T( 30® Says to Disci Ays Truuii Eeks

T( 30® Says to Disci Ays Truuii Eeks

L ATE T E BBULLETW l U. S;3; EIGHTBEIGHTH ARMV HEAP- I n*i» ~ ~~_ QUAliTERSTKorTERSTKorea, 8un^r«M m t a ----------- ' 22.(JVLieut..G«—Lieut-^Gen. Jam««-A*-Van, — JS5le»«^ *’?» - H C I . ■ Fleet saidsaid todBy-his'clghth-armtodsy- ^ ^ ^ ■ t * ^ ^ - T a o - P Mo * il -____________---------- J m 3 E ~ ■ ,, m , ebnrehx h ....................... was preparedirepared to meet anythlnj J, h u r le 4 aagalnat g a ln a t 1'it— Includios pos- I A Regionalinal NewspaiNewspaper Servisc i ^ NineN in a Irrigated1 Idaho Counties slble enemjrnemy air sstrikes,, ...................— orriiur cii» .Bd TWWIN IN FALLS,F A L L S IDAHO, SUNDAYkT MORNING,MORNIN APRlra. 22, 195161 Mmahmf e A><ll qI I^Ek^ ■ ■ CMStf Nmptp«r AMottiud rraa *b4 Cati * PRICE 8 CENTS K^egelft^Bidei»ident SpeaksTat-EFe-^i^EFe-D edicafion E yen 30® Saysays Truuiim an S eeleeks H | T(To Disciiscredit M]y a c Ar rtl t h u r 1 iiJon^ess 1 P r o B e Bt The Asaeclsted Press BRopublicnns opubH cnns cried Saturday thatihat the TrumanTrui administration waa.-as trying to "discredit” Gen.1. Douglas ]Ma<^rthur, as the,. Iiistoric.split.(itoric.split over-far east policycy hendcd towto ard a conifre.isionnl airing.airing, ' BBackers a c k e rs of the deposed far east-commandereast-commati reacted anfrrily after rendingrcni a Washington1 dispatch in the New York mes. This dealt with Presidentlent Truman’sTrumar confercnce with MacArthurlacArthur Inat October on Wakeike Island. It1 said that accord- I to administration fecords ------------------ tde a t the tim e of th e parley, ' > ~ M aicArthur; c A r th u r : H 51'TTI 1.. Was SO50 conlconfident of victory in Farmers Face:e BBitter Fightight to ..........Korea th&t He rea th&t he offered w hat he deemedrmed his best troops, th e U. S- B W S ^ C sccondond division.division, for service la Eu- K * S s 3 ^ ' ^ P r ^ 2 S i t*; RetaiirPrejPresent Parityirity Prices . Apologlitd lo r- cmbarraMlng „ Presidentaldent Truma’rruman on the issue of By iPAT , MUNROE comnmlttee's ^ttee's hearingshi M ay 1-Si on ment planUngplanUn goals. This lacfc-(rf“ - ‘ Formosa',•mosa', big jIsl ^ d off j h e Chl- (Washington Staff Correspondeat) changesmges inin ththe defense production response, plusplu Indications tbat the -neM'eoast.— ..-.-WAaHm0I0ti,AprU31r48peclal> selwlUbe4h«'.wUlbe4h«b»ttWieid,'TheWhlta wheartOTp'1wJieartOTp-U'lB'-flfiiijWi’WfgSleftir'’ "'^' —The most bitter row In years over Houseuse has boibought an uneasy truce his entire much-toutedmt big produ&> ' DoubtedDoubted. (China Entry farmf ^ 'le legislation T w h f o i withh laborlabor uunions n by promikng to Uon programprogram. | j 3 | B ... 3.. PrcdlctMP rc d lct^ 'ihihe Chinese commur comingcoming upup soon.ao whittleUUe downdown Vth e price aupporta u n - xla a t te e reportsresoi from the mldwaat 53flit<KgSBtfj8BSiVliiwB nlststs would not enter th e K orean FarmersP a r m e r iof of all der■ farmfarm prodproducts. com belt arare not eoeouraging to conflict.ifllct. shapesshapes andand sixessi Indicativendlcatlve of the solidity of feeling Brannan’aBrannan’sdrI drive to booft eom plant* Severalleveral membemembers of congress took arcarc united united as as nev- n amongong non-fainon-farm ers U th e le'ad’edl- Ingsi n a s(hla t S spring.sur theI view the aadm inistration had erer beforebefore forfor theirth torlalisl InIn FortuFortune for' AprlL Tho ed- ’mer a e last ^ t report on prospecttve -leaked”iked” one-sidedcne-sld Information to fight{ight toto rre e t ta a i n Itorsrs headhead thelth e ir article “T h e P arity Dlantlnaa InC ahow the general plantings Indicates' Uuit com may iw the general In the wrong. -‘patlty"patlly prices." pricts." Outrage"trage" andand <call on “some patrioUf faUf*u 8,000,000f l^ O M acres, ahort of Ihe g o v '■, H< ^3SbS RepresenUUvelepresenUUve M artin, p .. Most, OpposedOpposed againsta ^ l autesman.”tesman-- toto lead lha fig h t against emment'aem m enV agogoal. I n fact, eveiy Im- toreh pra-dedlesilon fellawihlp io»atmi»atmaitrr aitrr of ihei: event, attended by IH persons, wh ise Republican leader, said ad- thethe farmers farmers are^^^^^^H H the I systemsystem reregardless of the con- portant feed ^C » » ith e Flnt Biptlit ehoreh pr«.d< l«perionr^Sl^^^;i;i'tw 'o listration groups are trying to not only their t portent feed grain prospect ia be­ nllht « » i Sr. II» rrr L.t . DllUa, cicenter, president <if weekseeks orof celebrationcelebral for the new church.. Mn.Mra. Rice 1.Is aea.edae a t right. not only their tra- sequencesuences toto hh is poUUcal career. low last year'syear production. ^K|^i,Vc31lDnvlIlB, Ore. Jh e .BB£». ^ r. HemuuHeniauj-C. Rice, left, was -(SSUff U ff pholo-enrraTlnic)pholo-en .......... ' ' xear" -MacArthur bu t 'they dllionaldllional rivals,rivals, thei Ons)ne of ththi e InteresUng things The reasonsreason farmers are hnMiny ______________________________ won’tVt gel away ^with it," factoryfactory wwork« o rk er,^^ B jn F H about)ut thethe fortforthcoming fight is that back on mee ■ i * * * * * * * * * * ------------------------ back OR meeting the Kovemment'a "Leak" Charged butbut dd ly iy ddwell w e l le r a ^ ^ * * * Agriculturertculture SoSecretary OharlesBran- goalseohi Include;include mother embattled supporter of inIn generalgeneral andi r*i nan1 IsIs bsckbsck in good w ith con- Tha price situation. Many grov> armers Scan MacArthur,cArthur, BeRepublican Bertalor managementmanagement ofol Industry In partlcu- tervatlvevatlve farmfarm groups like the Parm ers«rs are fearfulfear of the new prie* Capehart,Mhart, Ind.. told newsmen he Ur. Ur. Bureau.reau. HeHe IIsj genuinely alarmed stablUzatioosUblUzatioo law.J Tliey want aasur< irch Dedicatiication Here•e TodayT( leved President Trum an him self The senate t Tha senate banking and currency overir thethe lacklack oof response to govem- <C»iHJn»W<c*i>iJa«w »B> PMT» «l. 0»l«»« «> ill i. Ihermc 1 responsible for the "leak." --------------------- riiermometers Withoutvithout taklnitaking sides In th e T ru - r Vo-Week Gelefa n-MecArthur row. 8enator-Rui-“ - |ly | a -m / eatures Two- MebratjM i„In :Gold*-WaveCol “, '““'if.Sa0.. Oa. said the senate armed Marclung^fIW I <1,1 I BaBaaidS Final C. of C. taptist church at 11 a.m. todnyly highlieht;highliEhls two weeks of servicesA cu commlttfcommittee wUl dem and “all ' liiflibtion o f the new B a p tist chi nitre's an old mw th a t predicts avollableliable documents"docum* In an Inves- — . fljsthc church begins a new chochapter in its 46 years ofo f TwinTw m FalFallB activities. -[hrtsirte times a n d o u f’ tlgatlonItlon toto be be opened op< aoon. Aa com- |j« OK Given on dorf FlcminB, president, of th e BiBerkeley Baptist Divinitylily Rchooi,Rchool, 1Berkeley, Calif., Many Magic ValleyVi farm ers feel mitteetee chairman.chairman, RusseU will p re- ■ ' i ---------------------------------------------- thstat ifIf they can gget through Satur- side5 at at thethe hearings. heari Ends•*-" 19511 FFestival tiM speaker f o r the ----------------------- dayy night wllhw llh Illitle o r no frost The•he Investigation,Investigat senator* aald. Control Plan | HP’iccs w ith the ms;e the danger for this year willI delvedelve deepdeep IntoIt the evenu pre- BURLEY,B U R L E Y , April 21—More thanI 2,000 WagicWi Valley music _ 11 be over. They’ve already gone cedinging President.Truman'*President dlsmis- gtudent* din T be soU dtetlon control plan ao> ] students climaxed the fourth districtrict musicmusi< festival here to- cepted by the Ohamber of Com- I fioverovemor Jordanrdan to rough two cold nights wlUiout sol o^f^MacArthurof MacArthuj as far e « t com- n^ ig i g h h t tw w ith i t h »» p arsd * of n u re h in g bands.Minds. merce Merch jch damage. mander. merce Merchant's bureau Tuesday I Bff. Mr. B urnett was . • . *M /F rt dsmage. Twelve bands wera slven ratingsrs in four divisions. Size of nealTedneeiTed tiaaflaal approval by eham* | Ithurch ohen bullfllng / \ i Some farm ers In the valley, how- UrnedVrxed fltrongfltro Mcanrea Twelve bai er, don’t care how cold 11 gels MacArthurfacArthur wanted waa stronger meai- tbe B{Jiools^ o o l detannlnedd< tha d au . In class board o f itireoton XrMKP<' I In class JA Twin f!»I!s 'WM VStoeetoraalM-iAaared taUM 'aatl ...' ^U ic'u d cd on both Appear Here.ere IMay 3 lurday. They elUicr w ere froten uress againstagainst red red Chlna-txnnUoc < ta rated 11. ClaflC lass B ratinB * w are Burleyley a n d JeromJ e e, liih d 'B o h l i S W S . _ . ^11 outt Fridayrrlday nlshtn ight cor they don 't have red air bases In h e £ n a i ^ mmaOoa ttmawti ^ Makinglakinff hi.his first post-election appearance in Twin Falla, anythingythlng frost. wUlwU hurt. ade ot th e ChlM ssd Rupert, 2. WandeJl, Sho- ------^------:— Gov, Len JonJordan will be principal speakersp eak er ata t thtl e fir s t conven- JeromeJerome county fanners Saturday enableble nation^natiot^ SAoneshone and liKiaber]; ncelved - *■ j 1 of the Idaho State League of WWomen omen VotVotera here May a •wd the extensive dam age.done Ohiangang KKal-shifl| al-shic|*V4lfSvt^^n '11 ratings,n tln ss' bti class, C. Mth JL m IU i bu<ik ■ttnlH W Jfcn of the Id t^lr- Injlt trees Friday night- fromn Formosa tn’In B|' 'tgjd •4,-He will epeak afc'S dinner closing ththe e firs1 t'd a y of the; tftiiSerablemitlerable dam age was rfeported red Chinese mat 0 « U « y y t t o M ' a ■—^ -' 1-^ : • convention.-tivention.- ---------------to-sprlcots;-apricots; poaclpeaches and cherries.

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