MOUNTAIN VIEW LOS ALTOS HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Agenda March 27, 2017 District Office Boardroom 6:30 pm – Closed Session 1299 Bryant Avenue, Mountain View 7:00 pm – Regular Session The Mountain View Los Altos Union High School District is committed to providing equal educational opportunities for all of our students in their preparation for employment, citizenship, and college entrance; offering a quality, comprehensive curriculum which encourages the participation and maximum growth of each student; reviewing, revising, and improving our educational programs and services on a continuing basis; and improving the school facilities and learning-working conditions for the students and staff. MARCH S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 APRIL S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 MAY S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 Board Meetings Teacher Service Day End of Quarter/Semester Recess/Holiday MOUNTAIN VIEW LOS ALTOS HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Agenda March 27, 2017 District Office Boardroom 6:30 pm – Closed Session 1299 Bryant Avenue, Mountain View 7:00 pm – Regular Session Mission Statement We are committed to creating a community of learners with the knowledge, skills and values necessary to combine personal success with meaningful contributions to our multicultural and global society. Board of Trustees Student Trustees Sanjay Dave Charlie Eggleton, MVHS Phil Faillace, Ph.D. Kei Radford, LAHS Joe Mitchner Debbie Torok Superintendent Fiona Walter Jeff Harding, Ed.D. A. OPENING BUSINESS 1. Call Regular Meeting to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Public comments on Closed Session items (This time is reserved for any person to address the Board on Closed Session items.) At this time, any person may address the Board on any Closed Session item. Pursuant to the Brown Act, the Board cannot consider issues or take action on requests during this comment period. Time is limited to 3 minutes per person. 4. Adjournment to Closed Session Items listed below may be discussed in Closed Session. Items [] marked are scheduled for discussion at this meeting. All reportable action taken in closed session will be disclosed in the manner required by the Brown Act. [] a. Employee Evaluation pursuant to Government Code §54957 - Superintendent’s Evaluation [] b. Public Employee Appointment pursuant to Government Code §54957 Personnel Action Report – Handouts in Open Session [] c. Liability Claims pursuant to Government Code §54961 []d. Conference with Labor Negotiator, regarding negotiations with CSEA, We welcome you to today’s meeting of the Mountain View Los Altos High School District Board of Trustees. The public may ask questions relevant to agenda items at the time those items are under consideration. Please identify yourself with your name when addressing the Board. Directions for public participation at Board meetings are described on the public comment sheet located on the entry table. MVLA Board Meeting Agenda, March 27, 2017 DTA and non-represented groups pursuant to Government Code §54957.6, Agency designated representative: (Associate Superintendent Eric Goddard) [] e. Conference regarding negotiations of real property pursuant to Government Code §54956.8 [] f. Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release pursuant to Government Code §54957 [] g. Conference with Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9 [] h. Student Discipline Page 5. Reconvene into Regular Session 6. Pledge of Allegiance 7. Attendance 8. Approval of Agenda 9. Disclosure of Any Reportable Action from Closed Session B. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Board Members 2. Superintendent 3. Freestyle Student of the Year: Isabel Martynenko – LAHS/Digital Media Student 1 4. Spotlight: MVHS Boys Basketball CCS Champions 2 5. Student Board Member Reports C. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Anyone wishing to address the Board on any topic not listed on the agenda should make a request to the Board President by completing a REQUEST TO BE HEARD form and present it to the Superintendent’s Executive Assistant. The President will recognize those who desire to speak either during the “Public Comment” section or during the particular agenda item. Each speaker is allocated a maximum of 3 minutes. The President may choose to limit any position or topic if substantial numbers of people wish to address the Board. If you wish to speak on an issue not on the agenda, please be advised that the Board may not take action on any item not specifically listed on the agenda. The Board members may ask brief questions for clarification, but may not otherwise discuss the issue. The Board values constructive community comments and suggestions and welcomes your participation in the democratic process. Mountain View Los Altos High School District ii MVLA Board Meeting Agenda, March 27, 2017 Disposition Page D. REPORTS/DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS 1. Demonstration of ShadowCart Phase I Report 3 A team of students from LAHS, headed by Ravi Krishna, have designed a prototype powered by machine learning vehicle. A demonstration of the vehicle will be provided to the Board. Submitted by Superintendent Jeff Harding 2. MVLA Communications Update Report 11 The new Communications Manager will review recent improvements made to internal and external district communication strategies. Submitted by Communications Manager Cynthia Greaves 3. GASB 43/45 Actuarial Study of Retiree Health Liabilities Report 17 Education Code 42140 requires the Superintendent to provide information to the governing board regarding the estimated accrued but unfunded cost of health and welfare benefits for employees upon their retirement. Submitted by Associate Superintendent Mike Mathiesen Mountain View Los Altos High School District iii MVLA Board Meeting Agenda, March 27, 2017 Disposition Page E. CONSOLIDATED MOTION Action The purpose of the consolidated motion is to expedite action on routine agenda items. All agenda items that are not held for discussion at the request of a member of the audience, Board, or staff will be approved as written as a part of the consolidated motion. Items designated or held for discussion will be acted upon individually. 1. Personnel Report The Board will take action on recommended changes to personnel. Submitted by Associate Superintendent Eric Goddard 2. Board Meeeting Calendar for 2017-2018 42 The County has changed the date of the Teacher Recognition Celebration from September 28, 2017 to September 14, 2017. Submitted by Superintendent Jeff Harding 3. Authorization to Approve Change Order #4A for the LAHS Locker Room 44 Renovation and Fitness Center Addition Project The Board of Trustees authorized administration to enter into a contract with Beals Martin, Inc. for completion of the LAHS Locker Room Renovation and Fitness Center Addition Project. Submitted by Associate Superintendent Mike Mathiesen 4. Single Plan for Student Achievement for School Year 2015-2016 44 The California legislature requires schools that participate in state and MV47 federal categorical programs funded through the consolidated application LA75 process to annually submit a Single Plan for Student Achievement for AV105 Student Achievement for Board approval. Submitted by Brigitte Sarraf, Director of Assessment & Accountability 5. Overnight Trip Request from MVHS 121 The MVHS choir department requests to attend the global music exchanges, performances, clinic and workshops in Yucatan, Mexico on February 17-25, 2018. Submitted by Brigitte Sarraf, Director of Assessment & Accountability 6. Overnight Trip Request from MVHS 123 The MVHS choir department requests to attend the global music exchange, performances, clinic and workshops in South Africa on April 7-18, 2018. Submitted by Brigitte Sarraf, Director of Assessment & Accountability Mountain View Los Altos High School District iv MVLA Board Meeting Agenda, March 27, 2017 Disposition Page 7. Overnight Trip Request from MVHS and LAHS 125 The MVHS Robotics Club and LAHS Robotics Clubs request to attend the FIRST Robotics Championship Competition in Houston Texas April 18-23, 2017. Submitted by Brigitte Sarraf, Director of Assessment & Accountability 8. March 13, 2017, Regular Board Meeting Minutes 128 F. BOARD OPERATIONS 1. Review of Calendar Events Information 2. Communications/Correspondence Information 3. Legislative Update Information 4. Board Suggestions for Future Board Reports/Meetings Information G. TIME, DATE, PLACE OF NEXT MEETINGS Board of Trustees Meetings: Date Meeting Type April 17, 2017 Regular Board Meeting May 8, 2017 Regular Board Meeting May 22, 2017 Regular Board Meeting June 12, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Public Hearings: Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), District Budget June 19, 2017 Special Board Meeting Annual Board/Administrators Planning Session LCAP and Budget Adoptions (afternoon session – Time TBD) H. ADJOURN I. RESUME CLOSED SESSION IF NEEDED SPECIAL NOTICE Anyone who is planning to attend this meeting and has any disability requiring special assistance is asked to call the Superintendent’s Office, 650.940.4669, at least 48 hours in advance, to provide special arrangements. Mountain View Los Altos High School District v Isabel Martynenko FREESTYLE STUDENT OF THE YEAR LAHS DIGITAL MEDIA STUDENT MARCH 13, 2017 Isabel Martynenko (or Izzy, as we know her) is the quintessential Freestyle Academy student: passionate, creative, ambitious, and respectful. She happens to possess a talent for visual communication – a talent she showed coming into the program and advanced during her two consecutive years here. One of the greatest pleasures of being an English teacher is working with students like Izzy who are intrinsically engaged in literature and art and who bring to class each day an honest eagerness to explore new territory and improve their thinking. Izzy’s subtle urgency to advance herself makes her stand out; whether she is working with peers or conferencing with me, she demonstrates a genuine desire to improve herself.
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