I ebe ,____., g repo13, 2002 Vol. 32 No. 8 i--,----L----- September r Serving the Glebe community since 1973 FREE Public schools feel cuts to education Glebe area public schools are feeling the effects of changes en- acted by new supervisor Merv Beckstead. The Minster of Educa- tion took over the Ottawa Carleton District School Board this sum- mer, appointed Mr. Beckstead and directed him to work toward a balanced budget. The OCDSB had submitted a budget with a $23.3 million defi- cit. One of Mr. Beckstead's first steps was to cut 11 principals. This year, Dagmar Stonehouse, the principal at First Avenue, will 278 First Ave. Photo: S. Jermyn also be responsible for Mutchmor, working half time at each. There are 360 pupils at First Avenue Sept. 21 Glebe and 358 at Mutchmor. house tour Four new teachers have been hired at Mutchmor and three more "Glebe houses come in all at First Avenue. shapes and sizes," says Christy At Glebe Collegiate Institute, Oliver, organizer of GNAG's Glebe house tour. principal Frank Allan and vice- principals Clay Plumadore and The tour this year showcases Patricia Kulka will be responsi- six lovely Glebe homes Sat., Sept. ble for 1,460 secondary students. 21, from 1 to 4 p.m. Visitors can More pupils, fewer principals in our schools Photo: S. Jermyn take a shuttle bus around the GCI's students needing reme- dial will cut pal at Lady Evelyn School. neighbourhod to travel from the assistance get very lim- Beckstead will the deficit by ited support as a of $4.7 Corpus Christi Catholic School classic Glebe homes on the ave- result Mr. million. Beckstead's cuts to special edu- At Hopewell School, Bernie has 415 students this year, ac- nues, to the "street car house" on cation 20 learning strategies Finnerty continues as cording to principal Jim Rogers. Holmwood, to the empty-nester on principal. classes have been cut to four. This is about 100 more than Newton and the Lakeview Terrace Susan Nouvet is Glashan's princi- last This round of decisions by Mr. pal is year, due mainly to the closure of house with its view of Dow's Lake. and Valerie McKay princi- St. Margaret Sixty volunteers run the tour, Mary's. acting as guides in each home. "In fact, our only expense is the shuttle buses," says Christy. "The home owners have been in- INSIDE credibly generous. They really take pride in displaying their Letters 5 homes." Beefs or bouquets for Witmer? Thanks to their generosity, the GNAG 7 proceeds from the day will help subsidize GNAG's programs for Register Sept. 14 children and youth at the commu- Coun. Clive Doucet 9 nity centre activities such as the monthly youth dances. Capital Ward's "to-do" list Last year's Glebe house tour Sports 11 was a sellout, and this one is ex- pected to draw a crowd as well. In Tense tennis final at St. James fact, organizers made a last- Business 14, 15 minute switch in the date to avoid a conflict with a Renegades foot- The Glebe's corner stores ball game. It rnight have created Travel 18 just too much traffic. Tickets, are Remember the Alamo! $15, available at Back row: Sergio Guerra, Ken Bhatt, Mike Tallim, Alex Tallim. Front: the Glebe Community Centre. Henry Besser-Rosenberg, Ben Bowles and Kit Clancy worked or HOUSE HIGHLIGHTS Feature 19 volunteered at the community centre day camps this summer. Both original and renovated Our 'quirky' book reviewer, homes are featured. In some homes, the architectural high- Wonderful kids at day camps Sharon Drache lights are the attraction, in oth- "The children will always re- noting that kids from beyond the School News 25-27 ers it is the imaginative decor. member their favourite counsel- Glebe also attended. "We have de- First day of school brings Imagine a room for kids, deco- lor," says Sharon Plumb, summer veloped a city-wide reputation rated in a castle theme. camp director at the Glebe Com- for great staff," she says. changeS. to Mutchmor and Crafters will enjoy the col- munity Centre. Mike Tallim, 20, co-ordinator First Avenue schools lectibles and needlepoint crafts Each day, for nine weeks this of the SunQuest camp, agrees. that bedeck a traditional home. summer, the camps welcomed as "Some kids returned week after Books 28, 29, 31 The "streetcar house" com- many as 162 kids between two- week. It was one of the fullest bines Anthony Westell's memoir unique design with very and 13-years-old. They came to years ever. It says a lot about the con temporary furnishings. the preschool, school-age or spe- counsellors. Kids and counsellors Words 34 Feast your eyes on the fabu- cialty day camps the car- working together make it a fun lous with Join the library reading group eat-in kitchen with granite pentry, tennis, mad science and time that's more important than counters and cherry cupboards in pottery being particular hits. the actual activities." He says a freshly renovated house. "We doubled the carpentry and working at the day camp i s You will find NEXT DEADLINE beautiful bath- tennis registrations by adding "crazy. The kids are wonderful; I room ideas in a smaller house afternoon programs, which were get paid to hang out with won- Monday, September 23 tile work in an Aztec theme. most often full," adds Sharon, derful kids." NEWS Glebe Report September 13, 2002 2 Good Morning Preschool Welcoming the new year BY KATE FAUGHN This is in addition to our i eekthyt evnAla,J1 The Good Morning Preschool is creative arts plus program for off to a great start again this four and five-year-olds where Beautiful Botanicals for the Body year. Liane Gallop, our director, children can participate on Mon- has enjoyed meeting all the new day, Wednesday and Friday af- www.beebalmandbasil.com children and welcoming back ternoons. This program offers a many familiar faces. balance of learning new concepts, Liane and teachers Melanie experimenting with materials and New This Fall Bauman and Dawn McArthur are tools through art and drama, and pleased to welcome Karen Cam- a fun afternoon socializing with eron, as a new member of the Good friends. Morning Preschool teaching team. Good Morning Preschool is lo- Karen brings with her many years cated at 174 First Ave., corner of of experience worldng in our Bank Street. We offer separate community with children. core morning programs for two- Over the last few years we have and three-year-olds, afternoon expanded our afternoon creative creative arts programs for three- arts programs and due to its suc- to five-year-olds. Registration is cess are once again offering a ongoing and waiting lists are creative arts junior for three- maintained for all programs up year olds on Tuesday and Thurs- until the 2004/2005 school year. day afternoons. This fun-filled Some spaces are currently avail- program makes use of children's able in our afternoon programs literature as a basis for art and for one or more afternoons per drama activities. A new book ad- week. Call Liane Gallop at 276- venture is discovered each week! 7974 for more information. Dow's Lake Residents Association Dow's Lake Community 100% Natural 100% Canadian Garage Sale Carling to the Canal Bronson to the Driveway Saturday, September 28 Call for a complimentary catalogue 731-1296 9 am. - 1 p.m. Rain or shine Voluntary 10 per cent of sales to Food Bank 11-1 THE HEF1RT OF THE GLEBE Fall at Abbotsford House It is the most wonderful time Richard Merrill Haney, Ph.D. (Psychotherapy) of the year "You are your dreams...limited only by yourfears." Individual, Couple and Family Counselling BY JULIE E. STEPHENS sented weekly followed by a Comprehensive Family As the stationery store adver- lively discussion. Take a look at Mediation (with or without lawyers) tisement suggests, it really is the the Fall 2002 Program Guide for a Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy most wonderful time of the year. complete list of the exciting Summer isn't officially over as a movies that will be shown. Bank St. at 4th Ave. email: [email protected] season, but the day after Labour 234-5678 (by appointment) www.ottawacounselling.com MEN'S BOOK CLUB Day when the kids go back to school, and traffic patterns re- By popular demand a new ad- sume, we all seem to start getting dition for the fall session that our schedules back on track and hopefully will be ongoing is a men'4 If Member by invitation: routines in order. Like New book club. you are inter- Year's only better, it's a fresh ested in joining this group, please CANADIAN-INDEPENDENT group of funeral homes. start without all the guilt of not attend the first meeting on Sept. sticking to that long list of reso- 23 at 10 a.m. in the Abbotsford KELLY FUNERAL HOMES board room and bring along some lutions! Lome Kelly - owner If you are 55 or older, you are ideas and book suggestions you might have. lucky enough to be able to par- ticipate in any number of the ter- - BAZAAR NOV. 30 rific programs offered at Ab- This might seem a bit early to botsford House located in the mention, but mark your calendars Glebe at 950 Bank St. There is now for the Abbotsford House quite an array of programs avail- Christmas bazaar that will take able covering a wide spectrum of place Sat Nov. 30 from 10:30 a.m.
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