THE VOICE OF CHICAGO’S GAY, LESBIAN, BI AND TRANS COMMUNITY SINCE 1985 Sept. 9, 2009 • vol 24 no 49 Showdown on the Hill: Congress tackles gay bills BY LISA KEEN KEEN NEWS SERVICE ‘Hannah’ writer It’s show time in Washington, D.C.: time to talk turkey and put Claudia Allen page 15 some money where the mouth is, and time to put the pedal to the Miss Opportunity metal and the rubber to the road. Congress is back for the last three months of the Obama administration’s first year in the White House and, suddenly, every bill is on fire—8-12 appropriations bills in the Senate; bills to steady a still wobbly economy facing an almost 10 percent unemployment rate; and bills to address climate change, renew estate tax provisions and decide whether a government (or public) health insurance option should be part of healthcare-insur- ance reform. Most media spotlights are on healthcare. It is the Obama admin- istration’s self-selected showdown against the federal government’s tendencies toward what the president calls “inertia” when it comes to helping people who can’t afford healthcare. Passage of some meaningful healthcare bill will either make or Kristine break the Obama legacy for all time, according to many pundits. But while that’s the sort of hyperbole necessary to get most people page 17 W to read real news, the eventual bill could have real significance to the LGBT community. For instance, some of the current versions of healthcare-reform bills include provisions to collect data concerning sexual orientation and to provide better for early treatment of HIV. “We have provisions that have survived committee [votes], but they still need to get all meshed together in whatever bill comes out,” said Allison Herwitt, legislative director for the Human Rights Campaign (HRC). HRC is widely recognized as the LGBT community’s voice on Capitol Hill. Herwitt says HRC is “hopeful” that, when leaders of the Demo- cratic majority in Congress sit down with White House staffers this month “and figure out what they want the final bill to look like,” those LGBT provisions will survive. Tony Midnite “They’re very much a priority for us,” said Herwitt. Labor Day weekend means barbecue and beauty—the latter on show at the Dies page 6 So is a defense-spending authorization bill. That’s because the Matthew Shepard hate-crimes legislation, adding sexual orientation annual Miss Continental pageant at the Park West, 322 W. Armitage. Photo by Kat Fitzgerald (; see more on page 21 and Turn to page 4 at UMC group to honor Rev. Greg Dell BY WILLIAM BURKS sive-progressive theology.” UMC policy forbids the ordination of openly non-celibate gay or The Rev. Greg Dell, retired minister of Broad- lesbian clergy. way United Methodist Church in Chicago will Rev. The movement sprang from Dell’s witness in Wanda be honored with the Gilbert H. Caldwell Justice Greg the 1990s, when he celebrated more than 30 Sykes page 16 Ministry Award as the culmination of a weekend Dell. commitment ceremonies for same-sex couples. conference on “The Journey to Justice,” Sept. Photo by When a 1998 ceremony was reported in Windy 25-26. Hal Baim City Times, Dell was reported to his bishop, Sponsoring the conference and award is Church tried before an ecclesiastical court for breaking Within A Church (CWAC), a movement within the church rules forbidding such ceremonies, and United Methodist Church (UMC) whose goals in- banned from exercising ministry in the UMC. On clude providing “a pathway [to ordination] for appeal, his sentence was reduced to a one-year qualified people denied ordination in the United ban. Methodist denomination because of sexual ori- entation, gender identity/expression, or inclu- Turn to page 9 AUTOSINSURANCEDENTISTSHAIRSALONS FLOORINGINSURANCEBANKINGGETTRAVEL IT ALL LEGALSERVICESBOOKSTORESELECTRICIANS PHOTOGRAPHERSRESTAURANTSCONTRACTORSonline nnn%N`e[p:`kpD\[`X>iflg%Zfd 2 Sept. 9, 2009 K?<<OG<I@<E:<PFLKILJK ?\i\Xi\aljkX=<Nf]fli[fq\ejf]g\fgc\ N`e[p:`kpD\[`X>iflg n_fZfeki`Ylk\kfk_\\[`kfi`Xcj`[\f]N:D>1 nXjeXd\[9\jk>Xp N`e[p:`kpK`d\j#E`^_jgfkj# E\njJfliZ\YpK_\ N`e[p:`kpHl\\iZXjkXe[Hl\\iKME\knfib%Zfd :_`ZX^fI\X[\i% PXjd`eEX`i I\oNfZbe\i BXk=`kq^\iXc[ _Xj]lcÔcc\[dlck`gc\ifc\j]fiN`e[p _Xji\gfik\[e\nj]fik_\^Xpgi\jjj`eZ\ `jXg_fkf^iXg_\iXe[j\c]$[\jZi`Y\[ :`kpK`d\jÇ`eZcl[`e^Yffbi\m`\n\i# (0/,%?`jnfib_XjXgg\Xi\[`edfi\k_Xe È\e\i^`q\i%ÉJ_\_XjY\\e`eg_fkf^iXg_p e\nji\gfik\i#g_fkf^iXg_\iXe[fg$\[ *''glYc`ZXk`fej`e*/Zfleki`\j% ]fik_\gXjk),p\Xij% Zfclde`jkÇj`eZ\(00,% <ddXel\c>XiZ`X KiXZp9X`d 8e[i\n;Xm`j _XjY\\eni`k`e^]fiN`e[p:`kpK`d\j jkXik\[nfib`e:_`ZX^fC>9KaflieXc`jd 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