Missouri University of Science and Technology Scholars' Mine Civil, Architectural and Environmental Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering Faculty Research & Creative Works Engineering 01 Jan 2010 Condition Assessment of Bill Emerson Memorial Cable-Stayed Bridge under Postulated Design Earthquake Dongming Yan Wenjian Wang Genda Chen Missouri University of Science and Technology, [email protected] Bryan A. Hartnagel Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/civarc_enveng_facwork Part of the Civil Engineering Commons Recommended Citation D. Yan et al., "Condition Assessment of Bill Emerson Memorial Cable-Stayed Bridge under Postulated Design Earthquake," Transportation Research Record, no. 2172, pp. 159-167, National Research Council (U.S.), Jan 2010. The definitive version is available at https://doi.org/10.3141/2172-18 This Article - Journal is brought to you for free and open access by Scholars' Mine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering Faculty Research & Creative Works by an authorized administrator of Scholars' Mine. This work is protected by U. S. Copyright Law. Unauthorized use including reproduction for redistribution requires the permission of the copyright holder. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Condition Assessment of Bill Emerson Memorial Cable-Stayed Bridge Under Postulated Design Earthquake Dongming Yan, Wenjian Wang, Genda Chen, and Bryan A. Hartnagel In this study, a three-dimensional finite element model of the Bill Emerson displacement with strength and ductility to understand the behavior Memorial cable-stayed bridge was developed and validated with the of the structure (1, 2). acceleration data recorded during the M4.1 earthquake of May 1, 2005, Because of their complexity, long-span cable-stayed bridges are in Manila, Arkansas. The model took into account the geometric nonlinear usually analyzed and evaluated with a finite element model (FEM) properties associated with cable sagging and soil–foundation–structure for their dynamic characteristics and response (3). Using an estab- interaction. The validated model was used to evaluate the performance lished FEM, Ren (4) and Ren and Obata (5) investigated the elastic– of a seismic protective system, the behavior of cable-stayed spans, and plastic seismic behavior, nonlinear static behavior, and ultimate the accuracy of two simplified bridge models that have been extensively behavior of a long-span cable-stayed bridge over the Ming River in used by the structural control community. The calculated natural frequen- China. Significant analyses of cable-stayed bridges were also con- cies and mode shapes correlated well with the measured data. Except that ducted by Nazmy and Abdel-Ghaffar and by Abdel-Ghaffar and the hollow columns of two H-shaped towers were near yielding immedi- Nazmy in the past 20 years under static and earthquake loads (6, 7). ately above their capbeams, the cable-stayed spans behaved elastically as expected under the design earthquake that was scaled up from the recorded rock motions at the bridge site. The minimum factor of safety of CABLE-STAYED BRIDGE AND all cables is 2.78, which is slightly greater than the design target. SEISMIC INSTRUMENTATION Structure and Site Characteristics Because of their aesthetic appearance, cable-stayed bridges have been widely used as river-crossing links in highway networks. With The Bill Emerson Memorial Bridge is a cable-stayed bridge span- the rapid progression of analysis tools and construction technologies ning the Mississippi River and connecting MO-34 and IL-146 at in recent years, the main spans of cable-stayed bridges have been Cape Girardeau, Missouri. The final design of the bridge includes pushed to the limit. Opened to traffic on June 30, 2008, the longest 2 towers, 128 cables, and 12 additional piers in the approach span on cable-stayed bridge, Sutong Bridge over the Yangtze River in China, the Illinois side. The bridge has a total length of 1,206 m, consisting is 1,088 m long. With ever-increasing span lengths, cable-stayed of one 350.6-m long main span, two 142.7-m long side spans, and bridges behave in a more complex manner, often becoming more one 570-m long approach span on the Illinois side. The 12 piers on susceptible to environmental effects. The seismic performance and the approach span have 11 equal spacings of 51.8 m each. Carrying safety of cable-stayed bridges is of paramount interest to the affected two-way traffic, the bridge has four 3.66-m wide vehicular lanes community in the event of an earthquake. plus two narrower shoulders. The total width of the bridge deck Although subjected to significant stresses under gravity loads, is 29.3 m. The deck is composed of two longitudinal built-up steel cable-stayed bridges are mostly susceptible to dynamic loadings girders, a longitudinal center strut, transverse floor beams, and pre- resulting from earthquakes, winds, and moving vehicles. They must cast concrete slabs. A concrete barrier is located in the center of the be assessed to ensure smooth operation during their life span and bridge, and two railings and additional concrete barriers are located structural safety under earthquake loads. One way to assess a struc- along the edges of the deck. Pier 2 rests on rock and Piers 3 and 4 ture is to conduct extensive dynamic analyses and compare load and are supported on two separate caissons. At each bridge tower, eight longitudinal earthquake shock trans- fer devices were installed between the capbeam of the tower and its D. Yan and G. Chen, Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engi- neering, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 1401 North Pine Street, connecting edge girders, and two lateral earthquake restrainers were Rolla, MO, 65409; School of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, installed between the capbeam of the tower and its connecting floor- Zhengzhou University, Kexue Road 100, Zhengzhou, He’nan 450001, China. beam between two edge girders. Each edge girder was rested on a pot # W. Wang, Weidlinger Associates, Inc., 201 Broadway 4, Cambridge, MA bearing that is supported on top of the capbeam and is restrained by 02139. B. A. Hartnagel, Missouri Department of Transportation, 105 West Capitol Avenue, Jefferson City, MO 65102. Corresponding author: G. Chen, the capbeam for any transverse and lateral motions. For two towers, [email protected]. a total of 16 devices, 4 restrainers, and 4 pot bearings were designed for the bridge. One additional lateral earthquake restrainer and two Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, tie-down devices were installed at each end of the cable-stayed span No. 2172, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2010, pp. 159–167. at Pier 1 or Pier 4, amounting to a total of six lateral earthquake DOI: 10.3141/2172-18 restrainers on the bridge. A total of four bearings at both ends of the 159 160 Transportation Research Record 2172 bridge, Bent 1 and Pier 4, were designed to allow for longitudinal data become available, it is highly desirable to verify various assump- displacement and rotation about the transverse and vertical axes. tions made in the design process and to understand the characteris- The bridge is located approximately 80 km from New Madrid, tics of the special structure under realistic earthquake conditions. In Missouri, where three of the largest earthquakes in the United States addition, two simplified FEMs of the bridge structure have been have occurred. Each of the three most significant earthquakes had a used extensively within the structural control research community magnitude of above 8.0 (8). During the winter of 1811 to 1812 alone, for a series of ASCE structural control benchmark studies (11). How this seismic region was shaken by a total of more than 2,000 events, representative these models are of real-world structures will poten- over 200 of which were evaluated to have been moderate to large tially affect the use of examined control technologies in practical earthquakes. In the past few years, two earthquakes with magnitudes applications. of over 4.0 were recorded in the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ). Therefore, the objectives of this study are to develop and validate Therefore, this bridge is expected to experience one or more signif- a realistic FEM of the cable-stayed bridge by using recorded ground icant earthquakes during its life span of 100 years. The cable-stayed motions in order to quantify the accuracy of the two simplified FEMs bridge structure was proportioned to withstand an earthquake of M7.5 used as ASCE benchmark studies, characterize the bridge structure or stronger. The 30% seismic load combination rules for earthquake and study the behavior and performance of the seismic system, and component effects were used in accordance with the AASHTO Divi- assess the bridge structure and validate the design assumptions for sion I-A specifications (9). These loads were then combined with the critical components such as cables and towers. dead load applied to the bridge. MODELING OF CABLE-STAYED BRIDGE Seismic Instrumentation System The cable-stayed bridge is a complex structure, including a variety of The bridge is located in a geologically changing area. Because of its structural and mechanical components such as towers, cables, decks, critical proximity to the NMSZ, as well as lack of strong ground girders, beams, shock transmission devices, lateral earthquake restrain- motion records, the bridge has been continuously monitored with a ers, and bearings. To represent the main components of the bridge seismic instrumentation system, which consists of 84 Kinemetrics structure and to reduce the degrees of freedom in the analysis model, EpiSensor accelerometers, Q330 digitizers, and Baler units for data plate elements were used to model bridge decks, frame and cable ele- concentrator and mass storage (10). ments were to used model stay cables, and frame elements were used Antennas were installed on two bridge towers at Piers 2 and 3, at to model towers, girders, and beams.
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