ISSN 0739-1390 ICTM NATIONAL COMMITTEES AUSTRALIA - Chair: Dr. Stephen Wild Musicological Society of Australia, GPO Box 2404, Canberra, ACT 2601 CANADA - Canadian Society for Musical Traditions Dr. Regula Qureshi, Dir., Dept of Music, University of Alberta Edmonton, AL T6G 2C9 DENMARK - President: Dr. Lisbet Torp BULLETIN Dansk Selskab for Traditionel Musik og Dans, Kaersangervej 23 DK-2400 Copenhagen NV GERMANY - Chair: Prof. Dr. Marianne Brocker of the Abt. Volksmusik, Universitiit Bamberg, Feldkirchenstr, 21, W-8600 Bamberg HUNGARY - Secretary: Prof. Laszlo Vikar MTA, Zenetudomanyi Intezet, Pf. 28, H-1250 Budapest INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ITALY - Chair: Prof. Tullia Magrini Dipto di Musica e Spettacolo, Universita' degli Studi di Bologna Via Galliera 3, 40121 Bologna for JAMAICA - Chair: Dr. Olive Lewin Institute of Jamaica, 12 East Street, Kingston TRADITIONAL MUSIC JAPAN - Chair: Prof. Tsuge Gen'ichi Toyo Ongaku Gakkai, clo Dept of Musicology, Tokyo Geijutsu Daigaku 12-8 Ueno K6en, Tait6-ku, Tokyo 110 R. O. KOREA - Chair: Prof. Kwon Oh Sung Han Yang University, 17 Haengdong Dong, Sungdongku, Seoul 133-791 NETHERLANDS - President: Dr. Wim van Zanten Nederlandse Vereniging voor Etnomusicologie 'Amold Bake' No. LXXXIII Houtvijkerveld 54, NL-2131 MH Hoofddorp NORWAY - President: Ruth Anne Moen October 1993 Norsk folkemusikklag - Radet for folkemusikk og folkedans, N-7055 Dragvoll OMAN - Oman Centre for Traditional Music, P.O.B.2000, Seeb POLAND - President: Prof. Anna Czekanowska Institute of Musicology, Warsaw University, 02-089 Warsaw SLOV AKIA - President: Prof. Dr. Oskar Elschek With Ustav Hudobnej Vedy, Slovenska Akademia Vied DUbravskA cesta 9, 841 05 Bratislava First Notice SWEDEN - President: Dr. Krister Maim CONFERENCE CANBERRA 1995 Musikmuseet, Box 16326, S-103 26 Stockholm SWITZERLAND - President: Pietro Bianchi Via Zorzi 19a, CH-6902 Paradiso UNITED KINGDOM - Chair: Dr. David W. Hughes Centre of Music Studies - SOAS - University of London Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WCIH OXG UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Chair: Prof. Ricardo Trimillos INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR TRADITIONAL MUSIC Society for Ethnomusicology, c/o SHAPS, Moore Hall, University of Hawai'i Honolulu, HI 96822-2318 DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC VENEZUELA - President: Isabel Aretz de Ramon y Rivera COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10027 Fundacion de Etnomusicologia y Folklore Apartado Posta181.015, Caracas 1080 A INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR TRADmONAL MUSIC· CONTENTS DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC· COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY· NEW YORK, NY 10027 • U.SA. F•• : +212166-9005 •• +749-0397 •• moil: ICTM@woo[m •• ic.coI •••••••.•••• VIc. PnIIdeatl Dr. ~ Elschek • Slovakia FIRST NOTICE 33RD WORLD CONFERENCE OF THE ICTM Dr. Olive Lewin • Jmnaica CANBERRA, 5·11 JANUARY 1995 . 2 SecretaI")' C.Hrat ANNOUNCEMENTS Prof. Dieter ChriS1cnsen • USA Election of Officers and Members of the Board 9 New National Committees and Liaison Officers of the Council.......... 9 EseClltiYeSecretaI")' New lCTM Study Group 9 Nerthus ChristenJell • USA ICTM Representatives and Committees 10 ICTM Withdraws from "Universe of Music" Project 10 Esecadv. Board Ethnomusicology Online 11 Dr. Mu Peter Baumann • Germany lCTM Publications Issued 12 Dr. Shubha Chaudhuri • India IITMlICTM Compact Disc Published by Folkways 12 Prof. Salwa EI·Shawan Cutelo-Bnmco • Portugal General Assembly Passes Resolution on Cultural Diversity 12 Dr. David Hughes· United Kingdom Dr. I. Mwesa Mapoma· South Atrica MINUTES OF THE 31 ST ORDINARY GENERAL ASSEMBLY.. 13 Dr. Anthony Seeger· USA Dr. Lisbe! Torp • Denmark Prof. Tsuge Gen'ichi· Japan REPORTS 1993 Meetings of the Executive Board 21 Dr. Stephen Wild· Australia Meeting of ICTM National Representatives 1993 21 6th Meeting of ICTM Group of Young Ethnomusicologists 24. Editor .r Yearbook Dd BaWa Prof. Dieter ChriS1cnsen Study Group Music and Gender 26 National Committee Cllaln.r ICTM Study Groaps Korea (ROK) 26 Folk MusicallrulnDrlDltr. Prof. Erich StocIanann • Germany AlUJlysis •• Sys/el1UJlisalioll01Folk Music: Dr. Emil Lubej • Austria Liaison Officers Cuba....................................................................................... 27 Historicol Sources olFoIk Music: Dr. Doris StocIanann· Germany, India....................................................................................... 29 Dr. Hartmut BralDl • Germany New Zealand 32 EtIanocIuJnoIogy: Dr. Lisbe! Torp· Denmark OcecutiD: Prof. Barbara Smith· USA Music ArcIuJeology: Prof. Ellm Hickmann • Germany ICTM MEETING CALENDAR 34 Iconography: Prof. Tilman Secbass· Austria Computer Aided Re3ean:h: Prof. Helmut SchaflTath· Germany, ICTM MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION 36 Dr. Kathryn VaugIm· USA ICTM OFFICERS AND BOARD MEMBERS Inside Front Cover Music 0IUi Gender: Prof. Matcia Herndon • USA, Dr. Pirldco Moisala - Finland, Maqam: Prof. Jilrgen Elsner- Germany, Prof. Fayzu\lah Karomatli - Uzbekistan Inside Back Cover Music of th« Arab World: Dr. Scheherazade Hassan • France, Dr. Mahmoud ~ - TlDlisia ICTM LIAISON OFFICERS . Anthropology 01Music ill Mediterranean Cultures: Prof. Tullia Magrini -Italy ICTM NATIONAL COMMITTEES Outside Back Cover ICTM The World Organization (UNESCO 'CO) for the Study. Practice, and Documentation 01Music, including Dance and other Performing Arts FIRST NOTICE SECRET ARIA T AND CORRESPONDENCE 33rd WORLD CONFERENCE OF THE ICTM Australian Convention and Travel Services (ACTS) has been appointed as the CANBERRA, 5-11 JANUARY 1995 secretariat for the conference. Enquiries, general correspondence, registration forms and fees should be sent to: The International Counci~ for Traditional Music has pleasure in announcing that its ICTM World Conference 33rd World Conference Will be held from January 5 to 11, 1995 in Canberra, Australia ACTS by invitation of the Musicological Society of Australia (MSA). ' GPO Box 2200 Canberra ACT 2601 THE ORGANISERS Australia Telephone: (06) 2573299 ORGANISING COMMITTEE International: 61 62573299 The Organising Committee is responsible for carrying out the conference in coordi- Facsimile: (06) 2573256 nation with the other committees: International: 61 62573256 Chair: Dr Stephen Wild . ACTS is located at: Unit 4,24-26 Mort Street, Braddon, ACT 2601, Australia. (Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies) THE CONFERENCE Members: Ms Robyn Holmes (Canberra School of Music, Australian National University) THEMES Mr Peter Camp bell 1. Spirituality, ecology and performance (Canberra School of Music, Australian National University) Since in many cultures it is in performance that relationships between humans and Ms Grace Koch their environment are most cogently articulated, ecological concerns must embrace (Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander not just the physical environments but the spiritual realities, as expressed through Studies) performance, of those who live in them. What is the nature of relationships between DrHazel Hall spirituality, performance and the environment in different traditions? Do they permit (Canberra School of Music, Australian National University) new insights into the power of performing arts? And what may they contribute to the increasingly urgent reform of the world's attitudes to the physical environment? CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS COMMITTEE 2. New directions in music cognition The Cultural Institutions Committee is responsible for organising performances and How do human beings receive and hear music, how do they differentiate music exhibitions associated with the conference: (cognitively) from other sounds, and how do these patterns of reception, recognition Ms lane Barney (Canberra School of Art, Australian National University) and differentiation feed back to the production of music? What are the new assump- Dr leffBrownrigg (National Film and Sound Archive) tions, theories and methods in the field of research? Dr Hazel Hall (Canberra School of Music, Australian National University) 3. Music histories in Asian and Pacific regions Dr David Headon (Centre for Australian Cultural Studies) Understanding Asian and Pacific music traditions may require as much an historical Ms Robyn Holmes (Canberra School of Music, Australian National as a 'synchronic' perspective. What are the respective roles of oral tradition and University) literacy in the construction of music histories? What light can music histories of Asia Mr Graham McDonald (Australian Folk Trust) and the Pacific shed on music traditions elsewhere? These are some of the questions Ms G1enys McIver (Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait which may be addressed under this theme. Islander Studies) 4. Music, dance and migration Ms Padma Menon (Ausdance) Migration of people is a perpetual aspect of the human condition; it usually results Dr Luke Taylor (National Museum of Australia) in the migration of musics and dances with them. In which ways and to what extent Mr lohn Thompson (National Library of Australia) are traditions maintained in their new homelands, how do they affect, and how are they Dr Stephen Wild (Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander affected by, their new environments; and how do music and dance traditions function Studies) in the negotiation of identity and the maintenance of links with the old homeland? 5. Indigenous traditions and the State PROGRAM COMMITTEE Even where indigenous traditions exist beyond the immediate reach of the State, they Chair: ProfDieter Christensen, New York are usually affected by its policies and practices. In some cases the State's activities Members: Dr Linda Barwick, Sydney
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