.....--------~---------- ------ volume II, No. V · University of Notre Dame September 25, 1967 ABC Board Arrests Ten In Corby Tavern Raid BY MIKE SMITH Ten Notre Dame students are awaiting court action and possi­ ble disciplinary measures by the University after their arrest Fri­ day night for being in a tavern while under age. The arrests were made by state excise officers at the Corby Tavern, 1026 Corby Blvd., in South Bend. According to inves­ tigators, the tavern will be re­ ferred to the state Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a li­ cense hearing. Three' of the ten students were under 18; charges against them were dropped and their names referred to the University Security Office. The older stu­ dents were released on $100 bond each and scheduled for a­ ppearance in city court next F!iday night. The seven adults were identi­ fied by the police as Gregory C. Ellsworth, 19, ofWestwood, N.J.; Christopher J. Fisher, 18, Indianapolis; James C. Gillespie, 18, Louisville; Peter M. McGrod­ dy, 18, New York City; John P. Murtaugh, 18, South Euclid, O­ hio; Kevin E. Myles, 18, Attle­ boro, Mass.; and Christopher J. Rohrs, 18, Yonkers, N.Y. Excise officers said they were making a routine check when they spotted the students in the tavern drinking, and that some of them had false identifications which showed they were 21. Rev. James Riehle, C.S.C., Dean of Students, will talk to each of the ten students private­ ly this week, and determine if disciplinary action on the part of the University is warranted. Capt. Arthur Pears, head of the Notre Dame Security Office, said that "last year Notre Dame had quite a few cases of students with phony ID's." The Alcoholic Beverage Commission, he said, is RIGHT GUARD- The Irish Guard prances in formation at half-tim&. For the complete dope and final statistics on strict in enforcing the drinking the Irish victory over California, see page 8. laws in South Bend, as in any university town "due to the fre­ quency of under age students." Speaking of the ten arrests made Friday night, state excise officers claimed that "if we had more man power and a larger - Yesterday Notre Dame officially opened its academic season with: - Saturday Tom Figel decided to go to a football game. Yester­ police van, we could have arrest­ ed at least ten times that many a Solemn High Mass at Sacred Heart Church where Rev. John day he decided to write about it. Today you can .-ead it. Irish 1 Walsh C .S.C., vice president of the university, talked about this Eye page 8. students." university. For those who left early, page 5. Excise police and vice officers said they intend to keep check­ -Something old, something new - CSC's are pretty blue - ac­ ing taverns in the area in an eff­ coflding to Jay Schwartz, who comes out of the huddle to line­ up the new ND priest. ort to curb drinking by minors. - The National Student Association, was criticized last May for In other police action, an in­ ,1·;\~r~ vestigation is being conducted in its patronage of the CIA. But last summer's conference revealed -. Rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, - boom ----­ an even weaker flaw in its management. See page 4. Dennis Gallagher, page 4. (continued on page 6) I pege2 THE OBSERVER September 25, 1967 Free University SMC Girls Out To Play BY DENNIS O'DEA Recent rule changes have exploded the myth that St. Mary's girls turn into cinder maids past I 0:30p.m. St. Mary's students will There are some questions longer. There is a new feeling in may want to finally discover be allowed out until midnight on Sunday through Thursday, ex­ that Mommy and Daddy could the colleges and universities ac­ what it is to be alive - to do his cept for first quarter freshmen requiring the protection of I 0 P.M. cross the country. More ques­ own thing never answer - and there are hours. Among reasons listed for changing weekday hours was an tions; a demand for better an­ Some Free University peo­ more questions Notre Dame neg­ increased opportunity to use facilities at Notre Dame. swers ; and a determination ple may find that their way lies lects to consider. In the past, Juniors and Seniors have a 2 p.m. curfew on weekends, and among the students to think for in revolt from conventional classrooms at Notre Dame and sophomores have a I p.m. limit. After first quarter, freshmen will themselves. norms and the straight world. most other universities con­ also have a I p.m. curfew, but until November they retain a safe The FREE UNIVERSITY Perhaps they want to turn on tained a balanced mixture of I2:00. IDEA is a response to the stu­ and discover their own inner thoughts and ideas that have In connection with overnight off-campus permissions, it is no dent who wants to search and world. But others find theirs in satisfied a majority of the minds longer required that the student have a written invitation from her look into corners not often the Wall Street Journal and the trapped within them. But no hostess. It is taken for granted that students comply with Emily explored. Free University people Nine to five thing in the cities. Post. To stay at a hotel or motel students must have parental app­ may want to see what it is that On or off, Free University peo­ roval. makes the religions of the East a Free Computer ple want to be more aware of Regulations on dress are expected to be altered shortly. response to men's needs when the world about them and the Course To Come they never saw Christ. He may people about them and the want to know more about the things about them . they The Free University is an sees and knows in the University This year Freshmen Physics newly discovered inner world of want more. Even the Pope sees opportunity offered to any per-: Voice. exams won't be alone as a source halucinatory drugs that has it: 'Man wants to have more in son who wants to learn about If you want to be a Free of entertainment Tuesday ni­ something and is looking for University person - whether ghts. Starting Sept. 26, and for the people who run the show so order to be more.'' And though worried. He may want to find a the want may vary, there's no other people who want to know you've found your thing or not. ! 4 Tuesdays thereafter, a non­ real reason for Viet Nam to be a question that Free University about the same thing. It is an write Free University, Box 362 credit course in computer pro­ part of AMerican history. Or he people are. opportunity to publish what he Notre Dame, Indiana. gramming will be taught in the Computer Center, free of cliargc. Dr. Charles Rollinger, formerly a teacher at the Air Force Aca­ demy and presently employed by the Whitlpool Corporation in their engineering and scientific computing program, will teach this course. The evening Course is for be­ ginners and no homework or examinations are scheduled, said Dr. Mittleman, the Director of the Computing Center. This for­ mat has been used for the past two years and has involved over 300 persons. 1\11 those interested should be in room 226, Comput­ ing (\•nter at 7:30 Tuesday. Thespians Vary Shows Following the formula that 'variety is the spice of life", the Notre Dame-Saint Mary's Thea­ tre has decided to vary its dra­ matic season, instead of concen­ tra:ing on any particular genre. !n the genre of the Tragedy is the Pulitzer Prize-winning play by Tennessee Williams, A Street­ car Named Desire. Scheduled to open Oct. 20 in Washington Hall. Desire will be directed by Rev. Arthur llarvey, C.S.C. The Comedy will be repre­ sented by Moliere's Classic The School For Wives. Oct. I will be the opening date in ()'Laughlin Auditorium. The musical is also represent­ ed with Guys and Dolls, a play Si nondum viginti duos annos habes, haec charta r-----~--------------l by Frank Loesser and Abc Burr­ I I •Jws. This final performance of parva efficiet, ut propemodum, quocumque "Eastern" I Right. Took the words right o,ut of my mouth. 1 I I'm under 22 and want to apply for an the Ntire Dame-Saint Mary's volat, dimidio preti soliti voles. 1 Eastern ~o~th ID card: It will let me fly any- I Theatr~ill be held in ()'Laugh­ I Unum hoc incommodum est: circumstare debes I where w1th1n the cont111ental United States I lin "At;ditorium. expectans sedem tibi paratam. Ceterum charta "YOUTH 1 that Eastern flies, on a stantl-by basis, for I Previous to this, and in a gen­ 1 half-fare. Enclosed you'll find either a $3 I FARE I. D. CARD" re all its own, will be the produc­ per poucos dies non valebit: diebus festis I check or money order, payable to Eastern tion of Luigi Pirandello's play, Gratiarum Actionis et Nativitatis Christi. Quibus excep­ I Airlines, and a photocopy of my birth cer- Enrico IV. Scheduled for Wash­ tis, quando et quocumque volare desiderabis dimidio 1 tificate or driver's license. I'm sending them ington Hall. this, the third Thea­ I to: Eastern Airlines, Dept. 350, l 0 Rocke- tre offering, will open on March pretio volare tibi licebit.
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