-.V fc ' .i.- •-? \ f eV (■ fiUnE FOURTEEN FRIDAY^ JULY 16, 1984 ManclftatBr lEoffttits Average Dally Net Prew Ron ' F er the Week Ended W«thqF / d h l y 10, I M M . dosing exercim of the Vaca­ breaking wheeta to free the looks. rG ieenS Gf U. O. WGGtMr. I tion Bible SchMl at the Covenant Police Hold Man About Town Preaches Sunday Bicycles Stolen “ There Is no w ay we ean watch . \, Congregational Church. 48 Spruce the bicycles," he said. "Tlje eu- 8 t, w ill take place this evcninjg at 10,964 TMight fair, GOGi; Ig w 'I g perVlaors at the, pool have enough tHitrlCt Deputy PrMident HUs '7 o'clock, and all parents' .and Wanted for Tlieft At Globe Hollow ■is. Tomerrow Isir, 'pGrtly i to do .td watch the swimmers.’’ Member ef the Andit XUbal SteUner of Stafford friends of the pupils are cordially He explained' that the set-up does A M E S I i m BnruM at Clrenlstten high hi Mw npp«r TGg. Springa will make her official vis­ invited. The program will be pre- ' A man who “ tried qtit" an auto­ / Youngsters who ride bicyclee to not zllow for the bicycles to be Mfmcht$ter— A, City of Vitlago Charm it a i Uie meeting of Sunset Her. ,sented in the auditorium, and an mobile in a used car lot here last Globe Hollow sVdmmlng pool are in view ofH he iupervisors or the _______ .... .............' bekah Lodge. Monday at 8 p. m. exhibition of the handwork, with March IS and never returned with Urged to lock them securely. The swimmers, since there la a bath in Odd FeUows Halh Mis. a social time and refreshments warning was made today by D R l V B W A Y S -VOL. LXXIII, NO. 250 (CIsaelfM Adrerthdag as Page 10) Beatrice Manning and her com­ will follow in the vestry. the car will be brought back - to house • between the perking area MANCHESTER, CONNl,' SATURDAY, JULY 1 7 ,^ $ M (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FIVE CEICT8 James F. Herdic, superintendent and the pool. mittee will serve refreshments at face SL charge of theftJ of recreation, after he received re­ He Said he believes the problem the social time foUos^g the busi­ Mrs. Helen Fitzpatrick will ap­ Edward P. Dailey. '26, of Mars EXPERTLYx INSTALLED ports that at least three'bikes had is a police reeponsibllity and ndt ness session. ----- pear on Michael Good's tecv : Hill, Maine, was taken into cus­ been stolen, from the area this one o f the recreation- department. tJ.ugram. “ Personalities in the tody in Columbia City, Ind... where week. lo se Grading — Mdchine Spread— ^ Mrs. Menie Farr. Mrs. OeciUa News.” at 7 o'clock tonight. She he. told police he was 'wanted in Chief of Police Herman O. Eichen- U. S. Builds Herdic recommends that the del said that investigating and re­ Forms Set — Power RoNed Wandt. Mrs. Catherine Egan and will talk about women in politics. Manchester for theft of a‘ motor bicycles be chained to some sta­ Miss Beatrice Egan are enjoying Mrs. Fitspatrick is a town direc­ vehicle. Details of DaUey's arrest covering stolen bicycles when re-. tionary object, such as. a tree, ported ia one of the many phesea Also: Forhlng Lota — Tennis Courts — Woles a vautfion teu>' through Canada. tor and president o f the Hartford in Columbia City were not avail­ since some o f the thefts^, were West Hopes County Federation of Democratic able. of. police work. He made no fur­ made by cutUng spokes and ther statement. * 10% FOR CASH TRANSACTIONS Vote Seen Testing Russell Blinn, M. of RFD No. 2. Women’s d u b s.. According to police records, Dai­ Rockville, walked into the edge of ley approached Ernest Scranton, Terms orrooged H desbo^ a steel window while woriting yes- Mrs. Annie E. P. Davis, who died local used car dealer at his lot on A t Geneva terda>'. The accident left a Jagged at her home at 42 Cedar St. Wed­ Tolland Turnpike last March and A U INSTALLATIONS SUPERVISED BY three inch wound on his forehead, nesday afternoon, leaves, besides said he wanted to buy a>car and Have You Seen The Gonevs, July 17 (JP)— U. S. and he also suffered abrasions of her three daughters in Manches­ wOuld like- to try' one oui. Scran­ the left knee. Eight stitches were ter, a daughter and son-in-law. ton gave Dailey a car to .try out UndersecreUry of State W al­ ter Bedel} Smith arrived here needed to close the wound at the Mr. ahd M?s. Alvin A . Singer of and never saw him again. Demaio Brothevf Whshingtoll, July 17 (A*)— fsels "no concern‘d’ about Flan- Manchester Memorial Hospital. Bucksport. Maine. LINCOLN CONVERTIBLE ESTABLISHED 1920 by plane today to strengthen Arrested for Auto THefts Local police ssdd the car stolen Sen. Flanders (R -V t) said to­ dere’ new move end told reporters from Scranton'was recovered. IN that ’’as far as Tm concerned” it France’s hand in the rough A son was bom Wednesday at Another dog bite case was re­ Police lit. W alter Cassells and Dr. Fbrris B.,Reynolds CALL NOW—ANYTIME day the Senate’s handling of wUl be all right for hit subcom­ the Hartford Hospital to Mr. and ported to the hospital yesterday bargaining for peace in Indo­ Sgt. -Edk'srd ' Winzler left here his demand for a vote of cen- mittee to bring the staff problem china. ' , Mrs. Arthur V. Thayer of 178 E. involving a three-year-old. child. last night to take Dailey into cus­ ' Dr. Ferris E. Reynolds, profes­ Misnehortcr MI-3-7691— Hartford CHapel 7-8617 MORIARTY BROTHERS' aure against Sen. McCarthy to e head at Its closed,door meet­ The U. 8. diplomat, returaiiCg; Middle Tpke. Roberta MoOre. of R FD No. 1, tody after Dailey waived extradi­ sor of religion at Elon College, Blast Victims on Stretchers (R -W is) will test its “politi­ ing Tuesday. • to head the delegation h o 'le u Bolton, was bitten on the upper tion. Scranton is accompanying N. C., and author o f a number o f Up yesterday about noon. After SHOWROOM? He had blocked a staff ahakeup four tveeka ago, sLroped out of the the law officers to Columbia'City cal morality.” move by Sen. Potter (R-Mlch) being treated, the youngster was religious books, will occupy his Flanders yesterday announced U. 8. A ir Force 'plane “Dewdrop" Drove to Work, to drive the stolen auto- back tent home and her pareYits were former pulpit in the SMond Con^ 301-31S C EN TER STREET — TE L. MI-3-S13S Thursday by Uirovdng out a a in­ to be greeted by membera of all KAN&E here. he was abandoning efforts to get valid the proxy vote o f the absent advised to take her to the family gregational Church on -Sunday, the Senate to fire McCarthy from the non-Communlat delegations. doctor fo r a rabies test. Sen. McClellan (D-Ark). McClel­ Significantly, the delegations of July 18, and again on July 25, at committee chairmanshipa. lan’s vote, .with that of the two FUEL OIL He aald he would offer on Tues­ the three Aasoclated States of r : the"9:30 a. m. qcrvicc. subcommittee Democrats present, Indochina, Viet Nam, Cambodia Teenagers Dance' day Instead, a resolution which would’ have given Potter’s, motion GASOLINE Two Cars Crash, Dr. Reynolds was minister, of would place the Senate on record and Laos, were represented at the the local chlirck for more than a a majority on the aeven-man airport by the heads of their dele­ Planned Tonight ah declaring McCarthy’s conduct group. decade, aasuming his present posi­ as chairman of the Senate Investt- gations. < The three states are East Hartford, July 17 </P)— ^The arrest of an East Hart­ One Driver Held tion at Eton in the fall of 1946. The Senate COP leaderabip, counting heavily on the Influence gatibna aubcommittee "la hereby clearly unhappy S'bout the .wGple He is also minister of Providence of the United States to save them ford iraliceman on chartres of automobile theft and dhving BANTLY OIL The Recreation Dept, announces condemned" as unbecoming a business of fights involving Mc­ Memorial Church,^Graham. N. C. CLOSING OUT senator. from submlsaion to exceasive Com­ unregistered cars was announced today by State- Police (Com­ M ! V \ 1 |\( Two automobiles were slightly a gala square and round dance He and Mrs. Reynolds have Carthy, cracked dov.m yerierdey munist demands in the Impending missioner John C. Kelly and Police Chief Timothy J. Kelleher I M \ ■ N ■ I IM I I damaged yesterday when they col­ will be held tonight at the West Flandefs. said he will seek an on his plsn to latmch pvblic hear-’ miuiy .friends In Manchester, and armistice negotiations. 'of East Hartford, after a jolnt r ---- ---------r------- ' < ------ — lided at N . Main and Oakland Side tennis courts, beginning at they usually return here during Immediate 'rote on It Tuesday— Ings in Boston todsy tp explore, TEL Mltrli.-ll 9--J59S Streets. U. Alexis Johnson, U. S. smbas- investigation o f the case. 9 o'clock for teenagers. their summer vacations. Mrs. the aame day McCarthy faces a hie charges of Communist Infiltra-' Raymond L. Meysr, 1», of Rock­ threatened showdown . with aub- Mona of defense plants. Majority aador to Czechoslovakia and head . Held imdcr 85,000 bond The pi^gram will consist of Reyiiolds and the boys, Wesley Rudolph Guedcase, 25.
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