: I- ; V V ATcrags Daily Nat Preu Ron Tht Weather For the Week Ended Foreeeat of D. S. Weather BareM dime S, U dl Fair, ooniiniied oool teoiallfj 13,330 'l^w In liO». Meetly atyiny, -IWUe trimperaturn oheni^e Tneeday. nigll Member of the Andlt BnreMi of OlrealntMa^' near 80. Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm VOL. LXXX, NO. ^37 (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JULY 10, 1961 (Clualfled Adverttslng on Page 10) PRICE FIVE CENTS eS. purveys Defenses State News Roundup Footprints Spur Hunt As Reds Boost Forces Mother Shoves. Washington, July 10 (^P)— Child to Safety, Secretary of Defense Robert Killed by Train S. McNamara, noting that For Denise Sullivan: Russia intends to increase Groton, July 10 (fl*)— The military spending, today an­ )(ew Haven Railroad train nounced the United States is bore down on Mrs. Agatha taking another look at its de­ Bouchard, her husband, four Jeep Posse fense program, children and sister-inMaw as Soviet Premier Nikita Khrush­ chev announced in Moscow last they were looking for the week that Russia haa suspended teys to their car. Seareh in g plans to cut Soviet armed forces TTie husband, his sister and by more than one million men In three of the youngsters dashed to view of the world situation. safety yesterday from the cause- McNamara said that “the wayjat Bebe’s Cove between Mys­ Utah Mesa simplest precaution calls for still tic "and Noank. another examination of our de­ Mrs. Bouchard, 37, of 118 Bing­ fense posture." he added: ham St., New Britain, showed her Moab, Utah, July 10 (JP)— "Currently we are as strong—If youngest child out of harm’s way Small footprintvS and a bundle not stronger—than any potential and started to run. She slipped of clothing on a desolate mesa aggressor. and fell on the tracks. ’The Boston-bound train, the spurred search parUes today "But In the face of the inescapa­ in the hunt for 15-year-old ble realities that confront im, such Bay State Express, struck and as threats to dispossess us' of our killed the mother. Denise Sullivan, Rockville, righUul presence In B^lin, we can Train engineer William Noonan Conn., who was kidnaped a do no less than re'examine our of' New Haven told police he had' no chance to stop the train before week ago by a man who killed needs. This we.af-p doing." It struck Mrs. Bouchard. her mother. McNamara'a statement gave no The Bouchards had been clam­ Despite. the discovery, there Indication'of what new steps the ming and fishing at the cove .seemed little chance that the girl Kennedy administration might when they missed the car keys could have survived six days in the take to bolster defenses. and began the search that led to •scorching desert country. " Shortly before McNamara’s an­ tragedy. Sheriff John Stocks said the nouncement, Roswell L. Gilpatric, leads raLsed hopes of finding the deputy secretary of defense, had 3 Robbern Get $306 ■girl but he added, "I still think Informed a Senate Appropriations she'll he found dead.” subcommittee that President Ken' East Hartford, July 10 {JP)— Tile Salt Lake Tribune .said the nedy had cidled for a new appraiS' ’Three men held up the East Hart bundle of clothing, a pair of men’s al of U.S. fighting power in the ford Howard Johnson Motel on gray work pants, some .shorts and light of the Berlin c ^ is . Main St. early today and escaped a red and brown, shirt . were ENer since the Berlin crisis be­ with 3306 in a Jight fo r d Thun wedged between two rocks on the gan heating up again a month ago, derbtrd. .'. northwest rim of Polar Mesa — an there has been speculation 'that . I t The aimed robbery op-the motel area north-east of here where the Kennedy might order some form office took place at ap]n«ximate- chief su.spcct in the kldnap-slaying o f mobilization to alert the Amer­ ly 3:55 a.m., according to assistant reportedly stayed for three days ican people to the gravity of . the chief of Police Joseph J. Clccalone. aflef the July 4 abduction. situation and to warn Khrushchev Night manager Jack LeMay The footprint.s were spotted in that the United States intends'to told police two men walked into the same general area. back up i,ta firm stand against be­ the motel office early today. As The Tribune said Mrs. Nathan - ing ousted from West Berlin. Mildred Glllars, Axis Sally of World War II, leaves the women’s he got up, he noticed the taller of Ince, a cook at remote Polar Mesa Over the weekend, the House reformatory at Alderson, W. Va., today. (AP Photofax). the two holding a gun. The 6-foot­ mining capip, told investigators foreign affairs committee made A large capsule is administered to Kita by Dr. William K. Applehof, Detroit Zoo associate curaVor, in er said, “ Get the money.” a battle to save the life of the baby elephant who swallowed a rubber ball tossed by an admirer. that Abel B. Ara'gon, 35, of Price, public testimony from Gen. Laurie LeMay took the cash from tha Utah, an unemployed World War Norstad, commander of Allied (AP PHotofax), register, handed it to the men, , 1 .............................................................. ■ . - . ... ....................................................... <s> ________ II hero, was seen periodically for Forces in Europe, that he feels the ^Hello, GangP ’They dashed to a waiting "Light time has oome for a quiet building three days by 20 miners at the Ford Thunderbipd” with the -third camp. She said ^,Afseemed up of strength “that would go a man behind the wheel and sped In Mozambique Channel nervous and stayed’ to himself, but long way toward passing the Ber­ awky. Elephant Kita lin ball back to Mr. Khrushchev." once approached her and asked, McNamara noted in his state- Axis Sally,-60, Did yhu hear a woman scream- ____ - — ihg?” ment that the'Soviet tinlon had Turns Worse, Aragon, wiirner of the Na'vy once announced intentions to re­ Hartford, July 10 (/P)—’Die State 237 Dead, Missing duce Soviet force levels from 3,- Cross for 'valor, shot himself to Motor Vehicle Department’s dally death last FMday night when FBI 623,000 to 3,423,000 men by next record of automobile fatalities as Gets Penicillin year. He said Khrushchev on Sat­ Released on Parole agents stopped hlz car to question of last midnight and tha totals on him. Investigators linked him to urday abandoned this aim “which the'samlSniSW'Tairyear: Detroit, July 10 (AT— Kita, the the world bad greeted as an en­ InSh ip Blasts-Fire the slaying of Mrs. Jeannette Sul­ 1960 1961 1,100 pound baby elephant who livan, 41, the wounding of a vaca­ couraging omen,” Alderson, W. Va,, July 10 </P>—Owondered aloud to the GIs what Killed ..............................113 127 swallowed an admirer’s rubber “Nothing which has developed in Mildred Gillars—the "Axis Sally” their girls back home were doing tion companion, Charles Booth- ball, took a turn for the worse to­ royd, 55, also-of Rock'vUle, and the the United States or the free world of World War II—walked out of Her broadcasts also were aimed at Lourenco Marques, Mozambique,❖ landed at various points and would day and was given penecillin federal prison after 12 years to­ raising the prestige of the Ger- Extended Foreca»t icldnaping of, Denise. July 10 UP) —The Portuguese A^ar- be hard to round up. shots. Boothroyd is recovering ftom (Ooattnned on Page Five) day with a flourish. She is now 60 man Army. Windsor Locks, July 10 UP)—The The Portugue.se Army still had Frank G. MeInnis, director of years old. She was brought to the main U.S. Weather Bureau at Bradley itime Ministry announced today face -wbunds. not iasued an announcement giving the Zoological Park Commission, ’The Tribune said jeep poses The starring voice' of Nazi gate of the U.S. 'Women’s Reform Field Issued this extended Con 237 persons are dead or missing any official information. said Kita was given the penicillin propaganda broadcasts was still atory here by Lt. Helen Elngland neetlcut forecast today for today members reported the small foot­ and presumed dead from the Helicopters were ferrying the in­ In an effort to clear up an infec­ prints looked as if whoever made U.S. Spy in Sky the actress. For more than a minute she ges­ through Saturday: g^rounded and burning Portuguese jured and other survivors to Beira tion in her esophagus. A reporter asked for a state­ tured and talked with her eecort Temperatures will average MeInnis said a swelling in the them was being pulled along. ship Save. Most were African and Lourenco Marques. Light air­ Other footprints, which they said ment on her first reaction. Miss while a group of newsmen waited about 2 to 4 degrees below normal Negro passengers. craft were trying to land .on the elephant's esophagus was noticed Fizzles on Pad (iiillars replied; impatiently outside the gate wdth little day to day change. today when Kita was fed through were similar to some known to ’The 2,037-ton transport wa-s beach at low tide, and small boats have been made by Aragon, svqre .. "Well after some 15 years in Normal temperature range . In swept onto a sandbar in a storm v.-ere searching the area for .#urvi- a tube. prison, what am I supposed to She seemed to enjoy the center stamped in the sandy clay.
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