carfac ca le n d a r CA N A D I A N A R T I S T S ’ R E P R E S E N T AT I O N / LE F R O N T D ES A R T I S T E S CA N A D I E N S V O L. 10 , N O . 2 FA LL/W I N T ER 2 0 0 7 S P ECIA L FEAT URE: TAX ES AN D T HE IN T HIS IS SUE FROM THE NATIONAL OFFICE 2 SELF-EM P LOYED FROM THE NATIONAL PRESIDENT 3 ARTS ADVOCACY: 4 A COLLABORATIVE DIALOGUE ART IS T Report o n CARFACNational’s 2007 AGM and Confere nce T ip s f o r p la n n in g yo u r n e x t t a x r e t u r n Se e a r t icle s p a g e s 8 -12 TAXATION FOR ARTISTS 8 Intro ductio n INCOME SOURCES: 8 What is Conside red Reportable “Revenue?” TAXING ARTISTS’ INVENTORIES 10 PROPOSED TAX CREDIT FOR COPYRIGHT 11 INCOME: The CCA’s Reco mme ndatio ns for Removing the Fede ral Tax o n Cre ativity in Canada ASSOCIATION NEWS 12 The Canadian Confere nce of the Arts NEWS FROM CARCC 13 THE LATEST FROM THE PROVINCES 14 CARFAC Reports from coast to co ast IN MEMORIUM 19 Illustratio n: Remie Geo ffroi CALENDAR IS ALSO AVAILABLE AS A PDF FILE! If you w ish to receive this new sletter in an electro nic format rather than in the mail, please contact the CARFAC National office at: [email protected] o r 1-866-344-6161. FROM T HE N AT ION AL OFF ICE Vo lu m e 10 , No . 2, Fa ll / W in t e r 2 0 0 7 Canada Post Publication Agreement It’s been a busy summer and fall for CARFAC National. In ISSN Number 1495-558X June, we congregated in Winnipeg for our AGM & Conference. This year all but one province and two territo- CALENDAR is published twice yearly by Canadian Artists’ ries were represented at the assembly. We were pleased to Representation/Le Front des artistes canadiens. work with the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts (RCA) in Opinions expressed in this newsletter are the authors’ own, and the presentation of a joint panel, and look forward to do not necessarily represent those of CARFAC or its regional future projects together. We also met with representatives offices. Articles and other contact information are not confirmed from the Visual Arts Alberta Association (VAAA) to discuss by CARFAC. a potential collaboration, in the hopes of forming an CARFACNational Alberta affiliate. For more details on activities in Alberta, 2 Daly Avenue, Suite 250 see page 15. Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6E2 Toll-free: (866) 344-616 From Winnipeg to Newfoundland, in July I was pleased to Phone: (613) 233-6161, Fax: (613) 233-6162 visit with several members in St. John’s. It was great to hear Email: [email protected] about the development of Status of the Artist news in the Web: www.carfac.ca province, and to get a better sense of the challenges faced by artists in this part of the country, where the artists CALENDAR Edito rs April Britski, Catherine Sinclair were extremely welcoming. Layout Catherine Sinclair Pro ofre ading April Britski, Catherine Sinclair, Teva Vidal In November we will send delegates from across Canada Translatio n Françoise Miquet to attend the Visual Arts Summit (VAS) in Ottawa. The Photo Contributors April Britski, Katy McIntyre, event will be an important opportunity for artists to meet Catherine Sinclair, RAAV with other stakeholders in the visual arts sector to discuss Co ntributo rs April Britski, Gerald Beaulieu, Catherine their concerns collectively. We will offer a full report on the Sinclair, Janice Seline, Margaret Ryall, Bruce Campbell, VAS in our next issue of Calendar. Sarah Petite, Christian Bédard, Adriana Alarcón, Daniel Saidman, Ward Schell, Skai Fowler, Mario Villeneuve, and the CCA. At the VAS, we will also meet with Tamara Winikoff from Australia’s National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA). CARFAC Na t io n a l Bo a r d o f Dir e ct o r s CARFAC has begun to engage in an international dialogue Na t io n a l Ex e c u t iv e with other similar visual arts organizations, starting with Natio nal Preside nt, Gerald Beaulieu NAVA, with the hope of creating an expanding interna- Vice-Preside nt Adrian Göllner tional exchange. We were pleased to discover that there Se cretary Margaret Ryall are many similarities between Canada and Australia, and Tre asurer Enrique Astorga there is much to learn from each other. For more informa- RAAV Nadia Myre tion about this great organization, visit their website: Na t io n a l Co u n cil www.visualarts.net.au/. Yukon Mario Villeneuve British Co lumbia Skai Fowler April Britski Saskatchew an Ward Schell Executive Director Manitoba Daniel Saidman CARFAC National Ontario Enrique Astorga Québec Marie-Hélène Comeau Maritimes Bruce Campbell Ne wfoundland and Labrado r Margaret Ryall CARFAC National is supported by the Canada Council CARFAC Na t io n a l St a ff for the Arts, the Department of Canadian Heritage, and Executive Director April Britski our membership. Co mmunicatio ns Coo rdinato r Catherine Sinclair Me mbership Co ordinator Katy McIntyre Calendar 2 FROM THE NAT ION AL P RES IDENT Following a successful AGM in Winnipeg, I have the pleasure fy this situation, the SOFI funds will be used to implement a of continuing to serve this organization in the capacity of comprehensive communications strategy for CARFAC. President, working with a committed board and staff, as Working with a professional marketing firm, we will be CARFAC enters its 40th year of artists working for artists. The unveiling the following in the future: a new visual identity for coming year will hopefully see the completion of a number CARFAC; a new and more sophisticated website; a new look of ongoing initiatives, as we plan for future ones, all while for our newsletter; a CARFAC presence in trade publications; celebrating this milestone anniversary. better and more complete print literature; and better distri- bution of our material to those communities where artists Although CARFAC has been pursuing its mandate for 40 live and work. years and has made NGC Negotiations many substantial con- For five years, CAR- tributions to visual FAC has been trying artists and the arts sec- to negotiate its first tor, one would have collective agree- hoped that after close ment with the to half a century of National Gallery of advocacy we would be Canada (NGC) a little closer to our under federal Status goal of achieving a liv- of the Artist Leg- ing wage for artists. It islation. An entire would be nice to year has been squa- announce that we ndered since our last could breathe easier, meeting, while the pursue other agendas, NGC obtained legal Left to Right: Skai Fo wle r (BCRepre se ntative), Gerald Beaulieu (Preside nt, and diversify our servic- CARFAC Natio nal), April Britski (Executive Director, CARFAC National), and opinions and rep- es rather than still strug- Catherine Sinclair (Co mmunicatio ns Coo rdinator, CARFAC Natio nal) at the laced departing per- gling for artists’ basic CARFAC Natio nal AGM, Winnipeg 23 June , 2007. sonnel. In the late rights. The reality is that Photo: Katy McIntyre spring they infor- we are not there… yet. med us that they had contracted a professional in labor relations to conclude In order to get there, we have four major initiatives that we the negotiations. A three-day meeting is scheduled for late are currently working on that we hope to complete by the October, in which we hope to obtain a final agreement. end of the year. These include: a communications initiative, Grateful thanks must go to Karl Beveridge and Pierre Tessier, funded through the Canada Council Supplementary the Co-Chairs of the CARFAC / RAAV Bargaining Committee, Operating Funds Initiative, (SOFI); the conclusion of negotia- for their patience and dedication on this matter, as it has tions for a first scale agreement with the National Gallery of taken buckets of both. Canada (NGC) under federal Status of the Artist Legislation; our participation in the upcoming Visual Arts Summit to be CAMDO / CMA Mediation held in Ottawa on November 25th to 27th; and our agree- Since 2005, CARFAC has had difficulty in getting CAMDO ment to enter into a mediation process with the Canadian and the CMA to recognize our new minimum Fee Schedule. Art Museum Directors’ Organization (CAMDO) and the These organizations even went as far as publishing their own Canadian Museums Association (CMA), in order to work fee schedule based on CARFAC’s 2004 Fee Schedule. To rec- towards establishing a fee schedule agreeable to all parties. tify this impasse, CARFAC and RAAV have agreed to enter into a mediation process to resolve the outstanding differ- SOFI Funds ences in fees with CAMDO and the CMA. The process began CARFAC, like many arts organizations across the country, in June with the selection of a mediator, which was unani- applied to the Canada Council for SOFI funds, and success- mously agreed to by all parties. Following this decision, CAR- fully received a supplementary grant in the spring of this year. FAC began developing its arguments in support of its current In research conducted last fall, we identified that one of our Fee Schedule, and were prepared for the sessions scheduled major deficiencies was that we are not nearly visible enough for mid-September.
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