= TI gra «Trinity Celebrates 90th Year i Surv Reveals Beautification Neede Rita By Langdon 2Veb~ Although many residents say recent land- scaping projects have improved Hicksville’s aesthetics, would still like the to see more we V beautification, a Hicksville Illustrated News’ revealed. survey Incorporating The Hicksville Edition of Th Jlustrated surveyed residents to deter- the Mid-Island Herald NEWS mine what they liked, disliked and would ILLUSTRAT change about Hicksville. The majority of Vol. 3 No. 37 N-Y. 1889 Anton Hicksville, Thurs 35¢ Community Newspapers of Long Isla ind said that the per copy All respondent trash, weeds and Rights Reserved. Central Office Phone: 747-8282 the poor upkee of vacant lag add to the deterioration of the town. ane isnoneed for the “Weedsville’ ti- de to apply to us said 26-year resident P. Bruckner, “Rufuse cou be properly = tained and decorative touches such as shrubs and flowers could mak the town look more attractive. We are losin our ‘country’ at- and mospher becomin more city-like” Another 26-year resident recommended, fs the Contin improvement of the main sec- tion of Hicksville, but have the property clean up the weeds, garbag and raud ots’ee the Ma of respondent said the ap- the preciate improvements on Broadw and would like them to continue. Wrot a 34-year resident, “Continue the slow improvement to the appearance of the main business district.” Converse 33-year resident Rita Atchison said that the new buildin across from st. Ig- natius Church on Broadwa is another im- provement. “Let’s brin Hicksville back to what it was before [Broadwa was widen- ed. Our mainstreet used to have a small town atmosphere. Let’s encourage peopl to build and not put too many obstacles in their way,” she sai referrin to G-1 zoning of Broadwa whic permits 3 percent of a buildin for retail use, with the remainder occupied by office space. Many of the respondent cited Hicksville’s downfall as traffic congestion and illegal hous owned by absentee landlords. “We should try to keep landlords from renting to many, many families in one house,’ said 51-year resident Elizabeth Hannigan. Some residents suggestedoe that issuing heavy fines to peopl litter would be a toward a cleaner and more attractive step American flags line Broadway in honor of Presidents’ Day. Mon- to be called), Mike Mildenberger and Mike Hutzler go for a bike Hicksville. : day also marked th first day of winter vacation for students. After ride. Junior he likes For part I of the survey results see page 7 enjoying a a milk shake at the Sweet Shop, (as (Mustrated Photo) Schoo Board Continues to Scrutinize Propose Budg has been for the An expenditur of $65,0 for classroom the the budge Mrs. Miltenberg added, “Given totalling $75,00 proposed After reviewing proposed 1989-9 furniture has been It was noted would district’s new service, which has alread requeste school board president J Ann our history, [this propose budget be budget, Vandalism ac- that sanitation costs have been cut by more to sell.” resulted in improved quality. Miltenberg called fora reduction of #500,00 impossi vendor. for of than $50,00 due t a low bid b a Feb. school board Dr. Fenton noted that the proposed figures counts go percent glass replacemen it was announcedat the 15 the distict have been costs at The budg also Water costs to steadily in most personnel services, including (propose $15,000) meeting, in to in the | lost from $30,00 any increases includes to replac equipment rising #6,50 1987-8 Miltenberg that monies be teachers’ salaries do not reflect $30,00 Mrs. said mig vandalism. tha will be in the near future. Any and/or supplie due to propose budget. saved if fo retiring teachers are negotiate replacemen to to install T district ha realized substantial savings the scale. She increase in this area of the propose budget A proposal spend $44,00 mad on thelower end of salary heating th services of Soot- that in current “Fibar”’ a wood fiber produc to in costs by using to direction to Dr. reflects incremental raises are protective then proposed give Hunters. It is that the end of this is in custodial be under and slides, was dicuss- expected b Catherine Fenton, of schools teacher contracts. An exceptio place swings superintenden season, the district will have saved which reflects in- edat the January board meeting, Atthat time, heating with the consent of the board, to come back salaries, a7 percent salary that the district the of the entire 5-year cost of AHERA Hazard resident Carolyn Kelly aske equivalen the next with recommendations crease, (Asbesto Emergen- to meeting this produc before Soot-Hunters’ services ($79,000 which pro- of in the propose cy Respon Act) regulation hav also caus- throughl investigat for a reduction $500,000 vides for the constant cleaning the district&#3 in the district’s costs. a decision as to its use. Mrs. Kell of Board trustee William Bennett e increases operational making budget. board her boilers. An IBM has been in presented a letter to the detailin with the idea of using lower teacher computer requeste disagree Fibar, which she does not order to meet that person finding on Under the Curriculum Developmen area salaries as a means of lowering the budget government requirements six monthsa be filed feel has been on the market lon enoug to of the will continue to be He said that this should go to the every report regardin budget workshop money the U.S. Consumer * be evaluated. and which ha traditionally been any chang in buildings Asan exampl Dr. Quoting provided in such areas as science district’s surplu read, “These said the of screws into a wall Product Safet Commission, sh mathematics. Additional monies are need- $1,000,000 because “yo need that protection Fepton drilling have to be materials, when wet, provid an ideal con- forahand would to in materials for the IOWA‘s, year. The surplu cushion soap dispenspe a edSpypite provi testing goin into...next dition for growth ... which be- Mr, Bennett adde that while the micro-organism a standardized test given to all third through has bee depleted this year with monies repor school allow transmission of communicable aa extended to into three fund for asbestos abate- fedesest ernment is requiring migh eighth grader recentl ing plac th and dist 77 Ton with its no ad- diseases.’ According to district, proper ninth In addition, the ment, oil tank replacemen pl regulation graders Cognitive undergrou of the will this Fund. The board ditioN, Der“s are allocated to them to cover maintenance system, prevent Abilities Test will now b given in the third, the Workers’ Compensation that advertise- the cMickdditional increases are needed to occurrence. Sh also quoted fifth and could decid to return these monies (approx- (new eighth grad that when the Fibar freezes General Fund. train 2atf on AHERA and asbestos handling ment as saying imately $900,0 into the The Fine Arts is the area should not be used. Department seeking at the board accordin to Mr. Bennett. pla As announced January visited the to supplie and materials Th district is still for the asbestos Mrs. Kelly said that she had 491,30 purchas Dr. Fenton had propose a waiting meeting, School and which includes new instruments. As the consultant’s on asbestos abatement. Woodland Avenue playground which is a 7.9 perent or report number children $47,404,519 budget the condition “as hard as a of elementary participating No money in the propose budge found groun million increase over the 1988-8 budge isinclude $3. that something be done in the music program has increased, the cost that this for asbestos removal. According to Thomas rock” and urge Mr. Bennett said, “It is evident of instruments has risen. Dr. Fen and director for the to avoid accidents. She further recom- supplying difficult t sell to the com- Shaw, facilities operation quickl budge will be very ton mentioned that the district have will be available in March. mended that the district look into sand grave might referred to Code district, the report munity.” Mr. Bennett 9000 to decide whether or not to in and rubber as an alternative to Fibar. provide which contains district Th district has expende almost $500,000 in groun of the budget, look struments at no to elementar) the use of con- Mrs. asked Dr. Fenton to charg in the the two years throug Miltenberg € mploye benefits as the “culprit” past students. into costs to safte A sultants in this area. It is propose that only any necessary improve scalating costs for the district. 20 percent Mrs, Miltenberg said that she felt anothe conditions at th district’s if Fibar $20,000 be on such services in 1989-90. playgroun in this area, over which the board has spent (continued on 2 A 420,000 increase in security services, is not used page trol, will add more than 42,000,000 to =8- coerce me eR oe nor 1989 ——@—O —_————_ - February 23, Page-2 News - Hicksville, New Work Thursday, ____ Hicksville Bilustrated Budg co tition. Propos ‘ anked the (continued from page 1) Dr. s Has Your Association for donating #500 t Heatin of the hig school music departme reduction in the budget could also be made. to Walt Disney World in May. S said that a minimum of $10,000 could be In connection with PTA’s plann lo saved in printing costs due to the expertise in Albany on March 7, Dr.
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