges. Wright, M.A., at the Consecration of Annual Supper of the St. John's Lodge of ! Joppa, No. 11, Gg Instruction, No. 167, 650 No. 260 2 , the United Service Lodgeof M.M.M., Baring, 1S9 1 Ancient and Accepted Ri!c, Annual Supper _of the United Mariners Lodge Beach , No. 2622, 529 of Instruction , No. , Another Masonic M.S., S5 30 195 Beresford-Peirse, No. 2610, 261 , Humphrey Chetham , 13G Distribution of Prizes at the Girls' School , Anti-Masonic Congress, 447 Borough, No. 25S9, 41 Red Cross Conclave. 2S4 Engineer, No. 2599, 243 A NNUAL CELEBRATIONS— Eighth Annual Supper of the Star Chapter Fforest, No. 2606, 603 : Cestrian, No. 154, 499 Anniversary Festival of the Royal Masonic of Instruction , No. 1275, 224 Headingley, No. 260S, 399 Secret Monitor. Institution for Boys (Portrait of Chair- Festival of the Mark Benevolent Fund, 390 Household Brigade, No. 2614, 293 Earl of Warwick. No. man), 353 Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Hugh Owen, No. 2593, 120 29, 551 Annual Athletic Sports if the Royal Masonic Girls, 275 Leyton, No. 2626, 687 Southern Cross Victor! 1, No. 27, 171 Institution for Boys, the (Portrait of Fifth Annual Festival of the Kirby Lodge of London County Council , No. 2603 , 20S Rose Croix. Victor Ludorum), Instruction, No. 2G3, 616 London School Board No. 2611 345 , , 401 Blackpool, No. 13G , Annual Ball and Banquet of the Sir Walter Fifth Annual Supper of the Blackheath Military, No. 2621, 529 435 Earl of Lathom, No. 137, G30 Raleigh Lodge, No. 2432, 99 Lodge of Instruction , No. 1320 , 604 National Artillery, No. 25 7S, 26 Annual Banquet of the Hen!ey Lodge of Grand Festival of United Grand Lodge, 234 New Brighton , No. 2G19, 65S Consecration ot a Masonic Hall at Consett Instruction, 263 Sixth Annual Dinner of the Perseveiance Old Priory, No. 2594, 70 4S9 . _ . _ . Annual Festival of the Emulation Lodge of Lodge of Instruction , No. 1743, 2S5 Prince Llewellyn, No. 2570, 40 Conversazione of the Quator Coronati Lodge; Improvement, 131 Summer Entertainment to the Annuitants of St. Mary of the Harbour, No. 259 1, 9S No. 207G, 617 Annual Festival oi the Grand Master's the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institu- St. Sampson, No. 259S, 320 CORRESPONDENCE— Mark Lodge of Instruction , 225 tion, 416 Stanley of Preston, No. 2000, 2S4 \ Annual Festival of the Royal Masonic Bene- Third Annual Festival of the La Tolerance Travellers, No. 2G09, 321 1 Appeal, an, 542 , 582 , 634 volent Institution, in Lodge of Instruction , No. 53S, 2C3 Trinity, No. 2595, 5G3 Boys' School of the Future, the, 5GS Annual Festival of the Woking Emulation Wyreside, No. 2605, 3G5 Caution, a, 33G Lodge of Improvement, 193 Ars Quatuor Coronatorum , 49S Zodiac, No. 2G15, 3S5 Christianity and Freemasonry, 504 CRAFT LODGES (continued)— CORRESPONDENCE (continued)— CRAFT LODGES (continued) — CRAFT LODGES (continued)— , Christmas Masonic Treat to the Aged of 353 Royal Sussex, 48 1624 Eccleston, 652 25S1 Empress, 460 67S Queen Victoria, 140 Cleckheaton , 20 362 Doric, 48 1G27 Royal Kensington, 622 2584 Correction , a, 300 373 Socrates, 72 1632 Stuart, 175 260 1 Holloway, 546 Craft Jewels in a Royal Arch Chapter, 324, 3S2 Royal Union , 174 163G St. Cecilia, 91 6 CRYPTIC MASONRV— 336, 34S 414 Union, 62 1641 Earl of Carnarvon, 52 Disclaimer, a, 416 417 faith and unanimity, 21 1656 Wolsey, 91, 2SS, 515 1 Grand Master's, 164 Duties of D.C. and Marshal (S.C), 104 441 Three Grand Principles, 21 1657 Aldersgate, 106, 163, 570, 636, 652 2 Constantine, 221 Election of Grand Treasurer (Mark), 136 442 St. Peter, 139 i6q8 Skelmersdale, inn Emergency Initiation, 105 44S St. James, 21 1669 Royal Leopold, 557 Freemasonry Among the Negroes in the 462 Bank Terrace, 33 1686 Paxton, 301 T"\evon Masonic Widow's U.S.A., 6 6 494 Virtue and Honour, 62 1GS7 Rothesay, 539 JL/ /Annuity runu , 400 7 Kingsland, Festival of the Emulation Lodge of Improve- 507 United Pilgrims, 1S6 1693 570 Dinner to Bro. William Jaffrey, 121 1702 Sub Urban , ment, the, 120 ^11 Zetland, 600 417 Distribution of Prizes at the Girls' School, Festival of the R.M.B.I., 136 521 Truth , 297 1 730 Urmston, 59 284 Perseverance, . General Boards, 34S 523 John of Gaunt, 325 1743 505 District Grand Lodge of . Barbados (Special Grand Lodge Honours—Districts Abroad , 529 bemper Fidelis, 526 1744 rvuyai oavuy, /j Communication), 30S Farringdon Without 26 26S, 300, 312, 376 53S La Tolerance, 21 1745 , 91, 9, 544 ' District Grand Lodge of Bengal (Quarterly Grand Lodge of New Zealand, the, 44S 54S Wellington, 48 1750 Coleridge, 49 Communication), 221 "* Guy's Hospital, 162 , 24G, 300, 324, 336 5S0 Harmony, 105 1753 Obedience, 494 Dramatic Performance for Masonic Charities, Incorporated Law Society and Freemasonry, 591 Buckingham, 37S 1755 Eldon , 505 tnfif TViriitu C^nNem. ill 198 the, 162 603 Zetland, 63 */ w0 -.»"' .J ^w«—,, .-, .-j Initiates and the Book of Constitutions, 403, 611 Marches, 557 1767 Kensington , 526, 663 41G 615 St. John and St. Paul, 105, 504 1780 Albert Edward, 163 Jewels in Craft Lodges, 416 619 Beadon, 595 1789 Ubique, 301 Knight Templars and Mark Masons, G 630 St. Cuthbert, 579 1793 Sir Charles Bright, 91 East Lancashire System- 33 atic Masonic Educational Late Bro. Sir Augustus Harris, the, 594 654 Peveril of the Peak, 504 1S27 Alliance, 623 and Longest Reign in English History, the, 440 663 Wiltshir e Lodge of Fidelity, 63 1837 Lullingstone, 357 Benevolent Institution, 57 Economic Life Office, 256 Masonic Impostors , 416, 556 665 Montagu, 226 1839 Duke of Cornwall, 50G Masonic Vagrant, 662 700 Nelson (Portrait of W.M.), 417, 676 1S60 Phcenix, 4S2 Entertainment at the Royal Masonic Masonic Vagrants—Caution to Almoners, 704 Camden, 1S7 1SS4 Chine (Portrait of W.M.), 77 Benevolent Institution at Croydon, 170 416 706 Florence Nightingale, 37s 1891 St. Ambrose, 693 Entertainment by Bro. Septimus Croft, W.M., of the Members of the Miss Davis's Pension, 440, 4S2, 504 749 Belgrave, 635 1S92 Wallington, 175 Aiders- New Zealand Discussion, the, 440 771 Windsor Castle, 123 190 1 Selwyn, 255 gate Lodge, No. 1657, and their New Zealand Question, the, 634, 64S, 662, 7<o Royal Alfred, 1S7 1910 Shadwell Clerke, iSS Ladies, 365 j w.»j-.w..«, Equitable Life Assurance Society of the 676, 690 7S1 Merchant Navy, 301 yj ^ — Our Brother's Bed , 32 , 90, Si3 New Concord , 174 192S Gallery, 679 United States, the, 272 Prince Frederick Lodge, No.

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