THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1971 WASHINGTON, D.C. Volume 36 ■ Number 180 Pages 18503-18567 HIGHLIGHTS OF THIS ISSUE This listing does not affect the legal status of any document published in this issue. Detailed table of contents appears inside. ECONOMIC STABILIZATION— OEP supplemen- tary guidelines.............................. ......................... 18528 PUBLIC HOUSING— HUD amendments to proto­ type cost limits; effective 9 -1 6 -7 1 ...... ................... 18525 UNFAIR TRADE PRACTICES— FTC cease and de­ sist orders on flammable fabrics, misbranding false advertising, misrepresentation, and price discrimination (16 documents).,............. 18515-18524 CANNED PRUNES— FDA notice of temporary per­ mit to test market in interstate commerce......... 18535 NEW ANIMAL DRUGS— FDA notice of ^adulterated d ru g ....................... 18535 FDA notice of withdrawal of approval of certain intramammary infusion products; effective 8 -18-71 ........... .. ........................ ................ 18534 ECONOMIC STABILIZATION— CAB modification of order...............-______________ ;................................ 18537 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING— FTC and FDA notice of joint working agreement............... 18539 FLOOD DISASTER AREAS— Office of Emergency Preparedness notice of certain New Jersey coun­ ties eligible for Federal assistance................... 18539 CONTRACTS— Interior Dept, proposal on pay­ ments to sureties; comments within 30 days........ 18531 PROCUREMENT— GSA amendments to reporting instructions ........ ...... .......... ................ ......... 18528 QUARANTINE AREAS— USDA amendment releas­ ing Arkansas, New Mexico and Oklahoma...... ....... 18507 Now Available LIST OF CFR SECTIONS AFFECTED 1949-1963 This volume contains a compilation of the “ List of Sections A f­ fected” for all titles of the Code of Federal Regulations for the years 1949 through 1963. All sections of the CFR which have been ex­ pressly affected by documents published in the daily Federal Reg­ ister are enumerated. Reference to this list will enable the user to find the precise text of CFR provisions which were in force and effect on any given date during the period covered. Price: $6.75 Compiled by Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration Order from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Published daily, Tuesday through Saturday (no publication on Sundays, Mondays, or on the day after an official Federal holiday), by the Office of the Federal Register, National FEDERALfPEGISTER Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, Washington, D.C. 20408, Area Code 202 4 ® Dl-----« « « » « 4/iviTEO’I#« ¿y Phone 962-8626 pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Ch. 15), under regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register, ap­ proved by the President (1 CFR Ch. I). Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The Federal R egister will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $2.50 per month or $25 per year, payable in advance. The charge for individual copies is 20 cents for each issue, or 20 cents for each group of pages as actually bound. Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended (44 U.S.C. 1510). The Code of Federal Regulations is sold by the Superintendent of Documents. Prices of new books are listed in the first Federal R egister issue of each month. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the Federal Register or the Code of Federal Regulations. Contents AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS FOOD AND DRUG SERVICE OFFICE ADMINISTRATION Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations Notices Communicable diseases in horses Economic stabilization; guidelines Beebe Laboratories et al.; with­ drawal of approval of new ani­ etc.; areas quarantined----- ------ 18507 for application regarding teach­ ers salaries-.__________________ 18528 mal drug applications------------- 18534 Notices Drugs for human use; drug effi­ AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT cacy study implementation; cor­ See Agricultural Research Serv­ New Jersey; notice of major disas­ rections (2 documents)_______ 18534 ter and related determinations- 18539 ice; Consumer and Marketing Duffy-Mott Co.; temporary per­ Service. mit for testing canned prunes FEDERAL AVIATION deviating from identity stand­ ADMINISTRATION ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ards ____ 18535 Rules and Regulations Legear Laboratories, Inc.; notice Notices Airworthiness directives; Hawker of drug deemed adulterated___ 18535 Detroit Edison Co.; application for Siddeley airplanes------------------ 18508 construction permit---------------j- 18536 Alterations: GENERAL SERVICES Control zone___________ 18509 ADMINISTRATION CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD Control zone and transition Rules and Regulations areas (2 documents)------- 18510, 18511 Notices Federal airway segment (3 doc­ Procurement reporting instruc­ tions; revision________________ . 18528 Hearings, etc.: uments) ______________ 18508, 18510 American Airlines Fiji-Ameri- Restricted area----- -----------------18512 Restricted areas and continental HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND can Samoa Investigation----- 18536 control area-------------------------- 18511 WELFARE DEPARTMENT Britannia Airways, Ltd— ------- 18536 Transition areas (6 docu­ AU U.S. air carriers and foreign ments)_______________ 18508-18510 See Education Office; Food and air carriers_________________ 18537 IFR altitudes; miscellaneous Drug Administration. Eastern Airlines, Inc--------------- 18537 amendments __________________ 18512 Rea Air Freight forwarding, Reporting points; revocation and HOUSING AND URBAN control and interlocking rela­ redescription _______*-------------- 18509 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT tionships investigation-------- 18538 Proposed Rule Making See Housing Assistance Adminis­ Airworthiness directives; Hawker tration. COAST GUARD Siddeley airplanes (2 docu­ ments) ______________ 18532 HOUSING ASSISTANCE Rules and Regulations Federal airway segments; pro­ Certain bridges in Florida, Texas posed designation and altera­ ADMINISTRATION and Washington; drawbridge tion _____________________ 18533 Rules and Regulations VOR Federal airway segments; operation regulations (5 docu­ proposed alteration and exten­ Prototype cost limits; miscellane­ ments) _________________ J8526, 18527 sion ___________________— -— 18533 ous amendments______________18525 St. Marys River, Mich.; anchorage and navigation regulations— — 18526 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION INTERIOR DEPARTMENT Proposed Rule Making Notices See also Land Management Bu­ reau. Hood Canal, Wash.; drawbridge Michigan Wisconsin Pipe Line Co.; operation regulations--------------- 18531 proposed changes in rates and Proposed Rule Making charges______________________ 18538 Fixed-price construction con­ tracts; payments to sureties— 18531 CONSUMER AND MARKETING FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM SERVICE Notices INTERSTATE COMMERCE Rules and Regulations Barnett Banks of Florida, Inc.; COMMISSION Valencia oranges grown in Arizona order approving acquisition of Rules and Regulations bank stock by bank holding and designated part of Cali­ Refrigerator cars; distribution— 18528 fornia; handling limitations----- 18507 com pan y------- ---------------------- 18538 First National Charter Corp.; ap­ Notices Proposed Rule Making plication for approval of acquis­ Assignment of hearings--------------- 18561 Milk in Oregon-Washington mar­ ition of shares of bank------------- 18539 Midwest cement carriers; applica­ keting area; exemptions regard-. FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION tion for approval of agreement- 18562 ing recommended decision------- 18531 Motor carrier, broker, water car­ Rules and Regulations rier and freight forwarder ap­ EDUCATION OFFICE Prohibited trade practices; cease plications __________________ — 18549 and desist orders (16 docu­ Notices Motor carrier temporary authority ments)_________________ 18515-18524 applications -------------------------- 18562 Grants for noncommercial educa­ Notices Motor carrier transfer proceed­ tional broadcasting facilities; Memorandum of understanding ings (2 documents)______ 18542,18565 acceptance of applications for between FTC and Food and (Continued on next page) filing______________ 18535 Drug Administration______ ;— 18539 18505 18506 CONTENTS LABOR DEPARTMENT SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE SMALL BUSINESS Notices COMMISSION ADMINISTRATION United Glass and Ceramic Work­ Notices ers and Window Glass Cutters Notices League of America, AFL-CIO; Hearings, etc.: * investigation regarding worker Delmarva Power & Light Com- pany of Virginia____________ 18540 New York Enterprise Capital request for certification of eligi­ Corp.; application for control of bility to apply for adjustment Ohio Power Co___ ____________ 18540 assistance ___________________ 18541 licensed small business invest­ ment company______________ __ 18541 LAND MANAGEMENT BUREAU Notices Dillon District Office, Mont.; no­ TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT tice of change of address______ 18534 Oregon; redelegation of author­ See Coast Guard; Federal Avia­ ity ; -------- ---------
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