Catalogue of the Meteorites in the American Museum of Natural History

Catalogue of the Meteorites in the American Museum of Natural History

m Catalogue of the Meteorit in The American Museum of Natural History As of October 1, 19W - BY CHESTER A. REEDS, PH.D. BULLETIN OF THlE AMERICAN MUSIEUM -OF NATURAL HISTORY, VoL. LXXIII, ART. VI, 517-672 New York I..,ued Juy 26, 1937 mmono - - - 11, .11 I11 - ,', -1G, 1. -P.- \--- .,", "1--.,;"..,,;..'. , -.; o.',-- ., !'. ,'.-,, .'.-.Ie` ..,1.,.-.11,-,I,i..4.."I"I'll' 1*41,v,",,,.4, " ., ..,-.-t, "'', -, ,.'k-'- ..,, -t,.,, -',0 .,, ., " , 4' .,- --Z,I. i`,-I1.', .-..,..)1. -V...I1"'.I11.; ,. ... -.-.o .12 ,I,I- -"',,..., e. -1 .,,,I1. .,,,Iv.-,,-..,,.I",I"; ,I.1.I'.,.,t."...."LJI,-.4",7-,J -,.- ,I.Y-,-., ." 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