THE DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE VOL. v THE WORKS OF EDWARD GIBBON HISTORY OF ROME VOLUME V NEW YORK FRED DEFAU & COMPANY PUBLISHERS THE HISTORY OF THE DECLINE AND FALLOF THE ROMAN EMPIRE BY EDWARD GIBBON EDITED BY J. B. BURY, M.A. WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY THE RT. HON. W. E. H. LECKY VOL. v NEW YORK FRED DE FAU & COMPANY PUBLISHERS COPYRICKT, 1907, FRED DE FAU & COMPANY. CONTENTS OF THE FIFTH VOLUME PAGE LET OF ILLUSTRATIONS . Xi CHAPTERXXVII Death of Grdian - Ruin of Arianism - St. Ambrose -First Civil War, against Maximus - Character, Administration, and Penance of Tho- dosius - Dedh of Valrntiniun II. - Second Civil War, against Euge- nius - Death of Theodosius. A.D 361383 Characterand Conduct of theEmperor Gratian . .I His Defects . ...... 2 383 Discontent of the RomanTroops . .4 Revolt of Maximus in Britain . .5 383 Flightand Death of Gratian . .. .6 383-387 Treaty of Peace between Maximus and Theodosius . 380 Baptismand orthodox Edicts of Theodosius . 340-380 Arianism of Constantinople . 378 Gregory Nazianzen acceptsthe Mission of Constantinople 380 Ruin of Arianism at Constantinople . 381 " " in the East . The Council of Constantinople . Retreat of Gregory Nazianzen . 38-394 Edicts of Theodosius againstthe Heretics . 385 Execution of Priscillian andhis Associates . 375-397 Ambrose,Archbishop of Milan . 385 His successful Opposition tothe Empress Justina . 387 MaximusinvadesItaly . 37 Flight of Valentinian ..... ' 38 Theodosiustakes Arms in;he Cause of Valentinian . 388 Defeat andDeath of MaKimus . Virtues of Theodosius . Faults of Theodosius . 387 The Sedition of Antioch . Clemency of Theodosius . 390 Sedition and Massacre of Thessalonica . 388 Influence and Conduct of Ambrose . 390 Penance of Theodosius ...... 386-391 Generosity of Theodos'ius . 391 Character of Valentinian . 392 His Death . V vi CONTENTS A.D . PAGE 392-394 Usurpation of Eugenius .......61 Theodosiusprepares for War .......62 394 His Victoryover Eugenius .......63 395 Death of Theodosius ....... 67 Corruption of the Times .......68 The Infantry lay aside their Amour ....-69 CHAPTER XXVIII Find Destruction of Paganism -Introduction of tk Worship of Sainls. and Relics. among the Christians 378-395 The Destruction of the Pagan Religion .... 7= State of Paganism at Rome . .... 72 384 Petition of the Senate for the Altar of Victory ... 75 &3 Conversion of Rome ....... 77 381 Destruction of theProvinces the Temples in ....80 The Temple of Serapis at Alexandria .....84 389 Its fmalDestruction .........86 390 ThePagan Religion is prohibited ..... 90 Oppressed ..........' 92 390-420 Finallyextinguished . ..... 94 The Worshi of the Christian Martyrs .... 96 G eneral ReLctions General .........99 1. Fabulous Martyrs and Relics ...... 99 I1 . Miracles ..........100 I11 . Revival of Polytheism .......102 IV . Introduction of Pagan Ceremonies .....104 CHAPTER xxrx Find Division of the Roman Empire belween the Sons of Theodosiur- Reign of Arcadius and Honorius .Administration of Rufinns and Stiluho .Revolt and Dejeat of Gildo in A jrica 395 Division of theEmpire between Arcadius and Honorius . 386-395 Character and Administration of Rufinus . ~ . 395 He oppressesthe East ........ He is disappointed by theMarriage of Arcadius ... Character of Stilicho. the Minister. and General of the Western Empire .......... 385-408 His MilitaryCommand ....... 395 The Fall andDeath of Rufinus ...... 376 Discord of the two Empires ....... 386-398 Revolt of Gildo in Africa ....... 397 He is condemned by the Roman Senate ..... 398 The African War ........ 398 Defeat andDeath of Gildo ....... 398 Mam'age and Character of Honorius ..... CONTENTS vii CHAPTER XXX Revolt of the Gohs .They plunder Greece .Two great Imva&lts of Itaiy by Alaric and Radagaisw .They are repulsed by ShYicho .The Ger- mans mer-run Gaul .UswpoCion of Comtantinc in the West .Dis- grace and Death of Stilicho A.D. PAGE . 395Revolt of the Goth ........ 396 [3g5] Alaric marches into Greece ..... ....... Is proclaimedKing of the Visigoths ......147 400-403 He invades Italy ........148 403 Honorius fies from Milan . ......150 He is pursued and thebesieged by Goths .....152 403 [402] Battle of Pollentia ........ '54 BoldnessRetreat and of Alaric .......156 I 404 The triumph of Honorius at Rome .....*159 The Gladiators abolished . ......160 H onorius lixes his Residence hisHonorius lixes Ravenna at .....161 . 400 The Revolutions of Scythia .......163 405 Emigration of the northern Germans .....165 406 OS] Radagaisus invades Italy .......167 " besiegesFlorence ......168 threatens Rome ..... .169 . 406 Defeat and Destruction of hisArmy byStilicho . 169 The Remainder of theGermans invade Gaul ....172 407 Desolation of Caul ........ .175 Revolt of the British Army ..... '177 Constantine is acknowledgedBritain in Gauland ...178 '. 408 He reducesSpain .........180 ; 404-408 Negotiation of Alaric and Stilicho .....182 408 Debates of the Roman Senate .......183 Intrigues of the Palace ........185 '. 408Disgrace andDeath of Stilicho .......187 ... 408 His Memory penecuted . ISg The PoetClaudian among the Train'of Skicho's Ddpendents 191 CHAPTER XXXI i: Invasion of Italy by Alaric - Manners of the Roman Senale and Peoplc - Rome is thrice besieged, and at hgth pillaged bythe Goths- Death ?i. of Alaru - The Goths evadeItaly - FaU of Constuntine - Gaul and $ Spain are occupied by tha Barbarians - Indep&m of Britain ?i :L 4& Weakness of the Court of Ravenna ..... .195 '? .. Aaric marches to Rome ........197 m Hannibal at the Gates of Rome ......199 8 Genealogy of theSenators .......200 irr AniaanThe Family .......202 ....L Wealth of the Roman Nobies .......204 *.'.r Their Manners . ....206 Character of the Roman Nobles; by kn&nus Marcellinus . 208 CONTENTS PAGOB State and Character of the people of Rome . .216 Public Distribution of Bread. Bacon. Oil. Wine. &c . 218 Use of thepublic Baths ...... .219 Games and Spectacles ....... .220 Populousness of Rome . ..... .222 First Siege of Rome by the Goths ..... .225 Famine .......... .226 Plague ......... .227 Superstition ........ .227 Alaricaccepts a Ransom. and raisesthe Siege . .228 FruitlessNegotiations for Peace .... .231 Change and Succession of Ministers .... .232 Second Siege of Rome by theGoths . * . 235 Attalus is created Emperor by the Goths and Romans . 237 He is degraded by Alaric .. .239 Third Siege and Sack of Rome by tie Go& . 241 Respect of theGoths for theChristian Religion . 242 Pillage and Fire of Rome ...... .243 Captives and Fugitives . ..... .248 Sack of Rome by the Troops of'Charles V ... .250 Alaric evacuates Rome. and ravaees Italv ... .x2 408-412 Possession of Italy by the G&s ' ..... 410 Death of Alaric 412 Adolphus.King of theGoths. ' con;lude; a Peace' wiitd the' Empire. and marches intoGaul ..... 414 His Marriagewith Placidia ....... The Gothic Treasures ........ 410-417 Laws for the Relief of Italyand Rome .... 413 Revolt and Defeat of Heradian. Count of Africa ... 49-413 Revolutions of Gaul and Spain ...... Character and Victories of the General Constantius ... 4x1 Death of theUsurper Constantine ...... 411-416 Fall of the Usurpers. Jovinus. Sebastian. and Attalus . 409 Invasion of Spain by the Suevi. Vandals. Alani. &c ... 414 Adolphus. King of theGoths. marches into Spain ... 415 His Death .......... 415-418 The Gothsconquer and restore Spain .... 419 Their EstablishmentinAquitain ...... The Burguadians ......... 420. &c . State of the Barbarians in Gaul ..... 409 Revolt of Britain and Armorica ...... 409-449 State of Britain ... ..... 418 Assembly of the Seven Provinces of Gaul ..... CHAPTER XXXII Arcaddim Emperor of the East .Administratkm and Disgrace of Eutropiu . RmoY of Gainas .Persecution of St . John Chrysoston .Thcodosiw 11 . Emperor of the East -Hi! Sister Pukhmia- His Wije Evclocia- The Persian War, and Dzvzrion of Armcniu 395-1453 The Empire of the East .......a88 395-408 Reign of Arcadiue .......288 395-399 Administration and Cdaracter of Eutropius ...290 CONTENTS ix hD . His Venality and Injustice ....... Ruin of Abundantius ........ Destruction of Timasius ....... 397 A cruel and unjust Law of Treason ...... 399 Rebellion of Tribigild ........ Fall of Eutropius ......... 400 Conspiracy andFall of Gainas ....... 398 Election andMerit of St . John Chrysostom .... .. 398-403 HisAdministration and Defects ...... 403 Chrysostom is persecuted by theEmpress Eudoxia ... Popular Tumults at Constantinople ...... 404 Exile of Chrysostom ........ 407 HisDeath ........... 438 His Relicstransported to Constantinople ..... j 408 Death of Arcadius ......... His supposed Testament ........ ' 408-415 Administration of Anthemius . .... 1 414-453 Characterand Administration of Pulcheria ... Educationand Character of Theodosius theYounger . 421-460 Characterand Adventures of the EmpressEudocia . : 422 The PersianWar ......... .. 431-440 Armenia divided between thePersians and theRomans . CHAPTERXXXIII Death of Honwius .VaLnliniaPt IZI . Emperor of the West .Adninistra- twn of his Mother Pbcidia .Aetius and Boniface .Conqucst of Africa by thVandals 423 LastYears and Death of Honorius . ....335 423-425 Elevation and Fall of the Usurper John .... 425-455 Valentinian I11 . Emperor of the West .... 425-450 Administration of his Mother Placidia .... Her two Generals.Aetius and Boniface . ....340 427 Error and Revolt of Bonifacein Africa . ....342 q418 Heinvites the Vandals ... ....343 Genseric King of theVandals ... ....344 429 Helands in Africa ......... 344 Reviews his Army ..... ....345 TheMoors ...... ....346 The Donatists . ... ....346 430 Tardy Repentance
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