
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03141-8 - The Cambridge Companion to Irish Modernism Edited by Joe Cleary Index More information INDEX Abbey Theatre, 7 , 24 , 44 , 52 , 54 , 55 , 81 , Head I to Head VI series, 46 , 48 111 , 115 , 154 , 212 relocation to Dublin, 16 , 141 Abstract Expressionism, 138 Rosc exhibition, 139 Adorno, Theodor, 59 Study after Velázquez’s Pope Innocent X , aestheticism, 2 , 40–41 , 101 , 106 , 184 , 203 48 , 138 Allgood, Molly, 122 surrealism, 136 , 138 American modernism, 6 , 42 trained in London, 4 , 7 , 45 , 138 impact of Irish Revival, 6–7 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 105 role in displacing Britain as world power, Balfour, Prime Minister Arthur, 113 36–39 , 43–44 See also Irish American Ballagh, Robert, 140 , 140–41 modernism Banim, John, 98 An Túr Gloine, 130 Banim, Michael, 98 Anderson, Perry, 38 , 58 Banville, John, 110n35 Anglo-Irish, 8 Barrès, Maurice, 31–32 declining Ascendancy, 60 , 81 , 99 , 138 Barry, James, 38–39 novelists on, 97–99 , 107 Barry, Sebastian, 125 revival, 53 , 54 , 55–56 See also Irish Bartók, Béla, 6 Revival ; Protestantism Baudelaire, Charles, 77 Appel, Karel, 139 Bax, Arnold, 6 Archer, William, 41 Beardsley, Aubrey, 23 , 121 architectural modernism, 3 , 131–32 See also Beckett, Samuel, 1 , 10 , 13–14 , 15–16 , 45 , 46 , Scott, Michael ; Sullivan, Louis Henry 133–34 , 218 Arguedas, José María, 209–10 antipathy towards Austin Clarke, 85 Armstrong, Tim, 156 Catastrophe , 124 Arnold, Bruce ‘Comment Dire’, 77 , 87 Jack Yeats , 221 criticism of parochialism of Irish Arnold, Matthew, 1 , 177 revivalism, 22 , 51 Artaud, Antonin, 116 , 120 ‘Dante … Bruno. Vico .. Joyce’, 31 , Asquith, Herbert, 113 203 Asturias, Miguel Ángel Endgame , 1 , 4 , 107 , 108 , 122–23 , 124 Men of Maize , 96 exilic nature of career, 4 , 7 Auden, W.H., 45–46 , 201 experimentation in theatre, 111 , 122 , ‘In Memory of W.B. Yeats’, 81–82 123–24 Austen, Jane Happy Days , 124 Pride and Prejudice , 98 Krapp’s Last Tape , 124 modernism, 107–8 , 123–24 , 184 , 196 Bacon, Francis, 2 , 3 , 4 , 136 , 138 monograph on Proust, 31–32 context of revolution and political Murphy , 107 , 212–13 upheaval, 10 Not I , 124 , 125 229 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03141-8 - The Cambridge Companion to Irish Modernism Edited by Joe Cleary Index More information Index Beckett, Samuel (cont.) Cage, John, 6 part of declining establishment elite, Campbell-Bannerman, Henry, 113 175–76 Čapek, Karel, 120 Plays , 124 Carducci, Giosuè, 31–32 Poèmes , 87 Carleton, William, 39 predominance of Yeats, Joyce and Beckett Carr, Marina, 16 , 125 in Irish modernism, 1–3 , 54 , 128 , 147 Carson, Ciaran, 90 ‘Recent Irish Poetry’, 54 , 78 , 88 Casanova, Pascale, 8 The Unnamable , 1 , 107 The World Republic of Letters , 37 Trilogy , 96 , 107 Castle, Gregory Waiting for Godot , 4 , 87 , 107–8 , Modernism and the Celtic Revival , 57 122–23 , 124 Catholicism, 84–85 , 86 , 178–79 , 215–16 What Where , 124 Eliot, T.S., 83–84 ‘Whoroscope’, 7 , 77 , 87 Irish dominance of American Catholic Behan, Brendan, 124 church, 177 , 178–79 Belli, Giuseppe Gioachino, 67 novelists, 98–99 Berger, John, 134 Cavafy, C.P., 209–10 Bergson, Henri, 130 Celticism, 1 , 12–13 , 138–39 , 140 , 177–78 , Berman, Marshall, 154 182–83 See also Irish Revival ; Rosc Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne, 149 exhibitions Blake, William, 22 , 23 Cézanne, Paul, 129 Boland, Eavan, 90–91 Chopin, Kate, 43 , 49 , 174 , 175 , 178 ‘Mise Éire’, 90–91 The Awakening , 42 Bowen, Elizabeth, 2–3 , 4 , 7 , 14 , 44 , 45 , cinematic modernism, 3 See also visual 46–47 , 96 , 98 , 109n7 modernism A World of Love , 156–57 Clancy, George, 110n22 Eva Trout , 157 Clarke, Austin, 85–86 ‘James Joyce’, 203–4 ‘Ancient Lights’, 85 modernism, 101 , 109n7 , 147 , 148 , Clarke, Harry, 130 , 132 156 Clarke, T.J., 60 The Death of the Heart , 47 , 156 Cleary, Joe, 1–18 , 35–49 , 174–90 The Heat of the Day , 156 Cocteau, Jean, 121 The House in Paris , 47 Coffey, Brian, 2–3 , 45 , 77–78 , 86 , 87–88 The Last September , 47 , 96 , 100 , 156 Coghill, Rhoda, 88 Boyd, Ernest, 196 , 204 Coleman, James, 140 Ireland’s Literary Renaissance , 52 , 57–58 , Collins, Lucy 199–200 Poetry by Women in Ireland 1870–1970 , Boydell, Brian, 5 , 6 , 135 88–89 , 90 Brancusi, Constantin, 136 Colum, Mary, 196 Braque, Georges, 129 Colum, Padraic, 54 , 196 Brecht, Bertolt, 10 , 116 Common, Thomas Brennan, Maeve, 147 , 148 , 156 , 158 , 174 Nietzsche as Critic, Philosopher, Poet and The Springs of Affection , 158 Prophet , 23–24 Brennan, Robert, 174 Connolly, Cyril, 135–36 Breton, André, 32 Connolly, James, 207 Brown, Sterling, 81 Connolly, Thurloe, 135 Bruno, Giordano, 30 , 31 Conrad, Joseph, 97 Bunting, Basil, 81 Corkery, Daniel, 13 , 57–58 , 195–96 , 197 , Burke, Edmund, 38–39 , 49 200 , 204 Butler Cullingford, Elizabeth on Irish Revival, 56 Gender and History in Yeats’s Love Synge and Anglo-Irish Literature , 200–1 Poetry , 14 The Hidden Ireland , 200 Byrne, Barry, 131 Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille, 128 230 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03141-8 - The Cambridge Companion to Irish Modernism Edited by Joe Cleary Index More information Index Coughlan, Patricia, 78–79 Dos Passos, John, 95 Modernism and Ireland: The Poetry of the The U.S.A. Trilogy , 96 1930s , 78 Dublin, period as literary capital, 49 Counter-Revival, 13–14 See also Irish Dublin Drama League, 120 , 132 Revival Duffy, Charles Gavan, 53 Cousins, James, 6 Duffy, Enda, 13–14 , 16 , 195–205 Cowell, Henry, 5–6 , 174 , 175 Dufy, Raoul, 129 The Banshee , 6 Dujardin, Edouard, 29 The Tides of Mananaun , 6 Dulac, Edmund, 218 The Trumpet of Angus Og , 6 Craig, Edward Gordon, 116–17 Eagleton, Terry, 51 , 58 , 99 Craig-Martin, Michael, 140 Edgeworth, Maria, 39 Cuala Press, 44 Castle Rackrent , 97 Cubism, 129–30 , 132 , 135–36 Edwards, Hilton, 120 , 121 , 122 , 125 Cullen, Countee, 12–13 Egerton, George (Mary Chavelita Dunne Cullen, L.M., 200 Bright), 2 , 40 , 41 , 42–43 Cunard, Nancy, 7 , 14–15 , 217 Discords , 41 , 149 Curran, Constance, 121 feminism, 147 , 148 , 149–50 Cusack, Michael, 207 Keynotes , 41 , 149–50 Cusack, Ralph, 135–36 Eglinton, John (William Magee), 28–30 , 44 , 55 , 195 , 198–99 Dalí, Salvador, 136 Dana , 28–29 , 198 Dante, Alighieri, 31 Irish Literary Portraits , 198–99 Darwin, Charles, 52 Literary Ideas in Ireland , 198 David Hendriks Gallery, 138 Pebbles from a Brook , 28 Davis, Alex, 78–79 Eisenstein, Sergei, 138 Modernism and Ireland: The Poetry of the Eliot, George, Middlemarch , 98 , 100 1930s , 78 Eliot, T.S., 15 , 35 , 38 , 43–44 , 55 , 59 , 79 , Davis, Thomas, 1 , 197 179 , 189 , 196 , 218 Davitt, Michael, 1 , 9 After Strange Gods , 175 Dawson Gallery, 138 conversion to Catholicism, 83–84 de Goncourt, Edmond, 65 ‘Four Quartets’, 86–87 de hIndeberg, Risteard, 161–62 The Waste Land , 39 , 88 , 103 , 134 de Kooning, Willem, 139 Ellis, Havelock, 22 , 23 de Paor, Louis, 16 , 161–71 Ellmann, Richard, 51 de Valera, Eamon, 103 Éluard, Paul, 86 de Valois, Ninette, 118 émigré modernists, impact on Irish Deane, Seamus, 106 modernism, 2 , 4 , 6–7 , 8–9 , 16 , Celtic Revivals , 14 39 , 77–78 Deevy, Teresa, 156 Ermarth, Elizabeth Deeds, 151 Degas, Edgar, 128 , 130 Ervine, St. John, 44 , 67 Delaunay, Robert, 129 Expressionism, 132 , 133 , 135–36 , 141 Deleuze, Gilles, 138 Devlin, Denis, 2–3 , 45 , 77–78 , 85–86 Farrell, Michael, 140 ‘Lough Derg’, 86–87 Faulkner, William, 38 , 95 translation projects, 86 Fauvism, 129 , 135–36 Dhlomo, Herbert, 83 Felski, Rita diaspora The Gender of Modernity , 147–48 impact on Irish modernism, 2 , 4 , 6–7 , 8–9 , feminism See women and modernism 16 , 39 , 77–78 See also Great Famine Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing , 14 Dickinson, Emily, 39 Field Day Anthology of Women’s Writing Dine, Jim, 139 and Traditions , 88–89 Döblin, Alfred, 38 , 95 Field Day Theatre Company, 16 , 124 231 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03141-8 - The Cambridge Companion to Irish Modernism Edited by Joe Cleary Index More information Index Film and modernism, 3 , 132–33 impact on Irish modernism, 8–9 , 41–42 See also visual modernism Greenberg, Clement, 59 Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 6–7 , 8 , 12–13 , 16 , 42 , 43 , Gregory, Lady Augusta, 6 , 7 , 14–15 , 23 , 27 , 49 , 174 , 175 , 178 28 , 44 , 53 , 55 , 57 , 68 , 114 , 116 , 148 , The Great Gatsby , 179–83 , 187 , 189 154–55 , 207 This Side of Paradise , 179 , 182 Cathleen ni Houlihan , 114 Flaubert, Gustave, 111–12 Grania , 155 Fleischmann, Aloys, 5 Hyacinth Halvey , 114 Fogarty, Anne, 16 , 147–58 Our Irish Theatre , 154 Frampton, Kenneth, 140 Spreading the News , 114 Frankenthaler, Helen, 140 The Gaol Gate , 154–55 Friel, Brian, 124 Gregory, Sir William, 154 Griffi th, Arthur, 52 , 207 , 210 Gaelic Athletic Association, 57 Gropius, Walter, 131–32 Gaelic League, 53 , 64 , 69 , 153 , 197 , 208 Guinness, May, 3 , 7 , 43 , 129 , 135–36 Gaelic Revival, 53 , 55–56 , 69 contribution to Irish modernism, 3 , 7 , See also Celticism ; Irish language 43 , 129 Garnier, Philippe, 131 infl uence of Cubism and Fauvism, 135 Garrigan-Mattar, Sinéad The Infant , 129 Primitivism, Science and the Irish Revival , 57 Hall, Kenneth, 134–35 Gate Theatre, 111 , 120–22 , 125 Hamilton, Letitia, 130 Gauguin, Paul, 57 , 129 Hamsun, Knut, 2 , 41 , 149 gender equality See women and modernism Hanlon, Jack, 135 George, Stefan, 38 Hardwicke Theatre (Dublin), 114 Gershwin, George, 6 Harris, Frank, 41 Geulincx, Arnold Harrison, Lou, 6 Ethics , 32 Harte, Bret, 38–39 Giacometti, Alberto, 136 Hartigan, Marianne, 129 Gibbons, Luke, 2 , 16 , 128–41 Hauptmann, Gerhard, 27 Gleizes, Albert, 129–30 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 39 von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, 5 , 29 , 214 Hayes, Gabriel, 128 Gógan, Liam, 165–66 , 170–71 Hayford, Gladys Casely, 83 Gogarty, Oliver St.
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