DOUGLAS RUSHKOFF 17/5/2012 - 25/2/2013 C!> My Social Book DOUGLAS RUSH KOFF 17/5/2012 - 25/2/2013 S~MMAR~ MOST POPULAR PHOTO YES, l'M LEAVING FACEBOOK MYSELF - LARGELY BECAUSE THE VALUES AND PRACTICES OF THE COMPANY RUNNING THIS WEBSITE ARE JUST TOO INCONSISTENT WITH THOSE I( ... ) rf:J370 2012 May - August ................................................................................. 6 September 2012 - February 2013 ................................................. t8 • To learn more, go to page 30 I • I I • LtJ Profile Pictures ll:J Profile Pictures MAY AUGUST 2012 LtJ Cover Photos Friday 18th of May, 20 12 CJD New link shared ll:J Cover Photos LtJ Profile Pictures I -·· ••I www.cnn.com MIP".U-..~11/W1~i·tiK•... 1t ·tpQ{Md~Mml Kris Darlington What •dge? Jesse Kanner http://www.adweek.com/lntemet-week· blog/facebook-moving-toward-ad-network-sure-seems-i t-1'0558 The dark horse product up luck's sleeve setms to be run­ ning highly targeltd ads on w•J>siles across the internel at large. Wall Street demands consistent and aggressive growth quarter on quarter to keep BUY ratings in tact. There·s only so much ARPU Facebook c.an squeeze from Jody Radzlk Great cover design! their users within Facebook proper. And as you noted, user Eva Jettmar Love the graphic design. Beautiful. acquisition is flattening land churn will start to be a real Rudy De Waete I like it I great read btw! Too many Google issue as users fragment across specialty networks, as you colours on this cover - or is this on purpose? It is actually also note) incredible how a brand can claim that many colours in the If FB can pull off a roal ad network, thoy have a good shot same or 'similar soquonce lat least that's my impression! at eating Into Google's domain and significantly bumping Joshua Emrich I lind it very stupid their overall revenue. Seems quite doable to me. But not guaranteed. - 8 - - 9 - http://www. ru s hko ff.c om/b log/20 12/6/3 0/d r ·dr .h t ml This is what a dissertation defense ceremony looks like in Utrecht. Holland. where it is conducted ... Andrew J Gray Congratulations to you. Ramona Pringle Yaayy! Wonderful! Congratu­ Friday 8th of June, 2012 Deborah James Dobbins Congratulations lations :I Doug!! Randolph Nesbitt congrats Dr. Rushkoff! now Mindy Sparango congrats dr 0 do some research - oh. wait. you already do Ricky Watson Congratulations, Dr. Rushkoff! that OD New link shared Britt Eric Phillips Congrats, Dr. Rushkoff. Been fot­ Scott Lahde congrats! you are way smarter lo'W'1in9 your work since · Media Virus". than I W'j 1QQ S!'£CW. · Z2 • I So I'm trying to understand what the heck JP Douma Congratulations. Say hi to Jules in Ken Applebaum Congratulations. Or. Holland. Rushkoff. :I ., 100'!rtl nk'a. 21 a ~ is up with Montreal - any perspectives? !EW - l•• J Alexei Aitouganov happy independence from Aaron Naparstek Amazing. Congrats. You - As I AH • IB\lfWINfDOtt9lSEXY • .• · 2!G · grad school day! hope you apply to teach at should have worn a powdered wig. JAl"''!ESE & !SO!!l Fnday 8/h ol Jun •• 2011 il.I nyu's draper program now. i hear there's an Paul Turcott Vay!!! JNO L21Q ••• G9¥f GET IT · 24 Cit ,,_,., \C.All) T&. U..Tl opening in 'global histories: that would be so Jen Macintyre Congrats Doug! - • - "511i."f - - t.M~Jc. - cool . 120rrw· 32 • -.~WIJ Rui Guerra Can I come and congratulate u in Stephen Shurtleff Congratulations! That's Utrecht? I Nithi Watanacha great! Sus.an Marcus-Mendoza Congratulations! A 0~ Nadim Boughanmi super congrats Douglas! great accomplishment! It looks like an amaz­ I The Virtual Revolution The Cost of Free "_" - ·····HQl lllll l Brian Clark Finally Or. Rushkoffl ing ceremony but nothing like my defense at • B4tx ltlfW ••• • ""O*"" t1.)n! Be " K!!'S19 • 2$ 0 EROTIC llf!AZ•l.A'l i like this program by BBC ... You maybe Landa LaMotta Knaack MT & Congrats, Doc· Texas A&M. Not sure that I could have done ~tptelltl •.•• have secret on your tor! Funny, you were on my mind yester­ that···too scary. Maybe that's why I preferred - • I NEW EUROPEAN >• • · .22. CI tt OIC>$~ ..... day-let's try to talk soon! to be backstage in my SHS Drama Club years. HYCbr~....._ ffl Peter Giblin Congratulations, Or! Rhonda Hughes Dr. Rushkoff, I salute you! EJ e-mail And someone can be spy your secret Barbara von Rechbach Congrats, profossorel Well done! .1.D'LllMl!<i=!Oul'"!40""-'Su;PE..,CW._,.._· -----~· 2ul •-1 g now Laura Radel Cruz Congratulations! Welt done . Martin Purls Or Doug. Has a nice ring to it. Ah Uhm Many congratul alions on this fine day, Andrew Mayer Fantastic! ,TJSF•ED 29 G !Jpc!!• EM! ~·t E Ill 111 · · Mr Doc! Amber Case Well done! Cong ratulations many Tlit MOS f l!IEA\ITllUl Monday IBlh of June, 2012 I ('f"Y DQI modtltl 2 Q(1 wt9Q II · 21 D ' AAE t<lf:Jtf WNTINO f( Allan Jamisen Titlykke! times over! TONIGifTOlCIM> Ea Felix Castro Congr.itut .. tions! Bernie Lenhoff So ...you are now Or. D.R.? We Alex Burns Congratulations .. your work has could call you Doctor Doctor for short. :D inspired many! http://www.cnn.com/2012/06/07/opinion/rushkoff-backpage/in­ Meow Chie Nishee Marla Wendy Sperget Congratulations Dou­ dex.html?hpt=op_t1 Phoenix Perry Good job Doug! glas. I am about 2 years behind you. At 54 hello. can we be friends? Douglas Rushkoff By analysing corporatism never top old to learn and make a difference. www.cnn.com through the lens of media ecology. Douglas What was your dissertation on? Would love to http://www.cnn.com/ 2 O I 2/06/07/ o pinion/rush koll• ba c kpage/ind ex.h!ml ?hp l =op_t 1 . Rushkoff shows how an invented set of rules read it! Thursd~y 21sl of June. 2012 Douglas Rushkoff says underage sex !rafficking is an awful thing, but state laws against sex ads are became - like any totalising media environ­ Marc Scarpa You mean you can't just buy that the wrong way to proceed ment - indistinguishable from nature. He con­ on the interweb? cludes that while the corporatist rule set may Congrats DOUG! have become the default operating system of Grim Blore Congratulations! Any chance the • our economy, it is not necessarily closed to in­ dissertation will be posted online? Susan Wallac tervention. Michael J. McDonough Way to go Doug! White a closed economic operating system Seth S Horowitz I thought I faced an inquisition Enjoyed watching Frontline last night on KQED. Thank you. may have been consonant with the closed, - your committee dressed the part! top·down media of the print and broadcast Dan Goldman Mazel tov, doc! · Wednesday 20th of June. 2012 eras, as Rushkoff argues, interactive technol­ Susan Slavin Greenberg congratulations will ogy does offer new avenues for resist~nce and done and well deserved redesign. This .. playability,- as he describes Jeff Oachis Maze! Tov! OD New link shared - Wednesday 4th of July. 2012 it. might yet return to economic systems in Mark Jeffrey Huge fan of you sir ·- rock the f the form of digital innovations such as peer on!!!! •• to peer exchange, decentralised value cre­ Margie Mirage Congratulations! I look for· ation, and even new alternative currencies. ward to reading it. I just finished mine as well This playability would be a positive develop· You know that in Australia we don·t defend ment for the way it would allow for human in­ our dissertations. It is an entirely text-based tervention in a mechanism that has dispropor­ process of examination. tional influence over our society. Daniel Fisher Congrats!! This research project is part of the GATE Joshua Yoerger Congratulations, sir! research programme http://gate.gamerc· Joseph Kaufman congratulations! search.nl/. Ellis Katz Don't know who you are Doug, but congratulations. So many grad stidents finish their course work and their exams, but never make it hrough the dissertation stage. Defended my dissertation at this ceremony in an 11th Century ritual at Utrecht University, and am now a PhD. http ://www. rushkoff .com/blog/2012/ 6/30/ d r-d r. html www.rushkoff.com - 10 - - 11 - ltJ Timeline Photos - Wednesday 18th of July. 2012 •• Thursday 5th of July, 2012 Jason Ca gi Thank you Doug. for your contribution to http://www.indiegogo.com/John­ RossAmerican CiD New link shared - Fr1day6th of July. 2012 •• People have been asking for more pix of the dissertation ceremony in Utrecht. Here's one from professional photographer Robe rt van Willi­ genburg. Gregg E Beckett Whal exactly arc you holding? Jared Kaszuba great meme .... thanks Doug. Cecilia Sofia Pego Congratulations!!!!! Dan Levy It looks like you are about to lie down David Powers So how do you get your portrait and be dissected in a surgical gallery. on the v1all? Pamela Rose Vitale Wow far out, good for you Gard Gjesdal Engh Nico :I and quite a wild experience scholar man! Eve Berni Love to you YAYI Ruta Fox Dougie, so proud of you! Doug, much congrats, ESP. For a great artist Douglas Rushkoff Thanks! The thing in my supply!,CVJ and RU! hand is actually the diploma. It's just alter My new CNN opinion piece: Peter K Fallon Congratulations, Douglas. they came back from deliberations and hand· http://www.cnn.com/2012/07/06/ opinion/ rush koff-on line-man itori ng/ Martin Palmer Congratulations. edit to me. My main supervisor is reading a • Mike Plugh Very distinguished.
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