Nachr. entomol. Ver. Apollo, N. F. 32 (3/4): 131–158 (2012) 131 Catalogue of the Latin American Hepialidae with taxonomic remarks (Lepidoptera) Carlos G. C. Mielke and John R. Grehan Carlos G. C. Mielke, Caixa Postal 1206, 84 145-000, Carambeí, PR, Brazil; [email protected] Dr. John R. Grehan, Director of Science and Research, Buffalo Museum of Science, 1020, Humboldt Parkway, Buffalo, NY 14211-1193, USA; [email protected] Abstract: A catalogue of the Latin American (i.e., from Systematisches Verzeichnis der lateinamerikanischen Me xi co to the southern end of South America) Hepialidae is Hepialidae mit taxonomischen Anmerkungen (Lepido- pre sented. Taxonomic com ments, type localities, and de po- ptera) si ta ry museums are re cor ded. 125 species in 30 genera are Zusammenfassung: Es wird ein systematisches Verzeichnis re cog nized as valid. A checklist is provided at the end. der lateinamerikanischen (von Mexiko bis zur Südspitze The following are recognized as new synonyms: Aepytus Süd amerikas) Hepialidae (Lepidoptera) prä sen tiert. Ta xo- (Xy trops) Viette, 1951 syn. n. of Cibyra Walker, 1856; no mi sche Anmerkungen, Typenfundorte und Ty pen hin ter- La mel li formia Viette, 1951 syn. n. of Tricladia C. & R. Felder , le gungsstätten werden aufgeführt. 125 Arten in 30 Gat tun- 1874. Schaefferiana jeanneli Viette, 1950 syn. n. of Ae pytus gen werden als valide anerkannt (siehe Checkliste am Ende). guarani (Pfitzner, 1914); Aepytus helga Schaus, 1929 and Die Auf lis tun gen der neuen Synonyme, neuen und re vi- Cibyra poltrona Schaus, 1901 syn. n. of Cibyra do rita Schaus, dier ten Kom bi na tio nen sowie revidierten Status zu wei sun- 1901; Dalaca chiri quen sis Pfitzner, 1914 and Da la ca muysca gen siehe im Ab stract. Ein Arttaxon wurde in eine an de re Pfitzner, 1914 syn. n. of Gymelloxes pro so pus (Druce, 1901); Fa milie trans fe riert (siehe Abstract). Phassus agrionides Walker, 1856, Ro sea la bourgognei Viette, 1950 and Thiastyx catharinae Viette, 1951 syn. n. of Roseala tessellatus (Herrich-Schäffer, [1854]). Introduction The following are recognized as new combinations: Ae py tus Latin American (= from Mexico to the southern end guarani (Pfitzner, 1914), Cibyra stigmatica (Pfitzner, 1937), of South America) He pial i dae have been poorly un der- Gymelloxes prosopus (Druce, 1901), Pfitzneriana ob li ques­ stood and studied since the first species was described tri gata (Strand, 1912), Philoenia indicata (Strand, 1912), by Geyer ([1838]). Despite of this neglect the Neo tro- Philoenia thisbe (Druce, 1901), Pseudodalaca serta (Schaus, 1894), Pseudophassus philiponi (Viette, 1950), Ro sea la pic al Hepialidae fauna can be com pared to other re gions tessellatus (Herrich-Schäffer, [1854]), Tricladia pry ta nes well treated like Australia considering the number of (Schaus, 1892), Tricladia sladeni (Hampson, 1903), Tri cla­ species (Nielsen et al. 2000). These authors summa riz ed dia tupi (Pfitzner, 1914), Vietteogorgopis absyrtus (Schaus, 616 species in the world, be ing 134, in 20 genera, for the 1892), Vietteogorgopis katharinae (Pfitzner, 1914), Yleu xas Neotropical region. brunnea (Schaus, 1901). Early documentation of the Latin American Hepialidae The following are recognized as revised combinations: was sporadic, beginning with Walker’s (1856) list of Ae pytus biedermanni (Viette, 1950), Aepytus exclamans (Her rich-Schäffer, [1854]), Alloaepytus tesselloides (Schaus, specimens in the British Museum (London) and Kirby’s 1901), Cibyra oreas (Schaus, 1892), Cibyra schausi (Viette, (1882) global catalogue titled “A synonymic catalogue 1952), Gymelloxes terea (Schaus, 1892), Gymelloxes tri li­ of Lepidoptera Heterocera (moths)”. A further three nea ris (Pfitzner, 1914), Hampsoniella assa (Druce, 1887), decades were to pass before publication of the chapter Hamp soniella equatorialis (Viette, 1950), Hepialyxodes rileyi on Hepialidae within the “Lepidopterorum Catalogus” Viette, 1951, Philoenia brasiliensis Viette, 1952, Philoenia by Wagner & Pfitzner (1911), and in the grandly titled fass lii (Pfitzner, 1914), Philoenia guyanensis (Viette, 1951), book series “Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde”, edited Phi loenia lagopus (Möschler, 1877), Philoenia sa guan ma­ by Seitz and written by Pfitzner (1937–38), many spe- chi ca (Pfitzner, 1914), Pseudodalaca gugelmanni (Viette, cies were figured for the first time. Over much of the 1950), Pseudodalaca mexicanensis Viette, 1953, Pseu do phas­ sus mahagoniatus Pfitzner, 1914, Pseudophilaenia omagua fol low ing six decades further ta xo no mic developments (Pfitz ner, 1937), Schaefferiana epigramma (Herrich-Schäf- were limited to brief de scrip tions of new species and fer, [1854]), Schaefferiana simplex Viette, 1956, Tricladia ge ne ra, particularly by Pierre Viette who described um brifera C. & R. Felder, 1874, Yleuxas bradleyi Viette, 1951. se ver al new species and genera in a series of articles from The following are recognized as revised status to genus 1949 to 1961. But there were no further catalogues until rank: Aepytus Her rich-Schäffer, [1856], Alloaepytus Viet- the taxonomic treatment of Southern South Ame ri can te, 1951, Gy mel loxes Viette, 1952, Hampsoniella Viette, Hepialidae by Nielsen & Robinson (1983) that in cluded 1950, Hepialyxodes Viette, 1951, Philoenia Kirby, 1892, Pseu­ a list for Latin American species, and a similar catalogue dodalaca Pseudophassus Pseu­ Viette, 1951, Pfitzner, 1914, produced in the following year by Robinson & Nielsen dophilaenia Viette, 1951, Schaefferiana Viette, 1950, Tri­ cladia C. & R. Felder, 1874, Yleuxas Viette, 1951, Tri cla dia (1984). These lists were then updated in the most recent tupi (Pfitz ner, 1914), Yleuxas bradleyi Viette, 1951. global inventory by Nielsen et al. (2000). The following is transferred to another family: Acrolophus In the present catalogue, references on systematic, geo- ta puja (Pfitzner, 1914), comb. n. (to Tineidae). gra phical distribution, ethology, ecology, biology, and Keywords: taxonomy, Tineidae. host-plants are provided for each genus, species and sub- © Entomologischer Verein Apollo e. V., Frankfurt am Main 132 species with the exception of a few articles on pas ture Dottax for bib lio gra phy. Special thanks to Elyana G. and/or agricultural damage that could not be ob tai n ed. Joerke (Ponta Gros sa, Pa raná) and Ernst Brockmann (Lich, Germany) for help ing in various ways, and Pierre Whenever a taxonomic change is made, an explanation Jauffret† (San to An tônio do Tauá, Pará) for translating is presented at the end of the taxon, with the exception many of Vi ette’s ar ticles. of Viette’s genera that were designated subgenera by Niel sen et al. (2000) because there was no justification for the subgeneric chance, and in our examination of Systematic part external features we did not find any features that would Acronyms justify their placement within Cibyra, and given the Collections housing primary types are mentioned by the follow ing considerable ♂ genitalic variation among Viette’s genera, acronyms: their generic status remains warranted at this time. BMNH The Natural History Museum, London, England (visited by CGCM). Nielsen & Robinson (1983) were the first authors to list all described species for Latin America, after several spe- MACN Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Riva - da via, Buenos Aires, Argentina. cies were described by Viette. Several species origin ally described in Dalaca (a Chilean genus) were cate go rized MNHC Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Santiago, Chile. by these authors as “Dalaca” sensu lato to high light their MNHN Muséum National d’Historie Naturelle, Paris, France identity not conforming to Dalaca sensu stric to. After (vi sit ed by CGCM). ex amining accessible holotypes we could locate some NHMW Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria (visited by spe cies within described genera, but the re main ing 7 spe- CGCM). cies are presented in this catalogue as incertae se dis pen- SMFL Senckenberg-Museum, Lepidoptera collection, Frankfurt ding future studies to clarify their taxonomic status. In am Main, Germany (visited by CGCM). addition, some species previously placed in re co g niz ed SMFT Type catalogue number of Senckenberg-Museum, Lepi - genera are also relocated to this section be cause they do do pte ra collection, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. not conform to the type-species or lack suf ficient in for- NRSS Naturhistorika Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden. mation to recognize their generic as so cia tion. RMNH Naturalis, formerly Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke His to- rie, Leiden, Holland. Acknowledgments USNM United States National Museum of Natural History, Wa shing ton DC, USA (visited by CGCM). We are indebted to Dra. Mirna M. Casagrande (Cu ri- ZMHB Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität, Ber- ti ba, Paraná) and Dr. Olaf H. H. Mielke (Curitiba, Pa ra- lin, Germany (visited by CGCM). ná) for critical review of the manuscript, information, ZSBS Zoologische Sammlungen des bayerischen Staates, bib lio gra phy and enthusiasm. Dr. Joël Minet (MNHN, Mu nich, Germany (visited by CGCM). Pa ris, France), Dr. Wolfgang A. Nässig (SMFL, Frank- ZMUC Zoological Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark. furt am Main, Germany), Dr. Sabine Gaal (NHWM, Vien na, Autria), Dr. Wolfram Mey (ZMHB, Berlin, Ger- Further abbreviations: ma ny), Ulf Buchsbaum and Dr. Axel Hausmann (ZSBS, ◊ Indicating the same author[s] as the one[s] just before Mu nich, Germany), Dr. Kevin Tuck and Dra. Blanca (na me[s] not repeated). Hu ertas (BMNH, London, England) for acces
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