A Timeline of Astronomers and Cosmologists Legend * = circa ~ = before ** = possibly ^ = after *** = approximately $ = twenty-five years before and twenty-five years after date known to have flourished **** = estimated lifespan A one-hundred-year span indicates that the individual flourished during that century. 800 BCE 700 BCE 600 BCE 500 BCE 400 BCE 300 BCE 200BCE 100 BCE 1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 Present 800 BCE 700 BCE 600 BCE 500 BCE 400 BCE 300 BCE 200BCE 100 BCE 1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 Present 800 BCE 700 BCE 600 BCE 500 BCE 400 BCE 300 BCE 200BCE 100 BCE 1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 Present 800 BCE 700 BCE 600 BCE 500 BCE 400 BCE 300 BCE 200BCE 100 BCE 1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 Present 800 BCE 700 BCE 600 BCE 500 BCE 400 BCE 300 BCE 200BCE 100 BCE 1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 Present Thomas Hockey Homer **** 799 BCE 700 BCE $ 1270 1320 Hadley, John 1682 1744 Bour, Edmond 1832 1866 Eddington, Arthur Stanley 1882 1944 Hesiod **** 799 BCE 700 BCE Nīsābūrī: al-Ḥasan ibn Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥusayn Niẓām al-Dīn al-Aˁraj al-Nīsābūrī Stukeley, William * 1687 1765 Clark, Alvan Graham 1832 1897 Joy, Alfred Harrison 1882 1973 Lalla **** 799 BCE 700 BCE *** 1280 1330 Wassenius [Vassenius], Birger 1687 1771 Krüger, Karl Nicolaus Adalbert 1832 1896 Kopff, August 1882 1960 (University of Northern Iowa) Thales of Miletus * 625 BCE 547 BCE Alfonso X [Alfonso el Sabio, Alfonso the Learned] 1284 1284 Delisle, Joseph-Nicolas 1688 1768 Neumann, Carl Gottfried 1832 1925 Péridier, Julien Marie 1882 1967 Anaximander of Miletus * 611 BCE 661 BCE * Gersonides: Levi ben Gerson 1288 1344 Jai Singh II 1688 1743 Löwy [Loewy], Maurice [Moritz] 1833 1907 Strömberg, Gustav 1882 1962 Anaximenes of Miletus $* 636 BCE 586 BCE Bradwardine, Thomas * 1290 1349 Swedenborg, Emanuel 1688 1772 Gaillot, Jean-Baptiste-Amiable 1834 1921 Comrie, Leslie John 1883 1950 Xenophanes of Colophon * 571 BCE 475 BCE * John of Lignères [Johannes de Lineriis] * 1290 1350 * ˁAbbās Wasīm Efendi 1689 1760 Hoek, Martinus 1834 1873 Hess, Victor Franz [Francis] 1883 1964 Pythagoras * 570 BCE 480 BCE * Gregoras, Nicephoros 1291 1361 Molyneux, Samuel 1689 1728 Langley, Samuel Pierpont 1834 1906 Kohlschütter, Arnold 1883 1969 ABSTRACT Heraclitus of Ephesus Mizzī: Zayn al-Dīn [Shams al-Dīn] Abū ˁAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad ibn ˁAbd Bradley, James 1693 1762 Tebbutt, John 1834 1916 Kulik, Leonid Alexyevich 1883 1942 [the Riddler, the Obscure] * 540 BCE 480 BCE * al-Raḥīm al-Mizzī al-Ḥanafī Kirch, Christfried 1694 1740 Ward, Isaac W. 1834 1916 Prager, Richard 1883 1945 Cleostratus of Tenedos $* 525 BCE 475 BCE * 1291 1349 Outhier, Réginald [Réginaud] 1694 1774 Young, Charles Augustus 1834 1908 Sanford, Roscoe Frank 1883 1958 Parmenides of Elea * 515 BCE 450 BCE * Richard of Wallingford * 1291 1335 * Bevis [Bevans], John 1695 1771 Zöllner, Johann Karl Friedrich 1834 1882 Slipher, Earl Carl 1883 1967 My Biographical Encyclopedia of Anaxagoras of Clazomenae 428 BCE ^ Andalò di Negro of Genoa *** 1292 1342 Hiorter, Olof 1696 1750 Newcomb, Simon 1835 1909 d’Azambuja, Lucien 1884 1970 Aeschylus **** 499 BCE 400 BCE John of Muris [Murs] [Johannes de Muris, Jean de Meurs, Jehan de Murs] Bouguer, Pierre 1698 1758 Schiaparelli, Giovanni Virginio 1835 1910 Lacchini Giovanni Battista 1884 1967 Astronomers (Springer, 2007) is also Archelaus of Athens **** 499 BCE 449 BCE * 1295 1357 ^ Maclaurin, Colin [Cailean MacLabhruinn] 1698 1746 Winnecke, Friedrich August Theodor 1835 1897 Olivier, Charles Pollard 1884 1975 Naburianu Ṣadr al-Sharīˁa al-Thānī: ˁUbaydallāh ibn Masˁūd al-Maḥbūbī al-Bukhārī al- Maupertuis, Pierre-Louis Moreau de 1698 1759 Elger, Thomas Gwyn Empy 1836 1897 Van Maanen, Adriaan 1884 1946 an encyclopedia of cosmologists. [Naburianus, Nabû-ri-man-nu] **** 499 BCE 400 BCE *** *** 1296 1346 Camus, Charles-Étienne-Louis 1699 1768 Herschel, Alexander Stewart 1836 1907 Bohr, Niels Henrik David 1885 1962 Archytas of Tarentum **** 499 BCE 400 BCE Mahendra Sūri **** 1300 1399 Bernoulli, Daniel 1700 1782 Hough, George Washington 1836 1909 Freundlich [Finlay-Freundlich], Erwin 1885 1964 Gan De **** 499 BCE 400 BCE Abū al-ˁUqūl: Abū al-ˁUqūl Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al-Ṭabarī Bliss, Nathaniel 1700 1764 Lockyer, Joseph Norman 1836 1920 Kaluza, Theodor Franz Eduard 1885 1954 I have used the online version Kidinnu [Kidin, Kidenas] **** 499 BCE 400 BCE * 1300 Celsius, Anders 1701 1744 Russell, Henry Chamberlain 1836 1907 Shapley, Harlow 1885 1972 Phillip of Opus **** 499 BCE 400 BCE Buridan, John * 1300 1361 Godin, Louis 1704 1760 Safford, Truman Henry 1836 1901 Stetson, Harlan True 1885 1964 prosopographically to produce a Empedocles of Acragas * 493 BCE 433 BCE Najm al-Dīn al-Miṣrī: Najm al-Dīn Abū ˁAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn Dollond, John 1706 1761 Copeland, Ralph 1837 1905 Weyl, [Claus Hugo] Hermann 1885 1955 Oenopides of Chios * 490 BCE 420 BCE Ibrāhīm al-Miṣrī * 1300 1350 * Condamine, Charles-Marie de la 1707 1774 Draper, Henry 1837 1882 Mellish, John Edward 1886 1970 unique timeline of both astronomers Leucippus of Miletus * 480 BCE 420 BCE * ˁUbaydī: Jalāl al-Dīn Faḍl Allāh al-ˁUbaydī *** 1300 1350 Euler, Leonhard 1707 1783 Harkness, William 1837 1903 Rossiter, Richard Alfred 1886 1977 Hippocrates of Chios * 470 BCE 410 BCE * Wābkanawī: Shams al-Munajjim [Shams al-Dīn] Muḥammad ibn ˁAlī Khwāja al-Wābkanawī Fouchy, Jean-Paul [Grandjean de] 1707 1788 Herschel, John (Jr.) 1837 1921 Struve, Georg Otto Hermann 1886 1933 and cosmologists from antiquity to the Democritus of Abdera * 460 BCE 370 BCE * [Wābaknawī] **** 1300 1350 Leclerc, Georges-Louis [Comte de Buffon] 1707 1788 McClean, Frank 1837 1904 Taylor, Geoffrey Ingram 1886 1975 Philolaus of Croton * 460 BCE 410 BCE * Ibn al-Shāṭir: ˁAlā’ al-Dīn ˁAlī ibn Ibrāhīm * 1305 1375 * Maraldi, Giovanni Domenico [Jean-Dominique] [Maraldi II] 1709 1788 Payne, William Wallace 1837 1928 Trumpler, Robert Julius 1886 1956 early twentieth-century. When possible, Euctemon $ 457 BCE 402 BCE *** Maudith, John 1309 1343 Zanotti, Eustachio 1709 1782 Proctor, Richard Anthony 1837 1888 Van Rhijn, Pieter Johannes 1886 1960 Meton $ 457 BCE 407 BCE Megenberg, Konrad [Conrad] von [Chunradus de Monte Puellarum] Ferguson, James 1710 1776 Stephan, Jean-Marie-Édouard 1837 1923 Wilson, Ralph Elmer 1886 1960 this timeline depicts the life spans of Diogenes of Apollonia $* 455 BCE 405 BCE * 1309 1374 Boskovic, Rudjer [Roger] J. 1711 1787 Weiss, Edmund 1837 1917 Zinner, Ernst 1886 1970 Ecphantus * 440 BCE 390 BCE * Bredon, Simon * 1310 1372 Dunthorne, Richard 1711 1775 Abbe, Cleveland 1838 1916 Jackson, John 1887 1958 Plato * 428 BCE 347 BCE ** Kamāl al-Dīn al-Turkmānī: Kamāl al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad ibn ˁUthmān ibn Ibrāhīm Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasilievich 1711 1765 Auwers, Arthur Julius Georg Friedrich von 1838 1915 Kiess, Carl Clarence 1887 1967 individuals. The graphical representation Hicetus [Nicetus] *:$ 425 BCE 375 BCE ibn Muṣṭafā al-Māridīnī al-Turkmānī al-Ḥanafī 1314 1354 Pingré, Alexandre-Guy 1711 1796 Burnham, Sherburne Wesley 1838 1921 Kolhörster, Werner Heinrich Julius Gustav 1887 1946 Helicon of Cyzicus $ 410 BCE 310 BCE John [Danko] of Saxony * 1320 1355 Wright, Thomas 1711 1786 Grigg, John 1838 1920 Merrill, Paul Willard 1887 1961 makes it easy to spot contemporaries. Ephorus **** 400 BCE 300 BCE Oresme, Nicole * 1320 1382 Clairaut, Alexis-Claude 1713 1765 Hill, George William 1838 1914 Nininger, Harvey Harlow 1887 1986 Eudemus of Rhodes **** 400 BCE 300 BCE Rede, William * 1320 1385 * Engelhard, Nicolaus $ 1713 1763 Morley, Edward Williams 1838 1923 Schrödinger, Erwin 1887 1961 Nearly sixteen-hundred persons appear, Shi Shen **** 400 BCE 300 BCE Henry [Heinrich] of Langenstein [von Langenstein] [Henry of Hesse the Elder] Lacaille [La Caille], Nicolas-Louis de 1713 1762 Tacchini, Pietro 1838 1905 Chapman, Sydney 1888 1970 Eudoxus * 390 BCE 338 BCE * 1325 1397 Cassini de Thury, César-François [Cassini III] 1714 1784 Thiele, Thorvald Nicolai 1838 1910 Friedmann, Alexander Alexandrovich 1888 1925 including many non-western scholars Heraclides of Heraclea Pèlerin de Prusse [Pilgrim Zeleschicz von Preussen, Peregrinus de Prussia] Wilson, Alexander 1714 1786 Van de Sande Bakhuyzen [Bakhuysen], Hendrik Gerard [Hendricus Gerardus] Hay, William Thomson 1888 1949 [Heraclides of Pontus, Heraclides Ponticus] * 388 BCE 310 BCE * 1335 1362 ^ Winthrop, John 1714 1779 1838 1923 Ingalls, Albert Graham 1888 1958 often underrepresented. All entries are Aristotle 384 BCE 322 BCE Chaucer, Geoffrey 1340 1400 Monnier [Lemonnier], Pierre-Charles le 1715 1799 Watson, James Craig 1838 1880 Jenkins, Louise Freeland 1888 1970 Menaechmus $ 375 BCE 325 BCE Jurjānī: ˁAlī ibn Muḥammad ibn ˁAli al-Ḥusaynī al- Jurjānī [al-Sayyid al-Sharīf] Ximenes, Leonardo 1716 1786 Aḥmad Mukhtār: Ghāzī Aḥmad Mukhtār Pasha 1839 1919 Jonckheere, Robert 1888 1974 Theophrastus [Tyrtamus] 372 BCE 286 BCE 1340 1413 d’Alembert [Dalembert], Jean-Le-Rond 1717 1783 Dunér, Nils Christoffer 1839 1914 Mikhailov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich 1888 1983 denoted under their most familiar name. Callippus of Cyzikus [Kãllippow] * 370 BCE 300 BCE Khalīlī: Shams al-Dīn Abū ˁAbdallāh Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad al-Khalīlī Stewart, Matthew 1717 1785 Monck, William Henry Stanley 1839 1915 Stern, Otto 1888 1969 Autolycus
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