M Wt S If I t LU MtMUR 1 AL l IBRARY 5BO t BROAD 5T Wf- ST( II I D NJ 0 7090 - 2 1 16 36 JJopulos. ilon a tutus. $rr»cnimu8 Published fc \e r\ Thursday Since 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 6SU020 Thursday, February 6. 2003 FIFTY CENTS OUR 113th YEAR-ISSUENO.22-113 Periodical - Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. www .goleader.com pressffl goleader.com Westfield Planning Board Unanimously Rejects Cottage Place Subdivision erty would be a “hardship." By KIMBERLY A. BROADWEEI. lot depth must be at least 120 feet. called Crescent Homes. Specially Written far The Westfield Leader Although the first property in the Also testifying was Guy Others to testify included Paul Szymanski who is also a licensed A unanimous decision to reject a proposed sub-division would exceed Celentano, who represented the con­ professional planner and James sub-division application for 193 this ordinance by almost l i feet the tract purchaser. Mr. Celentano told Fawcett, a local realtor. In addition, Cottage Place was made by the second proposed property, which members of the planning board that local homeowners living on Sum­ Westfield Planning Board at their would face Summit Avenue, had a lot- within the past few years many mit Avenue testified including Kim monthly meeting held Monday depth of 114.6 feel. homeowners in the neighborhood and James Block who both stated evening. Professional Planner, James have contracted him and fellow con­ that they saw this sub-division as Citing reasons such as not wanting Walson. of EKA Associates in Scotch tractors to make additions on their to shoe-hom properties and not want­ Plains, testified on behalf of the ap­ properties. He showed pictures of another attempt to "shoe-horn" in Westfield and strongly opposed the ing to set a precedence for other cor­ plicants stating that many of the other eight different homes in the area ner-lot properties within the Cottage lots in the neighborhood do not meet that have updated their homes to application. Many board members including Place neighborhood, the board re­ the depth requirement. He stated that range from 2100 square feet to 2450 Charles Weidmun. Martin Robins. jected the application of Joseph and in the immediate neighborhood of square feet, which would be keep­ Ben Corbin for The Westfield Leader Richard Elbert. Vic Trzesnowski and Theresa Fiecaci, who currently own Cottage Place 55 of the 63 homes ing with the dimensions with the PILE UP...An accident occurred on Monday afternoon with two cars and a mini Chairman. Jay Boyle, stated that school bus at the intersection of Tuttle Parkway and North Avenue. the property. Four different witnesses there do not comply with lot depth two new proposed homes. He stated testified on behalf of the homeowners, totaling 87 percent of the homes in that two homes with the same mea­ they felt the "hardship" described by Mr. Celentano w'as “self-cre­ who were represented by Scotch the RS6 zone not complying with lot surements as others in the neigh­ Alcoholic Beverages Section Plains lawyer, Robert Kraus. depth. He noted that the homes on borhood would better suit the area ated." All board members agreed that the A variance was requested for lot Cottage Place and North Cottage than one house that could poten­ original 1950 design of the Crescent depth of the sub-division. According Place were all part of a development tially exceed 3500 square feet. He Of WF Town Code Reviewed to a Westfield ordinance, minimum originally built in the spring of 1950 stated that not subdividing the prop- Homes project made all the comer lots in the neighborhood a “gateway B r i/ m k t i s. p a s s and Liquors; and 317 South Avenue into the neighborhood" and voted Spettalls Uy/vt-v/' 77k Westfield Leader West Inc. l/a International Wines and to deny the application. in order to have a liquor license one Liquor. Council Approves Liquor License; Mr. Trzesnowki also added that he must lie available for purchase, then the There are also three club licenses had a "problem sub-diving a corner potential buyer has to submit to the belonging to Martin Wallberg Post 3, lot because it increased traffic.” state and town for approval. The American Legion; Centennial I n other business, memorializations According to their website the Divi­ Lodge 4001.B.P.O.L of Westfield; and Approves AGA as Risk Manager of actions taken at the January meet­ sion of Alcoholic Beverage Control Italian American Club, Inc. ing were officiated. These included (ABC) regulates the sale of alcoholic The Westfield Town Code is broken the preliminary and final major site By LAUREN S. PASS where liquor is being served was sent to the closure for safety reasons beverages and the conduct of licensees dow n into several sections, which spell Specially Whiten for The Westfield Leader against the town code, where the ser­ and so that it is a joint request for the plans to erect free standing signs and through the issuance of licenses, if a out exactly what is permitted, and what wall plaques at the United Trust Plaza Tuesday night’s public portion of vice of food or alcohol in a licensed closure at the state level. licensee violates any laws or regula­ is not. the Westfield Town Council meeting establishment at a counter is prohib­ Mr. Gildea also apprised the coun­ located at 900 South Avenue by the tions, the Director may suspend or re­ For each plenary retail consumption Messercola Brothers Realty Com­ began with a moment of silence in ited. See it related story on the Town cil that an additional ordinance had voke the license or impose a fine and/ license the town is paid $2,000, for pany and a subdivision on Hillcrest remembrance of the Space Shuttle Code to the left. been added to the agenda regarding or any other appropriate conditions on each plenary retail distribution license Avenue by the same building com­ Columbia crew. The American flag Second Ward Republican Coun­ the approval of AGA of Westfield as the holder of such licenses. Essential to the town is paid $1,200, for each lim­ was then presented by a group of cilman Matthew Albano pointed out the Risk Manager for the town. He pany. the State's control of the liquor industry ited retail the town is paid $50 and for Originally, the realty company fourth gradccub scouts from Franklin that the resolution for the transfer said that. Commerce had been ap­ is the concept that those who own each club license the town is paid $ 150. wanted a four-foot by four-foot free Elementary School. includes a paragraph highlighting proved for the position last year and liquor licenses are granted a privilege The code states that there will be no standing sign in addition to wall signs Previous to the public portion of the restrictions. had later withdrawn. to operate a business in the liquor in­ more than 10 plenary licenses in town hung on the building itself to iden­ the meeting agenda items were dis­ Fourth Ward Democrat Council­ Mr. Gildea explained that the town dustry and that this privilege may be and that one shall be reserved as a tify the three separate businesses cussed in the conference session. man Lawrence Goldman questioned had solicited Requests for Proposals forfeited for violations of the alcoholic "hotel conditional license” and five there. Parking sign variances were Town Attorney Robert Cockren if Police Chief Bernard Tracy had (RFPs) and that four companies re­ beverage law. In particular, the Divi­ shall be for restaurant conditional li­ also requested at a size of 4.5 square told the council that Fujiama Mama, been in touch with the police chief in sponded: AGA. BGIA, Beekerman sion issues three general types of li­ censes, no more than seven plenaiy who is asking for council approval Garwood to discuss the closure of CONTINUED ON PA G E 10 CONTINUED ON PAOE 10 censes, which provide different privi­ retail distribution licenses, and no more on a liquor license transfer, has agreed South Chestnut Street on Saturdays leges regarding the purchase and sale than six limited retail distribution li­ to remove their sushi bar. or config­ and Sundays during the spring base­ of alcoholic beverages. The three types censes, commonly known as a "warm ure it in a way that food will not be ball season. of licenses are manufacturing, whole­ beer” license. served there. Town Administrator James Gildea Three BOE Members sale and retail. The hotel conditional license por­ Earlier this month the liquor li­ said that Chief Tracy had made brief The Licensing Bureau is responsible tion of the code slates that the restau­ cense came under discussion when contact over the phone and would be for processing and reviewing all retail rant must be located in the same build­ Mr. Cockren told the council lhat the following up. Mr. Gildea stated that To Seek Reelection in WF license transfer and renewal applica­ ing or structure as a hotel or motel. This use of a sushi bar in the restaurant the town would like Garwood's con- tions submitted by municipalities to portion also prohibits the service of By CHARLOTTE EEDERMAN running for another three-year term, ensure the transactions are in accord alcohol at a public or service bar, and Specially Written fo r The Westfield Leader though she plans on it being her last. She with statutes and regulations. This in­ prohibits the service of alcohol with With only three weeks left until the says she is "running again because 1 cludes the provision of application room service.
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