ARMERICAN OLYMPIC COMMITTEE REPORT 1940 GAMES OF THE Xllth OLYMPIAD HELSINKI, FINLAND AND Vth OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN GERMANY THE CELEBRATION OF WHICH WAS PREVENTED BY WAR PRICE DNE DOLLAR REPORT OF THE AMERICAN OLYMPIC COMMITTEE 1940 FOR THE GAMES OF THE XII th OLYMPIAD HELSINKI, FINLAND JULY 20 to A U G U ST 4, 1940 V t h OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN - GERMANY FEBRUARY 2 to 11, 1940 THE CELEBRATION OF WHICH WAS PREVENTED BY WAR Edited by FREDERICK W. RUBIEN Secretary AMERICAN OLYMPIC COMMITTEE 233 BROADWAY N ew Y ork MODERN OLYMPIC MILESTONES Ist Olympiad.......................Athens, G reece ..................................................1896 IInd Olympiad .......................Paris, F rance ........................................................1900 IIrd Olympiad.......................St. Louis, Mo., U.S. .......................................A 1904 IVth Olympiad.......................London, England..................................................1908 Vth Olympiad.......................Stockholm, Sw eden.................................. .1912 VIth Olympiad.......................Berlin, Germany* ............................................ 1916 VIIth Olympiad.......................Antwerp, B elgium ............................................ 1920 VIIIth Olympiad.......................Paris, France ........................................................1924 IXth Olympiad.......................Amsterdam, H o llan d.......................................1928 Xth Olympiad....................... Los Angeles, Cal., U.S.A ...................................1932 XIth Olympiad....................... Berlin, G erm any .................................................. 1936 XIIth Olym piad.......................Helsinki, F inland* ............................................ 1940 WINTER GAMES Ist Olympic Winter Games . Chamonix, F rance..................................1924 Ilnd Olympic Winter Games . St. Moritz;, Switzerland . 1928 IIIrd Olympic Winter Games . Lake Placid, N. Y., U.S.A. 1932 IVth Olympic Winter Games . Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany . 1936 Vth Olympic Winter Games* . Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany . 1940 * Not celebrated on account of War. F • O • R • E • W • O • R • D T H A T full information may be available for the guidance of future Olympic Committees, the 1940 American Olympic Committee has decided to publish this modified report of its activities and preparations for the Vth Olympic Winter Games at Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, and for the Games of the Xllth Olympiad at Helsinki, Finland. Also included are the detailed reports of its twenty- six Games Committees. Since their appointment 1938,early thein sixty-four members of the American Olympic Committee and 263the members of the Games Committees have labored incessantly in support of the Olympic movement. Five meetings were held by the American Olympic Committee and an equal number of meetings were held by each of the Games Committees in the twenty-six sports on the Olympic program. Even after it was known definitely that1940 theGames would not be held, more than fifty members attended the May,1940 meeting to discuss plans for holding tryouts to select the theoretical Olympic Team. It must be remembered that the Olympic movement in the United States has no form of established financial subsidy. The prowess of competitors, the labor of officers and officials, and the efforts of all are given without thought of reward other than the honor which they may bring to their country, to sport, and to themselves. The committee therefore wishes to express its profound thanks to the legion of American sportsmen and sportswomen who contributed so freely of their funds and energy to further participation by the United States in the doubly doomed 1940 Olympic Games. To these and to all others who supported the Olympic movement, the Com­ mittee acknowledges its gratitude for helpful cooperation. The United States was ready but the world itself was not. It is the fervent hope of this Committee that the turmoil into which the universe has been tosssed will subside soon, so that the Olympic ideal of brotherhood among men may emerge triumphant. May the Olympic flame never die and may the Olympic ideal soon again prevail as an indication of mankind’s return to sanity. - 7 - AMERICAN OLYMPIC ASSOCIATION V OLYMPIC W INTER G A M ES—G AR M I SC H - P ART EN KI RC H E N—F E B R U AR Y 2 to 11, 1940 GAMES OF THE XII O LY M PI AD — H E LS I N K I, FINLAND — JULY 20 to AUGUST 4, 1940 AVERY BRUNDAGE : Dr JOSEPH E RAYCROFT Chicago President Princeton, N J Vice-president FRANKLIN D ROOSEVELT The President of the United State Honorary President FREDERICK W RUBIEN GUSTAVUS T KIRBY New York City New York Secretary T reasurer Dr GRAEME M HAMMOND New York City President Emeritus THE AMERICAN OLYMPIC COMMITTEE HONORARY PRESIDENT F r a n k l in D. R o o sev elt , the President of the United States HONORARY VICE-PRESIDENT C ordell H u l l , Secretary of State of the United States — D r . G r a h a m M. H a m m o n d , President Emeritus A very B r u n d a g e , Chairman OFFICERS Dr. Jo se ph E. R a y cro ft , Vice-Chairman F red er ic k W . R u b ie n , Secretary — G u st a v u s T. K irby , Treasurer REPRESENTATIVES OF ORGANIZATIONS War Department Ten Members at Large Lt. Col. Ross O. Baldwin Romeyn Berry Navy Department Dr. John Brown, Jr. J. Frank Facey Commander John L. Reynolds W illiam F. Humphrey Amateur Athletic Union of the U. S. Clement B. Newbold Judge Murray Hulbert Prof. William B. Owens - Daniel J. Ferris Roswell P. Rosengren *L. di Benedetto Fred L. Steers National Collegiate Athletic Asociation Prof. L. W . St. John K. L. Wilson Major Patrick J. Walsh Asa S. Bushnell Games Committee Frank G. McCormick J. Lyman Bingham (Basketball) National Association of Amateur Oarsmen John J. Fox (Bobsled) Henry Penn Burke Tom Carruthers (Boxing) United States Football Association, Inc. Ralph B. Britton (Canoe) Joseph Triner Walter Simonsen (Cycling) North American Yacht Racing Union Col. Pierre Lorillard, Jr. (Equestrian) Harold Van Buskirk (Fencing) George Emlen Roosevelt Charles L. Diehm (Fieldball) Amateur Fencers League of America Alexis Thompson (Field Hockey) Leon M. Schoonmaker Joseph K. Savage (Figure Skating) National Cycling Association, Inc. Roy E. Moore (Gymnastic) Prof. Albert I. Prettyman (Ice Hockey) Harold J. Dibblee Lt. Col. William C. Rose (Modern Pentathlon) Amateur Skating Union of the U. S. Dr. I. R. Calkins (Pistol Shooting) W ilfred P. Hodous Brig. Gen. F. M. W aterbury (Rifle Shooting) American Canoe Association Julius H. Barnes (Rowing) W. Van B. Claussen Roland Palmedo (Ski) National Ski Association of America, Inc. Elmer A. Schroeder (Soccer) Peter Miller (Speed Skating) Roger Langley Laurence J. Johnson (Men’s Swimming) American Horse Shows Association, Inc. Mrs. Ada Taylor Sackett Brig. Gen. Guy V. Henry (Women’s Swimming) United States Cavalry Association George T. Donoghue (Men’s Track and Field) Maj. Gen. John K. Herr James M. Roche (Women’s Track and Field) Dietrich Wortmann (Weight Lifting) Field Hockey Association of America Dr. R. G. Clapp (W restling) Henry Kirk Greer Ernest Stavey (Yachting) United States Revolver Association Past Presidents of Association and Committee Karl T. Frederick Dr. Graeme M. Hammond (President Emeritus National Rifle Association of American Olympic Assn.) Maj. Gen. M. A. Reckord Gustavus T. Kirby (1920 American Olympic Intercollegiate Association of Amateur Committee President) Athletes of America ■ General Douglas MacArthur (1928 American A. C. Gilbert Olympic Committee President) Assistant Secretary—James F. Simms * Elected at the May 5, 1940 meeting to fill the vacancy Assistant Treasurers caused by the death of Judge Samuel E. Hoyt. H. Jamison Swarts — Asa S. Bushnell ' 9' CONSTITUENT MEMBERS of the AMERICAN OLYMPIC ASSOCIATION Organizations Administrating Participation in The Colored Intercollegiate Athletic Association Sports on Olympic Program Affiliated with Connecticut Association, A.A.U. International Federations District of Columbia Association, A.A.U. Amateur Athletic Union of the United States Eastern Intercollegiate Basketball League (Athletics, Boxing, Field Ball, Gymnastics, Eastern Intercollegiate Swimming League Swimming, Weight Lifting, Wrestling, Bob- Eastern Intercollegiate Wrestling League sled, Ice Hockey, Basketball) Far Western Conference National Association of Amateur Oarsmen (Rowing) Florida Association, A.A.U. United States Football Association, Inc. Gulf Association, A.A.U. (Soccer) Hawaiian Association, A.A.U. North American Yachting Racing Union Heptagonal Games Association (Yachting) Indiana Association, A.A.U. Amateur Fencers League of America (Fencing) Inland Empire Association, A.A.U. National Cycling Association, Inc. (Cycling) Intercollegiate Conference Athletic Association Amateur Skating Union of the U. S. Intercollegiate Fencing Association (Speed Skating) Intercollegiate Ice Hockey Association National Ski Association of America, Inc. Intercollegiate Soccer Football Association (Skiing) Intercollegiate Swimming Association American Horse Shows Association, Inc. Inter-Mountain Association, A.A.U. (Equestrian) Maine Association, A.A.U. United States Revolver Association Mason-Dixon Track Conference (Pistol Shooting) Metropolitan Association, A.A.U. National Rifle Association (Rifle Shooting) Michigan Association, A.A.U. Field Hockey Association of America Middle Atlantic Association, A.A.U. (Field Hockey) Middle Atlantic States Collegiate
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